
Great World Reset

Red Pilled Truthers

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The day you retire
you become useless to a country –
and it certainly isn’t going to
invest in making your life a luxury
before you die.
Before your retirement ‘plan’
saw any of your contributions to it,
your ‘contribution’ was diminished by
the government in taxes,
the banks and your financial advisers in fees
and you got what was left over, if anything.
(That’s why unions got involved
in twisting members arms to have ‘Union’ super –
because then the union became the advisor
and collected the advisor fees.)
You’ve just turned from a person that sort of adds to the Gross Domestic Product of the country into something that will now become a liability.
You health will be deteriorating, you’ll require more medical attention, more ‘benefits’, more of everything.
Maybe even be entitled to a (gasp!),
a retirement pension.
You may think you paid for all this on the way to retirement during your working life with taxes – and besides you also managed to ‘save’ some as a ‘nest-egg’ to help you retire more comfortably.
And, as you settle down to relax
in what you think is going to be the
blissful retirement you think you’ve earned
for that bunch of years before you inevitably die
you’ll slowly work out maybe retiring
isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
All those things in your bucket list you was going to do or places you was going to go suddenly seem terribly expensive and unaffordable.
Heck! even the heating and electricity and water bills and council rates and car registration and insurance now seem to be like paying the National debt.
And don’t make the mistake of eating anything decent – the supermarkets have got that covered too.
And if you ‘qualify’ for a pension
it must mean you’re broke.
Not only that, you’ll have to bare your entire financial affairs to a snot-nosed individual a fraction of your age who, you’ll work out, is paid to find a reason to NOT give you a pension – or at the very least reduce whatever you get to as little as possible.
And your pension will be reduced by any interest you get on any ‘savings’ you have – whether you get any interest or not – using DEEMING.
Make no mistake – if you retire with any kind of ‘nest-egg’ the government WANTS IT.
That is if you was relying on that compulsory ‘saving’ you had taken from whatever income you earned.
You made the mistake of thinking
you was ‘saving’ for your retirement.
What you didn’t realise is you was actually ‘investing’ in it – or, more accurately ‘gambling’ on it.
You’ll come to realise that you’re now considered to be an old-fart in gods waiting room – you’ll have no relevance, no say, no respect from anyone – other than maybe direct family or friends.
But the ‘system’ wants to rid itself of you as quickly as it can move you on.
And, if you happen to leave quickly, without spending all of your savings, so much the better – because then it can hit your estate for more tax.
For those who do make it in what they think is a relatively health financial situation, they’ll fairly soon find out the savings they could have spent 40 years ago might have actually been more useful then.
Because they’re not worth much now.
In fact trying to fund today’s lifestyle with yesterdays money is an exercise in futility.
And it also doesn’t take long to realise the only benefit a retirement savings plan has is to the government that forced you to put into it and to advisers that suck fees out of it.
(Which is WHY you was forced to put into it), and the organisations that ‘invested’ your money – without any input from you – on your behalf with their fees paid by you regardless of whether you made any money or not.
And mostly, you didn’t.
Your nest-egg was their nest-egg.
Notice whenever you see a
chart image about investments –
they always go UP?
It’s brainwashing.
You don’t want to believe this,
do you?
Ask yourself the question
‘if business is so ‘booming’
how come so many business’
are going down the toilet?’
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Seems Superannuation
is under attack (PDF)
from the Aus Government
Website (PDF)

Do the SUMS
for yourself
(they’re not hard)
Let’s say you put $1,000 ‘into’
your retirement-funding … ‘fund’.
First cab off the rank …
instantly …
you get hit for ‘contributions tax’
of 20%
before your money ever makes it
to your account
You’re now 20% light = $200
OK – lets take that remaining
and see what happens to it in year 1
There will also be other fees the
fund will charge for ‘managing’ your money.
These fees will be taken in advance
Then there may also be additional fees
if you haven’t told the fund to not provide
life insurance and disability cover for you.
The premiums for this cover will be deducted
from your account AFTER the tax department
and the fund manager has been paid along
with any fees paid to any financial adviser –
which could be a union.
Likely the adviser gets a commission
from the insurer providing the life insurance,
(you may not want or need)
– on top of the other fees.
Now, what’s left of that $800,
(less the other fees mentioned),
is ‘invested’ for you.
The fees ALWAYs get paid first
and if your fund investment
‘growth’ doesn’t cover the fees
your account balance is diminished.
Even if it does ‘earn’ interest for you –
and it needs at LEAST 25% growth
($200) JUST to break even.
And it won’t.
It never breaks even –
as it will never earn 25% –
so your account balance
will only ever go backwards.
And then, there’s the hidden
compounding effect of inflation
Inflation and next years fees
will see to that
But, when you get your statement it will
LOOK LIKE you’re ‘making’ money.
You get your statement well after the end
of the tax year – why?
So that years 2 ‘contributions’
can be added to the account balance,
often BEFORE the fees are accounted for.
So, your fund balance has increased
by last year’s ‘contributions’.
You get a statement.
You look at ‘start’ balance for the year
and the ‘end’ balance for the year.
The ‘end’ balance seems bigger than the ‘start’ balance –
so you stuff the statement in a shoebox
never to see the light of day again.
Until, one day, you staring down the barrel of retirement –
and all of a sudden that balance become really important.
By which time it’s too late
to do anything about it.
Tony Abbott DID try and warn people
but his message was silenced.
Now … get this
EVERY ‘contribution’ you EVER make
to your ‘super’ fund
is treated the same way.
NONE of them can EVER ‘catch up’
to the FEES they incur UP-FRONT
(and inflation) EVEN IF YOU
Your ‘super’ fund will NEVER
All that happens is when you retire
if you’re lucky you might get BACK
pretty much what you’ve
‘contributed’on the way
(providing you started your
‘super’ plan at least about
30-years prior to retirement).
Then you get hit for ‘withdrawal tax’
on whatever’s left.

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Beginning to get it yet?
You would have been better off
if you’d not been in ‘super’
paid the tax and
kept the money to use yourself.
The government knows that you’ll
find this out so it made
Superannuation compulsory
and put the onus on your
employer to collect it.
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A Proposal for Web3-Based
Universal Basic Income
Income and wealth distribution have become more unequal in both the advanced and developing worlds over the past two decades.
With automation poised to exacerbate this gap by replacing large numbers of certain jobs in the coming years, how to distribute social wealth to ensure the fruits of economic growth are more fairly shared will become an even tougher policy challenge.
Universal basic income (UBI) – a type of social-economic programme where all citizens of a jurisdiction regularly receive a monetary transfer, usually from the government, without discrimination – may provide an elegant solution to help address the issue.
Large-scale implementation of UBI on a national level, however, may require further innovations on both technological and economic fronts.
This paper lays out a proposal for leveraging web3 technologies – digital transaction networks such as blockchain or other programmable ledgers – as the infrastructure for scalable and efficient UBI implementation.

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