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Jared Rand
call notes
“Holy Cow – is this for real”
April 19, 2023
Good evening everyone this is Jared Rand,
So you have a hundred million dollars in the bank, you haven’t even had a million in your entire life in most cases.
But then you’ve got a hundred million and then you’re thinking I wonder if that’s going to be enough.
And then you have people with billions and they say, I wonder if that’s going to be enough.
And then you have people with trillions and they say the same thing, I wonder if that’s going to be enough.
Now when you look at things collectively, at the entire civilization, do you honestly believe that when this wealth transfer is all said and done for the people of Earth, that anybody is ever going to run out of any money ever again?
The fact of the matter is that we’re all going to be wealthy in more ways than just money, we’ll be wealthy in health because of the technology, we’ll be wealthy in attitude, we’ll be motivated to help others because that helps us.
They say people aren’t going to work, that’s a small portion of the people, because people will shift directions and they will be drawn to things that they like doing.
Your first step will be to eliminate all of your debt, what’s funny is all the debts are going to be eliminated anyway, eventually there won’t be any bills, you won’t pay any bills.
I’m giving you a bird’s eye view of the reality of the truth that they don’t want you to know.
The reality of it all, it is definite, it’s definitive, the transition of this planet is just about complete, from the perspective enough people have learned about the pure evil in all the systems.
The mitigation and elimination and purification of pure evil from planet Earth is in full swing, we know that, you can feel it.
The Central Bank Digital Currency Unicoin with a picture of a Unicorn on the coin, it doesn’t surprise me that the Kazarian’s look at the Unicorn as unification and they claim that it’s gold backed, they can lie forever about it, that’s how they’ve always operated.
Federal Reserve notes are not the American people’s dollar, it’s the private corporation Federal Reserve’s dollar.
A lot of people across the planet despise the government in this country, not the people but what the government has done, all they’ve ever done is lie.
This is why we have to have the GCR and the revaluation of currencies because all the currencies have just been wasted away through years of debasing.
Real estate is also corrupt to the bone, mortgages are illegal, property taxes are illegal, any form of taxation is illegal but you grow up being told that you have to be a good tax payer.
The collective consciousness of this planet is basically saying enough is enough.
The energy belt that we’re going through over the next two thousand years is saturating us in high vibrational frequencies of pure light energy, it’s God energy, we’re God energy in these bodies, do you see the connection? We’re all being saturated, even the ones that are totally dead asleep, and it’s not going to end anytime soon.
If you think about a boost that the collective consciousness brought in to accelerate our transition into higher and higher light frequency, there it is.
Would we allow to collectively destroy this planet? NO! If you knew the true age of this planet it would blow your mind. Earth’s age is 626 billion years.
Why do you think electric cars aren’t taking off in sales? More and more people are figuring out that they’re crap. You’re sitting on a huge lithium ion battery bathing yourself with electromagnet frequency. It’s going to get hard to find a charging station because they’re getting vandalized and torn apart.
Where are we going as a civilization? The only things that we can correct are the things that we’re aware of, as a collective population.
We know that governments are a thing of the past, and that scares the crap out of some people, who’s going to manage me, who’s going to direct me, who’s going to protect me?
With the soon to be elimination of poverty the people won’t have that crutch to lean on. So when this wealth is prevalent amongst the people will go through an emotional transition embracing their new direction.
In the old Earth people are afraid of dying, they’re afraid of living, they’re afraid of eating, they’re afraid of starving, they’re afraid of love, they’re afraid of hate, they’re afraid of wealth, they’re afraid of poverty, my point is they’re afraid of everything.
We’re at the end of the line in dimensional transfer, these bodies can sustain in fifth dimension, but beyond that? No. That’s when you’ll see a transition from a carbon based body to a crystalline body.
That’s all part of this transition, I think people are missing the boat on some things, they’ve got their eyes on the money, they’ve got their eyes on physical well being and all the wonderful technologies right.
But they’re missing the boat, the biggest one of them all is transitioning oneself into a higher frequency and continuing to transition into a higher frequency.
What you won’t see in new Earth is transgenderism or transhumanism, those are all old Earth and can be twisted by pure evil.
So how many people on the planet are going to be wealthy, that’s the 69 trillion dollar question, how many? Everyone!
Some people receiving this wealth don’t like that, they want to be special and higher than everyone else, we want everyone on the planet to be wealthy.
Once the spigot is turned on uninterrupted at that point everything shifts, people in this country will be immediately experiencing no debt, all debt gone, all taxation gone.
That means that the people will support the structure not the government, yup, that’s exactly right, the people will become more knowledgeable.
I guarantee you that with the nova helmet learning technology we could take an eighth grader and we could download through the nova helmet massive amounts of information then have that person sit with the brightest minds on the planet, allegedly, and have that young person blow them away. There’s going to be a lot of that going on.
With all of this transition, you make a list, the RV needs no more tending to, it’s a done deal, the global currency reset is a done deal, 209 countries all in agreement.
All the private corporation banking poof and it’s gone. People will shift over to the smaller banks on the QFS and they’ll be able to handle your transactions in seconds.
Ignore the CBDC, ignore it.
The Money thing is a done deal, the transfer of wealth to the people is not done yet, that’s in the process, it’s not close, close is for horseshoes and hand grenades, we use near because of the people that I’m interacting with and talking with and have for a long time.
They’re not putting out all kinds of information, they’re in it, they’re mixed in it, it doesn’t mean that they all know what everyone else is doing because there’s a lot of compartmentalization.
So the transition here once and for all, this is a once and for all, bad guys have been trying to steal it all but have never been successful at doing it.
Some people will go out and buy a yacht and a house with lots of acreage then they may find that they’re not using the yacht very much and they’ve created all this extra overhead, some people will go crazy with the money but a lot of people will know better.
The collective consciousness on this planet created NESARA/GESARA and created the shift of wealth to the people of planet Earth from the corrupted parasite leaders.
The parasites will never do anything good for the people, it isn’t in their repertoire, they’re all about death and destruction, everything’s twisted because the pure evil wants it that way and it’s dying away, it’s melting away.
Minds will be set straight, their perspectives will totally change, men will be men, women will be women, girls will be girls, boys will be boys, there won’t be this rift, children will be taught a whole different way.
The transition from the current generation to the next is going to be astronomical, it will take twelve years, there will be two years of settling in and ten years of progression, education and infrastructure, at the end of twelve years we’ll still have money but no one will really need it.
This is exciting stuff, it’s not smoke and mirrors or wishful thinking, it is factual, the doom and gloom is becoming less and less and less but to some it appears as if it’s becoming more and more and more.
Did you know that the American Bar Association receives all the interest from all the IOLTA Trust accounts in the United States every month? That is massive amounts of money.
We’ve had thieves and thugs all vying for control of planet Earth, several factions all wanting to do it their way, they’re like a bunch of kids on the playground arguing, it is like a bunch of kids when you step back and look at it. Spoiled rotten kids that have turned pure evil and complain that they don’t have control over every living creature on this planet, that’s total insanity.
Why do you think that it was leaked out that there’s 500K indictments? They could have covered it up, now those indictments are connected to many different people.
If they could have gotten World War 3 going that would have covered up a lot of their misdeeds, because they’re so far in trouble now they’re never going to get out of it.
As a way to get out of trouble they turned around and created the Unicoin, which has no value, it really doesn’t. So their plan is to steal wealth from the planet, rehydrate themselves and continue on.
The days of the Rothschild’s, Rockefeller’s, the Warburgs, the illuminati, the council of 300, the council of 45 are gone, they won’t exist.
Once the broad range replicators become commonplace then all GMO’s will be history and new full grown trees can be grown using time displacement.
So you’ve got a total financial transition for the people in America and that includes all of you. How can you complain about that?
It’s like I said before they’re not going to give you a date and they’re not going to give you rates. You’re going to go in and exchange and then you’ll know the rates. That’s it right there, makes sense doesn’t it?
Look at all the rumors running around out there for the last fifteen years, you’ve gotta laugh because Iraq’s been partying on and off with Q cards dancing in the streets for fifteen years now.
When I’m told that the Dinar is trading on the back screens and you can’t see it and it’s at 1:1. Some stuff that I’m told I just politely say thank you and have a good day.
The money thing is already here, you just don’t have it in your pockets yet, but you will.
How do you think this is going to play out? Will you have a specific day that’s going to be announced across the planet? No! I keep telling people that it’s not going to go the way you’ve been told it’s going to go.
There’s people that are exchanging but not the way you thought you were supposed to exchange.
I’ve had a half a dozen people contact me in the last six months that have said “I’ve been called up and I’m going in to exchange” and they disappeared after that, I never heard another word from them because they most likely signed an NDA and they were counseled on how to manage things.
You’ll be wealthy soon enough believe me, then the rest of it starts, how am I going to manage all this? That’s not on the mind yet.
The wealth is endless on this planet, everyone should be mega millionaires or billionaires, should have been a long time ago.
So we’ve got the understanding that the money thing is in full swing, the only holdup is the condition of the people, that’s it.
They know that when most people get this money they won’t be running around acting like a bunch of jerks. They know that people will be in responsible form to redistribute this money fairly and accordingly across the planet, there’s a lot of avenues to cover, you’ll never run out of them.
The Quantum System has already mirrored everyone’s bank accounts so you’re not going to lose any money.
All the FRN’s will be burned. The banks that are dropping off like flies, we don’t need them.
I’m not a financial advisor but I wouldn’t keep all of my money in the bank, I’d buy some gold and silver and keep the gold and silver with you, not a certificate for gold and silver in a warehouse.
The London exchange controls the cap on gold and silver, I know for a fact that they won’t be capping it, I communicated indirectly with some of the people there that know this and gold and silver are going to go through the roof.
Bank of America is tied to Credit Suisse and is probably going to go down, they’re just tempering it at this point.
Let the Good Times Roll
Be kind, gentle and humble with yourself at all times.
Thank you for listening to my calls.
Jared Rand
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🌏🐲 Evolution & Dinosaurs Debunked:👀
It Is All Fake❗️▪️ Manipulated,
Lost History of Earth
Governments will never disclose the truth
about alien presence because our society,
as we know it, would inevitably collapse.
This is not an exaggeration,
and “soft disclosure” is a myth.
Am I being over dramatic?
You tell me.
The darkest secret that the government keeps hidden is that we are, quite literally, food – both physically and energetically for extradimensional beings that most people perceive as giant, shapeshifting lizards.
While we don’t fully innerstand their true nature, I’ll refer to them as lizards for simplicity.
These beings feed on our spiritual and emotional energies (loosh) from their dimension and consume biological resources (blood, hormones, and tissue) when they manifest in our physical world.
Just as our bodies need food to survive, their biological avatars require these resources.
This is the primary reason for animal mutilations; otherwise, too many humans would go missing.
And many still do.
Lizards prefer to use drone workers commonly known as Greys to perform most of the dirty work.
Did you really think
we were at the top of the food chain?
It’s dangerous that we are unaware of these highly evolved predators, leaving us in a position similar to that of farmed animals.
But this still isn’t the main reason why the government refuses to disclose the truth.
Our entire civilization is built on the blueprints of these lizards.
They are already the
“one world government.”
Our modern way of living with endless wars, royalty, money, debt, capitalism, and politics – all have been shaped by their influence.
They have designed our society to maximize division, inequality, and conflict, all to harvest as much “loosh” as possible.
They have shaped our educational, financial, religious, and scientific institutions.
Wars and crises
aren’t just random.
They are often manufactured to supply a constant stream of loosh and FOOD to these lizards while keeping humanity weak and divided.
Full disclosure means exposing the fact that our human institutions are essentially working for the lizards and have been for a long time.
I am not saying that all politicians are aware of this, but the system itself is heavily controlled from the top.
Keep that in mind the next time you demand full transparency from the government.
It goes even deeper.
These beings exist outside of spacetime – they are what we call “time travellers.”
So, asking how long they have been influencing us is meaningless.
They are outside of time.
Do you innerstand the implications of this?
It means our history has likely been altered multiple times.
Is history even real?
Think deeply about the implications of what we’re dealing with.
Before you get pessimistic, there is a big catch.
All of this is happening because of our collective ignorance.
It’s a grave mistake to assume that we are doomed simply because these beings seem technologically “superior.”
The only reason they can do this is that we are unaware of their existence and are deceived into believing that the material world is all there is, cutting us off from our spiritual power and protection.
Wisdom and spiritual awareness naturally repel the lizards.
Our society is deliberately filled with constant distractions and temptations to keep us from looking within, hoping that we never discover our true nature.
Who do you think the story of the Garden of Eden refers to?
Aren’t we the fallen angels who were tricked by the serpent into choosing this kind of material existence?
But we are not alone.
Many benevolent “alien groups” are trying to help us awaken and break free.
However, it must be a collective choice we make.
Don’t be afraid, learn.
Knowledge protects.
Have you noticed
how we are manipulated
through false dichotomies?
This is classic divide and conquer – manufacture problems and divide people over fake solutions.
Capitalism vs Communism: The real issue is debt enslavement through inflationary currencies and international banking.
Green Energy vs Fossil Fuels: The actual solution lies in “free energy” technologies that are being suppressed.
Religion vs Atheism: Genuine spirituality involves seeking God within, free from middlemen and dogma.
Left vs Right: Real change can only come through exposing the Deep State that funds both sides.
The best way to manipulate is not to suppress outright, but to divert our energies into unproductive directions and make us fight over them.
Don’t fall for it.
Our corrupt evil CIA
was running North Korea.
(author unknown)
They would murder one of Kim Jong Un’s family members if he didn’t stay in line. Then they would frame him and make the world think he was crazy and that he did it.
They threatened his wife’s life.
President Trump freed North Korea from our corrupt evil CIA.
Our corrupt government actually launched a nuclear weapon from North Korea to try to force President Trump into World War III.
They claim that the alarm that
went off in Hawaii
was just some sort of accident.
Only someone that never served in the military would believe such nonsense.
They don’t just have little alarms for nuclear weapons on little desks so that people can sit on them, it doesn’t work like that.
Those things are behind several locked doors with codes that you have to have the highest top secret clearance to get into to even have a chance at hitting that button to set off a nuclear alarm to the public.
There was a nuke that was aimed at Hawaii and I had childhood friends that were there at the time.
It was a submarine that grabbed that nuke and took it into the water.
People have absolutely no clue the evil that our corrupt government has done to its own people and others around the world as personal hit men for the corrupt foreign bankers like the Rothschilds.
Kim Jong Un is part of the global alliance.
Put it this way if our government convinced you certain people were evil then those people are good.
The original Vladimir Putin was taken out long ago and Vladimir Putin 2.0 is part of the global alliance.
He was tasked with taking out the bio weapon labs that were in Ukraine and slated to murder over 6 billion people in accordance with United Nations agenda 2030.
United Nations agenda 2030 was signed on to by 160 Nations including the United States of America corporation.
Vladimir Putin was also tasked with ending child sex trafficking in Ukraine.
I never imagined my country
would consider me the enemy
but the media made sure that it did.
I served in the United States Air Force for 21 years of my life. I did six tours in the Middle East and one of those was Iraq.
I spent years away from my family, including my two young children, fighting for what I thought was honorable reasons only to discover I was being used as a tool against humanity and not for it.
I also went to jail for January 6th or 161 days and I am January 6th inmate 376303.
Corrupt governments all around the world, including the United States of America corporation, are going down.
The media made sure the world believes I am a traitor to my nation.
That is because most people think
the United States of America corporation is our nation
but it is not.
President Donald J Trump signed a new Declaration of Independence at Mount Rushmore on July 4 2020 to declare independence from the United States of America corporation.
We are at war between the United States Republic with President Donald J Trump as Commander in Chief and JFK Jr as vice president against the United States of America corporation.
Joe Biden is dead, Kamala is dead so who is in charge of the United States of America corporation? Nope, Barack and Big Mike are also dead.
So this is just a guess and that is the Chinese Communist Party and the corrupt bankers are in charge of the United States of America corporation.
Humanity has been invaded,
indoctrinated and programmed
by negative reptilian ET parasites.
(author unknown)
We are in the stage of removing and overwriting Reptilian Consciousness and activating Christ Consciousness.
Christed beings to not consume other lifeforms and sentient beings for energy.
Reptilians and fallen races do that because they are disconnected from Christ and God, therefore they become parasitic in which this is a war over our Energy.
The more low vibration you are the more LOOSH energy they take from you as they live off of fear and negative energy of others. They also eat humans / children.
Eating in general is a program.
Every part of the 3D matrix is programs.
It could be,
humans do not need to eat ‘food’
(we’re certainly not designed
to eat ancient dead flesh)
Humans are not carrion eaters.
Consider – how old is the ‘meat’ we buy?
even believing and paying more for that
‘aged’ meat because it’s ‘better’ in some way.
Any dead flesh that comes from a shop, with refrigeration, chemicals and ‘preservatives’ could be weeks-months-years old before it reaches us.
No-one knows
And no-one knows what else is being squirted in to it
as it still looks fresh and pristine because of the
chemicals and gasses that are used to enhance
it’s appeal and additionally poison us.
Oh! – there’s a clue – ‘APPEAL’.
It becomes it’s own perfect delivery system
for whatever the parasites want to do to us next –
and we pay them to do it to us when we buy it.
Consider, by brainwashing us to believe we need to ‘eat’
our controllers have more control over us by feeding us
the fear that we’ll starve if we don’t eat ‘food’
and coincidentally they ultimately,
control ALL OF the food creation supply and it’s distribution.
All that food does, (we’re told), is convert itself to create the energy
– electricity – we require to function.
But, it turns out, there’s energy,
electricity, all around us in the aEther.
Everything on Earth contains
all the energy it needs, even a rock.
Why, then do we need to eat food?
Besides, all the energy we need does not come from food –
If it did, all the fat people existing on a constant supply of junk food
with no nutritional value whatsoever would be dead – not fat – so they
must be getting their excessive energy requirements from somewhere else.
Consider the control the parasites have
by spreading the fear of it ending
by brainwashing us into thinking
if the food supply ends, so will we.
Anyone who’s seen ‘panic buying’
in stores will know about this
That’s probably why there are so many
MSM advertisements and books for
food – recipes – cooking – cooking utilities …
books – cooking ‘programs’ –
wealthy ‘celebrity’ chefs
– on the TV etc.-
to reinforce the brainwashing.
Click image for video
✮ Documentary: ✮
to use vaccines to
reduce the global population
A Diabolical Agenda”
Details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s.
From award-winning filmmaker Dr. Andy Wakefield, in collaboration with executive producer Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), and CHD Films, comes the documentary “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.”
When they’re through with Africa …
.. they’re coming for you.
Keep your children ready.
They’re coming for them …
.. and they’ll come for you.
Dr. Stephen Karanja (decd.)
Click image for video
ALL of your debt
is prepaid!
The Babylonian money magick is very sophisticatedly simple. Once you understand all of these concepts, you will begin to ask why did all of us fall for them?Partly, that’s because they made all the rules. But more importantly, they have deliberately hidden the rules in plain sight by making them too complex for the vaccinated mind to comprehend.
Are the rules beginning to change with AIIB?
There’s no mention about any of it yet. All they would do is to make the funds available for redevelopment of the IMF/WB marginalized countries along the New Belt and Road Project, and that these funds would now be backed up by hard currencies.
The most deceptive plan would be the December announcement of a Debt Jubilee by the Vatican, the very institution that laid the foundations for our money induced slavery.
August 2, 2013
I had a discussion with a friend the other day when I asked the question on Facebook, “If you found out your mortgage, car loan, student loan, credit card was fraudulent debt, would you keep paying it?”
I included a link to the post I put out about Key Bank waiving a $32K loan. This was his response:
“If I borrow money from someone, I’m going to repay it.
I don’t care if it’s the mafia, some made-up big brother organization, or a bank.
Stealing is stealing, regardless what you believe, two wrongs don’t make a right.”
The problem with this response is that it’s based on a backward view of what money and credit REALLY are. What if everything we’ve ever been taught by the system to believe about money and credit is an illusion?
Well, it is.
Many of those who will read this article already know that.
Yet even those who do know, still can’t quite wrap their heads around how the system works in actuality.
Believe me, “they” do an extremely good job of keeping these Truths very well hidden.
This article does a phenomenal job at breaking it down in very simple, easy to understand terms.
All of the facts presented are supported by hard data. Also included is an example of a response letter from AT&T to a charge being disputed, whereas the disputing party requested funds be taken from their “Prepaid Treasury Account,” to settle the “alleged” debt.
What is not shared by this blogger is the documentation submitted to AT&T, which I am working on trying to retrieve from him now.
Before I get to the meat and potatoes of this brilliant article, here are a few facts to consider in the response to my friend on Facebook:
“A deposit created through lending is a debt that has to be paid on demand of the depositor, just the same as the debt arising from a customer’s deposit of checks or currency in the bank.
Of course they do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits.
If they did this, no additional money would be created.
What they do when they make loans is to accept promissory notes in exchange for credits to the borrowers’ transaction accounts. – Federal Reserve Bank, Chicago, Modern Money Mechanics, p. 6
Banks are prohibited from lending
their ‘own money’ from their own assets,
or from other depositors.
So from where did the $$ come?
The contract we signed (our promissory note) was converted into a ‘negotiable instrument’ by the bank and became an asset on the bank’s accounting books.
According to the UCC 1-201(24) and 3-104, it was our signature on the note which made it $$.
Our promissory note (‘money’) was taken, recorded as an asset of the bank, and sold by the bank for cash without ‘equal valuable consideration’ given to us for our note.
The bank gave us a deposit slip as a receipt for the money we gave them, just as the bank would normally provide when we make a deposit to the bank.
It then created an account at the bank which would contain this $$ which we just created.
A check on this account was issued with our signature and this account is the source of funds behind the cheque which we received as a ‘loan’.
The bank risked none of its own assets in the so-called ‘loan’ to us; rather it used our note to pay the seller, in order to raise an asset for itself, and also used the face value of our note as ‘principal’ which it claims it ‘lent’ us and against which it charged interest.
Consideration on the part of the bank is non-existent so the bank has nothing to lose. It can not possibly sustain a loss.
Since consideration is essential to an enforceable contract and the note was obtained from us via fraud, the entire transaction/ contract is fraudulent.
Mortgage contracts are written in such a way to appear as if the bank lent us funds before they received our promissory note/ mortgage contract so that the bank can use it as a receipt which they can sell.
The contract reads, “For a loan I have received…”, but, you haven’t received it yet.
So in fact, we signed and gave the mortgage contract/note to the bank prior to their giving us the funds.
So, the application for the loan created the funds (it has our signature on it) and the note (with our signature) covered the funds to ‘repay’ the loan. Again, constructive fraud.”
Here is the link to the original article.
On this blog there are also many other great posts to research.
One point I do want to make is that this gentleman on many occasions suggests filing a UCC-1 financing statement to reclaim rights to your Strawman account.
However, the UCC filings submitted by The One People’s Public Trust have effectively taken care of this step for EVERYONE on the planet.
Therefore, it is no longer necessary for individuals to file their own. ~BK
Right now even though they have no legal right or claim or lien, the bankers hold the “title” to YOU through your birth certificate.
You can regain control by simply filing a notice of lien against the birth certificate.
Filing notices of lien is done every day. Banks regularly file notices of liens with the Department of Commerce to prove and establish their interest in all kinds of property… homes, cars, tools, equipment.
This is done very simply by contacting the Secretary of State or Department of Commerce and filing a UCC-1 financing statement and listing the property as collateral on the statement.
The same can be done with your birth certificate, which is your property.
You and only you can file this notice of lien…
You and only you can determine the value of the property.
Since you are priceless in God’s eyes the value of your UCC-1 should be UNLIMITED.
In this case, the “company” is the government.
Because you “agreed” to work for the government, the company, for the rest of your life, the government (company) agreed to “pay” all of the debt you incur in your lifetime.
Is that a bit of a surprise to you?
It should be. No one has told you or showed you how to use this information.
In exchange for your birth certificate and your application for Social Security, which they used as collateral to reduce their debt with the bankers, the government (company) promised to pay your debts.
You work on behalf of the US government AS COLLATERAL ON THE NATIONAL DEBT owed to the bankers.
Whatever your debt, it’s actually prepaid.
That’s right, your debt is “prepaid” with what is known as “money of account.”
There is no real substance or “money of exchange” such as gold or silver; only accounting adjustments and set offs.
The US government agreed to do this for you with the passage of House Joint Resolution (HJR) 192 back in 1933 shortly after the National Emergency and Bank Holiday declared by President Roosevelt.
You’re already signed up for this program from birth; it’s just that no one told you about it, UNTIL NOW!
Like all good companies though, the US government offered to its “worker bees”, insurance benefits.
They offered insurance to us if we would fill out an SS-5 form, also known as “Application for Social Security Benefits”.
It’s also the hook they use to get us to sign up as their collateral on the national debt.
This all originated from the “Shepard Towners Maternity Act” that was to help new mothers with the care of their children if the mother was unwed.
(This is why they ask for the maiden name of the mother on the “application for live birth”.
All of us are considered to be “bastard children” with the government (company) as our “daddy”)
The SS-5 is really a Power Of Attorney (POA) for the company that issued the insurance benefit to You, the real man or woman.
POA was assumed by the company, the government.
When they established the new account they styled the name in ALL CAPS.
Very few people normally sign their name in ALL CAPS.
Your JOHN H. DOE is really a corporation.
Print your name in ALL CAPS if you intend to express the name/ title of Your corporation.
You’ll find it on “your” driver’s license, “your” social security card, “your” bank statement, “your” check blanks, “your” tax statements, etc.
The Social Security number is evidence that there is an insurance policy.
The benefit you are receiving is the privilege of an army, navy, police, fire protection, Medicaid, medicare, SSI, pension etc.
So far it has worked quite well for the government (company)… they just didn’t tell you how to go about getting your debt set off and how to access and use the pre-paid account, all the more money for their pet projects…wars of pre-emption, international intrigue, control and domination of the global markets, etc.
You’ve perhaps read about this in the news or seen it on the evening news.
You’re letting them use your money for crimes against humanity.
The first
shall be sacrificed
U.S. President Joe Biden’s first daughter, Naomi Christina Biden, tragically died in a car accident in 1972 at the age of 1.
Christiano Ronaldos In April 2022, and his partner, Georgina Rodríguez, announced that their newborn son Angel, had passed away.
Actor Keanu Reeves and his then-girlfriend Jennifer Syme lost their first child, Ava Archer Syme-Reeves, who was stillborn in 1999.
Al Gore’s first son, Albert Gore III, was seriously injured in a car accident in 1989 when he was just 6 years old.
Adam Walsh, the first child of John and Revé Walsh, was abducted from a Sears department store in Hollywood, Florida, on July 27, 1981 and killed.
Marie Osmond’s first child, Michael Blosil, died by suicide in 2010 at the age of 18.
Mary Tyler Moore’s first child, Richie Meeker, died in 1980 at the age of 24 from an accidental gunshot wound
Mike Tyson’s four year old daughter was strangled by the cord of a treadmill.
Christopher Laurie, Greg Laurie’s firstborn son, died in a car accident on July 24, 2008, at the age of 33.
Sylvester Stallone’s first child, Sage Stallone, passed away in 2012 at the age of 36 died of a heart attack alone.
Anna Nicole Smith’s first child, Daniel Wayne Smith, died in 2006 at the age of 20 from an accidental overdose.
Charlie Chaplin’s 1st son died 3 days after being born.
Winston Churchill, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, lost his daughter Marigold Churchill at the age of 2 in 1921 from septicemia.
Barbara Eden lost her only son to a drug overdose.
Roy Orbison lost his two oldest sons in a fire.
Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa, lost his son, Makgatho Mandela, to AIDS-related complications in 2005.
Anthony Quinn lost a 2 yr old son in drowning.
Actress Patricia Neal and author Roald Dahl lost their first daughter, Olivia, at the age of 7 to measles encephalitis in 1962.
Prince and his then-wife Mayte Garcia lost their first child, Boy Gregory Nelson, just one week after he was born in 1996.
Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, lost her first daughter, Clara Everina Shelley, in 1818 at the age of one month.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States, lost his first son, Doud Dwight Eisenhower, who died at the age of 3 from scarlet fever in 1921.
James Arness, known for his role in Gunsmoke, lost his first son, Craig Aurness, who died of natural causes in 2004.
Roy Rogers’s daughter died at almost two.
Kirk Douglas’s first son with Anne Buydens, Eric Douglas, passed away in 2004 due to a drug overdose at the age of 46.
Nick Cannon lost his 5 month old son to brain cancer last December.
Gordon and Sarah Brown’s first child, Jennifer Jane Brown, was born prematurely died on December 28, 2001, at 33 weeks.
Eric Clapton’s young son fell out of an open window in Manhattan window.
Michael Madison lost his 26 yr old son this year.
Judy Garland, the iconic star of “The Wizard of Oz,” experienced a miscarriage.
…. Charlie jr died at aged 42 of a Blood clot in the lungs.
Dr. Dre’s overdosed on morphine and heroin.
Marvin Jones lost a 6 month old last year.
Diane Ladd’s daughter died at one year old.
Princess Grace and Prince Rainier’s daughter, Princess Caroline, lost her first child, a daughter, who was stillborn in 1977.
Bobby Brown lost daughter Bobbi three years after Whitney died.
Benik Adobe lost his 2 yr old to an infection in 2019.
Country music legend Loretta Lynn lost her first child, Betty Sue Lynn, in 2013.
Regina King lost her 26 yr old son to suicide this year also. Only child.
James Dungy, Tony Dungy’s eldest son, died by suicide on December 22, 2005, at the age of 18.
Jerry Lewis son In Steve Allen Lewis drowned in a swimming pool accident at the age of 3.
Robert Plant 5 year-old son, Karac, to a stomach virus back in 1977.
John Travolta 1st and eldest child Jett died at age 16 in January 2009 while on vacation.
Dean Paul Martin, (1st child) an actor and oldest son of Dean Martin, died in 1987. He was 35.
Pierre Trudeau’s 1st child Michel Charles-Émile Trudeau died in 1998 during a skiing incident.
Bill Cosby 1st child Ennis William Cosby was murdered on January 16, 1997, near Interstate 405 in Los Angeles.
Paul Newman’s first child, Scott Newman, died in 1978 at the age of 28 from a drug overdose.
Robert Redford’s first child, Scott Redford, died at just two and a half months old in 1959 due to sudden infant death syndrome.
Matthew Warren, Rick Warren’s youngest son, died by suicide in April 2013 at the age of 27 after a long struggle with mental illness.
From Behold a Pale Horse
by William (Bill) Cooper
To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off.
There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolise our people.
When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
The constitution scales of these days will shortly break down, for we have established them with a certain lack of accurate balance in order that they may oscillate incessantly until they wear through the pivot on which they turn.
The goyim are under the impression that they have welded them sufficiently strong and they have all along kept on expecting that the scales would come into equilibrium.
But the pivots—the kings on their thrones—are hemmed in by their represent- atives, who play the fool, distraught with their own uncontrolled and irresponsible power.
This power they owe to the terror which has been breathed into the palaces.
As they have no means of getting at their people, into their very midst, the kings on their thrones are no longer able to come to terms with them and so strengthen themselves against seekers after power.
We have made a gulf between the farseeing Sovereign Power and the blind force of the people so that both have lost all meaning, for like the blind man and his stick, both are powerless apart.
In order to incite seekers after power to a misuse of power we have set all forces in opposition one to another, breaking up their liberal tendencies towards independence.
To this end we have stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed all parties, we have set up authority as a target for every ambition.
Of States we have made gladiatorial arenas where a host of confused issues contend …. A little more, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal. . . .
Babblers inexhaustible have turned into oratorical contests the sittings of Parliament and Administrative Boards. Bold journalists and unscrupulous pamphleteers daily fall upon executive officials.
Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob.
All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty more firmly than ever they were chained by slavery and serfdom; from these, one way and another, they might free themselves, these could be settled with, but from want they will never get away.
We have included in the constitution such rights as to the masses appear fictitious and not actual rights.
All these so-called “People’s Rights” can exist only in idea, an idea which can never be realised in practical life.
What is it to the proletariat labourer, bowed double over his heavy toil, crushed by his lot in life, if talkers get the right to babble, if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense side by side with good stuff, once the proletariat has no other profit out of the constitution save only those pitiful crumbs which we fling them from our table in return for their voting in favour of what we dictate, in favour of the men we place in power, the servants of our agentur. . . . Republican rights for a poor man are no more than a bitter piece of irony, for the necessity he is under of toiling almost all day gives him no present use of them, but on the other hand robs him of all guarantee of regular and certain earnings by making him dependent on strikes by his comrades or lockouts by his masters.
The people under our guidance have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defence and foster-mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people.
Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers.
We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces—Socialists, Anarchists, Communists—to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our social masonry.
The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labour of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy and strong.
We are interested in just the opposite—in the diminution, the killing out of the GOYIM.
Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will.
Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings.
By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way.
When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be crowned it is these same hands which will sweef away everything that might be a hindrance thereto.
The goyim have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists.
Therefore they do not see the urgent necessity of what we, when our kingdom comes, shall adopt at once, namely this, that it is essential to teach in national schools one simple, true piece of knowledge, the basis of all knowledge—the knowledge of the structure of human life, of social existence, which requires division of labour, and, consequently, the division of men into classes and conditions.
It is essential for all to know that owing to difference in the objects of human activity there cannot be any equality, that he who by any act of his compromises a whole class cannot be equally responsible before the law with him who affects no one but only his own honour.
The true knowledge of the structure of society, into the secrets of which we do not admit the goyim, would demonstrate to all men that the positions and work must be kept within a certain circle, that they may not become a source of human suffering, arising from an education which does not correspond with the work which individuals are called upon to do.
After a thorough study of this knowledge the peoples will voluntarily submit to authority and accept such position as is appointed them in the State. In the present state of knowledge and the direction we have given to its development the people, blindly believing things in print—cherishes—thanks to promptings intended to mislead and to its own ignorance—a blind hatred towards all conditions which it considers above itself, for it has no understanding of the meaning of class and condition.
This hatred will be still further magnified by the effects of an economic crisis, which will stop dealings on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill.
We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, a universal economic crisis whereby we shall throw upon the streets whole mobs of workers simultaneously in all the countries of Europe.
These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able to loot.
“Ours” they will not touch, because the moment of attack will be known to us and we shall take measures to protect our own.
We have demonstrated that progress will bring all the goyim to the sovereignty of reason. Our despotism will be precisely that; for it will know how by wise severities to pacificate all unrest, to cauterise liberalism out of all institutions.
When the populace has seen that all sorts of concessions and indulgences are yielded it in the name of freedom it has imagined itself to be sovereign lord and has stormed its way to power, but, naturally, like every other blind man it has come upon a host of stumbling blocks, it has rushed to find a guide, it has never had the sense to return to the former state and it has laid down its plenipotentiary powers at our feet.
Remember the French Revolution, to which it was we who gave the name of “Great”: the secrets of its preparations are well known to us for it was wholly the work of our hands.
Ever since that time we have been leading the peoples from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn also from us in favour of that King-Despot of the blood of Zion, whom we are preparing for the world.
At the present day we are, as an international force, invincible, because if attacked by some we are supported by other States.
It is the bottomless rascality bellies to force, but of the goyim peoples, who crawl on their are merciless towards weakness, unsparing to faults and indulgent to crimes, unwilling to bear the contradictions of a free social system but patient unto martyrdom under the violence of a bold despotism—it is those qualities which are aiding us to independence.
From the premier-dictators of the present day the goyim peoples suffer patiently and bear such abuses as for the least of them they would have beheaded twenty kings.
What is the explanation of this phenomenon, this curious inconse- quence of the masses of the peoples in their attitude towards what would appear to be events of the same order?
It is explained by the fact that these dictators whisper to the peoples through their agents that injury through these abuses they are inflicting on the States with the highest purpose—to secure the welfare of the peoples, the international brotherhood of solidarity them all, their and equality of rights.
Naturally they do not tell the peoples that this unification must be accomplished only under our sovereign rule.
And thus the people condemn the upright and acquit the guilty, persuaded ever more and more that it can do whatsoever it wishes.
Thanks to this state of things the people are destroying every kind of stability and creating disorders at every step.
The word “freedom” brings out the communities of men to fight against every kind of force, against every kind of authority, even against God and the laws of nature.
For this reason we, when we come into our kingdom, shall have to erase this word from the lexicon of life as implying a principle of brute force which turns mobs into bloodthirsty beasts.
These beasts, it is true, fall asleep again every time when they have drunk their fill of blood, and at such times can easily be riveted into their chains.
But if they be not given blood they will not sleep and continue to struggle.
“A Rift in the Ranks:
What do Trump’s actions reveal
about Michael Flynn”?
Trump ask RKF Jr to be VP. Not Michael Flynn.
Trump tasks security at the Mar-A-Lago to request lie detector test. M. Flynn declined.
Trump does not follow M. Flynn on Truthsocial.
Trump declined showing up as a guest at a event M. Flynn is throwing for Jan-6th victims on Sept 5th.
Trump does not invite M. Flynn to none of his rallies.
Trump pardoned M. Flynn to prevent him from testifying (with immunity) in the Russian Collusion case.
Trump declined M. Flynn’s request to seize the Dominion voting machines and declare Martial Law.
Trump fired M. Flynn in a record 23 days.
Trump stated on record that nobody died on Jan-6th in opposition to M. Flynn seeking justice for Ashli Babbitt.
Trump did not endorse M. Flynn for any future political office, despite Flynn’s aspirations.
Trump distanced himself from M. Flynn’s public claims about Q being a psyop.
Trump has not featured M. Flynn in any of his fundraising events or campaigns.
Trump opted not to defend M. Flynn during his public disputes with other conservative figures.
Trump did not include M. Flynn in his post-presidency inner circle of advisors. It’s a reason for that.
Trump has chosen other military figures for public endorsements over M. Flynn.
Trump did not include M. Flynn in any strategic or advisory roles in his 2024 campaign.
Trump chose not to associate with M. Flynn’s calls for military intervention after the 2020 election results were certified.
Trump has not publicly defended M. Flynn’s post-pardon actions and statements.
“Lincoln is a fraud”
Marcia Ramalho
His fellow abolitionist John Brown is a fraud.
Nikola Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Maxwell, Faraday, Planck, Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Charles Darwin, Charles Babbage, Baron Rutherford, Feynman, Niels Bohr, Santos Dumont, Stalin, Schrödinger, Schumann, Chamberlain, Fermi, Freud… They all are a fraud.
Fraudsters are not just in the encyclopaedia entries.
They are gate keepers, they are disseminating fake photos, they are copying other people’s work, they are making videos to distract and to hunt for sponsors, they are recycling texts full of blunders written by government agents.
Today’s civilization is a fraud, filled with ignorant people, and raised on the ashes of a past civilization with high culture and cutting-edge technology.
“Tartaria is a psyop”
Marcia Ramalho
A 1914 fantasy map of Oz and the
countries surrounding it
across the deserts.
East and West are reversed
Tartaria is a psyop created by intelligence agencies and jesuitic entities.
All videos, articles and websites promoting, explaining or historicizing Tartaria, Tartarian kings or Tartarian people are spreading false information and making money from people profound ignorance.
Any map pointing to Great Tartaria is false.
Any document depicting Tartarian flag, language, architecture, cities, Tartarian tablets or Tartarian genealogoy is forgery.
There has never been any Tartaria kingdom or empire removed or hidden from history.
The stunning civilization with cutting-edge technology existing until short time ago that I presented in my video Aether, was never called Tartaria, never settled within the borders proclaimed by false British encyclopedias, was never rewritten in any declassified CIA document, much less would have been described in any authentic book.
You are being sorely deceived ;))
Unconventional warfare.
has a nice definition about it.
Marcia Ramalho
“Psychological operations (PSYOP) are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals (…) PSYOP involves the careful creation and dissemination of a product message.
There are three types of products that are used to create these messages.
They include White products which are used in overt operations and Gray or Black products which are used in covert PSYOP. White, Gray, and Black don’t refer to the product’s content but rather the methods used to carry out the operation.
In order for PSYOP to be successful they must be based in reality.
All messages must be consistent and must not contradict each other.
Any gap between the product and reality will be quickly noticed.
A credible “truth” must be presented which is consistent to all audiences.
Primarily it is a component of offensive counterinformation but can be used defensively as well.
PSYOP are used in support of special operations, unconventional warfare, and counterinsurgency (COIN) operations.
PSYOP can include military operations other than warfare and also include joint operations. (…) PSYOP conveys messages via visual, audio, and audiovisual media.
Military psychological operations, at the tactical level, are usually delivered by loudspeaker, and face to face communication.
For more deliberate campaigns, they may use leaflets, radio or television.
Strategic operations may use radio or television broadcasts, various publications, airdropped leaflets, or, as part of a covert operation, with material placed in foreign news media.
Strategic PSYOP include informational activities conducted by the U.S. government agencies outside of the military arena, though many utilize Department of Defense (DOD) assets.”
As with all forms of warfare, unconventional warfare’s general objective is to instill a belief that peace and security are not possible without compromise or concession (…)
Unconventional warfare targets the civilian population psychologically to win hearts and minds, In our small and insignificant world, far removed from complex geopolitical strategies, I would place the following themes in the PSYOP Unconventional Warfare category:
orphan trains,
flat earth,
The ‘Blitz’
Marcia Ramalho
There is a problem with the ones I call British (British Empire).
Not with the ordinary people (British People) but with the amorphous invisible layer of mysterious entities behind finance, tax havens, warfare, foreign affairs, real state, culture, entertainment, news, religion, intellectual frameworks, book authors, archaeologists, philologists, museums, secret societies, men clubs, orders of knighthood, intel agencies, plump lords of red cheeks polished as apples whose interior is rotten.
There is also a problem with their History.
According to them London was bombed by the Germans toward the end of the Battle of Britain, 1941.
You know, I’m not a historian, I don’t have access to classified intel but I have the impression that their enemy the so called Germans didn’t have bombers nor the will to conduct mass air attack during 57 days and nights to destroy more than a million houses, 8 port cities, killing many thousands of civilians.
Something tells me
London was bombed by real Nazis.
And that Nazis
were not Germans at all.
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How corrupt and evil
is Anthony Fauci
by Ken McCarthy
“The two great experts on Tony Fauci, unfortunately, are deceased. One guy that could get into the science was Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis.
And he was very outspoken about Fauci as a fraudulent scientist.
And then there was a great gay rights activist journalist named Terry Michael who who could really get into the mechanics of Tony’s various con jobs.
Unfortunately, they’re passed away.
So I’m standing on the shoulders of giants.
But I’m also just reading the newspaper.
“One of Tony Fauci’s jobs is bioweapons.
He has a whole division in his little unit there at NIH that’s called biodefense.
A lovely euphemism!
And when we had the potential smallpox attack—around 9/11, there was a fear that the bad guys were going to hit us with smallpox—he was charged with coming up with a smallpox vaccine and deploying it.
”And so he is a biowarfare guy.
It’s one of the reasons he’s been he’s been protected for so long.
“Let’s let’s get to some just plain vanilla stuff that I’m surprised the media doesn’t talk about when it comes to Tony Fauci.
The first one may not be a big secret because it comes up a lot, but it merits meditation upon.
And that is that this guy has had the same federal job for thirty six years.
It’ll be 37 years this year he’s had the same job in the federal bureaucracy.
That is unusual.
That means you’ve had to survive many different presidents, many different parties, many different regimes, many different social changes.
And yet he’s always there.
Now, I only know one other guy that pulled that off in American history: J. Edgar Hoover.
Click arrow on right for full article and to close
He’s also a superb politician.
And that’s very important.
But the idea he’s a physician is a joke.
The idea that he’s a scientist is a joke.
And I wish Kary Mullis hadn’t passed away last summer because he could really be talking to this.
Fauci is not a scientist.
What he is is just a world class bureaucrat.
And that’s why he has survived for 36 years.
That and the fact that he does what deep state people would like him to do.
“Now, here’s a little trivia question.
And you would think in our money mad culture, this would have come out.
There are two million people getting a paycheck from the federal government as employees.
Who do you think the third highest paid employee in the entire federal bureaucracy is?
It’s Tony Fauci.
Now, how do you bury that?
That’s just a factoid you’d think somebody would come out with.
Of two million people, he’s not in the top one percent of the one percent. (He’s in the .00015 percent!) “He also has another little side gig, which is he is allowed and does quite frequently receive honorariums for speaking, for making appearances.
He gets all kinds of awards.
And it all goes to, you know, Tony Fauci, his hip pocket bank.
There’s no law against him receiving honorariums even when the group giving him money is a group that’s funded by him.
So, for instance, the Albany Medical Center gave him half a million dollars for ‘science innovation.’
Now, it just happens that Albany Medical Center lives on on NIH grants.
“Here’s another one that’s very important, which is AIDS.
And we could do several shows on AIDS, but we’ll just stick to the plain vanilla facts.
Over half a trillion, over five hundred billion dollars, has been spent on AIDS research since 1981.
It dwarfs all other illnesses per capita.
It’s not even close.
And the guy that’s been in control of that—and this may be why he kept the job and didn’t try something else—has pretty much been Tony Fauci.
And this gives him tremendous power.
In the medical research world and the scientific research world, it’s not like you have an infinite number of potential markets.
There are only a few sources of money.
One of them is the NIH.
It’s a hugely important source.
And this has been the source of Tony Fauci’s personal power, which is extreme.
So if you’re a medical researcher or a bio-researcher and you want to have a career, you want to put food on your table for 40 years in a row, you better not make this man mad, or write about or talk about or publish anything that’s not part of his agenda, or your career is over.
“The great esteemed virologist Peter Duesberg of UC Berkeley, who is one of the great scientists of our age, was literally hounded (out of his career).
He had his tenure.
He was highly regarded all over the world.
But he still needed funding and Fauci made sure that Duisburg got no funding as soon as Duesberg was questioning the HIV causes AIDS formula.
“Basically, anybody that wants to have a career knows—it’s very clear—you don’t cross Tony Fauci or you don’t have a career any more.So that’s all the science researchers and medical researchers in the united states and the world.
Universities, same thing.
They are entirely dependent on grants for research.
So they’re not going to be happy if one of their professors stands up and starts questioning the science of anything tony Fauci says.
So he’s got all the universities in his pocket.
“and then if you’re an aspiring bureaucrat and you want to be a health commissioner of a state—which, by the way, is one of the best paid jobs in state government.
It’s very, very common for the state health commissioner to be getting three hundred thousand dollars or more per annum.
And interestingly enough, a lot of these guys really have no public health degrees.
The guy that’s running new york’s public health right now is a member of council of foreign relations.
He’s an anesthesiologist specializing in pediatric cardiology.
But he has absolutely no training in epidemiology, and yet he’s the person making all the decisions for new york state.
And these decisions he’s making are quite catastrophic.
So if you want a job like that without having proper qualifications, it’s good to have tony fauci vouching for you.
“so speaking of new york state and speaking of the cuomos, this is something that came and went really fast.
But chris cuomo apparently had covid.
And there was a little thing on cnn and it it came up and then it disappeared really fast.
But I recorded it.
It was Chris Cuomo praising and thanking Fauci for calling him every single day of the week personally.
Think about that.
We’ve got a newscaster on CNN getting personal calls from Tony Fauci.
Now, who’s his brother?
Andrew Cuomo.
“one of the things that Fauci said—this is on tape, thankfully—”I’ve known you guys since you were kids.
”and that’s true.
Mario Cuomo and Tony Fauci know each other very well.
We’ve talked about researchers loving tony fauci’s money.
Well, government officials love aids money.
there’s a lot of it.
It’s distributed very liberally.
And new york state got a whole bunch of it.
And I’m sure it’s still getting a whole bunch of it.
“let’s talk about Tony Fauci, the the fantastic propagandist.
Tony Fauci would give Dr. Goebbels a run for his money.
Well, Tony Fauci’s accomplished something not too dissimilar.
So one thing that a an investigative journalist could do, if they would get the doughnut out of their mouth and actually do some work—and none of them do—is just to look at the enormous size of the bureaucracy that is Tony Fauci, his personal domain.
He has eight separate divisions that he’s running.
One of them, of course, is biodefense, which I mentioned earlier.
Now, here’s where it gets important.
Each one of these divisions has its own communications director.
And the office of the director, which is Tony Fauci, has a communications director and a deputy director.
So that that is ten, count them, ten full time guys whose only job is to spout the Tony Fauci party line.
“and that’s just the directors.
I don’t know how many staff people there are.
That’s hidden.
You know, that’s not easy to find out.
But the directors they do disclose.
But let’s say it’s just 10 guys, 40 hours a week.
That means he has four hundred hours a week every week, 52 weeks a year to tell the Tony Fauci story.
“who’s on the other side of that?
Who is countering Tony Fauci’s story?
”(Kevin Barrett: “Truth Jihad Radio!”)“right.
It’s amazing.
So we’ve got 400 hours a week from guys whose whole bread and butter is to promote and defend this guy.
And then we have us, the ragtag irregulars, fighting a guerrilla action.
You know who’s going to win?
Now it gets even worse because he’s been at this for 36 years.
So he’s got a rolodex.
So if you or I pick up the phone and want to talk to Chris Cuomo or to anybody in the news media, they’re not even gonna pick up the phone, let alone return our call.
Everybody’s going to return Tony’s call.
So not only does he have the manpower to just pump out propaganda nonstop, he also has, you know, a thick rolodex of people that are ready, willing and able to talk to him within the journalism world.
“you occasionally have a science and medical writer that will that will go up against Fauci.
Believe it or not, the former times of London guy when aids was on the ascendancy did some looking into the whole aids story, found it suspect scientifically, and started to speak out about it.
Well, he’s not employed any more.
“so Fauci has a lot of control over who’s going to be the medical and science correspondent of various newspapers and magazines.
But it’s even worse than that because 95% of the people reporting on the covid story are liberal arts grads.
They studied Russian literature or English composition or whatever.
They have absolutely no science training whatsoever, which means they’re very easy to snow.
“I was in Princeton university’s undergraduate neuroscience program in the late 70s before it was co-opted by the pharma industry.
And I did not get my degree in that after all.
But I was in the program.
I’m not a super scientist, but I do know my way around chemistry and biology and anatomy and physiology.
And I’m not easily bullshitted.
However, most of the people that are writing these stories are super easily bullshitted, and that is a real big, serious problem.
“now, the other problem related to this is an infrastructure problem.
If you turn on the evening news, you’re going to see 50 to 70 percent of the ads are pharmaceutical products.
Several network news programs are actually stamped and underwritten by pharmaceutical companies.
So you don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to realize that if somebody’s showing up at a tv news outlet’s door every week with a wheelbarrow full of money consistently… by the way, you know, some industries run hot and cold in their advertising.
They’re going to advertise a lot at Christmas, but not a lot in august.
But the pharma guys just show up every week.
And I’m going to guess they don’t negotiate too hard on the rate card.
They’re probably paying the full rate.
So people think, “oh, well, you know, they’re trying to get us to buy these drugs.
They’re trying to get us to to pester our doctors into prescribing these various drugs.
”and I’m sure that’s part of it.
“but another huge part of it is—remember archer Daniels Midland?
”(Kevin Barrett: “how could we forget?
Their name gets repeated all the time on PBS and places like that.”)“yeah.
and why?
That’s payment to make sure that we never look at corn syrup and the fact that it’s barely corn and hardly syrup.
It’s basically a toxic brew that creates diabetes.
“that’s an interesting side story.
But it’s illustrative of what we’re talking about tonight.
My professor at at princeton was a guy named bart hubbell.
He mapped the dopamine pathway in the human brain.
This guy is a significant neuroscientist.
He started doing research in the early 2000s on the impact of corn syrup on the brains of rats.
And he discovered neurological damage.
ANd would you believe that a ‘grassroots group,’ like ‘corn syrup for the masses’ or something, started a massive letter writing saying ‘save our corn syrup.
’i mean, it was just ludicrous.
But the pressure was so extreme and Princeton was so craven that they basically told professor Hubble to back off.
And he did.
So that’s science in America today.
And tony Fauci is one of the main henchmen in controlling science to the negative.
“medical science is really fascinating.
They’re good at inventing diseases.
You’ve probably heard of ‘restless leg syndrome’, which which has a pharmaceutical cure, you’ll be happy to know.
W won’t get into the aids thing.
But there are people who have catastrophic collapses of their immune systems.
There’s absolutely no doubt about that.
It is a horrible thing to have happen.
But aids as we know it through the media lens is a manufactured situation.
And that’s tony fauci’s political base and money pump.
Half a trillion in research money.
And interestingly enough—and we’ve got the video of this, you can look it up—in 1984, when he got his job from the Reagan administration with the help of George Bush, Fauci promised an aids vaccine, in 1984!
It was just around the corner!
It’s 2020.
We don’t have an aids vaccine, but we have spent half a trillion dollars.
“AZT was a chemotherapy that was developed to treat a kind of cancer.
And it was determined to be too dangerous for human use.
But Fauci and friends, thanks to the hysteria they helped build around aids, got it reclassified.
And it was given to millions of people.
There are researchers that believe somewhere between 200,000 and 500,000 people died of azt consumption because azt is a mutagen.
It’s a carcinogen.
And it actually destroys the immune system, which is—and this is not subject to debate—that was on the warning label.
“so fast forward to the present.
He’s doing the same thing with covid.
It is such a disaster, it’s such a travesty, it’s such a catastrophe, it’s such an emergency that we’re gonna throw out all the normal safeguards for developing vaccines.
My understanding is one of the things they’ve thrown out is animal testing.
It has gone straight to people, including children.
“and the zika virus: there were some birth defect cases in brazil.
Tragic, obviously.
And what nobody points out was they were all rural people living amongst these horrific soybean plantations where they were spraying glyphosate without limit.
And so they were most likely pesticide poisoning.
But they decided that it was the zika virus, and the zika virus was coming to America.
And I have a little clip where Fauci’s talking about how he met with the joint chiefs of staff to create a plan to help protect the united states, to repel zika from coming to its shores.
They’re called virus hunters, these guys, among scientists that that follow these things.
And they’re tall tale tellers and everything works out so that it turns out to be a fantastic money pump for pharma and IHSS.
“and the (covid) playbook: you have to look at where this outbreak took place.
Well, no one clearly has.
You know, that weapons grade bio lab.
No question about it.
But the thing that people seem to forget or ignore or didn’t know or whatever about Wuhan is it is the most polluted city on earth.
I mean, it’s an absolute hellhole.
People were wearing masks every day on their way to work in Wuhan.
So that combined with some kind of viral problem and a less than ideal medical system could result in a lot of chaos in the hospitals.
And chaos in hospitals, overwhelmed hospitals translates into a lot of unnecessary deaths.
“same problem in northern Italy.
People may not be aware of it, with Venice and all these beautiful places, that it’s the industrial belt of italy, with very polluted air.
And it is the oldest demographic in Europe.
So you have a lot of old people, really bad air quality, and they have a problem with the flu every year.
Now, this was an unusually big one, but they get overwhelmed every year.
“now, let’s go to New York City.
This is really important.
And I’ll do this really fast.
Cuomo put out a do-not-resuscitate order, a blanket do-not-resuscitate order, in march.
And he kept it running, I think, till about mid-April.
That means normal medical care was suspended.
If somebody was out, you don’t do anything to bring them back.
That might have contributed to some people that could have survived dying.
“Cuomo also ordered nursing homes to take actively contagious patients.
That went on for two months before he rescinded that one.
But the big one was the ventilators.
And this is something, again, you don’t have to be an investigative scientist to know.
You just have to ask a few questions.
The whole process of intubating somebody is a big deal.
They’re on eight to 12 major drugs.
And we’re not talking about taking a pill.
We’re talking about, they wire you.
You’ve got drips of fentanyl to kill the pain of having this thing shoved down your neck.
They’ve got things that are paralytics which keep you from moving.
Very, very, very powerful drugs.
Do you think you get up and have lunch when you’re on a vent?
No, you’re fed from a tube.
And then you’ve got these ventilators pumping these people’s lungs at the wrong setting, which apparently happened quite a bit.
That one nurse who’s a former army nurse, she said that she worked in two hospitals, one in Florida, and they didn’t have a single (covid) death.
“and she’d worked in two different hospital settings and she had been a combat nurse and she knows her way around.
And she said, absolutely, positively, no doubt about it, they were putting people on those vents who were having just garden variety panic attacks—no covid at all—in the public hospitals.
She talked about one guy, 37 years old, who came in.
She said he did not have respiratory distress.
He was having a panic attack.
And when she wasn’t looking, one of the residents talked him into getting on a vent.
“all this, the pushing of the vents, the do not resuscitate, the ordering of contagious patients to be put in with with healthy patients in the nursing homes—all this came out of Andrew Cuomo’s office.
And we’ve got to look at the fact that Andrew Cuomo and Fauci are close.
(Kevin Barrett: “it’s almost as if they wanted to maximize the problem.”) well, you know, you would think that.
And these catastrophes happen in public hospitals.
And I have an experience of visiting somebody in a public NYC hospital once.
And they are absolute hellholes.
They’re like the black hole of Calcutta.
I mean, they’re horrible.
So I can imagine anything going on in those things.
There are people without resources.
And then, of course, we have the added thing, which is people couldn’t be there with with their advocates, with their families, with their friends.
You went in and you were there alone.
And god knows what would happen to you.
“so just to sum all this up: this is not Fauci’s first rodeo.
He’s been pumping hysteria for 36 years.
He always gets it wrong.
He was wrong about Swine Flu.
He was wrong about Bird Flu.
He was wrong about Zika.
He was wrong about Ebola.
He wildly exaggerated AIDS.
And he always is wrong in the favor of pharmaceutical companies.
And he’s always wrong in favor of ‘we’ve got to develop a vaccine now.
We have to throw out all the rules.
’ “and his wife is Christine Grady, chief of the department of bioethics of the national institute of health and the head of the section on human subject research.
She is the person that makes decisions on what’s ethical to do with human subjects.
That’s his wife.
They’ve been married since 1986.
How did the news media miss that?
She’s author of a book called the search for an aids vaccine.
Somewhere in the book, she says, ‘ it’s the vaccines that saved humanity.
You know, they’re the greatest invention in the entire history of modern medicine.
’now, I think good nutrition and and proper sanitation were the greatest inventions of modern medicine.
“again, you don’t have to be a great investigative reporter to just say, who’s he married to?
And get the name and then see what does she do for a living.
And she’s the person that makes the ethics calls for drug and vaccine development at the NIH.
“so the main thing I want to leave people with is he’s been doing this for 36 years.
Be The Change
In order for Mankind to free themselves from the suffering clutches of external controllers, what the Holy Scriptures call “Principalities and Powers” and what we’ve discovered to be SORCERERS (i.e. Lawyers, Legislators, Politicians, Banking Families, Bureaucracies, etc.) practicing SORCERY through the manipulation of language, then Mankind MUST find within himself (individually) the motivation, the desire, or the CARE to change their thinking, their habits, their reactions, and their actions.
Anyone controlling us by way of manipulation, coercion, threat of violence, or the breeding of ignorance is effectually a Sorcerer because that is what Sorcerers do.
They are selfish little devils primarily concerned with the satisfaction of their egos.
The drive for centralized power and monopolized wealth is the stain of a total and complete distorted mind. Blanket statement!
So what shall we do?
It would be sufficient enough that Man WILL himself away from reacting to fear in the exact opposite ways as he has been Led to behave.
If we truly Desire different results, we must ask ourselves individually, “What am I willing to change about myself?”.
Are you willing to stop watching television?
Are you willing to begin reading informative books?
Are you willing to stop eating processed “foods”?
Are you willing to begin filtering your water?
These are the types of questions we need to ask ourselves because these are the very things we need to do in order to liberate our clogged up and polluted minds and bodies.
It has been stated that the definition of INSANITY is to keep doing the same behaviors over and over and expect different results.
Well you can’t continue to get angry over and over again and expect a different reaction than the one you’ve always gotten.
So, it comes to reason that getting angry is foolishness rather than wisdom.
And it would be wise to start LEARNING how to GOVERN that emotion using the intellect.
Make sense?
Because it is the mind that should be the command center rather than the other way around.
So what is keeping us back from changing? It’s two things.
Our willingness to learn and our willingness to invite change.
People are not willing to voluntarily replace their television viewing time with something beneficial like books.
Blanket statement.
And they surely aren’t willing to learn about how the mind truly operates and how our thoughts literally affect what we do, how we react, and why we do what we do.
But if you personally wish to be a stain on the sidelines of history and do nothing to better your mind, body, and spirit that’s your choice.
And I do not pity anyone for making that choice.
If that be your conscious choice do not cry “victim”, because you are not any species of victim.
Victims, in the sense in which I’m referring to, make their beds and refuse to lie in it; they always have a “scapegoat” (someone or something to blame).
Solely, the blame rests firmly on our own shoulders because the ABDICATION of our own personal responsibility to progress is now our burden.
Scapegoats become illusions once we become aware that we were raised and conditioned to abdicate our rightful thrones.
Once we become aware of that fact and we begin to understand that knowledge, we can not forget it and de-understand it.
As each of us comes to understand that something is “off” in the world, it becomes apparent that NOW is “the” pivotal time in which to initiate and complete a journey of transformation.
It has become obvious that there is not a moment we can afford to waste in the final hours of this episode.
If we are to end this chapter in the history of planetary manipulation, those who have chosen to mock the creator’s plan must not write it.
We cannot leave this change in the hands of others; it is too great a responsibility to be left to a few brave souls.
We must make our contribution in order to be assured that it shall be accomplished and that we are included in the multitude that make this a reality.
To accomplish this, we must first open our eyes and see what is happening all around us.
Then, we must come to the unpleasant understanding that we have allowed this to occur because overwhelming methodologies of deception influenced us and we resisted becoming involved through taking any personal responsibility in changing it.
We have been aware that something sinister has been present but, in all honesty, we lacked the courage to look at what it might be because of the implications of what it could involve personally.
The magnitude of the implication of what the planners of this situation are capable of doing to our personal future (and that of family and friends) has allowed our desire to know to overwhelm our reluctance.
This then leads to the necessity of considering the larger implications for the planet and its inhabitants as a whole.
This process has brought us to the point of looking directly into the face of truth. Unfortunately, it is not some religious or esoteric concept that is the “truth that will set us free” but what has been our desire to avoid at all costs.
What we must understand is that this truth is about a situation that could end our earthly experience in extremely unpleasant circumstances, and places our eternal existence in jeopardy.
The stakes are extremely high and the circumstances are dire!
This is not a time to hide in our usual excuse of “what can one person do?”
A large number of “one persons” can accomplish a great deal and remaining to be “cannon fodder” is not the solution.
It is required that we become a much more subtle influence.
Learn one truth now.
Subtle energy is powerful and the most powerful energy is subtle.
The bible says, “In the beginning was the word” but words are merely thoughts spoken out loud; therefore a more accurate translation would say, “In the beginning was thought”! That is the subtle energy that we are to employ.
We simply change the focus of our thoughts.
We mustn’t allow ourselves to dwell upon the horrors of what is planned for us, but instead turn our thoughts to what it is that we would prefer to experience and begin now.
We are trained by their methodologies of deception to think only about the programmed thoughts of acquiring things, the opinions of others, self preservation among thieves and murderers, and escape from self directed thoughts of loathing through addiction to TV, movies and Soul jarring music.
Oh, and the pursuit of sexual encounters, be it in or out of monogamous relationships.
There is also the mind- boggling profusion of religious entities further leading us away from the personal quest of understanding the connection to the source of our presence on this planet in the first place; and it’s a safe assumption to state that Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed had nothing to do with it.
It is not that these beings did not exist, nor that they weren’t here to attempt to give us guidance in getting through this dilemma, but the messages they brought were distorted long ago.
Neither did they come here to “get us out, rescue, or save us” by our belief in their existence, past or present.
They came to teach us that we must get ourselves through this by accepting or taking personal responsibility and creating through thought a new planetary experience.
In this way only, will we be able to move through this painful experience.
We may accept this responsibility by making a personal commitment between ourselves and the creative energy that focused us through thought into this existence.
We’ll know how to participate in creating what will replace this living nightmare with a new experience!
We search for it through our desire to know and participation in its creation.
Then through seemingly miraculous coincidence or “synchronicity”, how to participate shall become known.
The critical point of the process is in making the commitment within our own awareness that the most important thing is participating in the creation of an experience that is 180 degrees opposite to what is now planned to be our final earthly sojourn.
The evidence of the necessity to do this surrounds us in irrefutable profusion.
We need only to open our eyes (see), consider the changes in our personal freedoms that are happening in quick succession and listen to (hear) the researched evidence in both spoken and written presentations on the internet and in books.
Very soon those will no longer be available to us, leaving only word of mouth, so it is imperative that we respond to this information immediately.
We are encouraged to react only through our change of attitude and in our commitment to become a part of this subtly powerful movement.
There will not be an Armageddon as suggested in their version of our bible.
It shall be a replacement of their planned world through shifting the focus of the awareness of mankind toward that which is desired rather than that which is being forced upon us.
It shall be individual INNER change that shall conquer the OUTER forces that plan to control our very essence of self-awareness.
Upon the acceptance of this clarion call of individual responsibility lies the future of our survival and the experiences that wait for us within eternity.
Myth, history and Captain Cook
On Possession Island
Bain Attwood
August 4, 2020
Two hundred and fifty years ago this month, Captain James Cook famously staked a claim to much of this country.
In an entry in his journal on 22 August 1770 he described how he and a party of men had landed on the island at the northern tip of the continent that he would shortly call Possession Island, the name being a way of marking what he reckoned he had done there:
But what exactly had Cook done
in claiming possession?
In April this year the historical significance of Cook’s first landfall at Botany Bay was hotly debated, and something similar may well occur this month over his claim of possession.
Yet if the controversy that swirled around the anniversary of Cook’s landfall is any guide, we will probably be none the wiser about the historical significance of this moment.
History and myth have become too closely intertwined in academic and public discourse about what Cook did in 1770.
But what might happen if we disentangled these two ways of remembering Cook — if we distinguished between the myths that are told about his famous deeds, on the one hand, and the stories that academic history might tell about them, on the other?
t seems to me that this task is especially important
if we want to understand why
the British government never negotiated with the
Aboriginal people for the cession of sovereignty.
Basically, two kinds of myths are told about Cook.
The first myth
(The one that has most often
been told by settler Australians
figures Cook in heroic terms.)
He is the man who discovered,
claimed and founded Australia.
This story only began to be articulated several decades after Cook was believed to have performed these historic feats.
Nonetheless, by the end of the nineteenth century, this myth was being told in an increasing number of forms — in school primers, scholarly books, pictorial images, place names, commemorations, porcelain, statuary and stamps, poetry, drama and novels.
That story’s fortunes have no doubt fluctuated in recent decades but it has remained influential.
Of late, it has been given a considerable boost by the federal government’s decision to grant an enormous sum of money — $48.7 million — to commemorate in several ways the 250th anniversary of “Cook’s first voyage to Australia [sic] and the Pacific,” though the more grandiose of those plans have been scuttled by the pandemic.
The second myth
(the one told largely by
Aboriginal people and those
sympathetic to their cause
portrays Cook in anti-heroic terms.)
At the very least, he is held responsible for the fact that the sovereignty and rights of property in land of this country’s Indigenous peoples were denied by the British government on the grounds that this land was terra nullius.
At most, he is blamed for the later dispossession, displacement and destruction of this country’s first peoples.
This myth probably began to be told some time after the settler myth started to circulate widely.
But it got an enormous boost fifty years ago in reaction to the white celebration of the Cook bicentenary in 1970, and has become increasingly influential in the decades since.
More recently, after campaigns for the removal of statues in the United States, Britain and elsewhere, calls have been made for statues of Cook to be removed from Sydney’s Hyde Park and other places.
Many myths have genuine connections to a genuine past and hence are in some sense true.
This is certainly the case with the Cook myths.
In the case of the settler myth, it could be said that Cook did claim possession of a good part of this continent for the British Crown on the grounds of discovery; in the case of the Aboriginal myth, it can be said that in claiming possession Cook failed to follow his instructions to gain the consent of the native peoples.
Yet both these myths barely represent who Cook really was and what he actually did.
This is hardly surprising.
Mythic stories work in highly symbolic or abstract terms.
They are designed not so much to elucidate the past as to meet particular needs in the present, not the least of which are political ones.
National myths that assume the form of foundational stories do their work by deeming specific historical acts or events — in this case Cook’s claiming of possession — to have created the foundations of a nation.
This is true for both the settler and the Aboriginal myths of Cook, though obviously the former claims that this was for the better whereas the latter takes the opposite view.
Thus, prime minister Scott Morrison claims that Cook’s 1768–70 voyage (which he reckons saw Australia’s founding father circumnavigate the continent) “is the reason Australia is what it is today” and Labor’s Linda Burney claims that Cook’s landfall signifies “the beginning… of a very difficult period” for Indigenous people.
These mythic stories are terribly important because they help us to apprehend a good deal of the historical significance attributed to Cook’s famous acts.
But they are insufficient
if we are to truly understand them.
While the settler and Aboriginal myths of Cook tell true stories respectively about his claim of possession and the dispossession, displacement and devastation of Aboriginal people caused by British colonisation, they don’t provide a true account of Cook’s acts or the historical significance they can be said to have.
Many academic historians seem to have lost sight of, or are ignorant of, this fact.
And because they don’t distinguish between the different ways that myth and academic history represent Cook, museum curators, journalists and political figures have tended to follow suit.
To begin to grasp how the Captain Cook myths misrepresent what happened in 1770, we must note that foundational stories of this kind are highly teleological in nature.
In other words, particular acts or events are endowed with a purpose, cause or outcome that they only acquired later, even much later.
In this case, both the Australian nation (of the settler myth) and the settler colonisation (of the Aboriginal myth) are said to have begun by dint of — or even with — Cook’s acts, especially his act of claiming possession.
And so it is that we find the National Museum of Australia asserting that “Cook’s claim [of possession] would lead to the establishment of a British penal colony in New South Wales eighteen years later.”
And a Guardian Australian journalist declaring that “Indigenous people and the[ir] supporters… rightly view [Cook] as the doorman for so many ills that followed.”
And a state medical officer likening Cook’s landfall to Covid-19 as a “sudden arrival of an invader from another land, decimating populations.”
Cook’s acts on this continent, which were actually few and far between, were of much less significance to the course of this country’s history than both the settler and Aboriginal myths would have us believe.
This becomes apparent if we examine Cook’s act of claiming possession in some detail.
In the first instance, it is a mistake to regard Cook’s claim of possession in 1770 as a precursor to British colonisation of this continent.
Imperial powers often instructed agents like Cook to make claims of possession even though they had no plans to plant a colony in those places.
This was certainly true in this case.
Furthermore, imperial powers instructed their agents to make claims to very particular places — places that, in Cook’s case, the British Admiralty called “convenient situations.”
Usually what they had in mind was the staking of a claim to small amounts of land that might prove useful to empires often conceived primarily in terms of influence over the seas rather than land.
Even when agents like Cook
made claims to large territories,
they were inchoate in nature.
What is more, claims of possession like Cook’s were only preliminary: unless they were confirmed by later acts of possession of the kind associated with settlement, they were regarded as meaningless by imperial powers.
In other words, if the British government had not planted a colony in New South Wales relatively soon after Cook’s claiming of possession, its claim could have been overridden by another imperial power, just as the British government later discounted the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman’s claim on the other side of this continent and was careful to plant settlements elsewhere on the coast so that the French could not claim possession.
Just as importantly, the claims of possession made by the agents of a European power were often aimed at their imperial rivals as well as their own people, rather than at local or Indigenous peoples.
This is evidently so in the case of Cook,
who was acutely aware of other European claims.
How could he not be, given this land mass was widely known in European circles by its Dutch name, Nieuw Holland, or New Holland.
It is hardly surprising, then, that in the entry in his journal for 22 August 1770 Cook referred to the Dutch claim of possession on the grounds of “discovery” to the west of Possession Island and the absence of any such European claim to the east coast of the continent.
This practice of claiming possession of foreign lands on the basis of being the first European discoverer was all the more common because European imperial agents often found it difficult to make the kind of contact with local peoples necessary to win their consent.
Cook evidently felt a sense of relief when a small group of Aboriginal people didn’t oppose the landing of his party at “Possession Island” but made off instead, leaving his party, to his mind, “in peaceable possession of as much of the island as served our purpose.”
Most importantly, it is a mistake to assume that the claims of possession made by an imperial agent like Cook dictated the terms on which an imperial power would treat the sovereignty, let alone rights in land, of Indigenous people.
This starts to become clear if we loosen the grip of national foundational stories and compare the case of New South Wales with that of New Zealand — or Nieuw Zeeland, as Aotearoa was named by the Dutch.
Cook claimed possession of small parts of Aotearoa on the very same terms that he claimed parts of this continent, without acquiring the consent of its sovereign peoples.
Yet in 1839, when the British government decided it should annex the islands of New Zealand, it opted to negotiate the cession of sovereignty with the local chiefs.
In other words, the terms on which Cook claimed possession in New Zealand in 1769 did not bind the British government in 1839.
Given this, why do we assume that it did so in regard to New South Wales in 1788?
The answer is surely found in the kind of teleology that characterises national foundational stories.
A comparison between these two cases
reveals another important point.
There is little reliable evidence to suggest that the terms on which Cook claimed possession in New South Wales were determined by his perception that the Indigenous people were either small in numbers or lacking sovereignty and rights of property in land.
Cook perceived Māori very differently but still claimed possession of parts of New Zealand on the same basis as he claimed parts of New Holland.
And so we come to the famous story of terra nullius.
It, too, can be regarded as a myth in the sense that I have been using this word.
Terra nullius has been used to refer to any legal claim that lands newly discovered by European powers belonged to no one.
This is so irrespective of the precise grounds on which such a claim was made. In other words, claims of possession that were often based on a series of different legal rationales ― such as those of discovery, improvement, and settlement ― have been treated by historians as though they were all made on the basis of a single legal doctrine known as terra nullius.
More problematic still, the contention that the British government claimed possession of much of this continent in 1770 or 1788 on the basis of the doctrine of terra nullius is anachronistic.
Quite simply, there was neither a doctrine bearing this name nor any historical record of it being used by imperial powers in any systematic fashion until the mid to late nineteenth century.
To be sure, some historians have argued that the doctrine of terra nullius derived by analogy from a similar doctrine know as res nullius and that the latter had firm foundations in a body of law that predated 1770 or 1788, while other historians have contended that terra nullius was connected to another legal doctrine known as occupation.
But the fact of the matter is that
the British government invoked
neither the doctrine of res nullius
nor the doctrine of occupation
as it began to colonise New Holland.
Instead, it appears to have claimed possession of much of this continent in 1788 on the basis of an amalgam of three other legal doctrines: discovery, which was a claim to be a territory’s first European discoverer; possessio, which was a claim that a person or state who had something and intended to possess it should be regarded as its possessor; and usucapio, which was a claim on the basis of having possessed something for a certain period without interruption.
As this discussion suggests, and as I argue in my book Empire and the Making of Native Title, if we want to understand why the British government never sought to negotiate a treaty with the Indigenous people in order to acquire sovereignty and purchase land, we need to look elsewhere than Cook and his doings in 1770.
Indeed, it is only by shifting our gaze away from 1770 — and by grasping the distinctive nature of the historical truths that mythic stories tell about moments that actually occurred much later — that we are able to explain the plight of so many Aboriginal Australians today.
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Knowledgeable Internet political observers
likely know that for the past 15 years
John Kaminski has been trying to
get the world to understand that a
super rich Jewish intelligentsia
is responsible for all the trauma
that torments the world on a daily basis.
ALL the World Wars
Poison medicine
Toxic food
Corrupt government
Phony elections
Sadistic cops
Cowardly preachers
Financial strangulation
Environment pollution
The blame for all these crises
is the same in every instance.
But the shades are pulled down in people’s minds.
To venture into this territory
is to write your own destruction.
Like the ranchers out West who acted on principle and are now being held without bail, naked in solitary confinement, abused by the guards, found innocent but rearrested on new, arbitrary charges, so the American people are sloshed back and forth by the lies of their government.
Worst of all, the public pays no attention to their plight of these ranchers, even though it is a harbinger of what soon with happen to all of us.
At the age of 72, John Kaminski has learned that virtually every facet of our society is owned and controlled — and probably invented — by Jews.
That last one hundred years of our history is demonstrably false and destructive, because it reveals the massive theft from and perversion of Americans who foolishly trusted in their silver-tongued leaders and failed to perceive how the deck has been stacked against them.
Whenever Kaminski investigated the great political crimes or the famous social upheavals, the tangents always led back to the Jews.
This had happened so many times, so when 9/11 happened he was equipped to perceive it and all its devastating effects on the world around us.
Initially embraced by the public for his frank stance on the 9/11 atrocity, he was later shunned for openly pinning the blame on the Israeli Mossad and the Jewish international bank manipulators, who are the owners of the media working hard to cover up these crimes.
This is Kaminski’s 10th website since 2003, all of them operated by professionals who volunteered their time because they believed what Kaminski was saying needed to be heard by the widest possible audiences.
This will be the first one more or less run by himself.
Kaminski believes as many people as possible need to realize that the Jews who are running our country absolutely do not have our best interests at heart.
Ordinary American citizens are no more than cattle, and now they’re importing savages from Third World countries to reduce the affluence of Americans down to the level of the rest of the world’s nations, many of whom have millions of their citizens living in landfills, which is the Jewish plan for the rest of the world.
If you fail to believe what Kaminski reports, then I urge you to examine your own life and feel how much the noose around your own brain is tightening in the midst of all the lies the government spews out every day.
Rather than making the country more refined and its citizens more capable, the Jewish controlled powers that be have instead sought to diminish the intellect of its citizens so they would be less apt to complain about crony capitalism and how the rich — mostly Jews — live off the fat of the land while the majority of the world battles starvation on a daily basis and has no say in their own future.
John Kaminski edited small town newspapers, mostly in New England, for the better part of three decades.
During that time he learned two things:
1, that a reporter’s greatest enemy is his own publisher, who must conceal the crimes of his advertisers in order to survive; and
2, the media can devastate the lives of innocent people, not only by unjustly defaming them, but by changing the way they think and tricking them ….
It is necessary to reduce, if not destroy,
the tendency of Jewish people
to practice a very great number of activities
that are harmful to civilization
and to public order in society
in all the countries of the world
– Napoleon Bonaparte –
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The secret battle
for Humanity’s Future
Unveiling the staggering reality
behind Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370:
this was no ordinary crash.
It marked the beginning of a covert war between White Hat forces and the Deep State.
What the world saw as a tragic disappearance was, in fact, an intricate military operation that changed everything. This isn’t just another conspiracy—this is the truth they don’t want you to know.
Superconductivity Microchips:
The Deep State’s Power Source
MH370 was carrying more than passengers—it held 20 elite semiconductor engineers transporting technology worth trillions.
These superconductivity microchips were a game-changer.
We’re talking antigravity propulsion, military weapons that could rewrite the rules of warfare, and even cloaking tech that could hide entire planets.
That’s right
this was no simple accident.
The Deep State had plans to deliver this tech to China, using the flight as cover.
But White Hat forces
were already two steps ahead.
A Global Operation
to expose corruption
The U.S., China, Russia, Mossad, MI6—they all knew what was really happening with MH370.
The stakes were monumental.
The Rothschild-affiliated globalists and CCP elites were about to receive tech that could shift global power in their favor forever.
But White Hat forces, including patriots like Admiral Rogers and General Flynn, were ready to counter this global scheme.
The plane didn’t just vanish; it was a military operation to strike at the heart of the Deep State’s corrupt empire.
The Space Force and the Truth Hidden from Us
MH370 didn’t go down
without leaving a trail.
Advanced surveillance systems like the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) had their eyes on the flight the entire time.
They know everything that happened—but the truth has been kept from the public.
Over 3,000 satellites tracked MH370, yet we’re told it simply “disappeared.”
The Deep State worked overtime to bury the truth, but the White Hats had already infiltrated their networks.
This isn’t about a plane
it’s about control
The Deep State’s agenda was always about controlling humanity.
By capturing these superconductivity microchips, they could control military systems worldwide and keep their global stranglehold intact.
But White Hats
turned the tables.
MH370 was a turning point, and the fight for humanity’s future began in the skies that day.
The War Isn’t Over—But We’re Winning
We’re in the midst of a battle for the soul of the world.
The U.S. Space Force is leading the charge, dismantling the Deep State’s underground operations.
Their time is up.
The truth is emerging—fast.
Stay alert, stay vigilant.
The White Hats are winning,
and the storm is
closer than you think.
Click image to go to website
The Fed’s Scam Exposed:
How the private bank
chains you to eternal debt!
You’ve been deceived from the start.
Everything you think you know
about your government,
your freedom, your country
it’s all a carefully constructed illusion.
The United States?
It’s not a nation.
It’s a corporation, legally established in 1871, designed to enslave you under the guise of democracy.
The United States isn’t governed by constitutional law—it’s governed by corporate law.
That’s why the flag you pledge allegiance to isn’t even the American flag; it’s the flag of the United States Corporation.
The real American flag?
Erased from history, because they don’t want you to know the truth.
The fasces symbol—those bundles of sticks with an axe—displayed next to the president during his speeches is not an accident.
It’s a symbol of global fascism, representing the elites’ collective power and their readiness to crush anyone who stands against them.
You think you live in a republic?
The United States has two states in every state.
There’s “California” and the “State of California.” One is the land, the other is a corporate entity controlled by Washington, D.C., itself a corporate headquarters.
The “State of” anything means you’re dealing with the corporate side, not the land or the people.
And when you go to court, it’s a corporate tribunal—designed to extract fines and enforce the policies of the United States Corporation, not deliver justice.
The banking system is rigged.
The Federal Reserve, a private entity, prints money out of thin air and loans it to the government, creating endless debt designed to keep you enslaved.
You think the dollar is a tool of freedom? It’s the very chain that binds you.
The military?
They’re not protecting you—they’re protecting corporate interests.
Every war the U.S. has ever fought was for profit, not freedom.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam—these weren’t about spreading democracy.
They were about securing resources and enriching the global elite.
The soldiers?
Pawns in a much larger game.
Your data?
It’s harvested every second.
Every call, every text, every website you visit is tracked and sold by corporations working hand-in-hand with intelligence agencies.
This isn’t about protecting you from threats—it’s about controlling you.
They know everything about you.
You are the product.
You are the commodity being traded in this corporate prison.
The media?
They’re not telling you the truth.
Every news outlet is owned by the same few corporations.
It’s all propaganda to keep you asleep.
They manufacture crises, wars, pandemics, and economic crashes to keep you afraid and obedient.
It’s a global operation.
The goal?
A one-world corporate order, where the elites control everything: resources, money, technology, and yes, even you.
You’re not free.
You’re a cog in their machine, designed to generate profit and stay compliant.
The system is perfect—it’s not broken.
It’s meant to keep you in the dark while they pull the strings.
The truth is hidden in plain sight, in symbols, in laws,
in the very structure of the country you think you know.
The time to wake up is now
because they are tightening their grip.
Every day you remain blind
is another day they grow stronger.
Click image to go to website
Kamala Devi Harris turned 666 months old
on 4/20/20
which is on Adolf Hitler’s 131st birthday,
and became VP on 1/20/21,
exactly 9 months gestation period later,
to the exact day.
Dates of events for ancient ‘gods’ are hyper-specific backwards and forwards to manifest their intent, all entered into the Nibiru Chimera Reality Simulation quantum computer that brings about their highly detailed script it will now play out.
Kamala Devi Harris has just been proven by Candace Owens as being from Indian heritage in a series of reports, going back multiple generations.
She (*He, born Kamal Aroush in Benghazi, according to Patrick Bouvier Kennedy) is, as a matter of fact, not black.
However, you will come to learn in a moment her skin color is merely a holographic façade.
Candice Owens reveals why
Kamala Harris
wants to be known as black
However, this part of the plot follows “Kamala Devi Harris” back into ancient times; where there is now major confusion surrounding “her” true race, he/she had back then, believe it or not.
Innerstand now, that ancient ‘gods’ have many, many different names, as they always change from one life to the next, and also differ from one iteration of themselves to the next as well, as they don’t manifest in 1 body that can easily be killed off.
They have many bodies, both in stasis as well as walking around.
Each iteration has different names but is often utterly identical in appearance and voice.
Which can be in the thousands.
This is how they ‘live forever’.
Each body lives a regular lifespan, but the dynastic rule remains forever in place with at least one of their selves, often in multiple kingdoms, at the same time.
I can tell you right now, that if Ninhursag were in rule again today, as queen or prime minister, and she died, another Ninhursag would show up an hour later (or minutes later, anywhere in the world), that even her own secretary couldn’t tell it was not the same queen as the day before.
They really are like carbon copies, and they always have different ages running at the same time, to make sure the next ‘generation’ will be there to take office when the ‘older generation’ finally has to retire that avatar.
So now we see that numerology, or the scripted code of the Andromeda iteration of Enki Lucifer’s spirit essence playing out from 10/20/1964 … was, in fact, also Shiva the Destroyer during one life, or ‘iteration’ of Enki.
That’s right, you’re starting to innerstand who the players really are.
They aren’t billions of different invader beings that have kept humankind hostage through the ages; they are a handful of ‘more than 50 different species’ (of animals, insects, fowl, frogs, horses, wolves, cats, gargoyles, crocodiles etc), as I was told by Ninhursag that had engineered their human chimera bodies in E-Den.
In addition to the E-Den drama entrance of these very low-vibration hoards that arrived to Tara Earth 798k years ago, you can add to that number, the ‘fallen angels’ … that predated E-Den, by more than ½ billion years, that first locked down the Human Elohim evolution.
All told I believe you have 300 total beings (the Committee of 300) who have now fractalized themselves into billions of the same beings who are not their ‘children’ here, they are literally portions of their own individual awarenesses, but walking around in different bodies as explained.
So Kamala, or more accurately, Enki Lucifer, will also be playing the more-than-likely roles of Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, the now-late Queen Elizabeth, and even more of the utterly-insane power freaks you see at the top of the political world stage today.
Also innerstand, they can take over other people’s bodies, who are already in positions of power, that they want to assimilate, & can make clones of that person as well, placing their awareness inside that body; then ‘swap out’ the original, with no one having any idea what just happened, where a computer techno geek suddenly becomes an ‘expert’ on vaccines overnight, with no credentials, and everyone just goes with it.
Anyone paying attention will notice many ‘body doubles’ playing the role of Donald Trump, who is NOT just ‘one guy’ here.
But a MASSIVE army of unthinkable power, showing you one single “Donald” on stage, when the ‘real’ Donald, we’ve been told has been sequestered inside NORAD, since Nov of 2020, behind 8 feet of thick reinforced steel, with Space Force and the George Onassis twins playing the role allegedly of ‘JFK Jr’.
They say the ‘real’ Donald Trump is in NORAD because one of his avatars (of which he was using 4 at the time) died in a helo crash on Oct 10, 1989.
The ‘Trump’ that’s in NORAD is merely one body, which can be replaced later if need be due to health issues.
This is where you learn that you don’t have countless grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts & and uncles, and cousins numbering into the trillions going back in time.
You have a small cast of players; I take to be less than ten, who are your closest friends in the cosmeias, that you entered into manifestation with here, who play different roles, life after life, with you each time.
Perhaps this time, you play the mother role, and she’ll be your daughter, & in the next life, you will play the grandpa, etc.
The big difference between the invader races/ NA’s and humans is that humans know nothing about what’s happening and are only given 1 body at a time (2 actually .. but you aren’t told who your Twin Flame is) and the children of Enki Lucifer, Marduk Lucifer Satain, Thoth Lucifer (who are all more than likely fractals of Enki’s own awareness and not actually ‘sons’), Enlil etc., are read in on the playbook from birth.
There are roughly 2 billion humans on-plane, and somewhere just over that number, I gather of the invading armies.
While on that subject, just let me introduce you to another god of Babylon.
For those who are staring in total disbelief right now at your screen, innerstand this actor, a Crypto (imposter) J3w (known as Sammies), is the direct cousin of Donald Trump, who is a well-known Crypto J3w.
As is JFK, also his direct cousin, & also Crypto J3w.
Just to be clear here, all negative ETs on-plane are ‘Anunnaki’, as they are here under the authority that is given to them by the Jehovah Anunnaki, which requires they mix their DNA with theirs, as the Anunnaki genetic template is coded to war, rape & murder of Human Elohim (the only rightful visible inhabitants of Tara), & if you’re going to be here, that will be your primary instinct.
The label ‘Crypto J3ws’ is a cipher code, back to all species of Anunnaki, due to their bloodlines in this epoch era leading back to Sumer-Ur, Babylon.
All of these are ETs, but not all the same species.
The term Crypto J3w simply means “not Human” in general terms.
Trump, JFK & Elvis are from the Lincoln bloodline that goes back to King David, who are known as the ‘gods of Olympus’ & are Tall Whites (Nordic).
The Leviathan Dragons are based on reptilian genetics known as Blue Bloods that like to pose as royals over the peoples.
The ‘gods of Olympus’ who predated the Leviathan Dragons, now commonly referred to collectively as ‘the fallen angels’ … who are currently at all-out war against the Leviathans, you’re crediting their battle dramas as ‘acts of nature’ as the biggest hurricane/tornado possibly ever seen, just went through Florida up through North Carolina, and absolutely wiped out entire cities, in multiple republican states called ‘Hurricane Helene’ on Sept 27, 2024.
The Olympian gods are a blend of the Anuhazi Elohim, the giants from Antiparticle Gaia, known as the Nephilim, Samjase Pleiadians (Arayan Human hybrids), the Centaurs who were known in ancient Greece as ‘Centurions’ that ruled the Olympic games, plus a few other off-world species such as the Khepri Scarab beetle kings.
As they are commonly called ‘Tall Whites’, now you know where the term ‘the white hats’ comes from.
To be clear, this is a war between tall white people with colorful eyes and hair, who are being cancelled now across the nation, and black-haired and brown-eyed people with Humans, caught in the middle, who have all of both those features.
Olympians vs. Leviathans.
As mentioned at the start of this thread, the Nibiru Chimera Reality Simulation runs off of ciphered codes to play out the desired script, & Gematria is the encoding program.
So let’s look at how hurricane Helene was scripted and who it was meant for.
👉🏻 Trump’s favorite ‘misspelling’ in his comms is stollen.
Now, innerstand that stollen equates to 325 in Gematria.
When he uses this cipher, he is speaking directly to someone, but who?
👉🏻 Entering stollen into the Gematria decoder online at in J3wish numerology:
The very first result at the top of the list is the Leviathan Marduk, son/daughter of Enki Lucifer and current reigning lord of Tara earth.
Which you will know by now actually means Enki Lucifer himself, now supposedly ‘retired’.
Not retired, just in a different body.
👉🏻 Scroll down a bit further below Marduk, you will also see Tornado.
“Stollen” is a verbalized direct threat to the Leviathan Dragon camp (‘Kamala Devi Harris’) that the gods of Olympus plan to send a twister, tornado or hurricane their way.
Hence ‘a storm is coming’.
Interestingly, when you enter ‘Helene’ into Gematria, guess what you see as a result?
👉🏻 The FIRST result is Golf, Trump’s favorite pastime.
👉🏻 Below that, you get Moab, as in Mother of all bombs (should that be Moas for Mother of all storms?).
👉🏻 And below THAT, you will see Eloh(-im).
Helene came, signed, sealed, and delivered.
👉🏻 Where is the highest concentration of Leviathan tunnels for child ritual sacrifice found in America?
In the cities, Helene just flooded on a biblical scale, not to mention the Vanderbilt Mansion in Asheville North Carolina with 125,000 acres of human hunting forest grounds.
Keep in mind that human hunting parties are run by the Leviathans, as are the satainic blood ritual sacrifices.
It’s a dragon thing.
Let’s get back to Enki, the Great Whore of Babylon now.
Andromeda is categorized in ancient literature, as Indian who some want to assert now she is black because her parents were rulers in Ethiopia.
However, she was specifically called “Indian Andromeda” by the flying god Perseus (Thoth Hermes).
Wikipedia: Andromeda;
Ancient 6th century BC Corinthian depiction of Andromeda shows a very specifically black Perseus saving a tan-skinned Andromeda from the giant serpent that Poseidon …(Thoth’s mother/father Enki Lucifer) had sent to devour Andromeda.
And yes, iterations of the same person do, in fact, fly in each other’s faces on certain things but remain unified when it comes to the overarching goal of ruling over humans.
What no one is aware of in our modern times is that reversing words & titles is how the Anuhazi Elohim communicate since the ‘split’.
What happened was after the 1st Rescue Mission of the Lost Souls of Tara, (LSOT=LOST) 250 million years ago, when Tara earth had healed enough to support life again, after the nearly total destruction of Tara, that left all life on earth disembodied (LOST), all the invader races agreed to join the Emerald Covenant, in order to have access to the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty of Palaidor, that was a special process of providing new avatar bodies for the otherwise permanently LOST, as unless you have a physical body, you are trapped inside the time matrix, unable to ever leave.
And, since it had already been 300m years of being trapped, after being vaporized in the war 550m years ago, it was either join or forget about those beings forever.
So the invaders joined the Emerald Alliance, saved many of their LOST warriors & worked with the Guardians for a very long time, toward getting all of their people salvaged.
Then, for whatever reason, around 120,000 years ago, they decided to fall out of the BioRegenesis Treaty and turned on Humans once again.
This was the ‘split’.
At that time, the Olympic gods (Anuhazi Elohim side) decided they would cipher their words, using earthly languages, by merely reversing the spelling.
Since that time, across countless resets of the Human evolution, they would also reverse, tilt & print upside-down the letters as well, to disconnect our breadcrumbs back to our previous histories from our knowledge.
It was at that ‘split’ when the ‘fallen angels’ changed their name from The Michaelube, (guardians) of the Lilibeam, to The Michaelube, Suns (sons) of Ba’al, that was the demarcation of their once again returning to ‘renegades’ against Humans (anti-Krystos).
The children of Lilith (one of Ninhursag’s iterations that was the first ‘Eve’) were known as the Lilibeam, so they took Lilib and reversed it to Bilil.
Over time, they changed the spelling to Balal and eventually removed the middle L and substituted ‘.
This change marked the official reversal cipher for their codex across their many factions down here on the ground.
It is for this fact alone that I categorize Ninhursag (Lilith/Eve) as having been from the Anuhazi Elohim camp, all along and only worked with the Leviathans on the E-Den project.
She is no longer chummy with the Leviathans after such a betrayal.
The new species were supposed to be free to ascend.
Only later Enki revealed he intended them as eternal slaves.
Now, she has to face a karmic backlash impossible to even quantify.
So now, with all that in mind, let’s clarify exactly who Kamala actually is.
👉🏻 In Hinduism, Shakta philosophy, Kamalā Devī is one of the many personalities of ‘consort’ to Olīśadeva (Shiva, the original ‘diva’)
Kamala Devi (Leviathan) is simply another iteration of Shiva’s countless personalities, just as the handful of beings here, with actual superpowers and knowledge, of how to have multiple bodies, who continually become known as different beings, in history, when in fact like Thoth the Atlantean, later would become known as Perseus, and later as Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, Pythagoras, Hippocrates and many, many others.
👉🏻 Kamala Devi in Gematria is 781 & brings up Am True Leader Of Earth.
👉🏻Hermaphrodite Kamal Aroush changed hisher name to Kamala Devi.
The alternative spelling of the word Kamala is Kamal.
👉🏻Kamala Devi is known as the laughing (cackling) goddess.
👉🏻Kamala Devi Harris in Gematria is 1049, resulting in Halloween.
👉🏻Shiva the Destroyer is a hermaphrodite that appears as a woman but is also a man.
See the top left of the graphic below taken from Wikipedia
Sovereign Redneck Renegade – Christos Guardian Alliance Warrior, [06-Oct-24 10:57 AM]
For those who are staring in total disbelief right now at your screen, innerstand this actor, a Crypto (imposter) J3w (known as Sammies), is the direct cousin of Donald Trump, who is a well-known Crypto J3w.
As is JFK, also his direct cousin, & also Crypto J3w.
Just to be clear here, all negative ETs on-plane are ‘Anunnaki’, as they are here under the authority that is given to them by the Jehovah Anunnaki, which requires they mix their DNA with theirs, as the Anunnaki genetic template is coded to war, rape & murder of Human Elohim (the only rightful visible inhabitants of Tara), & if you’re going to be here, that will be your primary instinct.
The label ‘Crypto J3ws’ is a cipher code, back to all species of Anunnaki, due to their bloodlines in this epoch era leading back to Sumer-Ur, Babylon.
All of these are ETs, but not all the same species.
The term Crypto J3w simply means “not Human” in general terms.
Trump, JFK & Elvis are from the Lincoln bloodline that goes back to King David, who are known as the ‘gods of Olympus’ & are Tall Whites (Nordic).
The Leviathan Dragons are based on reptilian genetics known as Blue Bloods that like to pose as royals over the peoples.
The ‘gods of Olympus’ who predated the Leviathan Dragons, now commonly referred to collectively as ‘the fallen angels’ … who are currently at all-out war against the Leviathans, you’re crediting their battle dramas as ‘acts of nature’ as the biggest hurricane/tornado possibly ever seen, just went through Florida up through North Carolina, and absolutely wiped out entire cities, in multiple republican states called ‘Hurricane Helene’ on Sept 27, 2024.
The Olympian gods are a blend of the Anuhazi Elohim, the giants from Antiparticle Gaia, known as the Nephilim, Samjase Pleiadians (Arayan Human hybrids), the Centaurs who were known in ancient Greece as ‘Centurions’ that ruled the Olympic games, plus a few other off-world species such as the Khepri Scarab beetle kings.
As they are commonly called ‘Tall Whites’, now you know where the term ‘the white hats’ comes from.
To be clear, this is a war between tall white people with colorful eyes and hair, who are being cancelled now across the nation, and black-haired and brown-eyed people with Humans, caught in the middle, who have all of both those features.
Olympians vs. Leviathans.
As mentioned at the start of this thread, the Nibiru Chimera Reality Simulation runs off of ciphered codes to play out the desired script, & Gematria is the encoding program.
So let’s look at how hurricane Helene was scripted and who it was meant for.
👉🏻 Trump’s favorite ‘misspelling’ in his comms is stollen.
Now, innerstand that stollen equates to 325 in Gematria.
When he uses this cipher, he is speaking directly to someone, but who?
👉🏻 Entering stollen into the Gematria decoder online at in J3wish numerology:
The very first result at the top of the list is the Leviathan Marduk, son/daughter of Enki Lucifer and current reigning lord of Tara earth.
Which you will know by now actually means Enki Lucifer himself, now supposedly ‘retired’.
Not retired, just in a different body.
👉🏻 Scroll down a bit further below Marduk, you will also see Tornado.
“Stollen” is a verbalized direct threat to the Leviathan Dragon camp (‘Kamala Devi Harris’) that the gods of Olympus plan to send a twister, tornado or hurricane their way.
Hence ‘a storm is coming’.
Interestingly, when you enter ‘Helene’ into Gematria, guess what you see as a result?
👉🏻 The FIRST result is Golf, Trump’s favorite pastime.
👉🏻 Below that, you get Moab, as in Mother of all bombs (should that be Moas for Mother of all storms?).
👉🏻 And below THAT, you will see Eloh(-im).
Helene came, signed, sealed, and delivered.
👉🏻 Where is the highest concentration of Leviathan tunnels for child ritual sacrifice found in America?
In the cities, Helene just flooded on a biblical scale, not to mention the Vanderbilt Mansion in Asheville North Carolina with 125,000 acres of human hunting forest grounds.
Keep in mind that human hunting parties are run by the Leviathans, as are the satainic blood ritual sacrifices.
It’s a dragon thing.
Let’s get back to Enki, the Great Whore of Babylon now.
Andromeda is categorized in ancient literature, as Indian who some want to assert now she is black because her parents were rulers in Ethiopia.
However, she was specifically called “Indian Andromeda” by the flying god Perseus (Thoth Hermes).
Wikipedia: Andromeda;
Ancient 6th century BC Corinthian depiction of Andromeda shows a very specifically black Perseus saving a tan-skinned Andromeda from the giant serpent that Poseidon …(Thoth’s mother/father Enki Lucifer) had sent to devour Andromeda.
And yes, iterations of the same person do, in fact, fly in each other’s faces on certain things but remain unified when it comes to the overarching goal of ruling over humans.
What no one is aware of in our modern times is that reversing words & titles is how the Anuhazi Elohim communicate since the ‘split’.
What happened was after the 1st Rescue Mission of the Lost Souls of Tara, (LSOT=LOST) 250 million years ago, when Tara earth had healed enough to support life again, after the nearly total destruction of Tara, that left all life on earth disembodied (LOST), all the invader races agreed to join the Emerald Covenant, in order to have access to the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty of Palaidor, that was a special process of providing new avatar bodies for the otherwise permanently LOST, as unless you have a physical body, you are trapped inside the time matrix, unable to ever leave.
And, since it had already been 300m years of being trapped, after being vaporized in the war 550m years ago, it was either join or forget about those beings forever.
So the invaders joined the Emerald Alliance, saved many of their LOST warriors & worked with the Guardians for a very long time, toward getting all of their people salvaged.
Then, for whatever reason, around 120,000 years ago, they decided to fall out of the BioRegenesis Treaty and turned on Humans once again.
This was the ‘split’.
At that time, the Olympic gods (Anuhazi Elohim side) decided they would cipher their words, using earthly languages, by merely reversing the spelling.
Since that time, across countless resets of the Human evolution, they would also reverse, tilt & print upside-down the letters as well, to disconnect our breadcrumbs back to our previous histories from our knowledge.
It was at that ‘split’ when the ‘fallen angels’ changed their name from The Michaelube, (guardians) of the Lilibeam, to The Michaelube, Suns (sons) of Ba’al, that was the demarcation of their once again returning to ‘renegades’ against Humans (anti-Krystos).
The children of Lilith (one of Ninhursag’s iterations that was the first ‘Eve’) were known as the Lilibeam, so they took Lilib and reversed it to Bilil.
Over time, they changed the spelling to Balal and eventually removed the middle L and substituted ‘.
This change marked the official reversal cipher for their codex across their many factions down here on the ground.
It is for this fact alone that I categorize Ninhursag (Lilith/Eve) as having been from the Anuhazi Elohim camp, all along and only worked with the Leviathans on the E-Den project.
She is no longer chummy with the Leviathans after such a betrayal.
The new species were supposed to be free to ascend.
Only later Enki revealed he intended them as eternal slaves.
Now, she has to face a karmic backlash impossible to even quantify.
So now, with all that in mind, let’s clarify exactly who Kamala actually is.
👉🏻 In Hinduism, Shakta philosophy, Kamalā Devī is one of the many personalities of ‘consort’ to Olīśadeva (Shiva, the original ‘diva’)
Kamala Devi (Leviathan) is simply another iteration of Shiva’s countless personalities, just as the handful of beings here, with actual superpowers and knowledge, of how to have multiple bodies, who continually become known as different beings, in history, when in fact like Thoth the Atlantean, later would become known as Perseus, and later as Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, Pythagoras, Hippocrates and many, many others.
👉🏻 Kamala Devi in Gematria is 781 & brings up Am True Leader Of Earth.
👉🏻Hermaphrodite Kamal Aroush changed hisher name to Kamala Devi.
The alternative spelling of the word Kamala is Kamal.
👉🏻Kamala Devi is known as the laughing (cackling) goddess.
👉🏻Kamala Devi Harris in Gematria is 1049, resulting in Halloween.
👉🏻Shiva the Destroyer is a hermaphrodite that appears as a woman but is also a man.
See the top left of the graphic below taken from Wikipedia
👉🏻Shiva the Destroyer is also the mascot of CERN, the large hadron collider in Geneva Switzerland that has openly admitted in previous years their objective is to ‘open portals to other dimensions’.
👉🏻 Kamal Aroush, a hermaphrodite prostitute
to the Blue Blood elite (Leviathans),
was born in Benghazi on Oct 20, 1964,
the same date as Adolf Hitler 666 months prior
(the Mark of the Beast).
He/she then became VP on 1/20/21,
exactly 9 months gestation period later,
to the very day after its birth date.
👉🏻 Kamala Devi Harris’ provenance, since the name change, of accomplishments add up to 155 in Gematria that brings back a result of The Great Wall of China.
👉🏻The two brightest stars in Andromeda (Shiva) are Sirrah and Alamak called The Wall.
Sirrah and Alamak spelled backward is Kamala Harris.
Click image to go to website
Are we in a simulation?
Yes and no, depending on your perspective.
We’re not in an artificial or “digital” reality. We exist in the same reality as all other life in the universe.
We can’t see other life around us because of frequency. All life is a vibrational expression of density (state of being) within a particular dimension (location).
Most humans don’t yet understand that with our current physical senses we’re only able to perceive a limited frequency range. The Shift pulls the veil away completely.
We’re in an environment maintained by light forces as a school where ET souls (starseeds) volunteer to experience duality alongside evolving Earth-native souls. Light forces prevent outside interference, manage soul plans and volunteer as Guides.
In some ways it’s like a game. The objective is to awaken spiritually. Negative choices bring negative outcomes, positive choices bring positive outcomes. There’s nothing to fear about the game itself because the soul is always safe.
There’s moral free will for all souls, which isn’t the same as “freedom”. There are unseen dark forces who can’t directly harm us but are allowed to lie and manipulate us into making self-destructive choices.
Starseeds return home between incarnations and choose when to return. As incarnated humans, many of you have lived and died hundreds or thousands of times. (This is my 78th lifetime, a low number.) When a starseed dies as a human they wake up in a “light chamber” back home, or merge with their higher “twin soul” aspect, who could be back home or on a craft.
When an Earth-native soul dies they go to the Galactic Federation “haven of light” where they receive guidance and healing between lifetimes. Earth-native souls reincarnate only on Earth because there’s nowhere else for them to be. This is the reality for life on planets everywhere. Ascension is primarily for their benefit as starseeds are already higher beings.
There are over 200 million starseeds currently incarnated on Earth from other worlds and most won’t know what this means until the Shift. Hundreds of ET races have incarnated throughout history, and currently there are only 9.
Starseeds and Earth-native souls both transition to become 5D humans at the Shift. Starseeds won’t return to their original identities until choosing to go home.
We’re in a figurative “matrix” of good and evil, with rules instead of chaos. Our choices matter and nothing we experience is wasted. Light forces are always in control and there’s nothing to fear. The Shift will reveal everything.
Click image to go to website
Did Dutroux
also kidnap a Dutch girl?
DNA now
being compared in Netherlands
Who is Dutroux?
Dutroux is a Belgian convicted serial killer, serial rapist, and child molester.
Initially convicted for the abduction and rape of five young girls in 1989, Dutroux was released on parole after just three years’ imprisonment.
He was arrested again in 1996 on suspicion of having abducted, tortured, and sexually abused six girls aged between 8 and 19, four of whom died.
His trial was widely publicised, and he was convicted on all charges in 2004.
The lenient result of Dutroux’s first prosecution, as well as shortcomings on the part of the police in investigating his murders, caused widespread discontent with the criminal justice system – resulting in the complete reorganisation of Belgium’s law enforcement agencies.
Ending world wide sex syndicate pedophilia operations//// ] you are witnessing the EXPOSURE and downfall of the CABAL SYSTEM///[ ASHTON KUTCHER] > KILL BOX
Hillary/Epstein/CIA [ ds]ops
Sean Carter/Reid Hoffman
Clive Davis>
Kamala Harris/> OBAMA
THORN cia software for facial recognition of children with >McCain institute
Cindy McCain says they all knew what EPSTEIN was doing… but still they did nothing.
ERNIE ALLEN (child protection advisor for THORN) ran missing children’s program under the Clinton foundation
Important history of ERNIE ALLEN & CLINTONS connection
Marc Dutroux the serial killer rapists in the Belgium was a massive cover-up of pedophilia, killing sex films live recordings, human trafficking all connected to the Belgium Royal/ House hold and networks into government offices.
(The following departments currently make up the King’s Household:
the Department for Economic, Social and Cultural Affair ,
the King’s Cabinet the King’s Military Household
the King’s Civil List
the Department for Foreign Relations
the Department of the Protocol of the Court
the Department of Petitions)
Dutroux’s accomplices included his wife, Michelle Martin; Michel Lelièvre;
Michel Nihoul, Bernard Weinstein. Michel Nihoul, “a Brussels businessman, pub-owner and familiar face at sex parties was connected to politicians and Elites of Belgium and was initially tried as an accomplice to the kidnappings but was acquitted for insufficient evidence; he was instead convicted of involvement in a gang that participated in human trafficking and drug trafficking, and was sentenced to five years in prison.
Weinstein was never tried as he was murdered by Dutroux before being identified as an accomplice. _ X-Files Belgium cover-up refers to the horrific witness accounts of a pedophile network including top Belgium Elites. Military intelligence, policing agencies all connected to the Kingdom of the Belgium Royal family /House holdhold.
The five women and the male transvestite who testified anonymously in Belgium under the code-name “X” described an underworld of snuff movies (movies made from real live killings of sex torture or satanic ritual) and sadomasochist torture.
Operation X files was to have concluded several servers, documentation and videos that confirmed the alligations that corrected the pedophilia networks and sex trafficking, sex killings to politicians, highly placed members of society and the Royal House, Family and Kingdom.
The outcome of X files report and exposure evolved into a full cover-up by the Kingdom of Belgium.
Even prosecuting journalist who exposed the story.
A Belgium prominent Judge Poncelet’s son, a police officer, was involved in the case in which Mr. Dutroux was implicated in a murder.
The judges son was murdered soon after and unsolved.
And during and soon after the investigation into Marc Dutroux a chain of extraordinary crimes and murder of the Socialist leader Andre Cools, and an several unsolved series of random murders happened, Judge Poncelet stated.
Judge Guy Poncelet, called the X FILES “brilliant .”
He said that “certain political and judicial authorities,” with the help of the state radio and television and much of the press, had deliberately played down disturbing evidence uncovered in the Dutroux investigation.
Dutroux confessed he had not acted alone.
He claimed that he was part of a bigger child molestation ring that included businessmen, high-ranking government officials, and even policemen.
This claim was backed up by one of his previous abuse victims, who claimed that she’d been taken to parties to have sex with wealthy men, and that Dutroux had been there, and investigation was opened but however, the investigation didn’t get very far.
Witnesses that had said they’d testify there was a sex ring began turning up dead, and officers on the investigation were suddenly taken off the case.
A judge was even taken off the case, and a cover-up ran rampant.
In all over 20 people were killed including witnesses and people associated with the crime ring
A massive wave of panic set into the Royal family and the government authorities and the Prime Minister turned to ERNIE ALLEN for advice on how to cover up the massive allegations and investigation that involved the Royal Kingdom of Belgium.
Ernie Allen contacted the CLINTONS and immediately a serious of events took place in Belgium under the operations of CIA. MOSSAD MI6 operations that were connected to world banks and European banks that pulled the strings of government sectors, head leaders and TV and radio institutions to stop all leaks of the investigations.
Investigators were immediately replaced and judges were replaced and almost all evidence was supressed and hidden, and a FULL BLOWN CIA MOCKINGBIRD OPERATIONS began running the radio and TV stations narrations.
And Witnesses were killed and as were several government officials.
Immediately Hillary Clinton advised the Belgium government and Royals to begin Adjudicating their government system to help launch >International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children ( ICMEC) that would work with NCMEC National Center for Missing Exploited Children U.S. base operations.
In 1998, the Board of Directors of the United States’ National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) approved the creation of the International Centre.
ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998]
It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by HILLARY CLINTON, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
ERNIE ALLEN served as President & CEO of both NCMEC and ICMEC for 15 years
In 2009
the real truth bomb
These 1,235 documents EXPOSED the millions Marc Dutroux was paid through several bank accounts connected to elite banking system, and WIKILEAKS connected the world child sex trade taking place from Belgium operations under Dutroux, Belgium Kingdom and government dark operations to several countries including Morocco to Saudi Arabia.
The complete banking transactions and prices of young girls being sold through the Belgium elite operations.
Belgium Royals and the government tried suing WIKILEAKS but failed.
They also tried stopping the WIKILEAKS dossier but also failed.
In the end more children disappeared under the National & International center for missing and exploited children (NCMEC & ICMEC) foundation and operations.
This would hit to over 10,000,000 missing children in Europe since 1984 creation of NCMEC and unknown 50-80 million children since 1984 in the United States (many missing foundation skew their total numbers and project lower numbers. But a child is kidnapped every 2 seconds in the U.S.)
8 million world missing children yearly
This is why Hillary Clinton was angry with WikiLeaks Julian Assange.
Because Assange knows about what happened in Belgium and how ICMEC took control of Europe.
And Assange knows the full financial trading of the child sex ring operations and financial systems
This is why Assange WIKILEAKS went after Hillary and dropped her emails to help exposure her crime syndicate operations (this effected her presidential run in 2016) that is connected to Podesta WikiLeaks and Obama that is so connected to pizza gate.
Ordering children for sex parties and much much more.
WIKILEAKS HAVE [KILLSWITCH] OPERATIONS in case anything happens to them and the top CLASSIFIED INFORMATION WILL HIT ALL MAJOR WORLD NETWORKS (the deep state don’t want this) ……
Assange played a very very important role inside world EVENTS _ (his role WILL continue inside Military operations
What ever happens to Assange he has already given full briefings and given all servers data to the ALLIANCE (TRUMP’).,
The military already has the information but formalities and military court/ procedures everything is documented)
We know that EPSTEIN is going to speak.
Megyn Kelly reveals to Tucker Carlson on live show (she has seen the videos that intelligence has and is waiting to DROP)
We know that Assange KILLSWITCH keys is in the hands of Cheyenne and white hats operations of Admiral Rogers .
We know that ASHTON KUTCHER is the month piece of the CIA and Kutcher did not help create THORN in anyway.
But his celebrity stature was used to promote the THORN child face recognition system to kidnap children world wide for Elite syndicate operations connected to CIA Clintons and world elite pedophilia operations.
We know that Ashton Kutcher was being blackmailed/ extorted for pedophilia and underaged sex with girls on his TV show and private parties (the CIA pulled a double operation on Kutcher.
They played the bad guys who extorted him through fake cartel/mafia orgs. and then came to rescue him as good guys of the CIA)
These double operations are connected to February 21, 2001 death and killing of Ashley Ellerin at her home behind the Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on Sunset Strip.
The actor had been dating Ashley Ellerin just a few weeks.
And Ashton Kutcher was blackmailed into killing Ellerin and everything was filmed.
After this dark event the CIA stepped in as heros (but they were actually the bad actors who forced Kutcher)
and began covert operations to control Ashton Kutcher and bring him into classified ops .
They soon connected P DIDDY with KUTCHER and they hosted several parties together and moved sex ring operations from New York to California in Elite underground sex parties.
And child human trafficking rings.
P DIDDY was one of the the first celebrities to use THORN software to find children for wealthy rich Elite pedophiles willing to pay hundreds of thousands for on demand kids catalogs the THORN system produced.
We know P DIDDY killed hundreds of victims/ witnesses including his own girlfriend Kim Porter by using baby oil to cause immediate pneumonia through IV injections
(Some people received IV with nutrients and others who were targeted received baby oil in their IV and eventually died in few hours)
Ashton kutcher also had Brittany Murphy (the second girlfriend of Kutcher to die) killed after she began talking inside her elite circles about Diddy party snuff movies happening and pedophilia sex ring.
Murphy died of pneumonia which was initially changed from Heart attack.
Months later her husband died also of pneumonia.
Kim Porter. Brittany Murphy and her husband all had the same coroner report done by Ed Winter friend of DIDDY
As white hats Military operations move forward and use 5th generation warfare to bring EXPOSURE to the world wide CABAL deep state syndicate Child sex ring operations and human trafficking global networks.
DONALD J. TRUMP is already poised to sign new EXECUTIVE ORDERS that will use open military operations to bring down world sex trade operations and child pedophilia operations.
TRUMP has already given COMMS that he will lWILL have pedophiles face death penalty and child human traffickers will be executed.
This all comes after TRUMP already signed Executive Orders in first administration to combat human trafficking and child trafficking operation that led and continue to lead to hundreds of pedophilia operations being taken down monthly and growing extensively fast in the last months.
These are open COMMS;
Elon Musk is the world’s biggest Military Contractor for the United States military placed by Trump EZRA PATEL
You are highly unaware white hats are going to bring down Billionaires behind the Democratic National Committee and [DS] RINOs who protect and are The mouthpiece/face of the corrupt CIA, DARPA. deep dark operations that control AMAZON SERVERS.
Yahoo Instagram etc etc etc etc text ECT ECT ETC ETC
THESE operations control world pedophilia, sex operation rings, connected to Smart phones, smart TVs. Smart cars…. Children game apps…,,
These very same technology is connected to THORN (Child facial recognition system……a catalog of the worlds children given to the ELITES for purchase)
NOW you know why CINDY MCCAIN and the McCain institute did nothing about EPSTEIN as they all knew about the EPSTEIN sex extortion/pedophilia/human trafficking ring,
This why Hillary Clinton is desperately trying to stop free speech and label everything a conspiracy because everything leads to CLINTONS/ ROCKERFELLERS CIA REGIME AND DEEP STATE OPERATIONS.
From the Sex operations of BACKPAGE which was connected to Hillary Clinton exploited children Network operations.
Later on BACKPAGE was selling and pimping children when white hats arrested the CEO Carl Ferrer .
CLINTONS then pushed directed district attorney Kamala Harris to COVER-UP the investigation and the names of the people inside the indictments and case (Kamala Harris hid all the names of billionaires connected and several pedophile priests who were using BACKPAGE)
Later Kamala Harris was easily guided by HILLARY and Ashton Kutcher to attend a DIDDY FREAK-OFF SEX PARTY, this was the first time Ashton Kutcher had sex with KAMALA and the first time KAMALA was filmed)) CIA & CCP wanted the sex scenes of KAMALA filmed after this moment KAMALA was in DEEP
NOW she would be used (for emergency backup plans events in the case Hilary Clinton did not get elected) for coming EVENTS connected to U.S. CIVIL UNREST OPERATIONS.
This is why Ashton Kutcher wrote and posted in Twitter in 2016; “Prediction : Kamala Harris”
(Kutcher knew 4 years in advance she was going to be vice president then eventually pushed for president)
What Ashton Kutcher didn’t count on was the Q movement that was going to go after Hollywood and 30,000,000 U S. citizens pushing The Great Awakening movement and EXPOSURE of the deep state. Clintons.Epstein.
CIA. FBI corruption and TRUMP.
And eventually the arrest of P DIDDY (P Diddy is not distraction.
I have told you before under the Trump administration p Diddy was Secretary arrested and FLIPPED and he gave up everything.
He is now being forced to play his part.
(They have all the data. Information. Evidence servers and technology available from Cheyenne mnt. STARLINK.
TRUMP Admiral Rogers etc…… the real truth unknown is Edward Snowden is a huge piece of the puzzle of beginning Storm Operations and he was intentionally given to Putin by the NSA (White hats on the inside) one year later after Snowden and technology were transferred with scientist to Russia the MH370 EVENT OCCURRED……as promised from NSA ./ Military ALLIANCE/ to Putin….
The real Story of Snowden is much more than you know and technology behind the scenes to bring down the world Child Trafficking ELITE PEDOPHILIA CIA operations ring that began in the GOLDEN TRIANGLE and the opium wars connected to the VATICAN/ Jesuits who invented MK ULTRA)
From general Petraeus lUnited States Army general who was director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Obama to Mark Zuckerberg to [EPSTEIN WILL TALK] to General Milley/ DIDDY/ HOLLYWOOD ELITES/ CEOS CEOS CEOS CEOS CEOS , CORPORATIONS . INDUSTRIES CIA. MI 6 CLINTONS ETC ETC ETC ETC ECT ETC to world sex trafficking organization and European governments and presidents and prime Minister …….
THE STORM IS UPON THEM you are witnessing the EXPOSURE and down fall of the CABAL
SYSTEM Why do you think OBAMA got Diddy out of jail when Obama was A State Senator and gave Intel to Diddy.
Who are on the Diddy sex videos beside Jennifer Lopez. Kamala Harris. Ashton Kutcher. Prince Harry which President?
All misspellings are important.
Click image to go to website
The world is currently being
red pilled at a vertiginous rate.
Despite the globalist’s efforts to censor and label everything that goes against their narrative as misinformation, there’s a barrage of truth finally coming out and it’s only going to intensify.
Brace yourselves for some hard truths about your own beliefs and religions.
There is still a lot of resistance to truth, not only from those that are just waking up, but also from those that consider themselves awakened. When it hits home, the cognitive dissonance kicks in.
Anything that threatens people’s belief foundations is impulsively rejected, but we must bear in mind, that we won’t keep evolving if we are not willing to consider the possibility that even the things we’ve held as truth all our lives, may have been manipulated in order to control and steer our actions.
Let’s please remain open to considering the possibility that what we think we know to be true, may not be and that through deceipt, they may have brainwashed many of us into supporting the evil powers we claim we wish to see eradicated.
Remember, everything has been tampered with…
We have been lied to about everything.
2024’s CHAOS
is a carefully
parasite-crafted psy-op
designed to
Your fear is an engineered attack
to keep you controlled and compliant!
This isn’t chaos by coincidence it’s chaos by design, orchestrated by global parasites to keep you in fear and under control.
But they fear one thing: a populace that refuses to fall for their tricks, that remains calm and aware as their engineered madness unfolds.
Chaos Engineered for Control
Look at 2024
Not about justice, they’re about social engineering.
Cities ablaze, with the media fanning the flames.
The October New York Blackout wasn’t a glitch;
it was a calculated test to see how quickly they could plunge millions into darkness.
Chaos and dependence on their “solutions” are the real game.
And those wildfires
in California and Nevada?
Witnesses reported energy beams,
not lightning.
It’s about conditioning you to fear everything, even nature itself.
The Texas blackouts in August?
Controlled chaos, normalizing sudden instability to convince you that we need more centralized control.
Every disaster is designed to make you anxious and compliant.
They want you scared so you won’t resist.
The Patriot Stress Control System: Break free from their chains
YOU mastering your calmness:
is their worst nightmare
This is about turning fear into your weapon, nullifying their orchestrated chaos.
The elites want you scared—it’s how they control you.
They manufacture riots, blackouts, and crises to keep you in fear.
They need you panicked.
Take Control of Your Mind
This is the line in the sand master your mind or be manipulated.
The chaos is here by design but it’s time for you to refuse to play their game.
Master your mind.
Be unbreakable.
Let them see they cannot control you.
Click image to go to website
1. Never shake hands at anyone without standing up.
2. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
3. If they trust you a secret, keep it.
4. If they lend you a car, return it with a full tank.
5. Do things with passion or don’t do it at all.
6. When you shake your hand, make it firm and look that person in the eye.
7. Live the experience of traveling alone.
8. Never turn down a peppermint pill, the reasons are obvious.
9. Take advice if you want to grow old.
10. Come eat with the new person at school/office.
11. When you text someone and you’re angry: finish, read it, delete it, and rewrite the message.
12. At the table you don’t talk about work, politics, or religion.
13. Write your goals, and work on them.
14. Defend your point of view but be tolerant and respectful to others.
15. Call and visit your relatives.
16. Never regret anything, learn from everything
17. Honor and loyalty must be present in your personality.
18. Don’t lend money to someone you know won’t pay you back.
19. Believe in something.
20. Tend your bed when you wake up in the mornings.
21. Sing in the shower.
22. Care for a plant or a garden.
23. Keep an eye on the sky every chance you get.
24. Discover your skills and exploit them.
25. Love your job or leave it.
26. Ask for help when you need it.
27. Teach someone a value, preferably a small one.
28. Appreciate and thank the one who extends your hand.
29. Be kind to your neighbors.
30. Make someone’s day happier, it will make you happier too.
31. Compete with yourself.
32 Treat yourself at least once a year
33. Take care of your health.
34. Always greet with a smile.
35. Think fast but speak slow.
36. Don’t talk with a mouth full.
37. Polish your shoes, cut your nails, and always keep a good look.
38. Don’t put your opinion on issues you don’t know.
39. Never mistreat anyone.
40. Live your life as if it were the last day of it.
41. Never miss a wonderful opportunity to remain quiet.
42. Recognize someone for their effort.
43. Be humble, even though not all the time.
44. Never forget your roots.
45. Travel when you can.
46. Give up the step.
47. Dance in the rain.
48. Seek your success without giving up.
49. Be fair; stand up for those who need you.
50. Learn to enjoy moments of loneliness.
Christos Guardian Alliance Warrior
[12-Oct-24 3:36 AM]
The Lincoln-Kahlooni-Druze
minority bloodline the Jesus strand
On 8/28/24 Donald Trump posts this video of a cross.
What does that really mean, and why at exactly 11:11?
Does anyone innerstand what the cross really is?
It’s an unfolded tesseract, also known as Metatron’s Hypercube.
Who is Metatron?
It is one of Thoth’s many names across the ages.
He was also known as Hermes, son/daughter of Enki Lucifer.
And while I’ve never had it explained to me in absolute detail, there is reason to believe this Anunnaki shape-shifting hybrid could be one and the same as Marduk Lucifer Satan.
An awful lot of water has gone under this bridge since the Leviathans arrived 798k years ago, so each of the Babylonian fake gods could have thousands of different personas and names by this time.
In any case, Marduk appears to be the leviathan that keeps reincarnating over and over as the savior of humankind & mankind
His/her most recent being the ‘jesus’ character, that poses as if being Jesheua Sananda Melchizedek, that is one of the guardian alliance team members who came to restore the purity of the bloodline of the Human Elohim development project, that are in captivity here in the Tara earth simulation, and really could walk on water.
Identity theft is always the middle name of all your captors.
It is what they do to maintain control over the sheep.
Like I’ve said countless times now, Sananda is not ‘god’ anymore than you are.
He is not a savior of humankind.
He is here on a mission to help your avatar’s vibration reach sympathetic harmonic resonance, with the 4th dimension to help you escape.
By having children with human females carrying very pure human DNA, those children will multiply and raise the vibration of the plane, making your chances that much better to make this ascension happening now.
We do not worship Sananda, and unless you like playing subservient to others, you won’t either!
He is still here, and so are your captors.
The ancient false gods of Babylon never left.
They just keep taking different forms under different names, hiding in plain sight.
They have MANY bodies here.
Some are identical to each other, and some look totally different.
I know because I’ve met them and had them explain to me who they were in ancient times, and what really happened that is totally unlike the his-story you’ve been told.
Sometimes they allow you to know who they really are, such as they did in Babylon, but most of the time they’re posing as regular people, just like you and me, so they can infiltrate human spaces, rise to positions of great influence and steer the masses.
Who is Donald Trump?
Do you know anyone alive who is more adored, more worshipped, more feared than the Donald? … No.
He’s the most famous person alive.
And why is that?
Because he’s the most perfect person on the plane? … Hardly.
He’s also famous for grabbing women by their private parts.
It is because he’s using psychological manipulation.
He knows at a master-class level because he has unbroken recollection of his time across hundreds of thousands of lives.
So his mental ‘magic’ is simply knowledge and wisdom that humans could never possibly even innerstand, much less duplicate.
It is a form of very powerful hypnosis.
There is overwhelming evidence now that Trump is considered the king of earth, as you will see in the masterpiece film by Good Lion Films.
His ‘capitulation tour’ in 2017-18
made it clear he’s the one in charge.
video: the Greatest show on Earth
Not just this, but Trump was officially crowned the ‘Messiah of Jerusalem’ ..
They had been waiting to return for thousands of years.
That’s right, this really happened.
He is ‘ben David’ (son of King David).
Something I know a bit about, since that’s my avatar’s bloodline, I’m in here for mission reasons that has to do with the Co-Evolution BioRegenesis Treaty that gives ‘Jewish’ people a mechanism for ascension.
King of the jews
Donald Trump
given crown of Jerusalem.html
Trump is also a time traveller.
Believe or don’t believe, but I now have far more than just a few examples that prove this to be fact.
He also has multiple other bodies he uses at the golf course, at rallies, and Mar-a-Lago, which are clearly different weights, heights, and ages.
Here is one that is much older than the ones we see in the spotlight.
Who has the technology to do all these things?
The Anunnaki.
Word has it that Trump has been working with the Anuhazi Elohim during his entry into politics.
I would suggest he’s been working with them for 798k years.
They are known as the fallen angels, the original captors of this simulation.
All the invader races (over 50 species) .. have been working together as a single team to enslave humankind since the hostage began over 1/2 billion years ago.
I don’t profess to know who each of these actors really were, in the last drama, or Babylon, Greece, Rome, and countless other eras, since, as mentioned, it is a 560 million year story, involving quadrillions of events, and dramas, but you likely innerstand what I’m trying to say, is we’re dealing directly with ancient gods here, not ‘business men’ or ‘politicians’.
These people held lightning in their hands.
Last time, they decided to let us see them for who they really are.
Thoth could literally fly when he was using the name Hermes, and there’s no question he still can.
As briefly referred to above, the cross he released that morning was secretly the Nibiru Scalar Vibrational Mechanics platform called a tesseract … or hypercube in unwrapped form.
If you fold it back into a 6-sided cube again, you’re seeing the shape of the device that powers our counterfeit hologram.
You will come to learn, at some point, that every geometric shape is an operating system, not just a form, called the Platonic Solids in science.
Which is why grown men pilgrimage to Mecca to walk around the Kaaba, wearing a little black cubes on their foreheads.
So, don’t think the cube cross is only worshipped in America or by Christians.
Metatron’s Hypercube is used at CERN, known as ALICE, that keeps you inside an artificial reality, called the ‘Beyond The Looking Glass Chimera Reality Simulation’.
Typically, you’ll hear the keeper refer to it as the Chimera Reality for short.
All down through your current history, the cross has stood for purity, perfection, and hope, that one day, the savior would return and usher in a utopia.
When in truth, it was the very symbol of your eternal enslavement.
They keep rolling out this same savior trope, civilization after civilization, always with a different face of the program, but always the same hope.
Hope, by the way, is a weaponized spell, that was designed to keep you perpetually in bondage and trudging forward, like a good little slave, doing your job, because ‘one day he will return and THEN by golly, he’ll save us all’.
These are all the same guy/girl.
When Sananda (I’m not talking about the fake jesus here) said, “Come out of her, my peoples,”.. he meant stop falling in line with the prison machine you’re trapped in.
Stop acquiescing to your own enslavement.
I was told in person that humans ‘have to rise up and take their world back, or they will never move forward’.
It means letting go of fear and standing up for what is right.
Enslavement of any kind is not that.
The great deceiver will fool ‘even the elect’ … is not a fictional claim in the Masonic bible for entertainment.
They have to tell you what they’re doing to you .. in order to have you cast that into reality, that they want to play out in your world.
The person who has the bible written after him also wrote a book on demonology.
Why would that be?
Because the bible, is the most elaborate talisman on earth, that hypnotizes those who read it, enslaving their minds to passively accept the chimera reality, so when the simulation glitches, you will second guess yourself, instead of the holographic world around you.
“Did I just see a bird in the sky not flapping its wings and remaining perfectly still?
Of course not.
That’s preposterous.”
Mithra, the savior, was gifted to (America) by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi of France in 1886.
Freddy was a 33rd degree (master) Freemason, and you now call Mithra your ‘Statue of Liberty’.
She is literally the symbol of this nation, and is making her second coming, at the time when the economy has been utterly destroyed, your politics have been weaponized against you, your courts have been utterly corrupted, your people have been openly attacked with bioweapons, your country flooded with 30m+ illegal aliens, and your police have been defunded & refuse to arrest criminals.
All by design and deliberately manufactured.
Albert Pike, 33rd degree (master) Freemason stated:
“Whenever the people need a hero, we’ll supply him.”
It’s almost as if Freemasons PLAN to roll out some very hard times to achieve a certain agenda.
Oh, that’s right, Pike also stated this:
“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.”
“Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.”
“A manifestation that will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Sound familiar?
Think of a hundred-vehicle motorcade, 500 special-ops swat team & my own rolling hospital.
When Trump had to go to court in New York, it cost them something like $25m to lock down the city for 1 appearance.
Nothing gets more high-profile than that anywhere!
You’ve been under predictive programming
since the day you were born, for this time,
when the ‘antichrist’ would appear …
(That would ‘loose his demons’
and tear the world asunder), … and also,
for the 2nd coming of the savior
to ‘save humanity’ at the same time.
But what you weren’t told is that these will secretly be the same person.
Of course, everyone will think it was “Barack” who brought about the destruction because Dolores Cannon alluded to it, but who is actually ‘showing you a movie’ right now?
While secretly holding the office of CIC and allowing millions of aliens across the border?
Because he’s your real border czar…
This is armageddon.
You’re in the ‘little season of satan’ (Satain).
The 1000 years of heaven-like reign, ended around 1893, during the last purge of the Tartaria civilization, and your entire life has been inside of what you could call hell, where you are literally surrounded by demons, who you believe are humans because they look like you.
You know more demons than you do, humans.
This is actual reality, not fiction.
Take a look at this article on the heavenly heritage of Trump, suggesting why he is the reincarnation of Jesus.
The Lincoln Kahlooni Druze
minority bloodline the Jesus strand
The evidence is overwhelming.
Discernment is more critical now
than any other time since you were born.
Pay attention, keep your vibration high, and know that the next step is you, moving on to the next level of the simulation, where Lucifer and Satan will no longer be part of your world.
This is but a short time to test which path you want to take moving forward is all.
It is the ‘sifting’ phase of humanity at the end of the final long-cycle of human evolution.
If you resonate in fear, hate, anger, you lose.
React in love, appreciation, kindness, and compassion and never give in to the devolution.
You can do this!
1. There is NO SPACE in the way we are taught to think about it;
2. We live in a completely enclosed ecosystem under a dome, called the Firmament;
3. No one can come visit from another “planet”, because they can’t break through the dome;
4. For the same reason no one can fly to another “planet”;
5. When they talk about space and planets, they mean deep ocean and other continents accessible only via the deep ocean;
6. Antarctica is not a continent – it’s a giant containment ice-wall, surrounding a crater called “earth”; it’s also called the “van allen belt”;
7. One can leave the earth crater only deep under the ocean through gates on the bottom of the ocean and reach other continents, called “planets”;
8. the seven planets of our solar system are allegories and are not physical places/realms;
9. We reside on this giant continuous terrain/realm called the “universe”;
10. there are many other continents, called “planets”, outside the Antarctica wall;
11. There are many living beings living on these continents outside the earth crater, called “aliens”;
12. These “aliens” are previous creations and some of them look humanoid;
13. There are humans being enslaved on the other continents outside of the earth crater – what they call “space colonies”, hence why over 8 Million humans disappear every year;
14. The original Nephilim bloodlines are alive and well living underground the “earth” crater and on the other continents outside Antarctica belt;
15. The “earth” is not as old as we are told – it’s way younger than we are told;
16. We are currently in year 723 +/- a few years A.D. and not in year 2024;
17. 1300 years of invented human history never happened – they were simply added to obscure the destruction of Tartaria and explain architecture and remaining artifacts; Tartarian super-advanced technology was deliberately destroyed although it is unclear who destroyed it and who the parasites were;
18. Tartaria did exist although I believe its location is different than what we are told and also its original name is most likely different too; its descendants have survived and live outside of the “earth” crater; one thing I have been unable to confirm is whether the Tartarians are descendants/bloodlines of the Nephilim, although I do believe that is most likely the case;
19. Most of the aliens are manufactured synthetic robotoids;
20. There was a mass manufacture of human [most likely cloned] babies, therefore the sudden explosion of orphans with unknown origins in the late 1800s and early 1900s – it’s possible these were the original soulless NPC bloodlines that represent more than half of all humans today;
21. The “earth” is a non-rotating stationary flat realm/crater within a much larger continuous terrain/plane/realm called the “universe”;
22. Souled humans are being farmed as animals; the words “male” and “female” actually depict the sex of an animal, not human; in the late 1770s and early 1800s humans were only described by the words “man”, “woman”, “boy” and “girl”, and then suddenly for unknown reasons [or more likely under unknown influence], humans began to be described as female and male, which was the way only animals were described at the time;
23. There is more than one great flood, the question is who and what caused the more recent ones;
24. The Egyptian civilization is not the oldest one; the Bosnian pyramids are twice as large as the Egyptian ones and have been hidden from the world for the longest time;
25. In fact there are pyramids all over Europe, quite a few of them older and bigger than the Egyptian ones; even the Mexican pyramids are older than the Egyptian ones – there has been a concerted effort to hide a vast amount of history from us;
26. I come from a tribe that is 2500 years old, one of the oldest in Europe; I have the feeling that we will discover that a significant part of the Egyptian and Babylonian history is fabricated.
Indians, Slaves, and Mass Murder:
The Hidden History
The discoverer of the New World
soon became its first
transatlantic human trafficker.
Carl Lumholtz image:
Tarahumara Woman Being Weighed,
Barranca de San Carlos (Sinforosa),
Chihuahua, 1892;
from Among Unknown Tribes:
Rediscovering the Photographs of
Explorer Carl Lumholtz.
The book includes essays by Bill Broyles, Ann Christine Eek, and others, and is published by the University of Texas Press.The European market in African slaves, which opened with a cargo of Mauritanian blacks unloaded in Portugal in 1441, and the explorer Christopher Columbus, born in Genoa ten years later, were closely linked.
The ensuing Age of Discovery, with its expansions of empires and exploitations of New World natural resources, was accompanied by the seizure and forced labor of human beings, starting with Native Americans.
Appraising that commercial opportunity came naturally to an entrepreneur like Columbus, as did his sponsors’ pressure on him to find precious metals and his religion’s contradictory concerns both to protect and convert heathens. On the day after Columbus landed in 1492 on an island in the present-day Bahamas and saw its Taíno islanders, he wrote that “with fifty men they could all be subjected and made to do all that one wished.”
Soon the African trade was changing life in Spain; within another hundred years most urban families owned one or more black servants, over 7 percent of Seville was black, and a new social grouping of mixed-race mulattos joined the lower rungs of a color-coded social ladder.
Columbus liked the “affectionate and without malice” Arawakan-speaking Taíno natives. He found the men tall, handsome, and good farmers, the women comely, near naked, and apparently available.
In exchange for glass beads, brass hawk bells, and silly red caps, the seamen received cotton thread, parrots, and food from native gardens.
Fresh fish and fruits were abundant. Glints in the ornaments worn by natives promised gold, and they presumably knew where to find more. Aside from one flare-up, there were no serious hostilities.
Columbus returned to Barcelona with six Taíno natives who were paraded as curiosities, not chattel, before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
The following year, Columbus led seventeen ships that dropped 1,500 prospective settlers on Caribbean beaches.
As they stayed on, relations with local Indians degenerated.
What was soon imposed was “the other slavery” that the University of California, Davis, historian Andrés Reséndez discusses in his synthesis of the last half-century of scholarship on American Indian enslavement.
First came the demand for miners to dig for gold.
The easy-going Taínos were transformed into gold-panners working under Spanish overseers.
The Spaniards also exploited the forms of human bondage that already existed on the islands.
The Caribs of the Lesser Antilles, a more aggressive tribe, regularly raided the Taínos, allegedly eating the men but keeping the women and children as retainers.
A similar discrimination based on age and gender would prevail throughout the next four centuries of Indian-on-Indian servitude.
As Bonnie Martin and James Brooks put it in their anthology, Linking the Histories of Slavery: North America and Its Borderlands:
North America was a vast, pulsing map of trading, raiding, and resettling. Whether the systems were pre- or postcontact indigenous, European colonial, or US national, they grew into complex cultural matrices in which the economic wealth and social power created using slavery proved indivisible.
Indigenous and Euro-American slave systems evolved and innovated in response to each other.*
Taínos who resisted the Spanish were set upon by dogs, disemboweled by swords, burned at stakes, trampled by horses—atrocities “to which no chronicle could ever do justice,” wrote Friar Bartolomé de las Casas, a crusader for Indian rights, in 1542.
Against the Caribs the Spaniards had a tougher time, fighting pitched battles but capturing hundreds of slaves as well.
Columbus sailed home from his second voyage with over a thousand captives bound for slave auctions in Cádiz (many died en route, their bodies tossed overboard).
He envisioned a future market for New World gold, spices, cotton, and “as many slaves as Their Majesties order to make, from among those who are idolators,” whose sales might underwrite subsequent expeditions.
Thus did the discoverer of the New World become its first transatlantic human trafficker—a sideline pursued by most New World conquistadors until, in the mid-seventeenth century, Spain officially opposed slavery. And Columbus’s vision of a “reverse middle passage” crumbled when Spanish customers preferred African domestics.
Indians were more expensive to acquire, insufficiently docile, harder to train, unreliable over the years, and susceptible to homesickness, seasickness, and European diseases.
Other obstacles included misgivings by the church and royal authorities, which may explain Columbus’s emphasis on “idolators” like the Caribs, whose status as “enemies” and cannibals made them more legally eligible for enslavement.
Indians suffered from overwork in the gold beds, as well as foreign pathogens against which they had no antibodies, and from famine as a result of overhunting and underfarming.
Within two generations the native Caribbean population faced a “cataclysmic decline.” On the island of Hispaniola alone, of its estimated 300,000 indigenous population, only 11,000 Taínos remained alive by 1517.
Within ten more years, six hundred or so villages were empty.
But even as the Caribbean was ethnically cleansed of its original inhabitants, a case of bad conscience struck Iberia. It had its origins in the ambivalence of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella over how to treat Indians.
In the spring of 1495, only four days after the royals advised their bishop in charge of foreign affairs that slaves “would be more easily sold in Andalusia than in other parts,” they ordered a halt to all human enslavement until the church informed them “whether we can sell them or not.”
Outrage was more overt in the polemics of Las Casas, who had emigrated to the islands in 1502. He had owned slaves and then renounced the practice in 1515.
After taking his vows as a Dominican priest, he helped to push the antislavery New Laws of the Indies through the Spanish legal system in 1542.
Slaving interests used a succession of verbal strategies for justifying and retaining unfree Indian labor.
As early as 1503 tribes designated as “cannibals” became fair game, as were Indian prisoners seized in “just wars.” Hereafter labeled esclavos de guerra (war slaves), their cheeks bore a branded “G.”
Automatic servitude also awaited any hapless Indians, known as esclavos de rescate (ransomed slaves), whom Spanish slavers had freed from other Indians who had already enslaved them; the letter “R” was seared into their faces.
In 1502 Hispanola’s new governor, Nicolás de Ovando, made use of an old feudal practice for ensuring control over workers’ bodies. To retain native miners but check rampant cruelty, Ovando bestowed on prominent colonizers land grants (encomiendas) that included rights to tribute and labor from Indians already residing there.
Although still vassals, they remained nominally free from “ownership.” They could reside in their own villages, were theoretically protected from sexual predation and secondary selling, and were supposed to receive religious instruction and token compensation of a gold peso a year—benefits that were often ignored.
Over the next two centuries the encomienda system and other local forms of unfree labor were used to create a virtually enslaved Indian workforce throughout Mexico, Florida, the American Southwest, down the South American coast, and over to the Philippines.
The story of Native American enslavement told by Reséndez becomes confused by the convoluted interplay of indigenous and imported systems of human servitude.
Despite his claim of uncovering “the other slavery,” when speaking of the forms of bondage imposed on Indians he fails to acknowledge that there was no monolithic institution akin to the “peculiar” transatlantic one that would become identified with the American South, which imported Africans auctioned as commodities.
Even the distinction some scholars draw between such “slave societies” and “societies with slaves” (depending on whether slave labor was essential or not to the general economy) only partially applies to the highly complex, deeply local situations of enslaved American Indians.
For these blended a dizzying variety of customary practices with colonial systems for maintaining a compulsory native workforce.
If Reséndez is claiming to encompass the full tragedy of Indian slavery “across North America,” he does not distinguish among the different colonial systems of Indian servitude—enabled by Indian allies of the colonizers—that existed under English, French, and Dutch regimes.
During the seventeenth century, as some Spaniards continued to raise the question of the morality of slavery, silver mines opened in northern Mexico, and the demand for Indian manpower increased.
This boom would require more workers than the Caribbean gold fields and last far longer.
Now the physical effort turned from surface panning or shallow trenching to sinking shafts hundreds of feet into the ground.
More profitable than gold, silver was also more grueling to extract.
Miners dug, loaded, and hauled rocks in near darkness for days at a time.
Around present-day Zacatecas, entire mountains were made of the gray-black ore.
To meet the growing labor demand, Spanish and Indian slaving expanded out of the American Southwest, sending Pueblo and Comanche slaves to the mines, and seizing slaves from the defiant Chichimec of northern Mexico during particularly violent campaigns between the 1540s and the 1580s.
From the beginning of the sixteenth century to the first decade of the nineteenth, twelve times as much silver was extracted from over four hundred mines scattered throughout Mexico as was gold during the entire California Gold Rush.
At Parral, a silver-mining center in southern Chihuahua and in 1640 the largest town north of the Tropic of Cancer, over seven thousand workers descended into the shafts every day—most of them enslaved natives from as far off as New Mexico, which soon became “little more than a supply center for Parral.”
After the state-directed system for forcibly drafting Indian labor for the Latin American silver mines, known as the mita, was instituted in 1573, it remained in operation for 250 years and drew an average of ten thousand Indians a year from over two hundred indigenous communities.
As Reséndez shifts his narrative to the Mexican mainland, however, one is prompted to ask another question of an author who claims to have “uncovered” the panoramic range of Indian slavery.
Shouldn’t we know more of the history of those Indian-on-Indian slavery systems that Columbus witnessed and that became essential for delivering workers to Mexican mines, New Mexican households, or their own native villages?
Throughout the pre-Columbian Americas, underage and female captives from intertribal warfare were routinely turned into domestic workers who performed menial tasks.
Through recapture or ransom payment some were repatriated, while many remained indentured their entire lives.
But a number were absorbed into their host settlement through forms of fictive kinship, such as ceremonial adoption or most commonly through intermarriage.
Among the eleventh-century mound-building Indian cultures of the Mississippi Bottoms, such war prisoners made up a serf-like underclass.
This civilization collapsed in the thirteenth century and the succeeding tribes we know as Choctaw, Cherokee, Creek, and others perpetuated the practice of serfdom; Cherokee war parties added to each town’s stock of atsi nahsa’i, or “one who is owned.”
The custom continued across indigenous America, with child-bearing women and prepubescent males generally preferred.
Their husbands and fathers were more commonly killed.
Reséndez hardly mentions the subsequent participation of those same tribes in the white man’s race-based “peculiar institution.”
They bought and sold African-American slaves to work their Indian-owned plantations.
Once the Civil War broke out there was a painfully divisive splitting of southern Indian nations into Confederate and Union allies.
As with Carib predation upon the Taíno, it was not uncommon for stronger tribes to focus on perennial victims.
In the Southeast, the Chickasaw regularly took slaves from the Choctaw; in the Great Basin, the Utes stole women and children from the Paiute (and then traded them to Mormon households that were happy to pay for them); in California, the northeastern Modoc regularly preyed upon nearby Atsugewi, while the Colorado River–dwelling Mojave routinely raided the local Chemehuevi.
These relationships between prey and predator might extend over generations.
Only among the hierarchical social orders of the northwest coast, apparently, were slaves traditionally treated more like commodities, to be purchased, traded, or given as gifts.
Indirectly, the Spanish helped to instigate the next upsurge in human trafficking across the American West.
Their horses—bred in northern New Mexico, then rustled or traded northward after the late seventeenth century—made possible an equestrian revolution across the plains.
In short order the relationships between a few dozen Indian tribes shifted dramatically, as the pedestrian hunter-and-gatherer peoples were transformed by horses into fast-moving nomads who became dependent on buffalo and preyed on their neighbors.
In white American popular culture the new-born horse cultures would be presented as the war bonnet–wearing, teepee-dwelling, war-whooping stereotypes of Wild West shows and movie screens.
Among them were the Comanches of the southern plains and the Utes of the Great Basin borderlands.
By the mid-eighteenth century, the Comanche military machine had put a damper on Spanish expansionism.
Their cavalry regiments of five hundred or more disciplined horsemen undertook eight-hundred-mile journeys northward as far as the Arkansas River and southward to within a few hundred miles of Mexico City.
The slaves they plucked from Apaches, Pueblos, and Navajos became their prime currency in business deals with Mexicans, New Mexicans, and Americans.
At impromptu auctions and established crossroads, Native American, Mexican, and Anglo slaves were being sold, some undergoing a succession of new masters.
Until the US government conquered them, the Comanches held sway over a quarter-million square miles of the American and Mexican borderlands.
Reséndez argues for continuities in this inhuman traffic right down to the present day.
But his abrupt transition to the present after the defeat of the Comanches only reinforces our sense that his effort has been overly ambitious and weakly conceived, as if achieving the promised synthesis for so complex and persistent a topic has simply (and understandably) overwhelmed him.
His treatment of the multinational practices of Colonial-period slavery is spotty, and the ubiquitous traditions of native-on-native enslavement seem soft-pedaled.
Reséndez loosely estimates that between some 2.5 to five million Indians were trapped in this “other slavery,” in which overwork and physical abuse doubtlessly contributed to the drop of 90 percent in the North American Indian population between Columbus’s day and 1900.
But somehow little of all that torment comes across vividly in The Other Slavery.
We are told that Navajos called the 1860s, when their entire tribe was hounded for incarceration in southern New Mexico, “the Fearing Time.”
Aside from that hint of the collective emotional impact from the victims’ side, we get few testimonies that reflect the anxiety and terror behind Reséndez’s many summaries of human suffering, tribal dislocations, furtive lives on the run, and birthrights lost forever.
A more convincing sense of the racial discrimination and hatred that bolstered and perpetuated the slavery systems discussed in Reséndez’s book comes from even a melodramatic film like John Ford’s The Searchers (1956), while the terrors of surviving in the late-eighteenth-century West amid roving bands of merciless slave raiders are better evoked in Cormac McCarthy’s Grand Guignol masterpiece Blood Meridian (1985).
Reading Reséndez’s account one hopes in vain for something similar to Rebecca West’s quiet comment in Black Lamb and Grey Falcon (1941), her chronicle of Yugoslavian multiethnic animosities: “It is sometimes very hard to tell the difference between history and the smell of a skunk.”
Indian slavery becomes a contributing factor in An American Genocide, the UCLA historian Benjamin Madley’s extensive argument that genocide is the only appropriate term for what happened to native peoples in north-central California between 1846 and 1873.
For American Indians, slavery in the New World took many forms that persevered over four centuries while changing according to local conditions, global pressures, and maneuvers to evade abolitionist crusades.
Genocide—the elimination of entire groups—might seem easier to evaluate.
Yet which historical episodes of mass Indian murder qualify as genocide has become a matter of debate.
Madley shies away from the hyperbolic accusations of genocide or holocaust often made in simplistic discussions of American Indian history.
The definition that he invokes with prosecutorial ferocity is the one produced by the United Nations Genocide Convention of 1948, which defines genocide as, first, demonstrating an intent to destroy, “in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group,” and, second, committing any of the following acts: killing members of a group; causing them serious bodily or mental harm; inflicting conditions that are intended to cause their destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures to prevent births within the group; and transferring children of the group to another group.
Whereas the large unspecified “group” referred to in this post–World War II statement was, of course, defined by the Nazis, Madley’s is smaller and, even then, it is composed of many hundreds of indigenous units, each an autonomous, small-scale cultural world that was decimated or destroyed.
Madley has documented his charge of genocide by years of scrolling through local newspapers, histories, personal diaries, memoirs, and official letters and reports.
These revealed what many indigenous groups endured at the hands of US military campaigns, state militia expeditions, impromptu small-town posses, and gold miners, as well as ordinary citizens who hunted natives on weekends.
Most western historians and demographers could agree that genocidal behavior toward a North American Indian population occurred during the nineteenth century.
But Madley has concentrated on the killing in California during the bloody years between 1846 and 1873.
Edward S. Curtis: Mosa—Mohave, 1903/1907; from Edward S. Curtis: One Hundred Masterworks. The book is by Christopher Cardozo, with contributions by A. D. Coleman, Louise Erdrich, and others.
It is published by Delmonico/Prestel and the Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography.
The factors that led to this American tragedy are worth recalling.
Many Indian communities had already been defeated in their resistance to servitude during the Spanish Mission and Mexican Rancho years.
The United States victory over Mexico in early 1848 opened the way to the last great American land rush. Until California became the nation’s thirty-first state in 1850, there were two years of lawlessness.
The Anglo-American settlers whose wagons began rolling into the region carried anti-Indian attitudes imported from colonial times.
The discovery of gold in early 1848 multiplied that immigration and aggressive settler colonialism.
There was pervasive racism toward the state’s diverse and generally peaceful native population.
They were denigrated as animal-like “Diggers”—a pejorative term based on their food-gathering customs.
Political, military, journalistic, and civic leaders favored creating a de facto open season on its native peoples.
When the state’s first legislature convened, it passed a number of orders that, according to Madley, “largely shut Indians out of participation in and protection by the state legal system” and granted “impunity to those who attacked them.”
The legislature funded, with $1.51 million, state vigilantism coupled with exhortations from top officials, including two state governors, to war against Native Americans.
Near the beginning of this campaign, California’s first governor, Peter Burnett, pledged that “a war of extermination will continue to be waged…until the Indian race becomes extinct.”
At the time of first contact with whites, the native California population amounted to some 350,000, perhaps the densest concentration of Indians in the country.
But they were divided into at least sixty major tribes that, in turn, were made up of scores of small, independent, autonomous villages that spoke upward of a hundred separate languages.
After the epidemics, mission programs, land losses, and peonage of the Spanish period, about 150,000 Indians remained on the eve of the US takeover.
By 1870 the number of California Indians had been cut to under 30,000, a population loss that would continue until it bottomed out at under 17,000 by the turn of the century.
When gold was struck near present-day Sacramento in January 1848, Indians were occupying some of the most desirable natural environments in North America.
The size of these Indian groups ranged widely.
The proximity of so many autonomous villages made bi- or even trilingualism not uncommon.
But especially in the north-central region—with its abundant acorn groves, salmon-rich rivers, valleys plentiful in fruits, roots, and seeds, foothills teeming with game, plentiful marine life, wildfowl and associated plants along the sea coast and wetlands—their small, self-governing and self-sufficient villagers could thrive in their homelands.
However, the combination of Spanish and American invasions would cost the Indians and their fragile ecologies dearly. Meadows bearing life-giving nutritious seeds and roots were put to the torch for conversion into agricultural fields and cattle pastures, streams were poisoned by the sludge from mining, and forests were cut for lumber.
To characterize these fairly self-contained worlds, the dean of California Indian studies, anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber, coined the term “tribelet.” But when it came to describing the sufferings of these California tribelets during the Gold Rush, Kroeber wrote dismissively of their “little history of pitiful events,” which, as an ethnographer drawn to “millennial sweeps and grand contours,” he felt unable to comment upon.
That did not stop one of his colleagues, the anthropologist Robert Heizer, from doing so. Heizer’s revelatory
They Were Only Diggers (1974), along with his other anthologies, compiled newspaper clippings and reports on the myriad killings and other brutalities experienced by the region’s Indians.
Together with a state demographer, Sherburne Cooke, he began documenting the unpublicized story of the California Indian catastrophe. Now Benjamin Madley, building upon the ethnohistorical work of Heizer and Cooke, has delved more systematically into the outrages of the period.
His chronicle opens with accounts by Thomas Martin and Thomas Breckenridge, members of John C. Frémont’s early expedition, which invaded what was still Mexican-held territory.
In April 1846, along the Sacramento River near the present-day city of Redding, Frémont’s troops encountered a large group of local Wintu Indians. With the command “to ask no quarter and to give none,” his troops encircled the Indians and began firing at everyone in sight.
Breckenridge wrote: “Some escaped but as near as I could learn from those that were engaged in the butchery, I can’t call it anything else, there was from 120 to 150 Indians killed that day.”
Martin estimated that “in less than 3 hours we had killed over 175 of them.”
A third eyewitness account found by Madley raised that estimate to between six hundred and seven hundred dead on land, not counting those, possibly an additional three hundred, slaughtered in the river.
“The Sacramento River Massacre,” he writes, may have been one of the least-reported mass killings in US history, and “was the prelude to hundreds of similar massacres.”
So begins Madley’s calm, somber indictment. One after another he describes the cultures and the histories of tribes that were victimized, and he profiles the victimizers.
Many of the atrocities were committed not only by US soldiers and their auxiliaries but also by motley companies of militiamen that murdered young and old, male and female indiscriminately—and often with an undisguised glee that comes through in Madley’s abundant selection of quotes.
Rape was rampant, and natives were intentionally starved, tortured, and whipped. Under the new California Legislature’s Government and Protection of the Indians Act of 1850, any nonworking, publicly drunk, or orphaned and underage Indians could become commodities in an unfree labor system that was tantamount to slave auctions.
The act’s impact on the young meant that ten years after its passage, thousands of California Indian children were serving as unpaid “apprentices” in white households.
For over a quarter-century, Madley shows how the region became a quilt of many killing fields.
Of the estimated 80 percent decline in the California Indian population during these years, around 40 percent has been attributed to outright “extermination killings” alone.
Yet each of these tribes and tribelets functioned as an independent cultural world. Each was knit together by strands of kinship and deep attachments to place, as well as oral traditions about both that were passed on from generation to generation.
Strewn across California were not only human bodies, but entire worldviews.
At the start of the Gold Rush, the Yuki Indians who lived at the heart of the region had well over three thousand members; they were reduced to less than two hundred by its end.
The same decline occurred among the Tolowa Indians to the northwest, while the Yahi people were practically wiped out altogether.
In the hateful rhetoric of many nineteenth-century military, religious, and bureaucratic hard-liners quoted by Madley, the word “extermination” was often used.
Yet this outcome was considered no great tragedy for an entire people who were uniformly and irredeemably defined as savage and subhuman.
Madley’s nearly two hundred pages of appendices are the most complete incident-by-incident tally ever compiled of Indian lives lost during this terrible period.
Asking for names would have been impossible; instead we get numbers of deceased and places where they perished—one or two with brains smashed on rocks on a particular day over here, thirty to a hundred shot to death and left floating in a river over there.
This scrupulously detailed epilogue is the equivalent of a memorial wall that we are visiting for the first time.
The heart is as intricate as the brain,
and the heart-brain actually sends
more communication to the head-brain
than the other way around.
The heart’s magnetic field, which is the strongest rhythmic field produced by the human body, not only envelops every cell of the body, but also extends out in all directions into the space around us.
The heart’s magnetic field can be measured several feet away from the body by sensitive magnetometers.
The heart’s field is a carrier of information both internally and externally.
Because the heart is the body’s most powerful rhythmic oscillator, it drives other oscillatory systems into entrainment, so that all come to oscillate at the same frequency such as respiratory rhythms, blood pressure oscillations, and brain rhythms correlating to mental and emotional stability.
Heart-brain coherence is the state when the heart, mind, and emotions are in energetic alignment and cooperation. It is a state that builds resilience.
From here one can say that Heart Health is crucial to Mental Health. In other words, healing and balancing your heart creates mental stability.
This is true in ourselves, but also extends to others as well, through coherent entrainment of our mixing electromagnetic heart fields.
Through this subtle energy we can in fact help regulate each other in addition to our own selves.
Status of the republic:
liberation & justice
When you are in bankruptcy as a
corporate entity you do not have any contract rights.
• Buckingham Palace
• The Vatican
• Washington DC
• City of London
• State of Israel
All these corporate bodies filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
The Act of England 1871 was repealed.
The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer active.
The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).
The IEEPA gives the President the power to impose economic sanctions on foreign countries and individuals in response to a national emergency.
EO (13818)EO (13848)
EO (13959)
These executive orders allowed the US to seize the assets of corporate entities and persons.
For human rights abuse and election interference.
Bank Account
All assets.
Did you know Evergreen Inc. is a CIA owned company?
Who uses that for human trafficking?
Hillary Clinton.
Guess what is contracted with Evergreen?
■ The Vatican
■ The US
■ City Of Rome
■ UN Corp
■ The Holy See
■ UK Inc (This Is Key)
All subcontracted. Each step of subcontracting process, the accountability of each subcontractor diminishes relative to the actual contract.
And what have you got?
You have Evergreen Inc. owned and operated by Evergreen, LLC, which is owned and operated by Evergreen, PLC. 4500 employees, no obligation to file flight plans (Hint-Hint) and you have a totally unaccountable self-interested for profit corporation abusing the powers of “government”.
All of this as a result of the EOs are null/void.
■ Do you remember when Jan Halper confirmed that tons of gold were removed from the Vatican?
■ Do you remember when the 1871 Corp Act was dissolved on May 4 2020?
Do you remember then months after that the New Republic with the original Constitution was invoked on July 4, 2020 when D. Trump visited Mount Rushmore?
Do you remember the Balfour Declaration?
Palestine was under UK rule on 2 November 1917 when foreign minister Arthur Balfour wrote to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community.
Palestinians made up 90 per cent of the population in 1917.
They blame the declaration for encouraging Zionists and ultimately handing their land to the Jewish homeland – the future lsrael – by 1947.
■ Remember the state of Israel was created by Khazarians.
■ As result of the EOs they Israel became bankrupt.</ strong>
And what happens as a result?
Which is going on between Israel & Palestine correct?
For what?
■ Land acquisition.
Because the Khazarians were kicked out of Ukraine by V. Putin.
The assets of ex-president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenk were frozen. It cut off a lifeline of drug, arms and human trafficking money essential to the survival of the Washington.
Do you see how this connects to the current conflict?
The Khazarian Mafia Money Laundering base is in Ukraine.
The last country that they the Khazarian Mafia has is Israel.
Remember who established Israel?
The Rothschilds. Donald Trump is the first leader to have broken that control and removed them from power in the USA by taking control of the FED.
This is why the attacks on him are so vicious and relentless, and they come from all sides.
Political, Media, Military, Sports, etc.
Since the USA was always the Rothschild’s strongest territory – to control the rest of the world, with its powerful army, these global criminals have pulled out all the stops to overturn a duly elected president.
They have activated and unleashed all their assets to achieve this.
Remember the Q-Drop
“All Assets Deployed”?