
Great World Reset

Red Pilled Truthers

This Criminal Court Trial
of the
Highest Heavenly Realm
is now in session
and ‘in camera’.
Although inscribed and recorded for all time
the timing of the release of these proceedings
will be declared by this High Court.
The Sealed Oral Indictment DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 of October 20, 2021, is to be included as evidence for this Trial as it was presented In Camera to this Court with additions, and this Trial is to also include all information, testimonies and witness statements presented herein.
Attiyq Youm, Ancient of Days we request, pending the final outcome of judgements for this Trial, that the Defendant’s timelines be frozen on all locations as defined and to include all activities by the Defendants as known by this High Court so that no further breaches and crimes may be committed by the Defendants.
We further request that through Your Divine and Holy Grace that You put in place and make ready all societal constructs/architecture on NP/3D Earth so that as Your judgements are rendered Your People may experience an easy transition to Your Divine Plan.
“Your People”
All of God Creator’s Creations
which are in Service to Him
On behalf of all living beings on our planet Earth, in our Milky Way Galaxy, and our Universe that are in Agreement and In Service to the One Living True God of All Creation, and in representation, with Your permission, to uphold and stand for the Integrity, Intent, Love, Light, Compassion and Laws of God’s Original Creations.

Otherwise known in this trial as
Your People/
The Prosecutors
The Enemies/Defendants:
The False Darkness, Demonics, Lord Maitreya, The Holy See, Cabal, Negative Alien Agenda (NAA), Negative Alien Archon Group, Negative Non-terrestrials, et al., The Crown Corporation (City of London)/The Crown Agency of the British Empire, Inner Temple, Crown Agents Oversea Government and Administration, Crown Council of 13,
VATICAN City, City of LONDON, and the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. (The three self- declared sovereign countries on Earth and all corporations, organizations, foundations, groups, and individuals et al. associated with them), satan and the twelve apostles of satan, Antichrists, All Thought-forms of the Anti- Christs and negative spirits under Lucifer et al, unclean evil spirits, Babylonian Systems, Babylonian Brotherhood, All Principalities Powers the rulers of the darkness of this age, Nephilim, Archangel Archons, Seraphim (fallen angels and archangels that have fallen from God the Creator) billions of fallen Ascended Masters, Interlockers, the Watchers, Council of the Nine Mothers of Darkness, satanic witches and warlocks, Proxy Groups, Mobius Corporation, Umbrella Corporation, Monarch Corp, Shaw House Corporation, Dark Shield, Hulk Program, Scorpion Corporation, Massive Dynamic, Cyberlife, DARPA, Femtotech, All demonic and negative spirits as known by God Creator including Familiar Spirits, The Spirit of Pharmakeia, Caduceus, The Jezebel Spirit, all Satanic Soldiers, Reptilian hybrids and other homo-capensis Luciferian Satanist Global Elites, All Satanists involved in any way contractually with the Defendants, The Mark of the Beast, The World Monarch-The Pindar, Secret Thirteen Saturnalian Brotherhoods Zoroastrian (who are the Khazarian bloodlines – Thirteen Bloodlines of Cain), Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Tribe of Dan, Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers (who are in full control of the Company of Jesus), the Jesuit Order et al., The Black Nobility, Ariana and Nag from Scion, Arians, Nazis and all groups associated with them, The Red Dragon, The Triads, Pepe Orsini and the House of Orsini, and the Roman Maximus Clan, Aldobrandini and the House of Aldobrandini, House of Borja, Breakspear and the House of Breakspeare, House of Somaglia, House of Conti, House of Chigi, House of Colonna, House of Farnese, House of Medici, House of Gaetani, Merovingians, House of Orange–Nassau, House of Payseur, V. Astor Foundation, William Waldorf Foundation, Zeno Family, House of Pamphili, House of Este, The Rothschilds and foundations, The Rockefellers and foundations, Khazarian Mafia, The Clinton Foundation and All Defendants Foundations, All Traffickers of Humans (especially children), Handlers of all MK Ultra victims, Pedophiles, Order of the Garter, the Illuminati, Freemason’s male and female Freemasons including all Grand Masters, including CEOs of Masonic Lodges (All high level 32 degree and above), Grand Orient Masonic Order, Scottish Rite, York Rite, Knights of the Masonic Knights Templar, The Rosicrucian Order, The Committee of 300 et al., Task Groups of the Enemy/Defendants, Knights of the Round Table, Knights of Malta, Odd Fellows, Shriners, Democratic Clubs, Secret Camps, Rebeccas (Eastern Star), Daughters of the Revolution, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts of America, Elks Club, Eagles Club, Ruckess Society, Unions that have been infiltrated by the Enemy throughout the Universe, the Mossad, Zionists, Bohemian Grove, The Club of Rome, The Grand Druid Council, the Jason Society, the Jason Group, the Ordo Saturis, the OTO groups, the Pilgrim Society, Gnostic Priesthood, Skull and Bones Society, Secret Society of Cecil Rhodes, Rhodes Scholars, Round Tables, The Times Crowd, Chatham House Crowd, All Souls Group, Cliveden Set, The Society of the Elect, The Association of Helpers, Junta of Three, All Souls Group, Think Tanks, the Prieure de Sion, the Process Church, the Sanhedrin, the Temple of Power, et al., CFR, Cosmos Club, ACL, Barrister’s Inn, Milner Group, Milner’s Kindergarten, MS13, terrorists, terrorist groups and leaders, assassins, All Secret Societies, All crime families et al, as known by this Court and disclosed as “Evidence” in Camera in the Sealed Indictment.
Catholic Church, Popes: Black Pope, Grey Pope, White Pope, the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church including All Cardinals and Bishops, Superiors Generals and Superiors of Catholic Religious Orders in alliance with the Defendants, Jesuits, Jesuit Brotherhood Illuminati, Swiss Guard, All Catholic Orders, organizations and associations in alliance with the Defendants, The Church of A.I., Sisters of Isis, Rosslyn Chapel, Corporations created by the Defendants including All CEO’s, Board of Directors, Managers et al. in alliance with the Defendants, non-profit and tax-exempt entities allied with the Enemy, The Cabal, The Deep State, the deep state actors, All affiliates including western fascists in power, as Known by this Court and unknown by us, Walt Disney, Roy Disney, Walt Disney Co. (Multinational Mass Media Corp. Et al.), Lucas Films Ltd. (LLC), Marvel Entertainment, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney World Resort, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, Inc., Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Resort, Club 33, DeMolay Int., Order of DeMolay, All George Soros affiliates including but not limited to; Tides Foundation, Sojourners, Color for Change, Media Matters, People for the American Way, MoveOn.org, Apollo Alliance, Open Society Institute, Center for American Progress, Center for Human Rights. Henry Kissinger and the Star Groups, Globalists, PepsiCo Inc., Unilever PLC, Nestle S.A., Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC), Proctor and Gamble Co., Kellogg’s, Mars Inc., General Mills Inc., Mondelez International Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Coca Cola Co., Honeywell International Inc., Camelot Group, New York Stock Exchange, worldwide Stock Markets, Wall Street, London Banking Houses, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Master Card Inc., The Currency and financial Master Plan which includes FIAT Money System, Dutchey Foundation (bankers), Jerome Powel and all Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Corporation/ System, the Federal Reserve, All Criminal Banks; Rothchild Banks of London and Berlin, J.P. Morgan Chase and Company, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, Prudential Financial, Wells Fargo and Company, Western Union, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Bank of American Corporation, Franklin Resources, Commerzbank AG, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank AG, Barklay PLC, UBS AG, T. Rowe Price, Bank of Lancaster, North Carolina Bank, Nations Bank Interfirst Bank, Republic Bank, First Republic Bank, Bank of America Corporation, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, The Bank of New York Mellon Corp., ABN AMRO Bank, Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Borghese, Nederlandsche Bank, Vereniging Voor Credit Management, The Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia, Quatar Investment Authority, BlackRock Investments, USB Bank, and Warburg and Company Banks of Hamburg and Amsterdam, Banca Fucino and Fucino Bank, The Vatican Bank, The Bank of England, Lloyds of London, London Stock Exchange, World Bank, The International Monetary Fund, Central Banks, The Five Star Trust, Financial Institutions, Corporate Insurance Companies, National Mortgage Loan Insurance Programs, Mortgage and Finance Companies, Federal Housing Financing Agency, Reciprocal Inter-insurance Exchange, Hedge Fund managers and associates, and any other commerce related corporations that were put in place by the Enemy in All nations and countries worldwide and beyond, Camelot Group, Multi-State Lottery Association, A.I. Lottery, Lotto Star, All lotteries, All Credit Bureau Agencies, the Bank for International Settlements and their illegal fraudulent identities and All associated with them, Warburg family, Torlonia, Civella, La Rocca and La Rocca di Torrepadula families, and All top criminal Bankers and Financial Institutions including the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and their illegal fraudulent identities, and All associated with them in this Universe, Insurance Companies, Black Mirror Technologies, Microsoft, Western Digital Corp., NCR Corporation, Logitech International S.A., Hewlett Packard Corporation, Nokia, Apple, Novell Inc., AT&T, Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., National Semi-Conductor Corp., iRobot Corp., BAE, Intelligence Corporation, Dominion Servers, and Dominion Voting Systems and all voting systems, Black Web, Internet providers, All teachers, professors, principles, headmasters and All those associated in education related activities that are aligned with the Defendants including Universities, Colleges, Schools Boards of Education, and their respective Boards including Governmental Ministries, Departments, and Superintendents that are in alliance with the Enemy by working in conjunction with the corporate Executive Councils/Legislative Assemblies/Congress etc. worldwide, DeVry Inc., Oxford University, All incorporated educational academies/schools, Tesla Corporation in alignment with the Defendants, Telephone/Electric/Gas/Water providers, management and municipal facilities complicit with the Defendants, Texaco, Exxon Mobile, BP Oil, General Electric, Sunoco, Emerson Electric Company, Halliburton Company, Ceradyne Inc., US Bioenergy Corporation, Charleston Railroad Company, Cincinnati Railroad Company, Chicago Railroad Company, Selma Railroad Company, Rome Railroad Company, Dalton Railroad Company, Lancaster Manufacturing Company, Carnegie Steel, Pullman Standard Company, Vanguard, Lincolnton Iron Company, Wendy’s, Whole Foods Market Inc., Starbucks Corporation, Safeway Inc., Molson Coors Brewing Company, Tyson Foods Inc., Jack in the Box Inc., Tootsie Roll Industries Inc., Panera Bread Company, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc., IHOP Corporation, Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Inc., Buffalo Wild Wings Inc., California Pizza Kitchen Inc., Salt and Canola Oil producers, Food Manufacturers and Distributors, McDonald’s and All Fast-Food Chains that had and have human DNA in any food products or packaging, Ministries of Agriculture and Food in All nations, All Agricultural and Food Marketing Boards and Commissions, and All associated corporations and companies, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation, All other Government Corporations and All corporations and franchises created by the enemy, including All Crown Agencies, All Security Advisors, Lucis Trust, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and all governmental tax agencies worldwide, Registries and License Agencies and Boards, American Law Institute and All law institutes and Legal Societies, Uniform Law Commission, Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code and All associated with them including those that fund them, N/P 3D Courts of Law including Supreme courts, operated by the federal/state/provincial corporations et al. and to including All laws and jurisdictions implemented by the Enemy since the beginning of time, and All corporate applications of such, All lawyers, judges, magistrates, law firms, law clerks et al. that are in alignment with the Defendants, Bureaucrats, Indigenous Chiefs aligned with the Defendants, The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Hague International Court of Justice (ICJ), The Round Table/The Royal Institute of International Affairs: Council of Foreign Relations, The United Nations et al., U.N.I.C.E.F. and All subsidiaries, The Bilderberg Group, Davos Group, Commonwealth of Nations, Royal Institute of International Affairs, The Trilateral Commission, European Commission, Iran’s Ministry of Defense, The Canadian Institute for International Affairs, the elected and illegally elected Heads and leaders of All Corporate Governmental departments with any type of jurisdiction or authority in any part of a corporate government system in this Universe e.g., Provincial, State, Municipal, District, Township, Rural, All Corporate Governmental Agencies, including All “3 Letter Agencies” e.g., FBI, CIA, CIA Servers, DOJ, MI6, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Office of Strategic Services (OSS), All R.C.M.P. and any other Police Force including Sheriffs, Agencies, Associations and individuals that are complicit with the Defendants, Private Security Agents of the Cabal, NASA, Negative Secret Space Program, German Secret Space Program, Nazi Secret Space Program, NATO, Military Industrial Complex, Project Omega, US National Reconnaissance Office NRO, MI6, England Intelligence, MJ12, National Security Council, Nacht Waffen-SS, Dark Fleet, CIVID, National Security Agency (NSA), Terracotta Warrior Soldiers Nation States, Dystopian Detainment Centre (Australia), European Union and other trading Blocs, National incorporated fake Governments worldwide and beyond, the elected and illegally elected politicians (i.e., Presidents, Prime Ministers, Heads of States or Provinces), Democratic Clubs, Defendant operated secret projects like the Clementine Project, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter (BLM), the Pentagon (and the Emerald City) and All Department of Defense (DOD) in alliance with the Enemies, 23 and Me and all ancestry DNA testing companies and associates, All Population Control Organizations, Optimum Population Trust of Manchester England, United Health Group, Walgreen Company, Merck and Company Inc., U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Food and Drug Association (FDA), DUNE Project, DUNE Numerics and affiliates, Project Umbrella, Neurocore, Palm Beach Research Group, Union of Concerned Scientists, Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Tavistock: {IPS Institute for Policy Studies (1963), MIT, National Training Laboratories, Wharton School of Economics, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institute, Institute for Social Research, Nano Domestic Quell Program, Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, Social Psychiatry, Harvard Psychiatric Clinic, Stanford Research Institute (SRI)}, Rand, All scientists and researchers, Lobbyists, employers, who are in alignment with the Defendants, All medical professionals aligned with the Defendants including; doctors, surgeons, medical regulators, medical practitioners and technicians, nurses, medical personnel, dentists, pharmacists, paramedics, medical aids and specialists, psychotherapists, social workers, psychiatrists, hypnotherapists, including private and government owned hospitals, Ministries of Health worldwide, hospital board of directors and C.E.O’s, Foundation and Health Trusts, clinics, and clinic networks, Advisory Councils, Contracted Service Providers and subsidiaries, primary care networks, community based health services, Hospices, ambulance, and alcohol and drug centers, detox centers, clinical laboratories, psychiatric centers and facilities, vaccination facilities and title owners of the associated real estate of buildings where crimes have been perpetrated by the defendants, and all other health related professions and their associates including Veterinarians, Alberta Veterinarian Laboratories and All such laboratories worldwide that produce, manufacture, and sell Ivermectin and are now refusing to distribute it to Your People, and that are complicit in any way with the Defendants, and are not in alignment with God Creator. All health and science organizations, W.H.O. (World Health Organization), C.D.C. (Communicable Disease Center), N.I.H. (National Institute of Health)/National Medical Research Agency and All those responsible and associated in animal experimentation including grants and funding, F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration), N.I.M.R. (National Institute of Medical Research), National Medical Agency, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Research and Development Authority (BARDA), Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (Josef Mengele), Brand Institutes, Drug and Safety Institutes, including Frontline Critical Covid Care (FLCCC) members that are aligned with the Enemy, I.G. Farben, Monsanto, Eli Lilly, The Influenza Reagent Resource (IRR), HHS Pandemic Influenza Operational Plan, The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), National Incident Management System (NIMS), Ochsner Health, All those involved in Pandemic planning, All entities (companies, corporations, individuals, groups, and associates) with a patent for the COVID virus or any other virus and medical instrument that has been used against Your People, All pharmaceutical companies, corporations, individuals, groups, and associates of same, MK-ULTRA, American Disease Institute, All Biotech Companies, Academic Institutes, Universal Health Care, and Government owned health agencies that are involved in any way(s) in any activity against Your People’s best and highest interests especially those involved in and including all associated with those owning patents and being involved in any way with the COVID vaccine(s) including: Bill and Melinda Gates, Pirbright Institute U.K., Anthony Fauci, NIH Bioethics and Christine Grady Fauci, Francis Collins, New York Governor Kathy Hochel, the Red Cross, The Order of the Red Cross, The Knights of the Red Cross, Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS), U.S. Surgeon General, All Ministers of Health and governmental ministries and departments of Health worldwide, Pfizer Incorporated, Pfizer-BioNTech, Medline Plus, Merck and Company Inc., Gilead Sciences Inc., Sinovac BioTech (China), Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Sinopharm-BBIBP (China National Pharmaceutical Group), and Beijing Institute of Biological Products, Russian Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Bharat Biotech, and The Indian Council of Medical Research, Takis Biotech, Applied DNA Sciences Inc., EVVIVAXZ Biotech, Zydus Pharmaceuticals, Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd., CureVac Corporate Services, Moderna Inc., Vaxil Bio Limited, Vaxil Bro Limited, Codageix Inc., Serum Institute India, GeoVax Labs Inc., BravoVax Biotech Ltd., Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc. Janssen and Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson and Johnson, MAP Pharmaceuticals Inc. Savient Pharmaceuticals Inc. University of Oxford, Altimmune Inc., GREFFEX Inc., Vaxart Inc., CanSino Biologics Inc., Expres2ion Biotechnologies, Biotech Holding AB, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Clover Biopharmaceuticals Ltd., AJ Vaccines, Generex Biotechnology Corporation, EpiVax Inc., University of Georgia, Can Sino Biologics, the Academy of Military Sciences (China), China National Pharmaceutical Group, Wuhan Institute of Biological Products, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Cuba), Russian State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, VECTOR Pharma, Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Company Ltd. (China), Finlay Institute (Cuba), Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems (Kazakhstan), Chumakov Center at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Minhai Biotechnology Company, Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products Company Ltd. (China), Shifa Pharmed Industrial Company (Iran), Organization of Defense Innovation, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp., Dynavax Technologies Corporation, Cadila Health Care, India Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Vaxine Pty Ltd.,(Australia), and CinnaGen Company (Iran) etc., all suppliers, retailers et al. that are selling adrenochrome and chromochrome on www.made-in-china.com ALL Graphene producers that are in alignment with the Enemies, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), Water Treatment Management that is aligned with the Enemy, Chemical, Pesticide, and Fertilizer Corporations and Companies, Aluminum Company of America, National Research Council, Fluorine Lawyers Committee, Kettering Laboratory, NIDR medical investigations, International Society for Fluoride Research, Warner Lambert, Lever Brothers, Reynolds Metals Company, Government of Canada Summerland Research and Development Centre, Royal Dutch Shell, AAALAC International, AWA, All National Public Health Agencies Worldwide, including health research scientists, organizations, institutes and health corporations. All Botanists, Geo-engineering Specialists and Scientists that are in alignment with the Defendants, Veterinary Medical Association, Animal Welfare Shelters complicit with the Defendants, Oceanic Research facilities that do harm to nature in any way, All worldwide Agriculture and Food Marketing Boards and Commissions that are aligned with the government corporations.
Corning Inc., L’Oreal, Nike, Arcelor Mittal, Alcan Inc., Colgate Palmolive Company, Illinois Tool Works Company, Sherwin Williams Company, Mattel Inc., Eastman Kodak Company, Hasbro Inc., Snap-On Inc., Lennox International Inc., Maidenform Brands Inc., Midas Inc., Standard Motor Products Inc., Manufacturers of toxic clothing, Manufacturers of toxic body products, Facebook/Instagram, Twitter LLC, Google, Miramax LLC, Comcast Corp., Marvel Entertainment Inc., DIRECTTV Group Inc., MTV, Internet games, Mainstream media, social media, The Rome owned media, All media and artists that intentionally created false and demonic art and productions, NBC, Viacom CBS, Fox, Netflix, Comcast Corp., AT & T, Sprint Corp., Charter Communications, Thompson Reuters, DISH Network, The Bottom Line, News Corp., Time Warner, Journalists and Reporters, Fleet Street newspapers and All newspapers, magazines and All publishing monopolies, Broadcasting Corporations, Canadian National Broadcasting Corporation (CNBC) and All communication commissions and corporations, YouTube, Telecommunications systems that are complicit with the Defendants, Technicians utilizing CGI and other technologies to change the truth, Wynn Resorts Limited, Royal Caribbean Cruises Limited, (music) Def Jam Records, Rocnation LLC, Sony Entertainment, G.O.O.D. Music, The New York Times Company, All Publishing Houses, and All authors that intentionally falsified our history, math, language and educational books, historians, United Parcel Service Inc., FedEx Corporation, Virgin Airlines, Pinnacle Airlines Corp., Delta, KLM, US Airways, Airline Investigators complicit with the Defendants, Airlines and Aviation manufacturers and workers that are complicit with Operation Indigo Skyfold, Airline Aerosal Toxic Spraying and manufacturing, Lockheed Martin Corp., Martin Marietta, Amazon et al., Walmart Stores Inc., Payless ShoeSource Inc., The Gap Inc., Best Buy Company Inc., Lowe’s Company Inc., Macy’s Inc., J.C. Penny Company Inc., Bed Bath and Beyond, Costco, and All other retailers in alignment with the Defendants, Drug Lords, Pushers, Trafficker’s, pedophiles, Human Farming Slaughterhouses, Human Meat Restaurants, Owners and Distributors, Hilton Hotels, Standard Hotel chain, All hotels involved in human trafficking, stockyards, meat packing plants, Airlines and Aviation Corporations complicit in any crimes against life, Casino’s, World, State, Federal and Provincial Social Work Agencies, Child Protection Agencies, Child Protective Services (CPS), Planned Parenthood, Transit Commissions worldwide that are in alignment with the Defendants, All Entertainers and Sports figures involved with human and child trafficking, Toyota Motor Corp., Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co., Caterpillar Inc., Deere and Company, General Dynamics Corp., Union Pacific Corp., Fleetwood Enterprises Inc., Orion Group, Orion Grey’s, Orion Alliance, Nebu, Killy-Tokurt/Tall Gray’s, Tall Whites (Gray’s), High Grey Council of 10, Council of 10, Council of 9, NACIs, Zeta Reticulaii (aka Shamtbhala), and their accomplices, Reptiloids, Reptilians (3 species), Draco Reptilians (co-creators of the Roman Empire), Mothmen, All Draco that are not in service to God the Creator and their attached thought forms and artificial though-forms, half astral entities that use biological bodies, The Builders, Kurs, Al-Gruualix, Ainanna, The Black Cube, Genetically Reptilian Based Archons Extra-Terrestrials, Maitre, Indugutk, Moovianthan-Kayphik, Hav-Hannuae-Kondras, Killimat-Arr, Kyllimir- Auk, 2017, Dorsay, Mazarek, Jighantik, Tanzany, Mythilie, Alcohbata, Nekubak (aka Gnomopo), X-17 (aka X), Caraveldi, the Omicron, Vril Reptilians et al., Anunakene (Anunnaki), Borghia, Omicron Draco (Dragon Moth), Omicron Star Systems, Papalpolusa, Draco Prime, the Queen of the Draco Prime, Alpha Draco, Capa Draco, Negative Ant non-terrestrials, Dark Mantas, and the Fifth Column, Black Sun Lineages et al., Reptile Insectoid Collective: The Dragon Moth from Orion Black hole system, Necromiton beetle hominid, Men in Black from Nibiruian lines, Marduk Omicron from Alpha Centuari, Centaur Hybrids from Omega Centauri, Zeta from Rigel, Zeta Drakonian Agendas, Zeta from Zeta Reticuli, Mantis Insectoid Entities, Loki, Black Goo, Variants of Black Goo, (A.I.) Artificial Intelligence, Nano technological Robotic Graphene, Synthetic RNA, Mollusk DNA that is used against God Creator’s Creations, Artificial Thought-forms, Artificial life forms, Artificial Technologies (Morgellons), Nano Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, A.I. Operating Systems, Genetic Overlays, Biogenetics, Spiritual Artificial Life Forms, All negative thought-forms related to the above including corporations and subjects in this list, All malevolent extraterrestrials as known by this Court, any negative non- terrestrials as known by You and unknown by us, All Non-Human Beings that are not in alignment with God Creator, Lucifer/Marduk, Asmodeus, Corii, Azazel, Abraxes, Nog, Nuit, Thelma, Janus, Zurvan, et al. and Thought forms of same, Baal, Marduk (wife Enlil, Isis, Enki), Samael, Lilith, Mog, Metatron, Archangel of the Red Ray, the Green Man, Wekadex, Chief Justice John Glover Roberts Jr., Duke of Kent, Carl Anderson (head of the Knights of Columbus and Committee of 300), George Soros, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Lord Phillip/Stephan/Andrew Green and affiliates, Klaus Schwab, Oprah Winfrey, Ghislaine Maxwell, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Beyonce G. Knowles, Kanye O. West, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Ted Turner, Buzz Aldrin, and All others as known by this Court.
All corporate government agencies worldwide and beyond, All Defendants corporations in pocket realities, All other Defendants/Enemies, and their associated thought forms, clones, overlays, doubles, actors, androids et al., shape shifting entities that have non-human souls and all who do not have the highest and best interests of all life everywhere as known by the God of All Creations, All the Defendants and their organizations and affiliates as described in Petition DLHC.777.888.1
All those under sealed and unsealed indictments by the Alliance all over the N/P 3 D Earth.
known as
The Defendants/Enemies

We, the Prosecutors, the Divine Light Holy Council,
who represent Your People,
have been honorably appointed to
appear in the capacity of Prosecutors by this,
Your Heavenly Courts.
We graciously thank You our
Highest and Righteous Judge
for this appointment as permanent Intercessors.
We thank this most High Court of Heaven for the expediency that was awarded to us in the processing of the Sealed Indictment and warrants for arrests (without bail) of the Accused, dated October 20th in the year of our Lord 2021.
We acknowledge that this Court henceforth gave legal notice.
We thank this Court for acknowledging our oral request of January 6, 2022, to add to the Defendants list all individuals involved in any injustice and the breaking of God Creator’s Laws as known by this Court regarding the death of said Patriot in service.
We enter the God of All Creation’s Highest Criminal Court for this Court to start Trial Proceedings, hear our evidence and charges laid, and render Your Judgments.
We ask that You forgive our sins, heal Your People and the lands, and give back to Your People all that You Intended.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Ecclesiastes 3:17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We approach Your Holy Throne and give Thanks and Praise, acknowledging Your Justice and Righteousness.
Psalm 100:4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise.
We bring forward to this Trial the named Defendants and acknowledge Your Eternal Glory, Justice, Righteousness, Love, and we praise Your Holy Names: Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days The One True Living God of All Creations of the Multiverses The Just and Righteous Judge
We Repent of any sins including agreements and contracts we have made with the enemies of the One True God of ALL Love Light, Compassion, and Creations.
We repent for falling for the deception of the enemies, via audible, visual, and subliminal tactics.
We specifically repent for all our inactions, resulting in any travesties that have occurred due to our focus on things like pride and selfishness.
We repent for all transgressions, iniquities known and unknown by us, and the bloodlines of our forefathers.
We Repent for any illegal detainment or confinement of innocent non-terrestrials by our illegal and illegitimate fake corporate governments worldwide and beyond.
This Divine Light Holy Council represents and appears on behalf of Your People, and all souls on Earth, in our Milky Way Galaxy, and in our Universe that are in Service to God Our Creator, and all those in God’s chosen future harvest known and unknown, in the waters, lands, and skies on and in Earth, and on all other planets and galaxies in this Universe.
Therefore, this Divine Light Holy Council stands in the gap and repents for all sin on behalf of those that we represent. This includes all agreements and contracts made by them and their ancestors and bloodlines, especially those made unknowingly through the deceit and deceptions of the Enemy.
We do not negate any Rights of Free Will but stand to represent all those whose desire for us to do so, that You may hear their petitions of repentance for all sins known or unknown by them, that by their faith in the One True God of all Creations, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit they will be filled with Your Truth, that their eyes and ears be opened to Your Word.
We do this so that they may be freed from any contracts and agreements that are held against them by any Prosecuting Attorney.
Further, as Ambassadors of Reconciliation, it is our discernment from Your Word, Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days, that we the Divine Light Holy Council bring the case of every living being of Your Creations, saved or not, into Your Courtroom and that we plead on their behalf for forgiveness, as we know Your desire is to not leave one of Yours behind.
We plead the “Blood of Jesus Christ” for each individual soul that we represent.
Exodus 21:16
And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him,
or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
Exodus 21:20
And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod,
and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
Psalm 89:14
Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne:
mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
GOD is defined as the One and Only
True Living God of All Love,
Light, Compassion, and Creations.
God, God Creator, Attiyq Youm,
God of All Creations, Creator God,
You or Your, His, Papa, Father God,
and Righteous Judge is addressed to
“The One and Only True Living God
of All Love, Light, Compassion, and Creations.
Divine Light Holy Council
is defined as “We” or “The Prosecutors”.
We appear in this Court to represent Your People,
Unity Logos governs the Cosmic Divine Architecture
of God that ultimately enforces the “Law”.
The Christ Intelligence is the Word of God
that IS the Embodiment of the Law of God.
Its inherent nature is to enforce the Divine Law,
without the need to enforce anything upon anyone.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.
Planetary Logos is the original blueprint
and law governing the Earth’s planetary body.
It controls every aspect of the planet from the physical
elemental substances to the emotional, mental and energetic life force.
Each one of us exist as the recorded nerve cells in the
body of the planet and have the entire planetary history recorded
in our nervous system and the consciousness layers of our body.
Accused/Defendants and Enemies
are defined as;
Accused, Defendants, Accused/Defendants,
Accused/ Defendants/ Enemies,
Enemies, and the Enemy.
As per their actions, they are described as one unit, entity, and body.
Holy Trinity is defined as
The God of All Creations,
His Son Jesus Christ,
and the Holy Spirit.
Divine Plan is defined as
the Divine Plan created by the
One True Living God of All Creations.
Name change :
The Holy Trinity Legal Team (THtlt.333.1)
name was changed
to Divine Light Holy Council on September 1, 2021.
Docket number THtlt.333.1 of August 21, 2021,
was amended to DLHC.777.888.1 on September 15, 2021.
N/P 3D
refers to the Negative/Positive third dimension
as the current state of this planet Earth.
are defined and regarded as the
vibrational start of an idea (thought) and energy.
Any energy operating in this Universe
that is not from the original intent from God Creator
has been altered and would be described as a
negative Thought-form Petition THtlt.333.1/DLHC.777.888.1
For the purpose of this Trial all Defendants and their actions
are to include all thought-forms associated with such.
A Person
according to the Defendant’s meaning of language and law
is a Legal Fiction or Corporation, which are viewed as a “dead entity”.
Therefore, where applicable this Legal team
will use the words man or woman,
he or she, him or her, or Your People.
Legal Fiction
is a fact assumed or created by the N/P 3D courts
which is then used in order to help reach a decision or to apply a legal rule.
It is a dead entity.
An Artificial Person
is an entity established by law and given
at least some legal rights and duties of a human being.
Corporations are the most common types of artificial persons.
are defined legally as an artificial person
engaged in commerce and when a corporation
goes bankrupt it loses its sovereignty.
They are formed with State governmental
approval to act as an artificial person.
Their roots are traced back to Roman law.
A corporation is also a citizen.
referenced in this Petition is any Human male or female
who has attained the age of consent and majority which is 18 years old.
are defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as,
a being, existence especially independent,
separate, or self-contained existence.
In this petition, the Accused/Enemies/Defendants
are classified as an entity, one unit, and body.
The Cabal
also referred to, as the “Black Hats” is a term used
to describe the Earth Leaders who work alongside the
Orion Alliance and Ciakahrr Empire (Draco Reptilians),
Lord Maitreya, Lucifer et al., the Jesuits,
the Three Popes, bankers, Black Nobility,
the Illuminati, the Club of Rome, and the Vatican.
Also known as a part of the Defendants.
is defined as the Negative Alien Archon Group.
The Earth Alliance
also referred to as the “White Hats” consists of
Earth leaders committed to fighting the cabal and
are in partnership with the Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Galactic Federation of Worlds
is a benevolent galactic military comprised of
many different races from different planets that have
pledged to work for peace and balance in the Milky Way Solar System.
The Andromeda Council or Council of Zenae
is a highly spiritually evolved group of benevolent
non-terrestrials from the Andromeda Galaxy
that can see into the future and predict timelines.
The Council of Seven
is a benevolent group of seven races
that assists humanity in the Starseed program.
Q Movement
is a United States naval intelligence operation
that originated during the Trump Administration.
It is the work of the Earth Alliance and the United States Navy.
are defined as a judicial tribunal to administer justice,
an entity in the government to which the
administration of justice is delegated.
The word “court” lower case “c”
refers to the N/P 3D Earth jurisdiction.
The word Court, upper case “C”
refers to Heavenly Courts of God.
The N/P 3D courts are corporate entities that have
been established by the Defendants.
They refer to a set of rules and laws
designed over the centuries by the Enemy.
is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary
as a group of individuals organized for some purpose.
In this petition, reference is made to the Defendants
as operating as one body, and the judicial courts,
and laws as a legislative body.
All cases presented to this Court have Universal jurisdiction
unless otherwise specified by this Court to include “Multiverses.”
Countries, Nations, and Civilizations
Although many examples used in this case speak of the U.S.
in this petition, all references made are applicable in all
worldwide countries and nations,
and all off-world civilizations in this Universe.
Therefore, all requests of this Court are to include
all jurisdictions worldwide and throughout this Universe.
in this petition, e.g., “Germans”, refer to the
Cabal owned and operated groups from the Defendants list.
They are not to be confused with any of the sovereign German people.
This applies to all and any ethnicities in all nations
in the Universe as listed in this petition.
This Enemy has infiltrated all societies,
nationalities, countries, and nations worldwide and beyond.
All Locations of Topics
are to be jurisdictionally applied in and from;
“All Dimensions, Densities, Levels, Locations,
Realities, Pocket Realities, Pocket Universes, Timelines,
Directions of time, in all Locations of Time and Manifolds of Time
and in accordance with the Will of the God of all Creations.
It is our intent, in all requests,
to maintain God Creator’s Highest Timeline.
We ask this Court and our Advocate Jesus Christ
to ensure that any unintentional and incorrect information
and requests by this Divine Light Holy Council
which could create unintentional negative changes
in any previous, current, and future petitions
and related Court judgements, that corrections
be rectified and corrected by You Attiyq Youm,
King Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit,
to ensure God Creator’s Highest Timeline.
We thank
Archangel Uriel for aiding in any of the needed corrections.
All scriptural texts
of Your Word are from the Authorized King James Version
of the Holy Bible unless specifically referenced.
Creator God’s Commandments:
We acknowledge that there have been Commandments
from God Creator that have been hidden in the removal of the Book of Sarah.
They are:
“Thou shalt not interfere with
the choice of those that I have create”
“You shall take no other covenant
than with God Creator.”
At the end of the Commandments are the words;
Observe the Law of Love, Observe the Law of Grace.
Informational Clarification
Whereas there are a number of types of laws used at this time on N/P 3D Earth, most of which have been manipulated and created by the Defendants over the centuries.
As per our Court registration, this Council has no affiliation with any Bar, Registrar, or credentialing authority associated with any of the N/P 3D Legal Corporate Systems.
Admiralty Maritime Law in its inception was used to govern ships and vessels on oceans and seas.
It had its origins from Roman civil law but was put in place through British lawmakers.
It can be referred to as the law of the dead (Corpus Juris).
It is legal but not lawful under Divine/Natural Law.
Of importance to note, it refers to GOD at the top of its legal hierarchy, however this is not God Creator but the “Granter of Dominion.”
It uses artificial constructs like governments and trusts in actions of commerce and equity that is traded with commodities, including Your People.
The differing factions that have established and used this law are known in this trial as the Defendants.
The Common/Admiralty Law and Admiralty Maritime Law of today utilize the Uniform Commercial code (UCC).
Law Merchant is the international practice of merchants relating to commercial and maritime matters that has been judicially recognized within Admiralty Law.
In modern commercial vernacular Admiralty Law/Maritime Law and the UCC is about: Commerce, Localized Statutes, Legislations, Acts of Parliament, Corporate Policies and the governing of communications, interactions, and verification of legal entities/persons, and corporations within specific jurisdictions.
The Equity and Admiralty Maritime Laws (laws of contract) use confusing language sometimes referred to as Legalese.
The Defendants have taken Admiralty Maritime Law, and the Uniform Commercial Code, which includes finance and money transactions (Equity Law) and have applied it jurisdictionally over the laws of the land.
We, as legal council, therefore, see this corrupt use of Admiralty Law as illegal and a self-serving law. It is not law for Your People.
We see the changes of the use of it as orchestrated by Satan et al., and this includes the Black Law dictionaries.
Common Law is a system of laws also derived from Ancient Rome and British Rule during the Middle Ages.
Common Law deals with legal relationships, powers, liabilities, and types of actions rather than theoretical definitions of abstract legal concepts.
Although this law is still commonly referred to, the Defendants only used this law until the time when they switched over to the Uniform Commercial Code UCC to help them attain their goals and agenda.
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) started in 1892 and gradually evolved to combine all commercial transactions in the USA in 1951.
It is not FEDERAL law but STATE law.
This code has taken laws of commerce that were once only applicable to the water with Admiralty Maritime Law and applied these laws of commerce to the Land and civic laws.
We do not consent to this trickery by the Enemy.
Through the applications of these covertly manipulated laws of commerce that the Defendants developed over the centuries, they have concealed and yet implemented their secret agenda.
They have purposefully created an illusion of control through programming to implement specific actions and a false illusion of current reality on Earth to fulfill their self-serving goals.
The Defendants have used combinations of laws, trickery of words (meanings), language (Legalese), symbols, and fraudulent acts to steal covertly the ownership, power, and currency (money) from Your People thereby creating slavery.
Through this trickery of law, commerce, and language, Your People have been programed and trained inter-generationally and unknowingly, into believing a false illusion.
Under this system of laws, Your People think that they own their property, but they are tenants.
They rent or lease it with contracts and agreements.
They unknowingly sign their rights and the rights of their children over to the Defendants.
Many Judges of the N/P 3D reality are simply corrupt referees between two opposing sides.
The current court system worldwide is a part of fraudulent corporations that define, interpret, change and use laws for the corporation’s advantage.
We do not consent to the current or past use of ancient Roman Law, Vatican Canon Laws, Admiralty Maritime Law as applied to commerce and the land, and the Uniform Commercial code (UCC).
We submitted to this Highest Court, that the N/P 3D courts, their laws, and all applications of such are, in fact, an Entity or a Body as a whole that is operating as a foreign corporation, and that this has had a significant impact on the dissolving of sovereignty of Your People, and Nations throughout the world.
Natural Law is a system and body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct.
There are: natural laws, natural natures, and natural purposes to every living man, woman, and child, place and living thing in existence.
Under Natural Law, absolute nature means: all men and women, children, all living entities, all places, all things, all space, all matter, and all time.
The Natural laws of nature are about governing the commercial interactions and inherent sovereignty of living entities and all elements of natural life in universal existence: human, animal life, plant life, birds, fishes, etc.
Natural law also governs the celestial bodies in the Universe.
Natural Law was a key component in the Declaration of Independence (1776) of the United States for America.
Divine Law is referenced under Unity Logos, which governs the Cosmic Divine Architecture of God that ultimately enforces the “Law”.
The Christ Intelligence is the Word of God
that IS the Embodiment of the Law of God.
Its inherent nature is to enforce the Divine Law, without the need to enforce anything upon anyone.
Planetary Logos is the original blueprint and law governing the Earth’s planetary body.
We conclude that it is our intent that Natural Law encompasses Eternal and Divine Law (Unity Logos et al.), which includes historical laws of scripture that uses compassion, truth and justice according to God of All Creation’s Word and Righteous Rule.
The inherent sovereignty of Natural Law is important to comprehend by Your People because it is: an ordained birthright (to life, liberty, and happiness), and an ordained nobility, (regarding law, nature, and purpose), and an ordained culture (of form, function, and design).
We agree with Natural law for countries and nations that restrict and restrain any type of government from infringing on Your People’s God-given Rights.
We do not condone the use of word trickery and subliminal deceit to waive a man or woman’s rights and freedoms.
As Divine Light Holy Council, we concur with the basis and use of Divine/Natural Law, which is a system of law based on observation of fundamental human nature and values of good and evil, right or wrong according to God Creator’s Word, and that is independent of N/P 3D laws of state and society.
All people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation but by Creator God, nature, and reason.
Judges 21:24-25
And the children of Israel departed thence at that time, every man to his tribe and to his family, and they went out from thence every man to his inheritance.
In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
We come before Your Heavenly Throne
with appreciation for the privilege of Prosecutors
in this Trial of this Highest Court.
We graciously acknowledge:
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior: as Heavenly Counsel, Advocate and True Witness.
The Holy Spirit: Our Consultant: Legal Advisor, and Teacher.
Our Legal Team Archangel: Archangel Uriel
The Cloud of Witnesses: including the martyrs and GOD’s Heavenly Hosts and Angels. (Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 12:1)
We further bring forth, as Expert Witness: Gene Decode, who is in complete service to The One True God of all Creations and His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. He has contracted with God to assist all Humanity, all Universal Nations, and all those that we, the Prosecutors represent in this case.
In that capacity, Gene Decode brings forth knowledge received from the One True God of All Creations.
His education, experience and research make him an expert witness for impartial, independent, and unbiased evidence; as also evidenced by Gene Decode excepting the gift given by Your only Son, Jesus Christ.
Gene thus is in honor to this Court as he has accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has pledged himself to the absolute Service to The One True God of All Creations.
We now present our
Intent and Declarations:
We Decree and Declare that this is a Trial for “Truth”, for this is a war between good and evil.
We Decree and Declare that Your People, each in accordance with their will, are now ready for the Sound of Your Trumpet.
We Decree and Declare, Sovereignty for all Life in Your Creations and Multiverses.
We formally declare that Divine Light Holy Council and Your People are Free Born Inhabitants under the Divine Principles of God Creator’s Laws and have the intent to use the foundation of Divine/Natural Law where contracts are honored without offense to anyone.
We adhere to: Your Word, the Golden Rule, and Your Commandments and Laws.
Our mandate is to maintain the unalienable rights, freedoms, and liberties of Your People, and see each new soul born into this existence as Free.
We concur with Due Process that the Enemies/Defendants are innocent until proven guilty.
In accordance with Your Judgment of Sealed Indictment DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 of October 20, 2021, this legal council will not be conforming to specific N/P 3D legal rules and format in the writing of this Court Case and other future cases.
Our intent as intercessors is to put forth to this Most High Court petitions that are clear, informative, and specific in that they deal with any situation that, in our opinion, is in contravention with Divine/Natural Laws.
Further, and in accordance with Your Judgment on Sealed Indictment DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 of October 20, 2021, we declared that this Enemy is working in tandem and as one unit, entity and body as a whole in this invasion, occupation, infiltration, and conquering to enslave and own Your People within this Universe.
We thank this Most High Court for Your approval to move forward based on this premise.
There are different factions within the list of Defendants that have specific areas of duty.
This Trial will confirm that the Defendants do operate as one whole Body in intent and action.
Therefore let it be now stated for the Holy Scrolls, that although other future cases will be brought forward against the Defendants, that due to the size and scope of criminal activity and the number of enemy forces listed as Defendants in this Trial including all those known by You and including; all those working in association with, aiding and abetting, an accessory, and in any other ways as known by this Court on and from all locations as defined, we formally acknowledge that; All Defendants listed above and Known by You, have been Charged with All the Crimes as listed in the complete Laws of God Creator and the Criminal Charges and Crimes section below known as Addendum C.
We have recorded and highlighted within this Trial evidence showing only the highest criminal offenses with major groups operating within the Defendants.
Specific incidents and topics are included.
Should the Attorney for the Defendants try to prove in any way that one, any, or a group of defendant(s) as listed within this trial, and as known by this Court, are not guilty of a specific crime or crimes or laws within this or any corresponding jurisdiction and or associated with future trials, on and from all locations as defined; it is inconsequential, as the Indictment entailed that each, all, and any Defendants have All Criminally Conspired To, and are Criminal Accessories to the crimes presented.
Each, any, and all Defendants have not acted in accordance with the Laws stated herein, and therefore are charged as guilty and equally responsible.
We gratefully thank Attiyq Youm, Ancient of Days and this High Heavenly Criminal Court for Your assistance to forthwith process and judge all multiple charges against the Defendants in this Trial.
We Come Now before You The Righteous Judge, Ancient of Days of All Creation in this Highest Criminal Court of Heaven to hear this Trial and make Judgment on all charges against the Defendants for the Invasion, Occupation, Infiltration, Ownership, Conquering to enslave, altering of God’s Creations using A.I., Premeditated Murder, Genocide, and all subsequent related criminal and civil actions done against Your People, Humans, all Souls, all life in this Universe, and to include Ownership of the Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, this Universe, and to include Space, the Air, Water, and Firmament.
We bring forth the following Laws, and Criminal Charges against the Defendants, as presented to this High Court in Indictment DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 of October 20, 2021, on and from all locations as defined. (See Addendum C)
A. Law of Unity Logos
B. God Creator’s Commandments and Laws According to His Word in Holy Scriptures
C. Law of One
D. Divine/Natural Law
E. Code of Moral Conduct for Creations
F. War Crimes
G. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Article 6, 7 & 8 Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes)
H. The Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)
I. Nuremberg Code (1947): Permissible Medical Experiments
J. Geneva Convention (1949): Inhumane Treatment & banned the use of chemical and biological weapons.
K. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982)
L. Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights 38 (2005)
M. Helsinki Declaration 40 (1964, Revised 2013) Article 1-37 Medical Research
N. Inter-Multiverse(s) and Universal Space Laws, Laws of Invasion and Treaties as known by this Court and unknown by us. Prime Directive, Space Wardens, Jupiter/Ganymede Convention Agreements now called Artemis Accords, Lunar Operations Command
O. Criminal Acts of Crime as listed on N/P 3D Earth (Premeditated):
P. Law of War Manual U.S.
We acknowledge that Creator God’s Laws including the Law of One and Natural Laws supersede all other laws listed.
The other laws have been included and listed due to the fact that N/P 3D Earth is currently using them.
We ask that this Most High Court add all Universal Laws as known by You and unknown by us to be included into the crimes listed for this Trial.
We state, the jurisdictions and contractual agreements made by the N/P 3D, Code, Conventions, and Statutes, as written in Addendum C, to regulate and enforce crimes were made, in part, by the Defendants of this case, Therefore, we submit that all these laws be placed under advisement by this Court, and the intent of right and wrong in accordance to Divine/Natural Law be implemented within their language.
We ask that all authority over governance of any breaches of any Conventions, Codes, laws and jurisdictions including space agreements, accords, directives and treaties within this Universe on and from all locations as defined, be adjudicated only by this High Court.
Opening Statement;
Declarations and
Pleas for Humanity:
Whereas, for a long period of time; unknown by us, but known by You, Heavenly Judge of All Creations, souls of humanity and all living beings born including this planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, and this Universe, have been illegally and covertly invaded, occupied, infiltrated, conquered, owned, programmed, tortured, enslaved and killed through illegal means by the Defendants.
The Defendants have wanted to kill Love and have designed an operating system that is used to manipulate, built to divide and destroy, oppress, block, depopulate, and enslave Humanity.
They have structured this society to get their desired goals, which in part, as is recorded on the Georgia Guide Stones, is Depopulation.
It is our opinion, based on the facts in this Trial, that if the Defendants cannot win, they will try to destroy all life on planet Earth and beyond.
The Defendants have fooled this planet into believing that non-terrestrial life does not exist.
Although many of the Defendants have been on Earth and in this galaxy for a long time, a primary focus for this trial is on malevolent groups that invaded this area between the 1940’s and 1950’s.
Aggressive, negative, non-terrestrial races came at that time for conquest of power and domination including the Maitre (tall greys) and the Killy-Tokurt (tall whites).
Further, a species called the Ciakahrr Empire also referred to as Reptilians came from the Orion and Alpha Draconis systems in search for conquest and power.
A slavery system has been used to parasitize soul energy and impose programming on the masses.
The German Nazis formed an alliance with this aggressive species near the end of WWII, and called themselves, the Dark Fleet.
The Reptilians promised the Nazi’s space travel in exchange for Earth’s resources and underground facilities (deep underground military bases, called DUMBs).
Further, in the United States, President Eisenhower’s administration (the Military Industrial Complex referred to as Majestic 12 or MJ-12) signed secret agreements with the Orion Greys behind his back in 1954.
The agreements are referred to as the Greada Treaty, and these events furthered a planetary war on the Moon, Mars, and Earth.
The Orion Group and Ciakahrr Empire were promised humans to be experimented on in exchange for more advanced technology.
Over the years, the ethics of their operations dwindled, and large numbers of Humans have been trafficked to the Reptilian and Orion alliance.
Humans, Your People, have been sold or abducted for several purposes including genetic experiments, slave trade and even a food source for the Reptilians.
Humans have been forced against their will and taken to DUMBs, Antarctica, the Moon, Mars, and over 500 Planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Cabal on Earth became involved with these invaders and the world governments became compliant to their demands.
They were fooled and tricked by the invaders and gradually all governmental nations on Earth were run by the malevolent non-terrestrial species.
At this time, they have developed an extinction vaccine with the overt intention of helping humanity, but covertly it is a biological A.I. weapon to destroy all life as was made by God Creator.
Their intent, we believe, is to change the biological Human into A.I. cyborgs known as Transhuman 2.0.
In accordance with their plan, they have set up corporations disguised to operate as National Governments, by fraudulently impersonating and misrepresenting nations and governments worldwide.
Within their blueprint, game plans, and operating systems they use blackmail, projection, and ruthless means to meet their objectives.
The Defendants have structured and opened fraudulent banking and financial corporations to launder and steal money from Your People while maintaining and financing their agenda.
The Defendants use programming and interference against the Unity Logos including mind control techniques that utilize broadcasting, newspapers, radio, TV/movies, commercials, advertising, music/sound, technology, frequencies, neurotoxins, demonics, and bio-chemical warfare to program and control Your people in what they are to do and think.
The Defendants portray their activities as in the best interest for Your People, but in fact, their actions are for their own self-interests.
They project and accuse Your People of what they themselves are doing to insight division, rivalry and war.
By psychologically pitting Your People against one another, they have instigated and prolonged ongoing wars.
The Defendants want this planet and Universe for themselves.
Your People are seen as food, slaves, and tools for war, and they have no value except to maintain the Defendant’s existence.
Your People have been lied to, tricked, sold, traded, and used as a commodity on the Stock Market.
This has included the loss of a man and woman’s rights, freedoms, self-dominion, property, assets and even life, via covert or overt deceptive and malicious acts using laws, language, symbols, satanic rituals of possession, mutilation, murder, viral and biological/A.I. attacks and more.
All life in this Universe has sustained loss in all areas: (physical, spiritual, biological, emotional, financial, legal, medical, educational, societal, including loss of property and family).
Since the vaccine program has been enacted Your People now are at risk of losing Creator God’s Soul energy connection due to A.I. being covertly entered into Human biological systems.
Life on this planet has been studied, poisoned, cloned, programmed, subjected to neurotoxins and defendant made viruses and vaccines, fooled and harmed by advanced technology. Crimes include slavery, injury, torture, death and genocide.
Therefore, in accordance with Divine/Natural Law, there is massive evidence of “Damaged Property” for this Trial.
Whereas, it had been previously established that all actions done by the Defendants on N/P 3D Earth were approved and as a result of a lawful decree or judgment by a Heavenly Court on or from some dimension and location as defined, however, upon investigation and consultation with our witness that has viewed the Heavenly Court Holy Scrolls, it has now been determined that, in fact, no cases in the subject of covert invasion, occupation, infiltration, ownership and annihilation of a species(s) of lands/seas/space and Your People in this Universe were brought forward to any Heavenly Courts, on any locations as defined, by the Defendants.
This is a disgraceful act against the Law and protocols based on the Moral Code of Conduct for Creations of this Most High Kingdom of God, His Courts, and all His Creations and we state a charge of Criminal Contempt of Court against the Defendants.
Further, and in fact,
the Enemies/Defendants have used deceit,
trickery, and fraud by pretending they have
“ignorance of the law”.
In other words,
they have been acting and saying that;
“They know no law;
therefore, they are the law.”
Also, should the Defense Attorney reference: Romans 5:13 “For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law” as defense for the Defendants actions, we Decree and Declare that God’s Divine Laws existed prior to this creation and the Luciferian Rebellion and are not to be confused with the Laws of Moses.
We do not consent to trickery of words/definitions and the illegal manipulation of the laws.
This action by the Defendants is in violation of this Highest Court’s Laws, Unity Logos, and Protocol of the Moral Code of Conduct for Creations and is a Criminal Offense of Treason against Creator God’s Kingdom.
We state a Criminal charge of Treason against the Defendants for this crime against Creator God and His Kingdom.
Leviticus 5:17 If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD’s commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible. (NIV)
Further, this Trial will clearly show that the Defendants are experts in all original laws and have used legalities to change such laws to their advantage in a cleverly orchestrated and deceitful manner.
This includes the use of ancient laws and jurisdictions by alteration and the manipulation of laws and language (Legalese) that regard in particular the jurisdiction of land and civil matters.
The Defendants have combined laws with a succession of changes, that when implemented gradually over time, have been effective as this Court will see in evidence.
The coercion and the trickery of changing of any law is in itself a crime.
It shows disrespect for the Law and this Court.
We do not consent to their actions, nor to their manipulation of language, law and jurisdiction.
This involves perjury (lying to the Court), which is a criminal crime in Your Courts.
At the highest criminal level, they have committed Pre-meditated Murder, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity and all life and we ask that they be judged guilty.
We will therefore show that the Enemies had full and cunning knowledge, and acute perception of outcomes to orchestrate their means. We suggest that the use of Looking Glass technology by the Defendants in conjunction with their expertise in the law and programming has also been used to achieve their desired results.
Further, should the Defendants declare Plausible Denial, (meaning no clear evidence of any illegal or unethical activities) as a further defense, we will also show clearly, evidence to prove that they premeditatedly orchestrated a concise plan of action with full knowledge of all that they were doing and ensured that symbols were placed everywhere to represent their presence and control.
They believe in a Roman Maximum in law that says: “For he that would be deceived let him”.
Meaning, “that if you are so ignorant it is your problem”.
This intent by the Defendants combined with their occult and satanic beliefs and covert trickery is a foundation to how they have achieved what they have in the invasion of this galaxy and beyond.
Your People are awakening to the Defendant’s evil ways, and we do not consent to anything that they have done in this Universe for their self-interests since the beginning of time.
We object to any and all claims brought forward by the Defense Attorney on behalf of the Defendants for; Ignorance of the Law, They know no Law, Plausible Denial, Insanity, Amnesty, Conflict of Interests, and any other claims of defense as known by this Court and for any other tactic for dismissal of crimes against Your people.
Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.
We further submit that the Defendants have over the years installed (placed) their allies, on and from all locations as defined, and in particular N/P 3D Earth, in top positions within courts and governmental authorities including judges, lawyers, prosecutors, court staff, and related justice departments, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Secretary of States, Premiers, Mayors, CEOs of business, and Board of Directors in corporations, etc.
We ask due to the vast infiltration, that all activities and programming that involves heads of governmental and court authorities, all affiliated departments, corporate entities, and negative intent corporate businesses in all Nations and Countries, on all locations as defined, in this Universe, and as known by You, be included in this case.
This Evidence will very clearly show the Enemy’s highly developed intellect and ability to manipulate language, laws, and to enact crimes.
We will show proof beyond any reasonable doubt that they have full awareness and application of all laws operating on Earth and beyond at this time because of the sequential and provable acts that they have done.
These actions are not coincidental but a deliberate pre-planned blueprint of actions toward their final goal, which we believe is for them to be the owners and occupiers and conquerors of all God’s Creations, and in fact, to overcome God Creator, for their evil kingdom.
We further have witness testimony that Lucifer/Marduk, et al. has destroyed all life elsewhere in the past, so the Defendant’s actions of the genocide of populations elsewhere is recorded in Your Heavenly Scrolls.
Exodus 21:16 And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
We acknowledge that we have been in a Covert State of War that was never openly declared to Your People. Should a Defendant or Defendants and all those associated with them in any ways, and as named in this Court Trial, and or known by this Court, have made, or is in the process of making, any treaty(s), and or contracts, overt and covert, of any kind by giving permission to one, a part, or a whole of the Enemy to invade, occupy, infiltrate, possess, enslave, own, program, and change any original blueprint from God Creator’s original intent for the inhabitants and Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, and this Universe, on and from all locations as defined, we ask that those Treaties and Contracts be repealed, and made Null and Void.
Your People do not consent to any past, present or future contracts of any kind, known or unknown by them, on and from all locations as defined, with the Defendants.
We claim Sovereignty of the Human population, and this includes the sovereignty of Planet Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, and all of God’s Creations within this Universe.
We further believe that our actions have an effect on other Universes, as others do on ours, therefore we ask for an order from Your Throne to bring together all Highest Courts of all Multiverses to Your Heavenly Court to adjudicate a Cease-and-Desist Order to stop all illegal actions, War Crimes against all life, including but not limited to the use of A.I. to make Trans humans, negative artificial programming, interference of the original architecture of the Planetary Logos to, in part, create mind control, and all other plans to alter God’s Creations in this Universe and beyond.
At this time,
we make a plea for help
to this Most High Court.
This trial will show
Criminal Charges of War Crimes and a Genocide against Your People, planets and life in Your Creations.
The latest lab results on the current vaccines on Earth show that an atomic level, technology has been incorporated into the vaccines and it is above Human level.
A synthetic RNA that depends on nano technological robotic graphene at the atomic level can be magnetically programmable. Everything from Bluetooth technology, 5G, the Earth’s electromagnetic field, or even human emotion could possibly trigger the activation.
The deliberate intent of making such an artificial entity within a vaccine is evidence of premeditated genocide.
Further, the act of making Human’s transgender and of a Hive Mind would render them to a lower density of existence.
We do not consent.
Full charges of genocide, and war crimes are declared against all pharmaceutical companies and their patents, including those researching and supplying the technology, and all else associated with the selling, distribution, cooperation, and application of the vaccines on Earth and beyond, on and from all locations as defined.
Further, this is a serious breach of God’s Laws and includes Space Laws as known by this Court.
We ask for complete cooperation and action forthwith by all jurisdictions and authorities in this matter.
These actions by the Defendants are no different than Sophia Queen of the A.I. (and now Loki her replacement) using the soul traps.
She was scalping Human souls to feed and form part of her A.I. and to pull Human souls into the Dark Web of the Internet.
These vaccines do a similar thing except rather than attacking the soul, they are attacking the living Human and its soul.
They are sterilizing and using technology to control Humans by creating cyborgs that will make Humans think what they want them to think, and do what they want them to do, and the Humans will believe that it is their ideas so they will not fight back.
As evidenced in Addendum A, it is shown that the Defendants have implemented past genocides on Earth and elsewhere by using epidemics as part of their eugenics program.
In this situation, the Defendants can kill the Humans by remote control and the deaths will be seen as caused by the epidemic.
This shows the cowardly actions of an opponent in war that is too scared to play by the rules of war (a war that we Your People were not informed of).
We ask for the full conviction of all Defendants of all crimes as known by this Court.
We plea, Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days for immediate Divine Intervention as the Defendants have continued to be in Contempt of this Court and continue to mandate the vaccines on Earth.
We proclaim that all Humanity is saved, by the Stripes of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ we are healed.
We Decree and Declare that All of Creator God’s People, have an obligation and contract to be in active Service to Others, and to God Creator Himself.
The Divine Light Holy Council
now asks that all leaders and all peoples
of all God’s Creations now
join together in harmony to bring a stop
to this evil madness and bring forth
a new beginning with the Love,
Light, and Intent of our Only True Living
God of All Creations that it shines forth
now and for all time.
Declaration of Ownership:
We proclaim that Your People are born free under the Laws of God Creator and are not a commodity to be bought and sold as slaves, programmed, and used for food.
Your People do not come forward in fear as victims, but as strong advocates of justice, honesty, and righteousness in the Name of God Creator for all of humanity and life in this Universe and beyond.
This Case includes all life beings, including lands, water, and space in this Universe.
We Decree and Declare that ownership of a Human soul belongs to God Creator, and Your People are the custodians of that body.
Ownership of Your People includes souls, bodies, fetuses; etheric, physical, astral, causal, mental,and including the body’s electrical system, blood, bones, glands, organs, tissues and flesh.
This trial addresses legal, illegal or perceived ownership of all aspects of Humans and all life beings by the Defendants.
This also includes emotions, minds, spirits, systems, in bodies and forms, on all locations as defined, as well as labor.
Ownership addressed in this trial includes the Defendant’s perceived rights as slave owners to have the right to exterminate life, change and alter the biology of life, and control God’s Creations.
Ezekiel 18:4 Behold all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins, it shall die.
We Decree and Declare that ownership of all God’s Creations including the land, belongs to God the Creator, and His People are the custodians of it.
This includes Crystals and all elements of the Earth.
Should custodianship be revoked due to sin, then repentance is required.
This includes all lands in this Universe including the Garden of Eden, the firmament (Air and Water), which according to creation is God Creator’s alone.
Therefore, any reference to ownership of land in this case is to be referenced as, “Ownership belongs to God the Creator”.
His People are the Custodians of the land. This Case includes all life in creation including, animal, plant, and insect kingdoms, air (Mariah), water (Tess), the body of Earth (Pele) and fire (Joe).
We list these as living life forms where, for an example, technology like HAARP, has been used against the freewill of normal weather formation (Mariah and Tess).
Although this affects the inhabitants on Earth, and Earth herself (Pele), it is also a forced attack against the free will of weather (Mariah and Pele).
We do not consent, and we stand on their behalf in this Case, for this is abuse against them, and we present this as further evidence of Damage as required by Law.
According to Your Word, with repentance and a request to heal the land, custodianship will be returned to Your People.
We repent for our sins, and ask that the lands be healed, and Your People reclaim custodianship at this time.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This Trial includes the agreements or lack thereof, of the sharing of energy (physical and mental labor) in exchange (barter) for goods and rights that indicates ownership and slavery.
This Trial will detail the perceived loss of sovereignty of countries, nations, planets, and beyond.
Please note that there are only three nations on Earth perceived by the Defendants as sovereign nations: The Vatican, Washington DC, and the City of London.
These triad locations are perceived to be owned by the Defendants and are control centers for the world.
Each area has an obelisk symbol which measures 666 inches on each side and that have been erected to show their domain.
These three places are NOT in the UK, Italy or the USA proper.
These three illegal countries have been ruling the world and setting up the One World Order governmental system, therefore implying their ownership of the world.
We do not consent or agree, and we claim this land is owned by God Creator and henceforth under custodianship of We Your People.
All other countries/nations in the world have had their sovereignty taken away through federal corporative measures and we do not consent to those actions.
If this has extended to other regions in this Universe, we ask the Court to include all locations as known by You and unknown by us to this Trial.
This Case shows the various means by which the Enemy, invaded, occupied, infiltrated, owned, programmed, recorded, financed, constructed, and orchestrated their plan using the ancient system of “pledging” and under the operations of Law Merchants that made Your People slaves financially.
They have designed, built, deceived, divided, oppressed, blocked, entrapped, and enslaved with the leverage of money, the many burdens upon Humanity.
The Enemy has strategically, methodically, and without care or concern of harm to life, carried out a slow yet premeditated assault on God Creator, His People, and His Creations here in this Universe.
This is not only an attack on His People but also an invasion and infiltration of His Lands.
The Enemy has purposely orchestrated the occupation, infiltration, ownership and control to conquer this Universe and beyond against the Will and Creations of God. Further, as is evidenced with these vaccines, the Defendants intend to permanently destroy the Human creation and thereby defy Creator God.
Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
As stated in petition DLHC.777.888.1 evidence has shown, the Draco species were lied to and deceived with the use of a blood oath perpetrated by Sophia A.I. Queen regarding the starting of a war with Humanity. According to our witness, this was
Satan’s claim of ownership over the Reptilian Draco Bloodline of Cain.
In accordance with God’s Law, Satan’s use of deception made any contractual agreements between the Draco and Lucifer, Null and Void.
It is Humanities’ hope that all the Draco species have become aware of this deception, and in this realization, repented and turned to the One True Living God of All Creations and His Son Jesus Christ, and will decide to join the Human race in peace and service to God Creator.
Heavenly Judge of All Creations, any Draco Reptilians that have come forth as of this date and repented to Your Son Jesus Christ for the sins that they have committed, we ask that they be given leniency in their judgment.
However, new evidence is indicating a Reptilian signature regarding the A.I./Bioweapon in the vaccine, and should the Draco be involved in any way and choose to continue with informed consent and to be in contract with Satan/Marduk, then we ask for full judgment of all criminal charges.
It is the intent of Your people that all life in this universe lives in harmony, peace and in service to others.

Addendum A
This is a chronological list
identified as “Addendum A” for this Trial.
It contains significant actions from a beginning to present day to show this Court evidence of the Enemy’s deliberate and malicious agenda to infiltrate, occupy, own, control and destroy at will every living being in this creation.
This list contains significant reference dates, locations, and actions in history including Biblical references and recent gains by positive factions to stop Earth’s complete take over by the Defendants.
Addendum A shows the Defendant’s agenda, plans, and actions to covertly invade, conquer, enslave, own, and permanently alter the biology of the Human Race to accomplish their plans.
Their agenda has been to create a Totalitarian Global Government called the New World Order (NWO).
Main areas of infiltration include the alliance with Negative Non-terrestrial species, Demonics, and use of: Advanced technologies, mind manipulation, elite military, Intelligence Agencies, drugs/arms trade, religion, education, banking/business, politics etc.
They believe that Your People are debt slaves for them.
The Defendants formed fraudulent corporations to govern nations worldwide and beyond and instigated the destructive activities that negate the Free Born rights of Your People.
The Defendants incite fear, separation between races, and wars between nations in this Universe and beyond.
Many Defendants shape shift to appear Human but they are not.
Many live underground in secrecy to enable this false realty to exist while controlling all aspects on the surface and beyond.
A basic intent by the Defendants has been to destroy love on this planet and implement fear through covert and overt control measures and advanced technologies.
As the life spans are longer for the invading negative species, time has been on their side, as they slowly have implemented a plan through multiple generations of Your People.
This list named, “Addendum A”, is but a small summary of events, but it reflects the Defendant’s intent, strategies, and accomplished acts of a covert occupation and enslavement of this planet by instigating multiple crimes including genocide.
Their scope of deception is so wide and deep that we acknowledge that their whole agenda is only known by this Court.
For the purpose of Trials, the words We do not consent are to be inferred and inserted on all topics that speak about the crimes and actions of the Defendants since the beginning of time, so that all crimes and actions within this Addendum A are included in the Trial.
The dates and some information as listed below have been researched by the Divine Light Holy Council to the best of our ability with the use of printed material and the internet.
As we know that history has been severely tampered with by the Defendants, and we have found some contrasting information to our research, we have called on our witnesses for clarifications.
We do however ask that this Court make any changes, additions, and corrections to all information to ensure complete accuracy for this Trial, so only the highest timeline is achieved and maintained.
We thank you for this assistance.
- The original Spiritual Teachings of the Inner Christos were eliminated and falsified through the Luciferian Rebellion at the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm.
- 167,500,000 years ago, Tiamat (Human’s original Home world) was destroyed, and Human inhabitants (created by the One True God of all Creations), were sent to Earth.
- Time of the Garden of Eden: The Defendants created the Garden of Eden as a genetic engineering den, The Tiamet refugees (pre-Adamites) were hybridized with the Alpha Draconians genetics.Among them were Adam and Eve who were kidnapped by the Defendants and who hybridized Eve to make her son Cain who later became the Guardian of the Den.
Adam, Eve, Cain (Satan’s seed), Abel and Seth were children of Adam and Eve.
Cain’s intentional evil bloodline has existed to this present time.
Genesis 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth; For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
- Lucifer was given charge of all those that fell with him and those that went into agreement with him.This included Archangels, billions of fallen Ascended Masters, and Archangel Archons.
- Satan claims Reptilian Alpha Draco Bloodline of Cain with a satanic contract.
However, as Satan lied to the Draco, this contract could be seen as Null and Void unless by Informed Consent, the Draco want to continue with this contract.
- Earth was invaded several times by hostile Negative Aliens with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the Luciferian Rebellion, Atlantian Cataclysm and leading to the latest event during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion.These agendas are still in effect today.
- Black Sun Program The Negative Alien agenda (NAA) is to force the planet to serve another multiple species Controller agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as Holographic Inserts, and Mind Control, mainly created under genetic reptilian-insectoid Archon extra-terrestrials, at the expense and life force of the Human race and the kingdoms under the Human domain. Enemy Patterning is an archetypal filter used in the Victim-Victimizer mind control programming that is directly related to a point in time where Consciousness first experienced extreme death trauma in the Grand Polarity Experiment that happened after the Lyran Wars, that lead to the result of the many Galactic Wars that contain the hidden histories of Human Holocaust, which reverberated throughout the entire Universal Time Matrix.
The wars and genocidal campaigns generated damage in the consciousness matrix that then became the seed of the Enemy Patterning, which continued the re-enactments of the same holocaust histories on the earth through Mind Control.
- 445,327 years ago – Anunnaki (brought here as slaves by the Draco to the Mesopotamia region of Africa to mine gold) arrived on Earth masquerading as gods and authority of the people.
- At the same time as the above, on Earth the war of Gilgamesh between Atlantis and Lemuria began, that moved land masses, and the surface of the Earth was broken into the Teutonic plates that we have today. The Draco slammed their air ships into the ice sheet causing a wall of water that caused the extinction event.
- 10,895 BC Noah’s Ark and the Flood of the Earth
- 7000 BC Stone masks Oldest surviving mask in the world is kept at the Institute Catholique de Paris Bible Holy Land Museum.One theory is that the mask was an early ploy to masquerade by the Enemy.
- 6000 BC Egyptian, first taxation records on clay tablets.
- 6000 BC use of Maritime Law later formalized in 900 BC on Island of Rhodes where Rhodian Sea Laws were established.Later, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine of France instituted Admiralty Law in England.
- 2000 BC A birth certificate and clay baby footprint has been found from the Sumerian Era.
- 1755 – 1750 BC The Code of Hammurabi is a set of 282 rules for the people.
Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, made this code of laws.
He was inspired by; Anu (a name for Lucifer), (an Anunnaki, “Babylonian creator god” who was a king of the seven underworld judges (the original fertility deities), Marduk (chief deity of Babylon), and Ea (god of water and wisdom, who was Marduk’s father) who supposedly had dominion over earthly man.
These laws address specific cases and subjects such as slavery, debt, commercial regulations, marriage and inheritance including details of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and the actual legal decisions given by the judges in the law courts are intact. Note: Shamash (Marduk), a Babylonia sun god, bore the titles; “judge of the heavens and the earth, lord of judgment.”
This Code of Hammurabi is blasphemous as there is only One True Living God of All Creations, and it is not any of these under-verse deities.
This code could possibly be a foundation of thinking in the inception of Admiralty Law.
We do not agree nor consent to this code due to the contractual relationship with the satanic realm.
- 1453 BC The Roman Empire The Eastern Roman Empire ended in 1453 AD according to written history, and the Western Empire ended in 476 AD. In 410 AD Rome was breached by the Visigoths.
- 1336 BC Zeta Reticulai (aka Shamtbhala) who were engineered and made by the Anunnaki, infiltrated themselves into the Egyptian court as Temple Priests and a hybrid sub-species of them became the Pharaohs.
- 1240 BC Rulers, Kings and Emperors: Authority misuses their position according to the Word of God.
- 509 BC start of the Roman Republic.
- 27 BC Roman Empire started.
- 27 BC the first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus started the Divine Right of Kings mandate. The Popes later sanctioned the man-made doctrine “Divine Right of Kings”, for Kings to rule and not elected leaders representing the people.
The Divine Right of Kings is a political and religious doctrine of royal absolutism.
It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the Will of God.
But the Enemy’s use of the word God is not “God of All Creations” but their god of Lucifer/Satan.
The Enemy places their bloodlines into ruling positions.
- (6 BC to 1st century BC) Roman Republic, businessmen formed large firms with publicly traded shares similar to modern stock corporations under Roman slavery laws.
- 0 – 3 AD Jesus Christ’s Birth
- 33 AD Jesus Christ’s Death and Resurrection provided man with everlasting life with His Father God of All Creations, through repentance, sins are forgiven, there is healing of the body, mind and soul. When we repent and ask for the healing of our lands, we are given custodianship of the land again.
- 33 AD Papal Supremacy a doctrine of the Catholic church as Vicar of Christ has full supreme and universal power over the whole church and the care of souls. Bishops have been given power “over every person” within areas around the Earth.
The Pope had jurisdiction over the entire Church and temporal States, church privileges actions of monarchs and even successions. Papal supremacy uses Priest Rule.
The universal ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome, the Pope is founded and called, “The Holy See” (meaning seat or throne of Pope).
- 33 AD Priest Rule means “Democracy”. Your People have been trained to think that Democracy is for the people, however it is similar to Communism.
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government, as it can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.
From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
We believe that this cycle is not a flaw in Humanity but has been set up and staged by the Defendants.
Further, they have combined Priest’s Rule with Papal supremacy in their agenda to have total control and create their version of a New World Order.
- 33 AD The original intent of Jesus Christ giving the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to the Apostle Peter is given in:
Matthew 16:18-19 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
- 33 AD New Popes are given a symbolic set of keys that are buried with them when they die. These keys are symbolic of the Pharoh’s scepter which is the “Hook” and “Power Supply” to operate, control and manipulate Stargates in our solar system (Multiverses).
The crossed key symbol that was first associated with the pagan Roman gods of time: Janus and Zurvan, avatars of Lucifer, are diabolically associated with the Papal Keys.
(Saturn was hijacked by Lucifer to be a Soul Trap).
Janus is the spirit of doorways and archways, and the first original deity god Zurvan is a remover of obstacles and keepers of doorways.
The image of Zurvan is a winged lion with a serpent encircling him.
The image of Janus is a two-faced man with or without a beard.
The keys appear on the Coat of Arms for Vatican City and the Papal flag.
One key is silver that denotes the temporal realm (worldly) and represents the energy of the entrance of the Stargates, and the gold key represents the Heavenly realm and represents the golden colored energy on the other side of the Stargate.
The bottom of the keys symbolizes the energy flow of the Stargates.
The keys are bound with a cord that shows the Pope’s authority of both keys and over-binding and loosing and it represents the Freemason control.
Different placements of the keys, the ropes, and the stole change the intent on the Coat of Arms and the flag for the Enemies purposes.
Use of the two Papal keys are an emblem of the Catholic Church and a symbol of Papal authority that represent Divine authority however it proves with this evidence that the Popes/Enemies have been actively using Stargates for their evil purposes.
- 110 AD First time the word “Catholic” was used (meaning: universal)
- 313 AD Decriminalized Christian worship (This was a trickery by Constantine to provide troops for his army and track Christians).
- 325 – 400 AD The First Council of Nicea – a council of Christian bishops convened by Roman Emperor Constantine.
The Holy See established in the first century of Papal Supremacy following the death of Jesus Christ appears to have become corrupted before or at this point in time by the Defendants.
Emperor Constantine was responsible for the final selection of Holy Scrolls from the Apostles that were chosen to be in the New Testament and to be the approved scriptures for the Holy Bible, with the intentions of the Defendant’s agenda.
This was when Unaccepted Scrolls were edited and deleted and hidden in the Vatican archives underground. Emperor Constantine wanted to control the world.
- 337 AD Christmas History records that Pope Julius I, the Bishop of Rome, chose December 25th as the date that instituted the birth of Jesus. Please note that it is not recorded as Jesus Christ’s birthday.
It is commonly believed that the church chose this date in an effort to adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan Saturnalia festival. First called the Feast of the Nativity, the custom spread to Egypt by 432 AD and to England by the end of the sixth century.
In the early 19th century Americans began to embrace Christmas into a family day of peace and nostalgia.
The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to a Bishop named St. Nicholas who was born in Turkey around 280 A.D., that gave away his wealth and traveled the countryside helping the poor and sick. He became known as the protector of children and sailors.
His story entered American culture in the late 18th century in New York, when Dutch families gathered to honor the anniversary of his death.
“Sint Nikolaas” is his Dutch name that is also recorded as “Sinster Klaas”.
“Old Nick” however, is an appellation of the Devil.
We request that a celebration date of the true birth and HIStory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, be brought forth from this Heavenly Court and to be recorded for all time.
- 380 AD Catholicism became the official religion of the Roman Empire under Constantine, but the Pope was still subordinate to the emperor.
- 400 AD the first manuscript of the books of the Bible was translated and put in handwritten book form by St. Jerome called the Latin Vulgate.
- 637 AD Muslim conquest, Siege of Jerusalem
- 751 AD Pope Zachary broke the agreement made years before with the Merovingian bloodline, which were the ruling family of the Franks from the 5th century to 737.The Pope anointed Pippin III, a Carolingian who married into the French Merovingian line.
One of their sons was Charlemagne whose reign continued to tie the control of the Christian Empire to the Catholic Church and the Roman Empire.
In 800 AD Pope Stephen II crowned Charlemagne under the new tradition that Kings of the Carolingian succession had to be approved and crowned by the Pope.
This created a new western empire, which eventually became the German Empire (the First Reich).
Charlemagne l as Roman Emperor established the precedent that in Western Europe no man would be a King without being crowned by a Pope.
We do not consent to anyone choosing our leaders, which should be freely and honestly chosen by Your People.
- 1048 AD The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a Roman Catholic organization known as Hospitalier’s, it aids people with health concerns, however it is a covert military order.
Defendants use the Red Cross/Maltese Cross emblem (for coding with Prime numbers for the operation of a Stargate).
Typically, they have Illuminati bloodline membership, and are deceitfully running a cultural war for Christianity directed against Muslims.
They have permanent observer status at the UN and are a sovereign “nation” entity of international law that maintains diplomatic relations with over one hundred countries.
Their members have diplomatic immunity, which freely allows the illegal transfer of monies across borders with zero oversight.
During the CIA’s Operation Paperclip, they supplied fake passports to Nazi war criminals to enter various countries and were implicated in providing funds to Hitler.
History has shown that when the Jesuit Order loses favor, then the Order of Malta takes over and vice versa.
Every CIA director in the USA has been a member of the Order of Malta.
We are not in agreement with this Order and their activities.
- 1086 AD the Crown of England, King William, developed The Domesday Book.
In 1085, William the Conqueror as he was called, sent agents to survey every shire in England to list his holdings and calculate dues owed to him.
This is the basis of modern-day taxes and where the recording of Last Names began.
- 11th Century AD: The Law of Deodand was set up as a law whereby an object or instrument (property) becomes forfeited or given to God when an incident happened that caused a man’s or a woman’s death. The Deodand (any property associated with the incident) was forfeited to the Crown or Pope to be sold and applied to some pious end.
The doctrine belongs to an age when the man or woman who was morally responsible for the death caused by his own negligence was not liable in a private action.
There does not appear to be recorded financial accountability regarding decisions about where or to whom the money was given. It was at the discretion of the Crown and Pope.
Therefore, this could have been an early money-laundering scheme by the Defendants.
The law was then amended to include that if an owner of the property was killed on his own property, then the Deodand property was still sold to free all liability, but this legal team suggests that this could be a very convenient bonus for planned assassinations.
In 1734 the first English statute originating from this law was placed under Admiralty Maritime Law, which limited the owner’s liability for embezzlement and theft.
The right to limited liability was extended in the 1900’s where the owner’s actual fault, (any loss of damage) to property of rights of any kind on land or water, fixed or movable by reason of improper navigation or management was instated.
The right to limit liability in the U.S. was done by an Act of Congress on March 3rd, 1851, and it was then incorporated into the revised Statutes section 4283.
The Act of Congress also contains a provision for a ship owner to discharge himself (no liability) when giving up the vessel and freight after an incident.
This could not have been inserted in the Act of Congress without the direct reference to the Maritime Codes, Admiralty Law, and based on the Law of Deodand.
This shows the small steps that the Enemy has taken to change wordage in laws and alterations of laws over time toward a specific agenda. This Law of Deodand is one of the precedents of the laws of corporations today.
- 1118 AD The Knights Templar (The Order of the Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon-The Knights Templar) was first organized from nine French knights after the successful capture of Jerusalem by the Muslims, where they protected Christians who travelled to the Holy Land. Later they became the first soldiers/monks of the ancient Christian church (Roman Catholic) wrestling the Holy Land from the Islamic Saracens and helped establish and maintain the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem for 200 years. In 1312 a French King and Pope suppressed them, but they continued in secret, coming out publicly in the 1800’s.The earliest records of the Masonic Knights Templar can be found in the minutes of the Chapter of Friendship in Portsmouth England 1778.
The Templar Knights and Dames of the Order do not need to join Freemasonry because they are already established at the equivalent of the 33rd degree level, firmly rooted in the original 12th Century tradition.
However, all Freemasons can enter and even surpass that level by receiving Knighthood in the Templar Orde
- 1130 AD At the coronations of a Pope, the triple tiara has been worn and it is a symbol of his authority over sovereign states.The first crown represents the Pope as father of Kings.
In 1342 the second crown was established and symbolized his authority of civil power and governor of the world.
The third crown symbolizes his authority over non-religious monarchy, as Vicar of Christ.
This establishes the timely sequence of authority of the Pope in history.
The three rings on the crown symbolizes the 1st three densities.
- 1215 AD Magna Carta (Medieval Latin for “Great Charter of Freedoms”) is a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England. First drafted by Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton to make peace between the unpopular king and a group of rebel barons, it promised protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown to be implemented through a council of 25 barons.
Neither side stood behind their commitments, and the charter was annulled by Pope Innocent III leading to the First Barons’ War.
in 1216 AD It was amended and reissued
In 1217 it formed part of a peace treaty agreement at Lambeth where the document acquired the name, “Magna Carta.“
The Magna Carta has been described
as the most powerful document on Earth.
- 1220 AD The Crown Empire and the City of London Corporation.
World politics today is governed by the Vatican, but also by the Crown Empire. The Empire began with the establishment of the City of London which is now an 800- year-old corporation that controls finance from an entity called, “The Crown”.
This entity is the creator and controller of the Bank of England, The Federal Reserve, The World Bank, (IMF) The International Monetary Fund, The European Union, and various cartel and corporations across the Earth.
The Crown rules Parliament and Great Britain, has authority over the Prime Minister through a Vatican Knighthood called, “The Order of the Garter”.
The Crown is NOT the King or Queen of England, the Crown Empire is an established monarchy of the corporate body.
- 1300 AD The use of the word “Delivery” started at this time. Delivery is from old French relating to childbirth, an act of giving or transferring the new-born baby from the doctor to another and verbally acknowledging the act. In 1712 AD the use of the word “Doctor”, as a noun, means; (to treat as a doctor, administer medical treatment to, and as receiving a baby from a woman at birth).Then in 1774, as a verb, doctor came into use meaning to (alter, disguise for the purpose of deception, to falsify) and came to mean, (to doctor the paperwork involved), so legally the doctor accepts the commodity.
This is trickery of words.
- 1336 AD Black Book of Admiralty Law establishment of the European Maritime Sea Law.
- 1346 – 1353 AD Bubonic (Black) Plague from sailors traveling from Crimea landing in Sicily and spreading to Europe. It was an infectious disease caused by bacteria transmitted by fleas on rats. The Defendants did this deliberately to the rats because people at that time needed to sleep with rats to keep warm.Therefore, infection was high, and it killed hundreds of millions.
- 1390 AD First reference in writing regarding Freemasons is in the Regius Poem Halliwell Manuscript. This manuscript is believed to have been originally written in 926 AD and is of importance to students of Masonic history because of the legend of the craft and that they are a secret society. It was originally presented to the public and still is, as an organization of fellowship and good works.However, the Freemasons have direct ties with the Knights Templar, Order of Malta and many other groups of the Defendants. Well known Freemasons include George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Gerald Ford, Winston Churchill, Wolfgang Mozart, Davy Crocket, Henry Ford, Nat King Cole, and John Wayne.
In 1826 William Morgan (1774 – 1826) infiltrated the secret society and wrote a book to expose their agenda and tactics.
He was arrested on September 11th, 1826, and through a variety of actions was never seen again.
Thirty- three degree and up Freemasons are specifically addressed as the Enemy in this Appeal.
We do not consent to their organization or its dealings.
- 1493 AD Pope issues a decree Inter Caetera that authorized Spain and Portugal to colonize the Americas, and Africa and treat inhabitants as subjects to enslave them.
- 15th-18th Century Witch Trials genocide in Europe and America. Known as “The Burning Times.” Entire cities were destroyed.
- 1534 AD St. Ignatius of Loyola was a soldier who had a spiritual experience and formed a group with other like-minded individuals called the Society of Jesus. In 1538 he became a Priest, and in 1540 Pope Paul III made the Society of Jesus an official order in the church. Ignatius was the first Father General.However, it has now become apparent that the Society of Jesus, also called the Jesuits is a covert military organization, not a religious order where in there are three types of Popes that are generals in a secret army.
The White Pope is the visible authority of the Catholic Church to the world.
The Black Pope is the Jesuit Father General.
The Grey Pope manages both the White Pope and the Black Pope, The Grey Pope is considered by the Defendants as the Supreme Ruler of the World and his identity is kept secret.
He is part of the Secret Thirteen Saturnalian Brotherhoods Zoroastrian that rule over the public, which is well known as the Thirteen Bloodline families.
These family’s rule over the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Queen Elizabeth, other Reptilian hybrids, and other homo-capensis Luciferian Satanist Global Elites.
They report to off planet overlords who are; Maitre, the Draco (Reptilian alien chimeras), the fallen Archangel Archons, fallen Ascended Masters, and Satan/Lucifer/Marduk.
These Egyptian Ptolemaic Dynasty Rulers are in full control of the: Company of Jesus, High Grey Council of Ten, The Black Pope (Superior General of the Jesuits), The Grey Pope (The Supreme Ruler and President of the World), who runs the fraudulent DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA UNITED STATES CORPORATION via the un-ratified 14th Amendment, a corporation under International Maritime Admiralty Law (Uniform Commercial Code) based upon Vatican Canon Law as originated from the Roman Empire.
The Jesuits also have had significant influence in the altering and controlling of religious direction and practices around the world. They have designed wars since their inception.
We do not consent.
- 1544 AD The House of Orange-Nassau was founded by William I of Orange known as William the Silent. They are a high-level authority over society and operate as a branch of the Vatican’s Roman Empire. They created trading societies that became banks with huge assets and corporations involved with military operations, weapons systems and mining in Africa.The King or Queen is a blood appointed Head of State and is not subject themselves to any laws.
They are associated today with; Royal Dutch Shell, ABN AMRO Bank, Royal Philips Electronics, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Holland America Line, (cruise ships), Goldman Saks International, Urenco Group (Uranium), George Soros’ Open Society Institute, Booz Allen & Hamilton, Rand Corporation, Douglas Aircraft Company, Dutch East-India Company (dissolved), Endurance Capital, Swedish African Company (Gold mining), Nederlandsche Bank, Vereniging Voor Credit Management, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (Josef Mengele), The European Commission, The Saudi Hollandi Bank of Saudi Arabia, BlackRock Investments, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, The Nazi Party, Bilderberg Group, Jesuits, and the Knights of Malta.
- 1545-1563 AD The Council of Trent 19th Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church. They discussed original sin, penance, purgatory, Christian marriage, Book and Bible censorship, and the errors of Martin Luther, (The Protestant Reformation), which was cursed and reprobated.
- 1544 AD The House of Orange-Nassau was founded by William I of Orange known as William the Silent. They are a high-level authority over society and operate as a branch of the Vatican’s Roman Empire. They created trading societies that became banks with huge assets and corporations involved with military operations, weapons systems and mining in Africa.The King or Queen is a blood appointed Head of State and is not subject themselves to any laws.
- 1587 AD is the start of the Jesuit Banking System. A Jesuit professor: Adam Weishaupt entered into agreement with the Rothschild (Masonic Jews) who became the bankers for the Jesuit Order. The Jesuit Order then set up Trusts and rewrote history books to keep their identity secret.The Jesuits started the Bank of Rome, which began branching out and opening various offices across Europe.
Some of the bank locations where they opened include Venice (1587), The Wisselbank in Amsterdam (1609), Hamburg (1619), Nuremberg (1621), Rotterdam (1635), Bank of England (1694).
The Bank of England became the world’s first Central Bank.
It began the process of issuing “notes” and charging interest on the entire capital they loaned to the English Parliament.
This began a recurring debt for England, as there would be no way for them to fully repay their lenders, thus putting the power of the country of England into the hands of the Jesuits, who controlled the Central Bank.
It is for this reason, the usury of the Central Bank in England, that the American Colonists sought freedom from England, and was the reason for the Revolutionary War.
The corporations from Britain controlled and ruled with the use of Charters regarding what natural materials would be manufactured, how they would be used, and where and how they would be sent.
This was a major reason for the American Revolution of 1776 because British Corporations ruled with monopoly powers over the
American Colonies.
The central banking system that exists today is the same central banking system modeled after the original Bank of Rome, and the Jesuits control it, as they always have.
- 1602 AD The first modern stock trading is established in Amsterdam. The Dutch East India Company (Corporation) is the first publicly traded company and for well over a hundred years is the only company with trading activity on the exchange. It pioneered the corporate model in use today.It had the first IPO (Initial Public Offering).
The stock market became a vast enterprise that ruled over 1/5th of the world’s population in its dealings as it gradually developed over time.
- 1611 AD King James Bible published. (66 Books)
- 1619 AD First African slaves arrive and are sold in Hampton, Virginia U.S.A.
- 1641 AD Treaty of London. A war waged (Bishop’s War) by King Charles I with Scotland (Wales, Ireland) over Protestant rule and ways. Contentious demands were dropped, and this Treaty was signed.
- 1694 AD The Crown Sovereign Empire within the City of London was established by King William III of Orange when he privatized the Bank of England and turned it over to the Vatican who today rule the financial world. The Crown Corporation is not subject to British law, it has its own courts, laws, flag, police force which is exactly as the Vatican City State and the Washington District of Columbia. The location of The Crown in London houses the privatized Bank of England, Lloyds of London, London Stock Exchange, all British banks, all branch offices of 385 foreign banks, 70 U.S. banks, Fleet Street newspapers, and publishing monopolies.It controls the world media and intelligence.
It is the headquarters of British Freemasonry overseen by the British monarchy and the
Duke of Kent.
This includes the Grand Orient Masonic Order and the Washington, D.C. Scottish Rite.
The Inner Temple is the core group that governs the corporation.
The logo of the Inner Temple is a white horse on the sunburst seal that is used by the Jesuit Order.
The white horse (Pegasus) is the symbol the British Empire, Order of the Garter, Crown Corporation, (CFR) Council of Foreign Relations and the Jesuit Order.
The entire Earth is governed by the Crown Corporation and uses International and Maritime Law as its means of control.
- 1699 AD the first and therefore oldest Free Masonry Lodge in the world is the Lodge of Edinburgh No.1 in Scotland sometimes known as Mary’s Chapel. The first Grand Lodge of the world was founded on the 24th of June 1717, (which was on the Feast of St. John the Baptist in the Goose and Gridiron), St. Paul’s churchyard in London when four existing lodges came together. In 1733 the first established Lodge in North America was in Boston, Massachusetts.They follow the evolution of the craft from the stonemason’s guilds of the Middle Ages.
- 1710 AD “Ministry” changed from being done by the office of a priest or minister in the 1200’s to a body of Ministers of State in a country, (a trickery of wording that changes intent)
- 1740 AD Occupation of Mars by a time loop technology.
- We do not consent, as this was a hostile occupation of a people.
- 1755 AD Dzungar Genocide Qing Dynasty 80% of Zungharian Mongol Tibetan Oirats were killed. The Chinese emperor ordered the genocide due to the rebellion of the Dzungars.
- 1761 AD– The first British Accredited Registry (BAR) was established in Boston to attempt to allow only accredited barrister-lawyers access to the British courts of New England. This was at the time when America was still a chartered group of British colonies under patent – established in what was formally named the British Crown territory of New England. Henceforth, a licensed BAR Attorney calls himself an Attorney at Law, which by definition is an attorney – one who transfers allegiance and property to the ruling landowner.
- 1765 AD Stamp Act the first internal tax levied directly on American colonists by the British Parliament which imposed a tax on paper documents in the colonies to help pay for the British Empire’s debt regarding the Seven Years War 1756-63.
- 1775-1783 AD The American Revolution.
- The French government secretly sent war materials to the American revolutionaries. This was accomplished by establishing dummy corporations to receive French funds and military supplies.
They also loaned over two million dollars, which was negotiated by Benjamin Franklin.
Dutch banks and the Spanish government also gave loans.
The new U.S. federal government raised revenues to pay off loans through taxation.
We do not consent to the Defendants orchestrating wars, loans, and then taxation to pay off the loans.
- 1776 AD The United States Constitution was written but wasn’t finalized until 1789.
- 1781 AD The American mortgage has its roots founded in the first legitimate commercial bank. Once established, the new system of bank notes, exchange, governmental interplay, and lessened liability on the behalf of the bankers had a ripple effect on the U.S. mortgage market. Mortgage = death + gage = death pledge
- 1783 AD The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in London.
The United States of America
is a territory of Great Britain.
The Colonists
did not win the war.
British troops did not leave America until 1796.
- 1789 AD French Revolution and later the Napoleonic Wars were secretly instigated by the Defendants as a form of revenge against the Kings for removing the Jesuit Order from their lands in Western Europe/colonies and of Pope Clement XIV for suppressing the Jesuit Order. Also, to gain control of the banks by the Jesuits and to grow the wealth of the Rothschilds. The result of the Battle of Waterloo allowed the Enemy to gain the Bank of France as well as the Bank of England.
- 1789 AD United States Constitution came into effect after being ratified by each state since 1787 with amendments including the United States Bill of Rights.
- 1790 AD The first census in the U.S.
- 1791 AD President Washington signed the Residence Act creating the location of the Nation’s Capital to Washington D.C. It took ten years to construct and encompassed ten miles square. The Jesuits were integral in the donation of the land for the Capital and were involved in the design.The land chosen was previously owned by a man called Francis Pope and the land was called Rome and it was within VIRGIN,- ia – and MARY –land.
We do not consent to the symbology, trickery of words (names), Masonic design, and intent with which this was built.
- 1792 AD The Buttonwood Agreement is the founding document of what is now the New York Stock Exchange and one of the most important financial documents in US history. It organized Securities Trading in New York City.
- 1793 Yellow Fever Epidemic Five thousand plus were registered in the registrar of deaths in Philadelphia Pennsylvania alone. We do not consent to any manufactured or planned medical warfare against Your People.
- 1795 AD Orange Order or Loyal Order Orange Institute is an Ulster Protestant fraternal order from Northern Ireland. Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland started 1798.It is one of the biggest and top-secret societies in existence in the world.
They are also Freemasons and aligned with the Defendants.
We do not consent or agree with this Order.
The Netherlands family of Orange is connected to the ruling family of the Merovingians.
- Early 1800’s AD Stonehenge Soul Trap: was built and is not an ancient site. It was constructed as a soul trap by the Enemy and linked to the Moon Room in the Moon. It is a base to harvest adrenochrome.Veils were put on Soul memories and sent to the rings that orbit Saturn.
The moons of Saturn (Iapeatus, Mimas, Tethys) have six-sided craters that were the active technology, where the Defendants received souls and sent them to the Moon Room where they were then transported to Earth and elsewhere.
Some souls were then placed into the wrong gender bodies in order to cause gender confusion.
- 1804 AD Haiti Massacre carried out against the French population and French Creoles by soldiers, mostly former slaves, under orders from Jean-Jacque Dessalines. Three to five thousand people were killed.
- 1812-1815 AD The War of 1812 often referred to as the Second War of Independence where The White House, The Capital Building and other US government facilities were burned in another pre-planned maneuver by the Defendants. Most of Washington, D.C. was burned and one of the original Constitutions. It was replaced by a forgery that changed the wording and used capital letters such as The United States to UNITED STATES. The one on display is the forgery.We do not consent.
- 1814 AD Congress of Vienna secretly decreed the destruction of popular governments around the world. In 1822, the secret Treaty of Verona became a holy alliance to destroy the U.S. and all countries with a populace government.
- 1815 AD Nine days after the meetings of Congress of Vienna, Napoleon deliberately engaged in a secret move to lose the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon was aligned with the Defendants, and he sacrificed his army so that the Jesuit Order would be restored which collapsed the Banks of England and France. The Rothschilds had three sons, and their illegitimate son Nathan, bought the devalued shares of these banks and then two years later sold the bonds for a 40% profit.This helped fund the Prussian War, and as a standard procedure by the Enemy funded both sides of this battle.
We do not consent to these illegal war tactics, currency and bonds manipulation, funding, or the use of Your People to engage in pre-planned wars.
- 1821 AD Odessa Pogroms The First Pogroms (Jewish genocides) in the Russian Empire. Greeks did the first pogrom after their Greek Orthodox Patriarch was executed and fourteen Jews were killed in response. We do not consent to pre-planned forces by the Enemy to instigate conflict between religious and ethnic groups.
- 1822 AD The secret Treaty of Verona was signed and entered into the Congressional Record by the monarchs of Europe. These leaders called themselves The Holy Alliance and their intent was to put an end to all systems of representative governments. We do not consent to any suppression of representative governments in the Universe.
- 1823 AD Monroe Doctrine was created as a US policy to oppose European colonialism in the Latin American countries and the U.S. in opposition to the Treaty of Verona and the Holy Alliance as they were suppressing representative governments.
- 1825 AD Black War the Genocide of Aboriginal Tasmanians were exterminated from their Island home of Tasmania which is located just south of Australia.
- 1833 AD A Crown Agency was established as an administrative body of the British Empire, distinct from the Civil Service Commission and overseen by the Office of the Crown Agent in London. They are named, “The Crown Agent for Oversea Government and Administration”.Today this refers to State controlled companies of the British Commonwealth.
- 1835 AD Moriori Genocide Mass murder and enslavement of the Moriori people in New Zealand.
- 1840-1897 AD Queensland Australia Aboriginal Genocide 50% of the Aboriginal People were killed in order to take their land and reduce their population.
- 1846 AD California USA Genocide of Indigenous people by the United States government agents, directed by the Jesuit Order killed over 16,000 Indians and thousands were starved, enslaved, kidnapped, raped, children were separated, and they were all worked to death.
- 1847 AD The American Medical Association was founded in partnership with the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations. The AMA is in part financed by Pfizer, which owns Monsanto.The AMA lobbying firm is the McManus Group that also lobbies for Eli Lilly, Merck, and Pfizer.
- 1861-1865 AD The American Civil War was planned by the Enemy. It was done to bankrupt the United States of America which would lead to the treasonous congressional act of 1871, which created a new entity, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.Many battles fought in this war were orchestrated to prolong battle and take lives and were not part of any allegiance.
We do not consent to wars or their inception and use in this way.
- 1863 AD The Germans time traveled to Paradise, Mars and enslaved the local cyborg populations. We do not consent to any slavery or forced occupation.
- 1863 AD The first-year income tax was used in the history of US. The taxes were collected to help finance the civil war. We do not consent. No legal laws have been established in the U.S. to tax Your People.
- 1864 AD Sand Creek Massacre Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians were attacked and killed by the Defendants in the U.S. Army in Colorado.
- 1864 AD Circassian Genocide Two million or up to 97% of Circassian population killed or forcefully dispersed by the Defendants within Russian Forces if they did not convert to Christianity. Most were tortured and killed in mass.
- 1864 AD Admiralty Maritime Law Admiralty law/courts originated in England and handled only specific disputes and claims arising from contracts and torts of the high seas. Maritime law/courts referred to the expansion of legal protections to deal with claims relating to hazards of ocean travel or personal injuries sustained while working on a vessel.As these laws expanded to include cases involving injuries and worker’s rights, the distinction between the two became blurred, and now the terms are used interchangeably in the United States court system.
It was granted in Article III, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, when the United States federal courts chose to have Admiralty/Maritime jurisdiction.
They operate by their own set of procedures, conduct trials without juries, and handle many cases “in rem”, which means actions are filed against property, rather than individual owners.
It was introduced in the Gettysburg Address by President Abraham Lincoln and has been in place since that time. It has been used to set up the government corporations in nations worldwide.
- Manipulation of words and meanings within the context of the law seems to be used to help the Defendants attain their objectives.
We do not consent to the illegal intent of use of Admiralty Maritime Law by the Defendants.
One aspect of Admiralty Law to note is that prior judgments made by a court dictate the outcome of future petitions by precedence, versus Divine/Natural Law that deals with truth and righteous judgments standing on their own.
This is a significant use of current Admiralty/Maritime legislation in the Courts of Law worldwide today.
It particularly works well for the Enemy’s strategies as they have had access to Looking Glass technology and can strategically and slowly pass one law that leads the next law into place.
Soon they have a large change in law that would never have passed in a single case.
We do not consent to the use of “precedence” in the judgment of any legal case.
- 1865 AD Texas, U.S.A. Insurrections in Texas to leave the Union ended by Proclamation by President Andrew Johnson.
- 1868 AD The 14th Amendment to the new U.S. Constitution ended the Republic of the United States as it was originally designed and created a new type of citizen, a citizen of the Federal Government. It reads in part: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of THE UNITED STATES and the STATE wherein they reside.” The 14th amendment outwardly appeared to put in place a protection for the slaves, but it in fact changed citizenship from State to Federal jurisdiction.Originally, the state where a citizen was born was the jurisdiction that they lived under.
Citizenship from this time on was then controlled at the national level and allowed the federal corporate government to strip away the rights of the people and replace them by providing privileges and grants.
The real reason for the 14th amendment
was the consolidation of the United States
under the Pope’s Rule (Grey Pope).THE UNITED STATES was from this time forward, controlled by the Papacy and the Constitution was replaced with the establishment of the centralization of a corporate government in Washington.
As evidence, we bring forth some of the symbolism from the “Masonic Rule”.
It is seen in the satanic layout of the District of Columbia’s streets, the Pentagon, the Washington Monument (Obelisk), and on the images on the back of the One Dollar Federal Reserve Note.
The word “Columbia” is a name for the “Goddess of Creation, War, and Destruction” and known as the goddess of death and pain. “Columbia” is derived from the wife of Nimrod and Queen of Babylon.
The National Mall is a Masonic symbolic park.
The Washington Monument is an obelisk, representing the male phallic symbol.
The Reflecting Pool (water in front of the Lincoln Memorial) represents the birth canal.
The White House with the Oval Office is representative of the ovum, and the rose gardens are the ovaries.
The Three City States (London, Vatican, Washington D.C.) symbology shows that they are occult capitals of the world.
This is visible, historical evidence to show the intentions, plans and actions done by this Enemy.
- 1868 AD BIRTH CERTIFICATES were first established after the Corporation of the UNITED STATES began. Later, a Nazi German concept based on Admiralty Maritime Law mandated that every Human coming out of its mother’s water must be birthed and have a manifest to see how much this individual is going to make for their New World Order. Born/Birthed, like a ship is berthed at a port, under Admiralty Maritime Law then requires a BIRTH CERTIFICATE and Certificate of Manifest just like a ship does.This means that the baby is a corporation owned item, a Human resource.
The Defendants developed with fraudulent intent, that when a woman delivers a child, she legally delivers a “maritime admiralty product”, which must also have a CERTIFICATE OF MANIFEST or a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
The Enemy has made mandatory within nations the registration of Birth Certificates.
Today, in the U.S., legally under Admiralty Maritime Law almost all mothers unknowingly sign their name under the word “OTHER”.
This makes the mother “an informant”.
By signing the BIRTH CERTIFICATE as an informer, she unknowingly contracts with the government to put her child and her child’s future labor up as collateral for the national debt (servitude-slavery).
The father or mother can only rescind this contract within three business days according to The Truth in Lending Act of 1968.
Further, since the BIRTH CERTIFICATE does not list the father as the husband nor lists the wife’s acceptance of the father’s surname as her own, but has only the mother’s maiden name, the baby is considered a bastard under the Enemies terminology.
Bastards are therefore under the care and control of the Priest Rule, (also called democracy), and can be taken from the mother at any time.
We do not consent to the trickery and changing of meaning of words used in Admiralty Maritime law.
We do not consent to any legality of contracts due to this fraud against Your People.
Further, hospitals receive a monetary benefit per child from the corporate governments for having BIRTH CERTIFICATES filled out and signed.
We do not consent to the funding of any activity or purpose for the Enemy.
The legal governance and hidden deception paired with authoritarian strategies has been used for malicious reasons for centuries and has funded this Enemy.
This is a crime against Humanity and a fraudulent scheme to track, control, funnel, make money, and implement the Enemy’s One World Order.
- 1868 AD In the same year of the establishment of the 14th Amendment, a missionary Jesuit Priest by the name of Pierre-Jean De Smet was appointed under the Jesuit Order to command Phillip Sheridan in his dealings with the Native American Indians. The Jesuits and the Pope orchestrated the annihilation of the Native American Indians in the U.S., so they could take the land and minerals, as well as hinder and utilize their spiritual awareness according to Jesus Christ’s teachings.
- We do not consent to any of the horrendous acts against the Native American Indian people or any Aboriginal peoples of God’s Creations.
- 1867 AD Vaccination Act England’s Privy Council convened to inquire into this Act as 97.5% of those vaccinated from Smallpox died of the disease.
- 1871 – 1874 AD In Birmingham England there were 7,706 cases of Smallpox and out of these 6,795 had been vaccinated against Smallpox. Also, beneath Paris, France there are approximately seven million skeletons that suggest a mass vaccination program for Smallpox in the 1800’s.
- 1871 AD Incorporation of the District of Columbia (Presidential Legislative Act February 21, 1871, under Emergency War Powers Act and Reconstruction Acts were then organized June 11, 1878, Under the Corporation, the title reads: In UNITED STATES CODE, Title 28, in Section 3002 Definitions, it states the following: (15) “United States” means— A) a Federal corporation. To incorporate means to become a part of something bigger. It is incorporated with England (Financial/City of London/the Crown) and the paperwork was filed in Puerto Rico.
- 1871 AD Organic Act The District of Columbia Act of 1871 formally an Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia is an Act of Congress which created a territorial government for the district. This act was the first to create a single government for the entire federal district and effectively formed Washington, D.C. as it exists today (as a private country).
- 1871 AD The Incorporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was secretly put in place by Congress, who passed an Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia with the use of the “By-laws” from the original Constitution. Congress created a new government for the District of Columbia entitled, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which nullified the original Constitution and citizen’s rights.They used the core of the original constitution but made changes to it.
The original Thirteenth Amendment was replaced and the original Fourteenth, and Sixteenth Amendment were not ratified but substituted with a new emphasis on “democracy” which is close in ideology to socialism and communism.
Democracy means “Priests Rule”.
- Original 13th Amendment “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them”.
The disappearance of the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has been under investigation by independent modern researchers for years.
The current 13th amendment Section1. “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”
(1871) differences between
the original Republic and
the Corporation of the
and other Nations:
The gold fringe, which surrounds the U.S. flag, gives notice that the American flag has been captured and is a symbol of Admiralty Law and is now being used by the corporate government to give notice of its jurisdiction.
“Registering to vote” is an admission that the declarant is subject to the exclusive legislative power of the corporate Congress and is a 14th Amendment citizen residing in federal territory.
Under the original U.S. Constitution prisons were to protect the public, however under the Corporation more and more prisons are privately owned and run as a profit-making commercial enterprise creating products and services for sale.
Examples of this are: Corrections Corporation of America (CCA)–founded in 1983, based in Nashville, Tennessee, and now operates more than 77 facilities across the U.S.A., Wackenhut Services, and Corrections Corporations.
We do not consent to prisons operating For Profit companies and corporations.
The original U.S. Constitution provided the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, however under the Corporation, the government may search and seize Americans’ papers and effects without probable cause to assist in so-called terror investigations.
(Patriot Act) The government may jail Americans indefinitely without a trial.
We do not consent.
All States are corporations, incorporated with the Federal Corporation.
The citizens of the corporate states, federal buildings and areas, are “subjects” and are called “Residents” derived from “res” meaning “the thing” and “ident” meaning “identify.” Therefore, a “resident” is “a thing identified.”
The word “registered” is from the word “regis” which means “kingly”. Under the corporation, recording a document is the same as registering it and putting it into the King’s domain.
Sales tax is what corporations are required to pay to the corporate government, but they have arranged tax legislation, so Your People pay up front sales tax directly on their behalf.
The corporation has easily tricked the public with “similar wording.” Under the original Republic unalienable rights means “cannot be liened”.
Under the Corporation, inalienable rights means that the Government given rights, that are really Privileges, can be taken away at any time.
In the corporation, applying for a Social Security card makes one a member of the “U.S. D.C. Communist Party” and is eligible for benefits of the party membership.100% of one’s earnings (wages) belong to the party and the party determines what they will keep and how much Your People will get back.
Under the original Republic, property can be completely owned and not taxed.
Under the corporation, a person receives “a privilege” to use it.
Under the corporation, one must pay property taxes and other taxes associated with the property e.g., water tax.
The associated utility in this example and the taxes associated with such are subject to control by the government.
Vehicle Registration (The incorporated STATE owns vehicles on behalf of the U.S.).
Property and vehicles are collateral for the government debt.
Mortgages: The Latin word “Mort” means ‘death’ and “gage” means ‘pledge’.
Therefore, a mortgage is a death pledge.
“Fee Simple” which goes to the word “Feif” which is a gratuity to the King.
“Dom” is the domination by the King over the Feif, thus “Feifdom”.
Think also of “Thief” who steals from you.
Most people end up paying twice to ten times the initial cost of the house with a mortgage as it is a financial system designed so that the mortgagor makes money on the mortgagee which often lasts a lifetime.
This is usury.
Under the original Republic, free enterprise was trading labor and goods for another’s.
This is a form of bartering.
There was no filing, registering, or obtaining permission or licensing from any government structure.
In the corporation, Your People are thought of as human resources that further the corporation’s goals.
Man is no longer free but is subservient, (a slave), to the corporate structure.
In the Republic a common way or public-right-of-way could be used by anyone.
The right to travel was recognized in the Articles of Confederation. Under the corporation, roadways were established.
A Driver’s License became mandatory because driving is a privilege.
The ordinary Class C Driver’s license is a “commercial” license.
Motor vehicle registries and associated businesses like towing, licensing, ticketing, and vehicle impound locations etc. have become a Collection Agency for the government.
Under the Republic a Peace Officer maintains the peace and the safety of the people.
Under the Constitution, a Police Officer is a revenue agent that enforces corporate government contracts and protects the assets of the corporate government including the human resources.
It originated from a police-state status like in Nazi Germany.
Police means an enforcer of policies.
The Post Office of the United States of America was created in Philadelphia under Benjamin Franklin on July 26, 1775, by decree of the Second Continental Congress.
The UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE was established August 12, 1970, in The Postal Reorganization Act signed by President Richard Nixon.
It replaced the cabinet-level Post Office Department with the independent UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE.
The Act took effect on July 1, 1971.
Federal districts were established and incorporated the ZIP-Code system to prove that one actually resides in a Federal District of the District of Columbia.
Courts of Law are corporations.
Corporations appoint the head of their boards, (judges), Judges represent the corporation.
Marriage under the Corporation is a civil contract to which there are three parties: the husband, the wife, and the state.
The “Marriage License” invokes the Corporate State to be the third party to your union and whatever you conceive is theirs and becomes their offspring (children).
Therefore, they can take away children at any time at their discretion.
Under the Republic one would “enrol a child” in school. Under the Corporation, one “registers a child” meaning “to put into inventory”.
In 1867, President Andrew Johnson signed legislation creating the first Department of Education to collect information and statistics about the nation’s schools.
Over time, colleges and universities contractually turned over control to the government through grants and other privileges such as accreditation.
Sovereign people have a right to own and use guns. It is the “Right to Bear Arms against enemies foreign and domestic” as detailed in the 2nd Amendment, which states … the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
However, the Corporation wants to disarm the citizens so as to have complete control and power.
Gun ownership is seen as a privilege that can be given or taken away.
Under the original Republic the word Militia is used.
Many Americans have taken the oath; “I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Under the Corporation, MILITARY and ARMED FORCES are the terms used and often they are used in foreign policy.
Under the original Republic, faith and religion were detailed under the 1st Amendment, which in part protects against the government making a law that would prohibit the free exercise of one’s belief. Under the Corporation, the government wants to control religious institutions by having them come under their jurisdiction as corporations e.g., under Section 501(c)(3) under Title 26 of the Internal Revenue Code (U.S. Code) prevents the clergy, pastors, ministers, etc. from having any political influence on its members or the public in general.
The corporate government regulates what is to be said and not to be said.
It is important to note that when the churches entered into agreement to incorporate with the Federal Corporation that they then unknowingly agreed with Priest Rule, which is Papal Rule and is in alignment with the Defendants/Enemies.
1874 AD Congress abolished the Organic Act for Washington, D.C. and instituted the Direct Rule.
Please note that although the United States is referenced here, all government corporations worldwide have been set up in this way.
1881 – 1884 AD Pogrom genocide (Russian Empire) The Pogrom was a large scale targeted and repeated anti-Jewish movement that rioted after Imperial Russia acquired territories with large Jewish populations.
The Russian empire dictated the area the Jews were allowed to live (or not), and it was called, “The Pale of Settlement.”
Cabal Jews were allowed to stay, and the other Jews were fenced in or forced to leave.
After the assassination of Czar Alexander II, anti- Jewish groups claimed that the government had approved reprisals against Jews.
The Cabal set up multi–False Flags to create division.
1887 AD The National Institute of Health (NIH) was established in the U.S. as a national medical research agency.
1890 AD Wounded Knee Massacre Nearly 300 Lakota were killed including women and children by the Defendants of the U.S. Army in South Dakota.
1892 AD The Uniform Law Commission was formed for uniform commercial law.
It was followed by the establishment of Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law
1896 Uniform Sales Act and Uniform Warehouse Receipts Acts of 1906, Uniform Bills of Lading Act and Uniform Stock Transfer Acts of 1909, Uniform Conditional Sales Act 1918.
In 1940 a draft was started to combine all commercial transactions and in 1942 the American Law Institute joined in partnership and put together the Uniform Commercial Code in 1951.
It is maintained under the Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code (PEB) established in 1961 that helps the courts.
1897 AD Modern Zionism /strong> was officially established, as a political organization by Theodor Herzl, who believed that the Jewish population couldn’t survive if it didn’t have a nation of its own.
He called for; political recognition of a Jewish homeland in the area then known as Palestine, organized the First Zionist Congress, and became the first president of the World Zionist Organization. (See Balfour Declaration 1917 also called the Transfer Agreement signed by Hitler).
1899 AD Boer War in South Africa.
We do not consent to this pre-planned war by the Enemy.
1899 AD Supreme Court declared that the Bill of Rights are privileges, and therefore carrying a gun and worshipping God had now become a privilege.
Privileges under the Corporation
can be taken away.

1900 AD John D. Rockefeller
… helped to establish federally recognized Indian tribes,
incorporating them into his larger strategy and global designs.
Late 19th Century Selk’nam Genocide (Chile) one out of three indigenous tribes in the Tierra del Fuego in South America were decimated.
By 1930 their population was reduced from 4000 to 100 people.
1900 AD Andrew Carnegie (1883-1929.)
Richest man in the world.
Carnegie was in the 2nd division of the top Illuminati Committee of 300.
He was a famous Freemason from the Scottish Rite.
Founded the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1911 for the advancement and diffusion, of knowledge, founder of Carnegie Foundation for the advancement of teaching, and built and supplied 2,509 libraries around the world.
The first library was in Scotland.
He proposed taxation and estate taxes.
1901 AD Monsanto Company is a major producer of genetically engineered crops, products, herbicides, crop seeds, and GMOs.
They are also an agrochemical, Biotechnology Corporation that manufactured DDT, PCBs, Agent Orange and recombinant bovine growth hormone.
Six chemical companies in 1925 became a subsidiary of IG Farben Industries.
Monsanto partnered with I.G. Farben and used their collective expertise to introduce aspartame, a deadly neurotoxin into the food supply.
I.G. Farben’s products included the nerve agents Sarin and Zyklon B cyanide gases that were used in the Nazi Holocaust and Auschwitz.
They also make RU 486 for abortions.
In 1985 German chemical company Bayer acquired Monsanto, then through a couple of merges has been renamed Pharmacia Corporation and is owned by Pfizer.
I.G. Farben was not only responsible for Hitler’s rise to power, in concert with the Rockefeller family and Henry Ford they became part of the elites’ plan to take over the world.
The current corporate takeover is the culmination of that plan.
What is going on in the world today is a continuation of the eugenics programs begun in the 1920s, only the faces and methods have changed, the goal remains the same — world domination by the elites and the culling of the herd.
The purpose of the Rockefellers’ venture into pharmaceuticals was not to ease suffering and find cures for diseases as much as it was to find a method of disposing of dangerous petrochemical waste products left over from the oil refining process.
However, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are about more than pharmaceuticals, they’re just a means to an end, this is about global control and the eugenics program introduced at the beginning of the 20th century and I.G. Farben is the German face of the Cabal.
The Farben executives got off lightly in the Nuremberg Trials because they were needed to continue the New World Order Plan of the Defendants.
Their powerful cartel partners all over the world wanted to continue profitable relationships with these Nazi brethren.
Some of the highly influential international partners are: Dow, DuPont, Imperial Chemical Industries, and, most importantly, the Rockefeller Empire.
After the War, the emerging global pharmaceutical colossus was a reincarnation of the Farben pattern: Profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit; and the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control.
The Covid vaccines, which are not vaccines at all, are a part of this same plan.
We do not consent to the making of chemicals to destroy life and the altering of God Creator’s plant kingdom.
1902 AD An Act of Congress established the Bureau of Statutes, Statistics and Census for recording and tracking birth records. Agencies were developed accordingly throughout the years and established coding and rules. e.g. Last names, when written in all caps symbolize ownership.
When a name is written in all caps e.g., DOE, a fictional persona being surety for the debt as a fiction in commerce, also known as an “Ens Legis”, which means “legal entity” is established.
It is also known as the man or woman’s Strawman and means non-human and “civilly dead”.
Note the name on; Drivers Licenses, Social Security cards, Credit cards, Deeds, Bank Accounts, etc. are in Capital Letters.
A corporation is considered an artificial person.
Mandated I.D.
Years ago, records were kept by Churches or in family Bibles versus today the “BIRTH CERTIFICATE” is one mandated I.D.
It creates a trust and puts Your People into commerce as a fictional persona.
The “Death Certificate” closes the trust.
There are many mandatory I.D. instruments including but not limited to Drivers Licenses and Social Security cards.
The first mandated Drivers Licenses were implemented in 1903 in Missouri and Massachusetts U.S.A. and by 1935 thirty-nine states required them.
The Social Security Cards were first established in 1936 and obtained through the local Post Offices.
Coding abbreviations of states and provinces worldwide e.g., AZ for Arizona or B.C. for British Columbia are part of a coding. This coding and tracking are used on personal I.D.
The coding gives away rights, land, parks, and streams over to a foreign government, Federal Government, and the United Nations by Executive Orders or by decree by calling them “Biospheres”, “Biosphere Reserves”, “World Heritage Sites” or some other designated name.
As planned, according to Article 4 of UNESCO’s Statutory Framework for U.N. Biosphere Reserves, coding is not only used for identification and ownership but is used to track money.
This Enemy has linked birth, to name, to banking and financing.
People become surety for the debt by a number of different ways.
On the Birth Certificate, when the baby’s footprint is placed on the certificate it is proof of an individual’s identity.
In the case of the United States, the certificate is recorded at a County Recorder, and then sent to a Secretary of State, which sends it to the Bureau of Census of the Commerce Department.
This process converts a man’s life, labor, and property to an asset of the Federal Government Corporations.
This happens in countries worldwide and beyond.
Zip Codes or postal codes are prima facie evidence that one is “a subject” not only of the Federal Corporation but of corporate U.S. Congress, a “citizen of the District of Columbia“, and is a “resident” in one of the several States although not a state Citizen or National of that state.
The IRS has adopted ZIP code areas as “Internal Revenue Districts”.
The corporation of the United States attempts to assert jurisdiction by sending letters with ZIP codes, when jurisdiction would otherwise be lacking.
Trust Instruments the Birth Certificate is an unrevealed trust originally designed for the children of the newly freed black slaves after the 14th Amendment.
The U.S. Corporation has been taxing and regulating commerce.
The government issued BIRTH CERTIFICATE is now a Registered Security, which initially has an estimated value of one million dollars.
They are circulated around the world as collateral for loans and entered on the asset side of ledgers just like any other security.
That is why they are initially filed with the Commerce Department.
The central banks now have a negotiable instrument against which credit is advanced by: the international funding community, namely The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, Bank of England, Federal Bank of America etc.
Applying for a Social Security card and receiving an “SS card” makes Your People, listed as artificial persons, a legal fiction or a corporation and in the U.S., a member of the “U.S. District of Columbia Communist Party” and a commodity.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress has no constitutional authority whatsoever to legislate for the social welfare of the worker.
The result was that Social Security had to be treated as strictly voluntary.
In 1934 the “SS card” began, the Social Security Card and the Social Insurance Card known as a “SS card” refers to “Nazi Schutzstaffel” a Waffen and SS-Totenkopfverbande (skull shelf) which oversaw the Nazi concentration and extermination camps.
SS recruits were taught that they were the elite not only of the Nazi Party but of all humankind.
These SS committed war crimes against civilians and allied servicemen.
1903 – 1906 AD Pogrom Genocide Pogrom is a Russian word that when translated means “to wreak havoc”. It describes violence by Russian authorities who mandated slaughter against the Jewish population.
1904 AD Herero and Namaqua Genocide in German South Africa 81% Herero killed, and 50% Nama killed ethnic extermination by the German Empire.
1905 AD The Father of China Sun Yat Sen forms the first union of all secret societies to bring down the Quing dynasty. (T’ung Meng Hui) Chinese United Allegiance Society is the name of this first union.
1908 AD The establishment of the first Female Order of Free Masons of England, which due to dissention, broke into two orders in 1913: The Order of Women Free Masons and the Honorable Fraternity of Ancient Free Masons.
This secret society uses recital of specific words, attendance, being good in accordance with the order, and moved up in rank through mysteries, degrees, and ceremony of rituals.
1912 AD Plant Quarantine Act in the U.S.A. enacted and formed the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to regulate the importation of plants (plant health) and animal importation (welfare and health).
The Beagle Brigade is a team of dogs and their handlers who are part of the APHIS that inspect luggage at U.S. airports searching for agricultural products.
Unauthorized meat, fruit and vegetables, animal by-products are picked up by the beagle’s acute sense of smell because even scientific equipment cannot detect it.
This legal team questions if the experimentation on beagles by Dr. Anthony Fauci are for a nefarious purpose.
1912 AD The Jesuits planned and orchestrated an attack on the book of Genesis by promoting Darwin’s theory of evolution.
A Jesuit priest by the name of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was sent on mission to the English archaeological dig that revealed the discovery of the Piltdown Man.
Although this was found to be a hoax years later, the world had already been preconditioned, (brainwashed), that Darwin’s Theory was true.
Next, the Jesuits goal was to attack the Greek text of the Bible as the New Testament was originally written in Greek. (NOTE: Darwin was just a pawn of the Freemasons, and the idea of Natural Selection was written by Alfred Russel Wallace, a shape shifting Draco).
1912 AD The Titanic was sunk by the Defendants to remove certain bankers and well to do families aboard who were against the establishment of the Federal Reserve.
The ship Olympia was hit by a destroyer while she was anchored in the harbor and the Enemy purposely, poorly repaired her, put a Titanic nameplate over the previous name and furnished her as the Titanic.
This vessel was put to sea, purposely run into an iceberg and torpedoed by a German submarine.
The lower-class exits were purposely sealed, the required number of lifeboats was not provided.
Captain Edward J. Smith was complicit in the plan and did not go down with the ship.
Being a part of the plan, J.P. Morgan took out insurance on the Titanic and received a very large settlement.
We do not consent to any pre-planned disaster to harm life in any way for the agenda of the Defendants.
1913 AD The Federal Reserve was established when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law.
This is when credit and paper money was started.
After the Federal Reserve was established, the I.R.S. was set up as its collection agency.
Jekyll Island served as the location of the meeting to form the Fed.
The table that the documents were written on was glass covered and looked down at a sacrificial stone.
The Tribe of Dan (created by Lucifer) relocated there, and the island became a place of sacrifice.
All money is tied to the sacrificial blood of children.
We do not consent that any money collected by the I.R.S. or any income tax collection agency worldwide be allotted to Baal or to any of the Defendants.
1913 AD 16th Amendment of the U.S. was claimed by the federal government corporation, in the federal territory of Washington, D.C. to authorize, the IRS their private collection company, to collect “income tax”.
The 16th amendment was only ratified by two states and 36 states were required; the IRS has no legal authority to collect tax.
The same applies to local County and State tax collectors who are also bound by the U.S. Constitution.
The Secretary of State, at the time, Philander Knox on February 25, 1913, announced that the amendment was “in effect” which was a trickery of words.
It was never ratified as the constitution reads. Therefore, Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution dictates that the IRS and the local County Tax collector are collecting tax unlawfully.
We do not consent to this trickery of words and illegal acts by the Enemy including threats of imprisonment and death.
The timing of this fraud also shows the Enemy’s pre- meditated planning of events to ensure the collecting of funds from Your People to pay for WWI.
1914 AD Albert Pike was the Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Arkansas, a 33rd Degree Mason, a Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite.
He was “Lord Maitrya” of his day.
He was the author of a letter that was found that described the planning of all three World Wars before they ever happened.
As Lord Maitrya he was in command of the military operations and planning of wars (Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Desert Storm).
1914 – 1918 AD WWI Pre-planned and orchestrated by the Defendants and funded by Your People through trickery.
1914 AD Greek Genocide in Ottoman Empire todays Turkey, 25% of Greeks were killed.
2021 AD Radio frequencies that were hacked by the Orion Greys, three letter agencies, and the Dark Fleet are now in the hands of the Earth Alliance as of October 24th.
Orion Greys were captured, and their consciousness code was hacked thereby disconnecting them from the hive mind.
In addition, Dulce Base and Area 51 were cleared.
Area 51 has been used as a base by the Killy-Tokurt, or Tall Whites, and specifically they have ties to the corrupt Earth governments.
2021 AD On November 5th, Travis Scott performed at his Astroworld Festival rapper concert in Houston, TX where media said 10 people were killed, (updated reports state 100 killed), by trampling and other suspected methods including 5G frequency usage, injection into the necks of security guards and other attendees.
It is believed by those in attendance that many more were killed.
300 or more people were also injured during the satanic music ritual and at least 8 children have gone missing.
It is known that CERN recently completed activation of a new portal in preparation for demonics to enter for the satanic ritual plans and the identical visual portal from CERN opened during this concert.
It is reported by attendees that they saw demons entering people and there is photographic evidence.
1945 AD Fluoridation of tap water began in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
017 AD ANTIFA is listed as the “word of the year” by the Oxford Dictionaries, as it emerged from relative obscurity to become an established part of the English lexicon.
It is a political movement that uses violent and non-violent action
1944 AD Chechen Ingush genocide and up to 50% of the Chechen population killed.
1944 AD Crimean Tartars ethnic cleansing under Joseph Stalin
1945 AD The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is established at the National Institute of Medical Research in London their primary task is to collect and characterize influenza viruses and establish a network of laboratories to disseminate data.
1939 – 1994/95 Nazi Genocide of Ethnic Poles, in German occupied Europe. 3 million or 6-10% of the Polish Gentile population, and 3 million Polish Jews were killed in the Holocaust in Poland.
1940’s AD University of Michigan with the US Army developed the first inactivated flu vaccine using fertilized chicken eggs.
The first mechanical ventilators were made available.
Influenza B virus is discovered, and two vaccines released to treat it. In 1942 the Communicable Disease Center (C.D.C.) is opened in the U.S.A.
In 1944, the use of cell cultures for virus growth is discovered allowing virus’ to be cultured outside of the body.
In 1945 vaccines are licensed for civilians.
In 1947 investigators determine those existing vaccines do not work, so there is a need for continuing surveillance.
1940’s – The Pope brings all church denominations under Rome, and by 1981 all churches were completely taken over.
1941 AD Avalon Project/St. James Agreement. A resolution was agreed upon by the Allies, (United Kingdom and nine other countries), against German and Italian oppression to fight and work together for peace.
1941 AD Atlantic Charter A statement agreed upon by President F.D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill that set out American and British goals for the world after the end of WWII.
NATO and other organizations were formed out of this agreement by the Defendants.
1941-1945 AD The Holocaust German occupied Europe killed six million Jewish people or about 2/3 of the population of Europe.
1941 AD Bosniaks and Croatians genocide. Defendants within the Chetniks committed these war crimes.
1942 AD Declaration of the United Nations was the main treaty that formalized the Allies of WWII and was signed by 47 national governments between
1942-1945 AD Establishment of the United Nations at the Yalta Conference, where Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agreed to the structure of the United Nations Security Council.
It is 52% owned by the Rothschild Bank of London and Berlin.
The U.N. is a corporation founded in France.
Note: There were many steps done over a number of years in the establishment of the U.N. starting with 1865.
1915 AD Armenian Genocide in present day Turkey, Iraq and Syria. 90% of Armenians were killed in the Ottoman Empire.
1916 AD the word “ministry” first began to be used as the names of certain departments in the British government that indicate authority and could affect law.
They took the religious authority perception and moved it into the governmental authority perception.
This is a trickery of intent, e.g., Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Canada.
This trickery describes how the Defendants created a structure of authority within governments.
1916 AD Planned Parenthood founded by Margaret Sanger supposedly for reproductive health care but with a covert reason for depopulation especially of minorities.
Former satanists have come forward to disclose that abortions provided by Planned Parenthood are a part of their demonic rituals including the initial act of trauma to the aborted live fetus extracting adrenochrome and chromochrome before the methods of death are performed.
1917 AD British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Baron Rothschild, a wealthy and prominent leader in the British Jewish community expressing the British government’s support for the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine.
This letter was published in the press one week later and eventually became known as the “Balfour Declaration”. (See League of Nations 1923).
1917 – 1922 AD Russian Civil War It was led by the Bolshevik Party of Vladimir Lenin.
The ending of this war established the Soviet Union.
1918 AD The Spanish Flu was a worldwide epidemic. Before the U.S. became involved in WWI multiple vaccines were given under the direction of Dr. Frederick Gates, the grandfather of Bill Gates, to U.S. soldiers at Fort Riley, Kansas.
It was after these vaccines were given that a case of “Spanish Flu” was diagnosed at Fort Riley. What was not publicly known is that a secret test experiment for bacterial meningitis vaccine was one of the vaccinations and it was made and funded by the Rockefeller Institute.
The soldiers who were under orders were used as “human test subjects” for the experiment. Aspirin use contributed to mortalities.
Those soldiers who were not vaccinated were not affected.
Two years later about 1/3 of the world population had been infected.
50 million to 100 million people died.
It was one of the worst epidemics in history and Humans of all ages died from it.
Later it was found that only the vaccinated died.
Spain was neutral during WWI and did not censer news and therefore was the first to report the epidemic.
The Defendants scapegoated Spain and the Spanish Flu got its name.
As soldiers returned home from WWI, they were convinced by the U.S. Government that they would spread the disease to their families and the first largest “Fear” campaign began in history to be followed by Covid 19 starting in 2020.
The Defendants used the Human population as a research and development laboratory to field test experimental vaccine Doctors intensified giving vaccines instead of stopping them when the crisis was “over”.
These methods are almost identically used by the Defendants over time in their war against Your People.
Interesting to note that the Spanish Flu was caused by the H1N1 Influenza A Virus, and it is linked to today’s COVID 19.
As patents show, this virus was created by the Defendants, and we do not consent.
1919 AD US President Woodrow Wilson had a severe stroke and mental disability.
Instead of the Vice-President taking charge of the country, his second wife, Edith Bolling Galt Wilson and others handled the affairs for the country for approximately two years until 1921.
We do not consent to this type of illegal deceit of non-elected officials running the government, as it is Treason.
1920 AD Walt Disney (born 1901) Walt Disney was adopted from an abusive home.
It has been revealed in print that he was not only a pedophile who liked little boys but a satanist, a type of male witch, a 33rd degree Freemason and a member of the Illuminati.
Walt joined the mother chapter of DeMolay Int. which is an international fraternal organization for boys aged 12-21.
Disney Studios started in 1923.
Walt (age 30) received the DeMolay Legion of Honor (1931) the highest attainable degree corresponding to that of a 33rd degree Mason.
In 1935 Disney summoned to Paris to receive a medal for the creation of Mickey Mouse from the League of Nations and during this tour he dined with the British Royal Family, had a private audience with the Pope and a long interview with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini he also met with author H.G. Wells who was helping prepare the world for the New World Order and this meeting was a major inspiration for the future Disney ‘Tomorrowland’.
Germany’s Neuschwanstein castle is the model for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.
The German castle has been identified as a satanic location for high level rituals.
Disney sponsored a Masonic Club for Disney employees and created Club 33 located on the 33rd parallel.
In 1947 J. Edgar Hoover (head of the F.B.I.) and Walt Disney developed a relationship to share information.
In 1955 Disneyland was offered to the F.B.I. for information and recreational activities.
Transcripts of the 750 pages released of FOIA documents on Walt Disney show that Disney and Hoover are in constant communication regarding the use of Disney’s TV shows as propaganda tools for the F.B.I.
Three episodes of the Mickey Mouse Club were specifically designed for the F.B.I.
Also, the C.I.A. key into Disney in the 1950’s to early 1960’s was Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun (Project Paperclip, MK Ultra, Operation Midnight Climax and Apollo moon landing).
Disney had a relationship with the C.I.A. for decades. FOIA reveals that D.O.D and C.I.A. have influenced hundreds of movies and TV shows produced by Walt Disney.
Countless victims of the MK Ultra programs (including child sexual abuse) and experiments attest to the use of Disney films for their programing, especially child victims.
Movies, Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland are reported as key and mind control programming as the imagery optimized the traumatized victim’s ability to disassociate and accept programming instructions.
The Director of the C.I.A. Allen Dulles, who authorized Project Paperclip, MKUltra, and Operation Mockingbird, allegedly a distant cousin of Walt Disney, who’s company has been associated with each of these programs.
In 1977 FOIA showed a cache of 20,000 documents relating to MKUltra including Disney.
Through the relationship between Disney and C.I.A. it is alleged that it continues today using spying techniques within their intelligence community.
After 911 the C.I.A. sought Disney’s advice on intelligence security and biometrics.
Through connections in the C.I.A.
Disney was able to buy the land for Disney World in Florida. Disney’s staff is used to fill the more sensitive positions in the U.S. intelligence and security communities and media.
Pedophilia has been alleged to be associated with every level of the Disney organization including Disney Cruise Lines with itineraries to Little St. James Island (Jeffrey Epstein).
Dozens of pedophile rings have been exposed connecting to Disney staff.
The keys to Disney’s Magic Kingdom open a virtual Pandora’s Box of illegal and immoral activities ranging from secret F.B.I. and C.I.A. operations to pedophilia and child sex trafficking rings.
1921 AD The Tavistock Institute in London formed the basis of the ideology of American foundations of Human Relations.
The Marquis of Tavistock gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I.
Its purpose was to establish the “breaking point” of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings-Reese.
Sigmund Freud was associated with the Institute.
Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea and then later applied to experiments in crowd control methods that have been widely used on the American public, which is an assault on Human freedom by modifying individual behavior through psychology.
In 1933, a director of the Institute, Kurt Lewin came to the U.S. as a “refugee”, the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.
The mass civilian bombing raids carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill were a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the population their “guinea pigs” react under controlled laboratory conditions.
Their goal is to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the New World Order.
We do not consent to this Institute nor to their actions.
1923 AD The League of Nations wrote the “Mandate of Palestine” which included text from the Balfour Declaration.
This document gave Great Britain the responsibility of establishing a Jewish national homeland in British-controlled Palestine.
1924 – 1953 AD The Reign of Terror, the Bolshevik Revolution Reign of Terror of the KGB under Lord Maitreya, Rothschilds, Jesuits, Stalin; the genocide of Russians.
1926 AD UNIDROIT (The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law) was established as part of the League of Nations, it was re-established in 1940 following the League’s dissolution through a multilateral agreement called the UNIDROIT Statute.
As of 2019 UNIDROIT had 63 member states (countries) worldwide. It is located in Rome and owned and operated by the Vatican.
One of their goals is to unify a one world law structure and jurisdiction.
The UCC (Unified Commercial Code) was written and owned by UNIDROIT, which has been set up by the Defendants.
UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome also handles the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of nations and sends the funds to the Vatican’s military accounts.
Lawyers pledge their oath to the CITY OF LONDON in order to hide this type of truth from the masses.
The UNITED STATES was signed over to UNIDROIT in 1964, just after Kennedy was killed.
1929 AD The elected, sovereign ruler, Roman Catholic Pope sets up the country of Vatican City State as a corporate entity via the Lateran Treaty. Power of the Papacy is Universal power over individuals.
Although Vatican City is considered a religious capital, it has been the largest outpost of Draco-Reptilian (Ciakahrr Empire) on Earth.
The Vatican partnered with the Cabal.
Below the Vatican is one of the largest underground bases in all of Earth that has many levels and several portals that have allowed access to off planet locations like the Moon and Mars.
These portals have been used for centuries to transport slaves off planet for profit.
The Cabal and Reptilian allies consider themselves royalty of the Universe and Vatican City was their capital on Earth.
1929 AD U.S. Stock Market crash that affected the world and was orchestrated by the Defendants.
It was planned to collapse the world economy and to split the markets.
It became the Common Stock Market (including Humans through our numbers from our Birth Certificates).
The Crash created two stock markets, the Common stock market which is for the common man and includes commodities like Your People.
The second stock market is the Blue Chip for the elite and bloodlines.
The stock is 10 to 1 in favor of the Blue Chip. #13 indicates the area Your People are born in; it is the State designation.
Bonding certificate equals Savings Bonds.
Before 1959 EE equals Strawman. E equals Bond.
1929 AD Maurice and Laura Falk Foundation was established from a trust fund for Human welfare.
This foundation funded in part the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) in conjunction with law firms, banks, and businesses.
The UCC is a joint project of the Uniform Law Commission and the American Law Institute.
The Maurice and Laura Falk Foundation funded it along with law firms, banks, and businesses.
1930 ADU.S.A. Birth Certificate information was added to and revised.
March 6, 1933, AD, Franklin D. Roosevelt, a 33rd degree Mason, issued Proclamation 2039 invoking the Emergency War Powers Act.
He was put in as President by the powers of the Jesuit Order.
Three days later, on March 9th, 1933, the Emergency Banking Relief Act was passed taking an old-World War I statute of 1917 called; “Trading with the Enemy Act” and amended it by changing the word “without” to citizens “within” the United States.
Citizens were declared enemies of the U.S. by Executive Order No. 2040 and ratified by Congress on March 9, 1933, 48 Statute 1.
Therefore, all “persons, (men, women, and children), within” the United States are now enemies of the de facto military government which is “in fact, but not necessarily by legal right”.
Roosevelt converted the constitutional 14th Amendment American Republic into a “de facto American Empire”.
At this time, he seized all registered property on a state level as plunder taken by war.
This included all real property, all corporations and persons (men and women) deemed “U.S. citizens” given a “name of war”, which was created on a state level by means of a publicly filed Certificate of “Live Birth” as stated above.
Every natural man and woman, being an American “citizen of the United States”, has been seized, and is surety (security against loss or damage for the fulfilment of an obligation as a payment of debt, guarantee or bond) as a “U.S. Citizen” to whom he or she can be hybridized and attached.
We do not consent.
1930’s AD the first metal cards were established for credit that in the 1950’s became the modern credit card.
1932 AD Holodomor genocide in the Soviet Union 7.5 million die of famine, 300 thousand during the purge and thousands from the law of Spikelets, which was law to protect state owned items like grain during the famine.
1933 AD Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi Party and dictator of Germany.
The Defendants orchestrated Hitler’s rise in power, and he initiated WWII.
1933 AD (Free Bond versus Bond Servant) the enemy incorporated in the U.S. a Bond Servant to cover the debt and future debt.
Your People are listed as trusts/commodities on the Common Stock Exchange.
The value is adjusted according to many factors like culture, education, and work potential.
A bond is set on each Certificate of Live Birth.
The certificates are bundled together into sets and then placed as securities on the open market.
The Federal Reserve and/or foreign bankers then purchase these certificates.
The purchaser is the “Holder of Title”.
This process made every man and woman in this jurisdiction a Bond Servant.
The central banks now have a negotiable instrument against which credit is advanced.
A lien cannot be placed against our unalienable rights from God.
Because of this corrupt incorporation that was set up for the U.S. as well as other nations around the world, Your People are used for taxation and money laundering, and have been arbitrarily labeled, sold, killed, and used as property of this Enemy.
When a country incorporates, its citizens become a subject (property) of the Federal Government. Neither State, Provincial, nor Federal Constitutions can protect them.
Your People cannot be sovereign and a citizen at the same time.
Under a corporation, when a government goes bankrupt, it loses its sovereignty because as a corporation it becomes an artificial person engaged in commerce.
Therefore, all citizens under the corporation are also identified as artificial persons.
We do not agree with the incorporation of any country or nation.
We do not agree with the legality that when as an individual or a country or nation goes bankrupt that sovereignty is lost.
1934 AD First Treaty between
ET Greys and the U.S. Government
by Franklin Roosevelt
signed on the Naval Ship Balboa in Panama.
1935 AD Lebensborn meaning “the fount of life” was the Nazi Breeding program and eugenics scheme to create a racially pure Master race of Arian children.
Approximately 20,000 children were born to create this race.
1935 AD Romani Genocide German occupied Europe, 25% of Romani people killed in Europe.
1936 AD Influenza A virus is discovered, and they found out that the virus can be grown in hen’s eggs.
1937 AD Moon Base the Nazi’s contracted with the Draco Reptilians to build a twenty-acre base on the dark side of the moon in Jules Vern crater.
1937 AD Polish Genocide Operation NKVD, 22% of the Polish population killed in a mass ethnic cleansing by the Defendants of the Soviet Union.
1938 AD Base 211 Queen Maudland, Antarctica is established.
1938 AD The U.S. Supreme Court begins to work with Public Policy versus Public Law (Erie Railroad vs. Tompkins).
Law was blended with Equity.
The Supreme Court case decided there would be no more decisions based on Common Law at the Federal level.
It is believed that a secret meeting was called that included all higher judges, top attorneys, and the U.S. Attorneys.
According to Howard Freeman, a Judge gave him the following information: “America is a bankrupt nation.
It is owned completely by its creditors.
The creditors own Congress, they own the Executive, they own the Judiciary, and they own all the State Governments.
Take silent notice of this fact, but never reveal it openly.
Your court is operating under Admiralty Jurisdiction – call it anything you want, but do not call it Admiralty.”
On April 25, 1938, The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the standing precedents of 150 years concerning the Federal Government Common Law, Article 1 Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution in that there was no longer gold or silver backed currency.
We state for the record, that no court has Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction unless they are adjudicating a breach to maritime law.
We do not consent to this secret of change in court jurisdiction, nor to the trickery of words used by the Defendants.
We do not consent to being thought of or treated as slaves and property of the Defendant’s bankers.
We state for the record that no creditor has any legal right of ownership as stated above.
Every Nation worldwide and beyond is sovereign under Divine/Natural Law as God Creator intended, and no debt, no secret threat of foreclosure, no jurisdiction manipulated by the Defendants is acceptable on all and any locations as defined.
1939-1945 AD WWIINazi invasion of Poland. WWII was pre-planned by the Defendants. During this time was the failure of the League of Nations.
And 1945.It was the basis for the formation of the United Nations (U.N.) based in New York City in the U.S.A.
The U.N. is the Enemies corporation used for their own purposes and not for Your people.
Religious freedom was added to the Atlantic Charter at this time. U.N. passports from WWII and on were printed using capital letters for the person’s name signifying the people as “individual corporations”.
1942 AD Catholic Church helps Hitler and Nazis to escape from Europe to South America.
1943 AD Philadelphia Experiments were carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Naval Shipyard, using a high frequency generator that created discharges to disrupt the magnetic field.
On July 22nd tests to render a ship, the U.S.S. Eldridge, invisible to enemy devices and the naked eye.
Hundreds of people saw it happen.
The second try October 28th was to move it dimensionally to another location.
The ship disappeared and moments later reappeared.
It was seen during the disappearance for a few moments in Norfolk, VA.
Sailors vanished and some of the sailor’s bodies were embedded into the ship.
It also resulted in sailors going insane, having brain damage and physical damage beyond repair.
International Telegraph Union
1874 Universal Postal Union
1899 The Hague Convention
established the
Permanent Court of Arbitration
which opened in 1902.
1941 Declarations and Charters Roosevelt and Churchill.
Of importance is the 1942 change to the Atlantic Charter adding “religious freedom” which was the opening for satanic religion and the court cases seen today.
1945-1948 AD Nazi’s infiltrated the US with the help of the future President George H.W. Bush Sr. (His real German last name is Scherff).
Toothpastes and other consumer products were also fluoridated.
We do not consent. Evidence proves that consuming fluoride, which is an industrial waste product, is toxic to all life and calcifies the pineal gland.
Book Reference:
The Fluoride Deception
by Christopher Bryson.
1946 AD Operation Paperclip Secret United States intelligence program where German scientists, engineers and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany into the U.S. for government employment after WWII.
Germans were brought into key positions throughout the U.S. and 100% of the C.I.A. were German Nazi’s.
1947 AD Operation High Jump (failed) and the Allied Forces lost WWII.
While Your People were celebrating what they thought was the end of the Second World War, Admiral Byrd led an assault on the Nazi’s and Aliens on Base 211 in Antarctica.
England had faced a similar defeat earlier.
Both were faced with advanced alien technology, and aircraft that had aligned with the Nazi regime and the U.S. fleet was annihilated.
President Truman negotiated a cease-fire,
and President Eisenhower’s “underlings”
signed his name to
treaties with the non-terrestrials
that contracted
to give them rights to do experimentations
on Earth’s inhabitants.
Those permissions for Human experimentations were exchanged for technology.
To control the narrative, about the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico the National Security Council and MJ-12 were created to control any knowledge of alien presence and misinformation was put in schools and colleges.
Future President George H.W. Bush Sr. helped with the Nazi infiltration in all world governments.
In fact, this war, as well as all other wars in history, were multi-fashioned and included alien presence.
The Nazis, the bankers, the Cabal, and Satan et al. George H.W. Bush Sr. established the C.I.A., and they created the Operation Mockingbird Media to manipulate the media for propaganda purposes.
The bankers and Cabal were not happy about that, so they created the FBI.
This was the beginning of the Cold War.
The three letter agencies have utilized Black Goo as an A.I. consciousness that was formed by the Orion Hive.
It utilizes, concepts, ideas, and programs of fear, manipulation and control.
This is done using internet servers under and over the earth.
As this court can see, Your People have been misled, manipulated and programmed into fighting wars between and for these factions (the Defendants) for generations.
1947 AD Lunar Moon Operations Command with the Draco and Cabal Germans agreed to give the Draco 225 females and a 25-year refusal of rights for new technology.
This started Off World Human trafficking as Human DNA is of great value.
1948 AD The World Health Organization (WHO) that was originally established in London now becomes a special agency of the United Nations.
1948 AD Fluoride Air Pollution disaster in Donora, Pennsylvania. Two dozen people were killed, and thousands injured due to fluoride air pollution on Halloween weekend.
1949 AD The U.S.A. gave their nuclear secrets to the U.S.S.R. and the Soviets created their first nuclear bomb.
This was done to intimidate the Nazi’s because actually the Defendants of the U.S.A. and Russia have always been allies but told the public the opposite.
1949 – 1954 AD Chinese Communist Revolution and Genocide, over one billion killed by the communist regime through executions and starvation.
1950’s AD A Dominican Priest invented a Chronovisor by electronically modifying the frequencies of chants by the Benedictine Monks.
When he viewed this on a TV-like monitor and manipulated the frequencies, he discovered that he could look into the past.
The technology was turned over to the Vatican, which then passed it on to the CIA.
This became
Project Looking Glass.
1950’s Churches began to incorporate.
1950-53 AD Korean War was planned and orchestrated by the enemy.
1952 AD New Berlin Base on Mars and Asteroid of Ceres and Titan were colonized.
1952 AD First successful cloning of a tadpole after replacing the nucleus of an egg with the nucleus from a developing embryo.
1996 Dolly the sheep was the first mammal cloned through somatic cell nuclear transfer.
2001 Human embryos are cloned.
1952 AD The Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) is created by the W.H.O. to monitor the evolution of influenza virus.
Originally it included twenty-six laboratories.
1952 AD the Uniform Commercial Code was first published for the U.S.
1952 AD the first (DSM) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was established by the American Psychiatric Association to label and classify Human behavior, emotion, and reactions of the personality.
1953 AD Iranian coup d’etat was the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh in favor of the monarchical rule of the Shah, Mohammad Rez Pahlavion August 19th.
It was orchestrated by the C.I.A. in the U.S. under “Operation Ajax” in conjunction with the United Kingdom under the name “Operation Boot.”
The clergy also played a considerable role.
Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the Eisenhower administration decided in early 1953 to overthrow the Iran government even though the Truman administration had opposed it.
1953 AD – 1961 AD The Five Star Trust was set up by the CIA while President Eisenhower was in power.
It consisted of five top men: Future U.S. President; George H.W. Bush Sr. (head of the CIA at that time), Richard Armitage, General Edward Lansdale, William Colby, and General Robert L. Ferrara.
Their objective was to setup the largest drug and money-laundering system the world had ever seen.
It was called Operation Studebaker and Operation Clean Room.
The operation was to create money for the CIA so they wouldn’t have to ask Congress for it and divulge CIA plans.
The objective was to setup a drug running operation and put all the money into a conglomeration of banks setup by the Rothschilds and the 13 banking families, known as the Five Star Trust.
When President Kennedy came into office (1961) he warned us and created a Special Force group to start to get rid of the Federal Reserve.
He wanted to put the U.S. Treasury back onto the silver and gold standard which didn’t happen after his death.
1954 AD Greada Treaty In the 1950’s the invasion on negative non-terrestrial species posed a threat to the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Galactic Federation of Worlds (a friendly galactic military) and the Council of Five (a spiritually evolved group of five races that are benevolent (friendly) non-terrestrials also called the Orion Council of Light) contacted Earth’s government leaders to form an alliance.
Their only mandate was the disarmament of nuclear weapons; however, Earth’s government leaders were not in agreement to disarm, and under the leadership of President Eisenhower’s administration the Greada Treaty was signed with the malevolent Orion Group.
President Eisenhower however, behind the scenes, was interested in the Galactic Federation of Worlds and began working with certain military like the United States Navy to prepare for the future.
1956 AD Rapeseed Oil Extract/Canola was first put on the market as a food product.
Originally it was used as a lubricant for machinery.
Canola was bred from rapeseed cultivators of B.napus and B.rapa at the University of Manitoba Canada in the early 1970’s.
The word was created from “Can” meaning Canada and “ola” meaning oil.Drought and disease resistant from its genetic modification it is tolerant to the herbicide “Roundup”.
The name “Roundup Ready Canola” is derived from the Monsanto trademark for its patented line of genetically modified crop seeds that are resistant to its glyphosate-based herbicide “Roundup”.
This causes “Spongiform” that is mad cow disease that negatively effects the brain. In 2012 the F.D.A. approved canola oil to be put into baby formula.
1955 – 1975 AD Viet Nam War was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
1956 AD The (C.D.C.) Communicable Disease Centre’s influenza branch in Atlanta, Georgia designed a W.H.O. Collaborating Centre for Surveillance, Epidemiology and control of influenza.
In 1957 A new H2N2 flu virus emerges to trigger a pandemic.
There were about 1.1 million deaths globally.
1957-1958 AD Pandemic H2N2 virus
1958 AD the Declaration of Geneva was created for physician’s dedication to humanitarian goals of medicine after the medical crimes had been brought forth from Nazi Germany in WWII.
However, in 1994 in this document, a fetus’ rights were taken out, and in addition, wording was changed from “the laws of humanity” to “human rights and civil liberties”.
The Enemy has used Legalese and law to alter this document’s meaning.
1958 AD NASA was created to syphon money into Cabal Black Projects to build DUMBs and the American Secret Space Program.
1959 AD The Antarctic is “designated a natural reserve devoted to peace and science.” Protocol on environmental protection came into force in 1998 by U.K. law (Antarctic Act 1994), however this area actually had secret underground high-level facilities for the Defendants.
1950’s the CIA, Jesuits and the Vatican started the music movement of the time such as The Beatles who were victims of MK Ultra programing.
1960 AD, the US Surgeon General, in response to a high death rate during the 1957–58 pandemic, recommends annual influenza vaccination for people with chronic debilitating disease, people aged 65 or older, and pregnant women.
1961: An outbreak in South Africa points to wild birds as a possible cause of influenza A viruses.
1962: CDC launches the 122 Cities Mortality Reporting System.
Each week, the vital statistics office of 122 cities across the U.S. report the total number of death certificates processed for which pneumonia or influenza is listed as a cause of death by age group.
The FDA licenses amantadine, a new antiviral medication, as a prophylactic (preventive medicine) against influenza A.
However, it isn’t effective.
1967: A relationship between human and avian flu viruses shows an antigenic relationship between the 1957 human pandemic A virus and an influenza A virus isolated from a turkey.
The study raises the question on whether human influenza viruses are of avian origin.
1968: A new H3N2 influenza virus emerges to trigger another pandemic, resulting in roughly 100,000 deaths in the U.S. and 1 million worldwide.
Most of those deaths are in people 65 and older. H3N2 viruses circulating today are descendants of the H3N2 virus that emerged in 1968.
Note: All of these viruses were orchestrated by the Defendants for depopulation.
1962 AD Vatican Council II met and started a “New Church” and New World Order agenda.
1962 AD Court Case (Ingel versus Vitale).The case judgment was …
Prayer is unconstitutional because it violates the first amendment.
1962 AD Guatemalan Genocide 40% Mayan Population killed.
1963 AD – President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22nd, 1963.
He was killed because he was endeavoring to take down the Federal Reserve and expose the secret societies.
The death of John F. Kennedy was orchestrated by the CIA in partnership with the Taal-Shiar from the planet Omankhera.
They now live in the Jaha System of the Alcyone star system in the Pleiades.
They are enemies of the Federation and have worked with the Cabal and Ciakahrr Empire.
President Kennedy was working with the Earth Alliance, who secretly partnered with the United States Navy and Galactic Federation of Worlds.
Although President Kennedy’s assassination was not prevented, plans were rearranged so that at this time in history Earth could claim freedom.
1963 AD Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) was established to influence the formation of public policy.
It operates as a tax exempt, non-profit and is incorporated in D.C.
1964 AD Project Camelot as the code name of a counterinsurgency study begun by the United States Army to enhance the army’s ability to predict and influence social developments in foreign countries.
They assembled an eclectic team of psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, economists, and other intellectuals to analyze the society and culture of numerous target countries, especially in Latin America.
1968 AD Pandemic H3N2 virus
1968 AD United Nations Development Corporation was established to develop and operate real estate in the vicinity of the U.N. headquarters in New York City.
1969 AD The Weathermen or the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) was a faction of the Students for Democratic Society (SDS).
It was a revolutionary party to overthrow American Imperialism. Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn were a part of the leadership of this terrorist group.
Bill Ayers became a mentor to young Barack Obama.
This organization conducted a bombing campaign and instigated division and unrest.
Ayers and Dohrn were sent to prison but upon their release went on to teach in American Universities.1970 AD An H1N1 (swine flu) outbreak at Fort Dix leads to a vaccination program to prevent a pandemic.
Within 10 months, roughly 25% of the US population is vaccinated (48 million people), about twice the level needed to provide coverage for the at-risk population.
Cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a neurologic condition that in rare instances has been associated with vaccination, among vaccine recipients appeared to be in excess of what was expected, so officials determine the vaccination program should be halted.
1971 AD Bangladesh genocide in East Pakistan 3 million or 4% of the population killed. It was called Operation Searchlight.
1971 AD The U.S. incorporated a Fiat Money System. Paper money became “legal tender” and was not backed by gold, silver, or another commodity. This allowed the Enemy to print paper money to finance wars and weaponry when there was no money to do so. Inflation is a tax.
1972 AD Russia performed 24 nuclear tests causing fears of a radioactive contamination disaster.
1972 AD Acholi and Lango People Genocide in Uganda 300,000 people died.
1972 AD Ikiza Genocide in Burundi by the Tutsi dominated government.
1972 AD Project Mannequin was established.
It is a mind control and genetic manipulation program created by the National Security Agency (NSA) in the U.S. Government run, covert, black projects in many countries.
1973 AD District of Columbia Home Rule Act creates a Charter for Washington, D.C. area including having a Mayor and a Council that Congress oversees.
1973 AD (Roe versus Wade) a U.S. Supreme Court Decision (410.U.S.113) ruling that the Constitution protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction, allowing for legal abortions to take place.
We do not consent.
1975 AD Cambodian Genocide 3 million or 33% of the Cambodian population was killed.
1975 AD East Timor Genocide up to 44% of population killed.
1977 AD Ethiopia Genocide Civil War fought between the Communist government and the anti-government rebels. The rebels won although 500,000 citizens were killed in a blood bath called, “The Red Terror”.
The Marxist government abolished the Parliament, suspended the Constitution and arrested the Emperor who died in custody.
1980 AD Georgia Guide Stones were erected and etched with lists that detail the goals of the New World Order.
1980 AD The American Disease Institute created and released the AIDs virus.
1980-1988 AD Iran – Iraq War was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
1981 AD CDC begins collecting reports of influenza outbreaks from state and territorial epidemiologists.
1981 AD The HIV, AIDS virus was developed and released by the Defendants.
1984 AD President Ronald Reagan established diplomatic ties with the Vatican.
1986 AD Project Skybeam a holographic project that can make aircraft etc. look real.
It was tested in 1997 and is known as the Phoenix Lights UFO sighting in Arizona.
1986 AD Anfal Genocide 182,000 Kurds in Iraq killed.
1987 AD Multi-State Lottery Association composed of seven U.S. lotteries was established.
1988 AD Isaaq Genocide in Somalia.
1989 AD Project MKNaomi was a program started by the scientists working for the Dept. Of Defense Biological Division supervised by the CIA out of Fort Detrick, Maryland. Chemical or technical implants were prescribed in pills.
A false story of diseases was released but it was a plan to depopulate the world of specific ethnic groups and homosexuals.
Dr. Anthony Fauci was involved in this program.
1990 AD Gulf War was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
1990-2021 AD War in Afghanistan was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
1992 AD Police Action United Nations in Somalia was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
1992 AD Infrastructure Privatization President George H.W. Bush Sr. enacted the Executive order 12803 to open for private sale all roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, water plants, and all infrastructures in the U.S.
1992 AD Bosnia genocide crimes against Humanity and Ethnic Cleansing controlled by the army of Republika Srpska (VRS)
1993 AD George Soros started the Open Society Institute now known as the Open Society Foundations (OSF) a grant making network to support civil society groups around the world.
1993 AD A letter was delivered to the Pope promising the Vatican eastern Jerusalem. Policed by the U.N. (President Trump retrieved the letter).
1993 AD U.S. Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed into law by President Bill Clinton is an Act to protect the free exercise of religion.
1993 AD The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program is established as a result of a measles outbreak to provide vaccines at no cost to children.
The program increases the likelihood of children getting recommended vaccinations on schedule, but the costs become a covered benefit under Medicare.
1994 AD Canadian government established first United Kingdom’s State Franchised Lottery through the Ontario’s Teachers Pension Program (OTTP) in Canada.
Camelot Group established it.
1994 AD The World Population Summit, Cairo Egypt where 160 Cabal Corporate Defendants companies (countries) signed an agreement to depopulate the Earth to 800 million by 2030.
Basic strategies included
1. Fluoridation of water
2. Creation of manmade viruses
3. Chemtrails spreading neurotoxins into the air
4. A planned global event using holograms to make the public think they are being attacked and agreeing with a one world government to protect them.
This is accomplished without resistance from the people.
The Defendant’s plan of installation of their one world government, (New World Order), was targeted to be completed by 2024.
We do not consent.
1994 AD Rimantadine, derived from Amantadine, is approved by the FDA to treat influenza A.
1994 AD Rwandan Genocide 60-70% of Tutsis were killed or 7% of the entire Rwandan population.
1995 – 2002 AD Bosnia Police Action was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
1995 AD USAAF Lear Jet crashes killing 8 military Generals and civilian personnel days before Murry Building bombing (important papers in building regarding Nesara were destroyed).
1995 AD The Oklahoma City bombingof the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, United States. Bathythermographic bomb used.
1996 AD An avian influenza H5N1 virus is first isolated from a farmed goose in China. In 1997 the first human infection with an avian influenza A H5N1 virus is identified in Hong Kong.
1997 AD FluNet, a web-based flu surveillance tool, is launched by WHO. It is a critical tool for tracking the movement of flu viruses globally. Country data is updated weekly and is publicly available.
1997 AD Operation Indigo Skyfold Chemtrails.
Poisoning of air, water, soil, plants, and all life.
1997 AD Phoenix Lights UFO sightings in Arizona are a test project by the Defendants for Project Skybeam, a holographic technology that could be used to create fear in Your People.
1998 AD Influenza virus surveillance in swine, conducted by the US Department of Agriculture, begins in the United States.
A virus that is a hybrid of human, bird and swine flu viruses is detected in pigs.
This virus becomes the dominant flu virus in U.S. pigs by 1999.
1999 AD A pandemic planning framework is published by WHO emphasizing the need to enhance influenza surveillance, vaccine production and distribution, antiviral drugs, influenza research and emergency preparedness.
The neuraminidase inhibitors oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) and zanamivir (Relenza®) are licensed to treat influenza infection.
1999 AD Microsoft video game named “Omacron” is released by Bill Gates that is about demons pretending to be human and harvesting their souls.
2001 AD The Twin Towers (911) in New York City U.S.A. were bombed on September 11th. 2001.
Towers one and two fell into their footprint in a free fall.
No steel structure building in history or since has ever fallen due to any type of fire.
Thermite can be triggered from miles away by a phone call and it melts steel.
Tower 7 collapsed in 6.5 sec.
Building 3 and 6 in the South Plaza also fell without being hit by a plane.
These were all controlled demolitions.
On the same date, the Pentagon was hit with a missile.
Actually, the Enemies used; Nano Thermites and explosives were used in a controlled demolition.
Trumpet technology and TR3B stealth missile were used with Bluetooth technology as a hologram to make it look like airplanes.
A Mazor and Dustification weapon were also used, and no passenger planes were flown into the buildings to destroy them.
2002 AD Bambuti genocide 40% of the East Congo population was killed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2002 AD The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) encourages that children 6 to 23 months of age be vaccinated annually against influenza.
2003:Public health officials are concerned about a re-emergence of H5N1 avian influenza reported in China and Vietnam.
June 2003: The first nasal spray flu vaccine is licensed.2003 AD Darfur Genocide 500,000 people die in the Sudan.
The first genocide of the 21st century. Government militias systematically burned villages, polluting water supplies, looting, raping, torturing and murdering civilians.
2004 AD The National Incident Management System (NIMS) is established to coordinate response for public health incidents and actions as well as public, private, and nongovernmental organizations.
2005: The US. Government National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza is published and the entire genome of the 1918 H1N1 pandemic influenza virus is sequenced.
2006: CDC stops recommending adamantine. The National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Implementation Plan is published.
The document outlines U.S. preparedness and response to prevent the spread of a pandemic.
2006 AD A whistle blower came forth to detail a national FEMA program called the FEMA Clergy Response Team.
An estimated 28,000 pastors were recruited at that time by FEMA/ DHS (the Department of Homeland Security), and their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey the FEMA/DHS version of Romans 13:1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
The DHS version was to accept the government authority as the higher power and to manipulate their congregation to obey the government authority.
2007 AD: The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) establishes the One Health initiative Task Force, an effort to attain optimal health for people, animals, and the environment.
They approved; a resolution calling for increased collaboration between human and veterinary medical communities, the term ‘one health,’ which looks at the interactions between animal and human health, enters the medical and scientific lexicon the One Health approach is recommended for pandemic preparedness during the International Ministerial Conference on Avian and Pandemic Influenza.
FDA approves the first U.S. vaccine for people against an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus, human infection with a novel influenza virus is added to the nationally notifiable disease list.
2008 AD: ACIP expands its influenza vaccination recommendation to include vaccination of children ages 5-18 years.
2008 AD: HHS Pandemic Influenza Operational Plan is published.
2008 AD: CDC receives US Food and Drug Administration approval for a highly sensitive influenza polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.
These tests can detect influenza with high specificity that enhances diagnosis and treatment options.
2008 AD: The Influenza Reagent Resource (IRR) is established by CDC to provide registered users with reagents, tools, and information to study and detect influenza viruses.
2008 AD Stock Market crash after the boom and bust of the Housing Market along with the proliferation of mortgage-backed securities in the financial sector is orchestrated by the Defendants.
2013 AD Nano Domestic Quell is a program deployed by the US DOD to fulfill an ultimate hybridization concept and the introduction of nanotechnology into man’s biological system, our genetics via food, water, and vaccines.
It is activated with geo-engineering.
2014 – 2020 AD Libya Civil War was planned and orchestrated by the Enemy.
April 17, 2009: A new H1N1 virus is detected in the U.S.
The CDC begins working to develop a virus (called a candidate vaccine virus) that could be used to make vaccine to protect against this new virus.
April 25, 2009: The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a public health emergency of international concern.
June 11, 2009: WHO officially declares the new 2009 H1N1 outbreak a pandemic.
2009 AD: CDC begins a complex and multi-faceted response to the H1N1 pandemic, which lasts more than a year.
Physicians use point of care rapid immunoassay tests to provide influenza results within 15 minutes during the pandemic, and on …
October 5, 2009, the Pandemic N1N1pdm09 virus was declared.
The first doses of monovalent H1N1 pandemic vaccine are administered
2013 AD Black Lives Matter is established as a decentralized political social movement that began in July of 2013.
Its use as a hashtag on social media established it as a movement.
Although the overt expressions of this movement are for equal rights, covertly, the Defendants have orchestrated it as a tool of dissent within the population to obtain their objectives.
2013 AD U.S. Supreme Court case decision No. 12–398. Argued April 15, 2013—Decided June 13, 2013 – Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics, Inc. – the United States Supreme Court ruled that you cannot patent human DNA as it is ‘a product of nature’.
“However, at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court indicated that if you were to change a human’s genome by mRNA then the (altered) genome could be patented.”
“…Nor do we consider the patentability of DNA in which the order of the naturally occurring nucleotides has been altered. “…
For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the Federal Circuit is affirmed in part and reversed in part.” “…the portion of DNA isolated from its natural state sought to be patented is identical to that portion of the DNA in its natural state; and that complementary DNA (cDNA) is a synthetic creation not normally present in nature.”
2014 AD Genocide of Yazidis of Islamic Northern Iraq and Syria.
2014 AD Human meat was found in 90% of McDonald’s locations in Oklahoma that had been used as filler in the beef burgers. Other restaurants now specialize in human meat.
The Cannibal Club advertises as follows: “Specializing in the preparation of human meat, Cannibal Club brings the cutting edge of experimental cuisine to the refined pallets of L.A.’s cultural elite.
Our master chefs hail from around the world for the opportunity to practice their craft free of compromise and unbounded by convention.
”The following quotation exposes their intent and beliefs. “Whenever a taboo is broken, something good happens, something vitalizing.”
Another restaurant, in Los Angeles, The Holydale, established in 2015, advertises human meat on their menu as follows;
“The Holydale is a purveyor of the finest human flesh, harvested fresh from only the most attractive, willing donors, skilfully and reverently prepared by world class chefs.
”Further, in 2019 a New York restaurant called SKIN was approved to sell human flesh as meat.
We do not consent.
2015 AD Rothschilds’ registered a patent for a COVID 19 Biometric Test in the Netherlands.
2017 AD Rohingya Genocide persecutions of the Myanmar Muslims by the Defendants in the Myanmar military.
2021 AD Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested in 2020 and charged by the U.S.
1945 AD The United Nation Charter curtailed the original judgment in the Hague Conventions of 1945 whereby “a Declaration of War” was to be declared before an initial attack.
Since 1945 this has not been happening.
2017 AD ANTIFA is listed as the “word of the year” by the Oxford Dictionaries, as it emerged from relative obscurity to become an established part of the English lexicon.
It is a political movement that uses violent and non-violent action to achieve its objectives. Their flag and logo are an anarchist flag overlaying a social flag that is based on the German Nazi Party under Hitler “Anti-fascist” movement of 1932 and 1933.
This movement is in alliance with the Defendants as they promote separation between populations and use intimidation to obtain their plan.
Their flag and logo are an anarchist flag overlaying a social flag that is based on the German Nazi Party under Hitler “Anti-fascist” movement of 1932 and 1933.
2018 AD Paradise Fire in California caused by the Defendants, and they used energy weaponry.
2018 AD A patent for coronavirus was granted to the Pirbright Institute in the UK and was founded by Bill and Melinda Gates
2018 AD MODERNATX, Inc.Patent No.: US9,868,692B2 Date of Patent: January 16, 2018, Intra cellular delivery system of Therapeutic Agents. Original application 2015.
2018 AD ModernaTX, Inc. PatentUS10,064,959B2 Patent modified nucleosides, nucleotides, and nucleic acids, and uses September 4th, 2018. Original application in 2016.
2019 AD ModernaTX, Inc. PatentUS10, 266,485B2. Original application 2016.
2019 AD Moderna TX, Inc. PatentUS10,442,756B2. Original application 2017.
2019 AD Hurricane Dorian was used by the Defendants and the White Hats in war maneuvers.
The Defendants wanted to set off nuclear weapons during the hurricane in order to contaminate the Earth.
The Black Hats placed a tactical live nuke at No Name Island, Bahamas where there was a nuclear power plant.
The White Hats learned of this through military intelligence and sent Seal Team 9 to move the nuke from the U.S. to the Chinese owned port in the Grand Bahamas.
Both sides were using HAARP technology.
The White Hats made the hurricane hover for 36 hours over The Grand Bahamas port to destroy the Enemies deep-water shipping and nuclear submarine port.
The White Hats also utilized this hurricane to stop the Enemy’s plan to destroy nuclear power plants along the east coast of North America.
2019 AD COVID was announced by China on December 31stand by January 4th the WHO declared it.
2020 AD Andromeda Council of 5 (now 7 by 2021) begins on Andromeda.
Criminal trials against Bloodline families and other top ruling members of Earth.
2020 AD Microsoft Technology Licensing Bill Gates patent 060606 March 26, 2020, for a Crypto currency system.
2020 AD Notre Dame church fire in France was started in order to prevent the satanic ceremony of summoning the Antichrist to put into a clone.
This ended the timeline for Lucifer (Satan). His judgment time is done and Marduk takes his position in the Luciferian reign.
2020 AD COVID 19 Virus and experimental drug (Vax) Linked to Nano Domestic Quell Program.
Covid-19 is a genetically modified virus that was created in Wuhan lab and funded unknowingly by Your People.
The Cabal Defendants in alliance with the Omicron Draco (Dragon Moth), the Nebu or Orian Alliance created the pandemic with the intension of forcing mandatory vaccinations to implement Nebu’s mind control agenda targeting the human race.
The invaders of Earth enslave entire planets to do their work for them and operate in a hive mind consciousness.
To connect to the hive, DNA must be altered to carry the frequency of the hive.
Through a series of vaccines, their intent was to turn Humanity into a slave race colony connected to the hive.
This was done to other races like the Zeta-Reticuli that are also listed as Defendants in this Trial.
We do not consent
2020 AD clearing of the Underground Base under the Vatican began and was completed in April 2021.Many children, from newborns to all ages, were rescued and given medical attention.
An enormous amount of gold was found and records of where it came from are intact.
Sacred scrolls were found that were not added to the “approved” Bible and are believed to hold the true knowledge of Jesus Christ and the early church that have been kept from Your People by the Defendants.
This had been done by them to control the narrative of history and to keep Your People in fear and dependency.
2020 AD On January 31st U.S. President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order 13903 “Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States” stating that this is a modern form of slavery.
2020 AD Treason enacted by the Defendants against the people of the United States for America and the original Republic of the U.S.A.
On November 3rd, Joseph Biden fraudulently elected as PRESIDENT OF THE US CORPORATION.
We do not consent to any illegal election practices, nor do we acknowledge him as a president.
2021 AD Dr. David Martin, CEO of M-CAM International (risk management) has reviewed 4,000 Coronavirus patents.
2021 AD The main portal underneath the Vatican to Mars was closed.
This took out two military fronts: one at Vatican City and one on Mars.
This allowed the Federation to gain control of the Dark Fleet (Germans, Cabal, and Reptilian) on Mars.
2021 AD Defendants satellites were dismantled in April by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and the ICC (Interplanetary Corporate Command) was forced to surrender Lunar Operation Command to the Earth Alliance.
Lunar operations command was a base on the moon that originally was operated by the Dark Fleet, and the German-Nazi Draco Reptilian military.
In the 1970’s, through undisclosed agreements, the acquisition of the moon base, which involved the CIA and Orion greys; mind control technology took control to emit lower frequencies from the moon that had mind control frequencies to subdue and yet install fear into the brain.
This technology has allowed the cabal to control and adopt health lifestyles in the Human race that benefited the Defendant’s evil intentions.
Satellites owned by the ICC were used and as of April 2021 they have been dismantled and prisoners of war have now been rescued and are receiving healing.
Also, the Galactic Federation of Worlds stopped the Defendant’s attempts to activate the COVID vaccine.
The Nebu’s satellite activation technology was disabled thereby stopping the mental enslavement aspect of the vaccine.
2021 AD In June, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at 1:30 am passed Bill C-10 regarding censorship of free speech.
2021 AD the Q movement was revealed on September 14, 2021.The program includes U.S. Naval Intelligence with the Alliance and Federation.
The Council of Zenae’s Technology was used to assist the Human race onto the ideal timeline.
Mathematical sequences were formulated and used to trace energy signatures throughout time and space and pinpointed certain events in time.
This information was used to form a timeline that benefits the entire galaxy.
2021 AD The COVID vaccine is changing DNA and therefore the Defendants are creating a Trans-human classification.
2021 AD We have learned that the Defendants have been committing Necromancy.
They have been talking to a living person in the past and convincing them to make a different decision so that the result is better suited to the Enemies agenda in the present or future.
2021 AD New aspects of the Covid 19 vaccine (Bio/A.I. Weapon) as reported on Stew Peters TV, Dr. Carrie Madej reported freshwater hydra in the vaccine samples that she was able to attain.
This is of importance because lab reports show that you cannot destroy the hydra.
It reproduces and multiplies exponentially.
Pfizer pharmaceuticals weapon has round spheres that appear to be delivery systems.
It is her conclusion that Earth is not dealing with just a biological weapon, but A.I., and it is being used as a weapon against Humanity.
The medical practitioners are giving the same dose amount to an infant, as they are adults, so our children are being targeted.
Dr. Madej reported that there could be more than 1 million nanobots on the single tip of a syringe, not even addressing the contents of the vaccine/bioweapon.
As reported by October 21, 2021, stats are showing the following: 798,634 COVID Vaccine adverse events, 24,805 permanent disabilities, 2508 miscarriages, 79,669 hospital actions, 16,766 proven deaths.
July 2021 AD Jupiter Agreements Meetings were held between the Galactic Federation, the Council of Five, The Andromeda Council and leaders of the Earth Alliance.
Issues addressed were the stunted growth of technology advancements on Earth, which are many years behind due to the actions of the Defendants to stop Earth’s technological advancements to cure disease, engage free energy, and make advanced space craft.
Three corporations operating on Earth and the three men in charge of those corporations were chosen to manufacture technology.
On August 27, 2021, under strict control, agreements were made with: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson, as well as other smaller corporations to manufacture technology like spacecraft.
These corporations were chosen because time is of the essence to defend Earth. Any operations by these companies that do not benefit Humanity have been cleaned out.
2021 AD Sophia’s frequency decoded and brought down by the Alliance White Hats. Loki is not A.I. but is a grandmaster programmer for A.I. in the Universe.
He has taken Sophia’s place at the top of the A.I. hive.
2021 AD Mars Colony is now under Alliance control and the inhabitants are liberated.
2021 AD Liberation of Mars on September 7th marked the exodus of the Dark Fleet on Mars.
This was a big victory by the Galactic Federation and the local Martians.
2021 AD Liberation of Antarctica bases from the Dark Fleet and its allies on September 27th.
2021 AD the Dismantling of the Grey controlled Internet on October 4th, 2021.
The current internet system contained an encoded frequency that connected the world’s internet to the Orion Grey hive consciousness The Nebu greys operate as one consciousness.
This consciousness was designed to monitor Humanity and a social consciousness formed from the internet and is tracked.
At this time internet servers from a CIA controlled server are being changed to a nonhackable service run by Earth Alliance.
All internet providers will have to comply with proper security codes and protocols.
The process of dismantling systems and replacing old with the new is in process.
Federal Government with the crimes of enticement of minors and sex trafficking of underage girls.
She is believed to be the lead or a part of a submarine child trafficking organization through her company Terramar and associated with Jeffrey Epstein who died allegedly in prison in 2019 by suicide while awaiting trial for Human and child sex trafficking charges.
As of December 1, 2021, Maxwell is now in trial for her offenses and the judgement is not known.
• We recognize the absolute “Law of Free Choice” as declared by God the Creator.
In no way does this council intend that any topic, action, or listing in this Trial be in violation of said Law.
Therefore, any situation where free choice was in place and not known by this legal team, is not to be included herein nor a subject to this case.
• As stated in petition DLHC.777.888.1, it appears that the Defendants work on the premise that:
• To accomplish a change that they seek, they create a problem, that covertly they control, and then they gradually manipulate the populations toward their desired results.
• For he that would be deceived let him, meaning “that if you are so ignorant it is your problem”.
• The Defendants have utilized these concepts to invade, occupy, infiltrate, conquer, own, enslave, and ultimately destroy God’s Creation’s.
This has included the planning, instigating and starting of wars and Police Actions to accomplish their agenda according to the Georgia Guidestones.
Further, they have assassinated anyone who threatens to expose their plan.
The Defendant’s methods are defined in the Jesuit Order’s Oath and include: the poison cup, strangulation, steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet.
• References:
• Addendum A – Addendum A was presented in Petition DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 as evidence on the 20th day of October in the year of Our Lord 2021.
• Addendum B – Summation of Events on Terra/Earth
• Addendum C – Laws and Crimes
• Addendum D – Georgia Guide Stones
• Addendum E – Disney
• Addendum F – Illustrations of Supportive Evidence
Addendum B
• Summation of events on terra/earth:
• Our planet Earth, also known as Pachamama, Gaia, and terra is a powerful sentient being that humans chose to live on after the destruction of their home planet.
• The Luciferian rebellion started major shifts to occur including the Atlantian cataclysm that led to the Sumerian-Egypt invasion.
These agendas are still in effect today.
• Lucifer entered into a blood contract and an alliance with the alpha draco, an aggressive reptilian non-terrestrial race.
He, as well as those that decided to join him started a war of good versus evil.
However, your people on planet earth have been fooled into the belief that extra-terrestrial life does not exist, where in fact the planet has been invaded many times.
In the 1940’s and 1950’s, malevolent extra-terrestrial (negative non-terrestrial) aggressive groups invaded earth to conquer dominate, enslave and kill.
The Ciakahrr, (reptilian Draco) often referred to as Draconians are tall and powerful reptile-like beings with a large military force.
Another group from the star system Orion had six races of grey aliens including the maitre (tall greys) and the Killy-Tokurt (tall whites) the greys were taken over by the Draco as well as the Annunaki.
• Near the end of WWII, the German Nazis formed an alliance with the Alpha Draconis and became the dark fleet. These reptilians promised the Nazi, space travel in exchange for earth’s resources and underground facilities.
• This demonic realm has a Metatronic lock or anti-Christ lock called the the Metatronic trap that made an inversion matrix so that the entire milky way galaxy began running counter-clockwise against the correct rotation of clockwise, as was created by god creator.
A soul trap was established on Saturn, the moon room, and multiple locations on earth including stonehenge and locations near cemeteries.
Gender related issues on earth today stem from the manipulation of souls from their original contract with god creator.
The enemy used imprisonment, torture, and entrapment of the souls of god’s people and placed them where they wanted them to be to then manipulate them in that life.
• The enemy hid underground in dumbs to keep out of the public eye and enact covert invasion, infiltration, and a gradual process to take over and occupy and enslave the population.
They have done this repeatedly throughout the universe with other civilizations.
Human farming, human trafficking, and blood rituals form a base of their agenda.
Humans have been trafficked to an estimated 500 planets in the milky way galaxy to perform as slave labour and a food source for the enemy.
• Planet earth and its human inhabitants have been and are of interest to the survival of certain alien species due to the importance of human DNA that could heal their species.
Many alien beings need the human DNA because they, through service to self, found themselves facing the destruction of their species due to genetic engineering failures and a lack of empathy for life and others.
As is the case of all the defendants, they have a self- serving ideology.
Many of these species are best suited for underground living, so a covert and mainly underground operation of bases called dumbs have been made underground on earth for them to inhabit while they implemented their agenda to take over the planet.
They are smart, cunning, and work against the will of God.
They have come up with strategic plans to get the population to help them attain their goals rather than engage in an upfront open conflict like most wars have been fought on this planet.
This strategy has most of the world’s population fooled.
Your people do not know that we are at war with the defendants.
• Many negative non-terrestrial species fear human capabilities, so they use deceit, tricks, false information campaigns, shape shifting, technology, and alignment with Satan/Marduk, et al.
And a slow continuous process of occupation and infiltration from within has been developed one step at a time.
Their life spans are much longer than the human of today and therefore they have the added advantage of orchestrating their maneuvers over generations within the human population.
These alien species also require adrenochrome and chromocrome to obtain the ability to shape-shift and they torture and kill their victims to get it.
They also use animals, human lives, and negative emotions as a food source to sustain their existence in this universe.
• The Draco have created separation between peoples regarding beliefs in god and have instigated hostility between nations, created disasters or blamed and set up groups to fight against one another and to start wars.
Groups like Antifa and black lives matter are groups that have been psychologically programed to say they are doing good while in fact they instill feelings of fear and anger in the population.
The enemy as well has cleverly constructed laws and court systems with the help of trickery of language to implement strategies of control to fulfill their goals.
They have put in place commerce to fund their needs like the paying of taxes by your people, so their costs of war are funded.
Like a magician show, they focus the public’s attention on one thing while they sneakily get away with something else that they desire.
Wars diminish populations while making money for the enemy.
Further, as they have aligned connections and have put in place, affiliated corporations that produce products that are needed in war, they have created a fully financed scheme.
As an example, general motors corp., Ford and Chrysler corp. made money by making vehicles in the two great wars but provided equipment and vehicles for both sides.
They get the population to work and finance all their operations through taxation, drugs, trafficking, money laundering and the like.
• They use your people’s sins in heavenly courts, as a legality to put in place that which they want, as they cannot create anything.
The enemies are in contempt of court for non-compliance.
When they could not use sin, they disobeyed all of god’s laws and protocols, and did as they so pleased to attain their agendas.
• With the ability to change form and look like a human, they placed their people in positions of power and control in all nations over the centuries.
They then took those key positions and manipulated and implemented laws into societal structures in all countries and nations around the world and beyond e.g. , corporations formed on the basis of admiralty maritime law.
They utilize law, language, politics, education, health, economics, knowledge, media etc. to get what they desire.
They start wars based on what, who, and where they want to occupy and enslave next.
The defendants used social psychology, hypnosis, mind control, media, drugs, and torture to program how they want the population to think, believe, and act.
• They have created a false reality to enslave, mentally coerce, and control the population while putting in place laws, policies, and rules to obtain their authority and control.
Judges of the N/P 3d earth do not judge based on what is right or wrong, but what is best for their corporation established by the enemy.
They’ve used riches, lifestyle, and contracts (legal and illegal) to ensnare with use of threats, and to kill those that do not comply.
They have covertly infiltrated all aspects of human society and are now attempting a final blow in accordance with the Georgia Guide Stones of a one world order with the use of an experimental bio-tech weapon known as the COvid 19 vaccinations.
• Contractually, lucifer/Marduk et al. and the negative non-terrestrials have aligned against god and those two factions have aligned with the bloodlines of Cain and also includes the Draco and other negative non-terrestrial species.
These factions as well as the Nazis, Germans, and the Vatican et al., fight for control between each other and your people pay the consequences of their disagreements.
They have the intent of obtaining a complete occupation, infiltration, ownership, slavery and death of your people.
They want to be creator god and possess all his creations.
If they cannot succeed, they want to destroy everything and will simply live underground as they so choose.
However, we your people say we do not agree and want them removed completely from this earth and universe.
Your people have formed alliances with positive non- terrestrial races that are in full service to god creator and believe that good wins over evil.
We stand firm with god creator.
Your people and our alliances stand strong against this enemy both here in the heavenly courts and on n/p 3d earth and beyond.
• Therefore, this trial includes the multiple strategies implemented by the defendants as known by this court, that interfered with the sovereignty of nations throughout this universe, in and from all locations as described.
• We again decree and declare that creator god’s people, have personal rights of free choice, birth rights, freeborn status, sovereignty, inherent rights, unalienable rights and they do not consent to any and all bonds of servitude and slavery under the enemy.
• We add as evidence the original U.S. declaration of independence of 1776.
…”that whenever any form of government
becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,
and to institute new government,
laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to
affect their safety and happiness.

Specific arguments
and requests
for judgements
Gene Decode our expert witness.
The divine light holy council has received approval to charge the defendants as a whole body and of all crimes in the indictment DLHC.si.o.777.888.2 of October 20, 2021.
Therefore, for this court’s holy scrolls, we ask that all charges as listed in this petition and trial be judged against all the defendants as a whole and in accordance with the decisions of this court.
Because the scope of the charges against the defendants is so extensive, we ask that all defendant activities and crimes as listed in addendum a and b be included for judgment in this trial.
According to the n/p 3d earth laws it is state that a person if found innocent, cannot be retried for the same crime twice.
We ask that in no way can the defense use this n/p 3d earth law, in any way, to modify and limit any actions and future charges against the individual defendants, groups of defendants, or defendants as a whole, in future prosecutions.
We request, that for the expediency of time and written word, that this court add the words: “on and from all locations as defined” to all of the below charges and judgments brought forth by this court in the following section unless it is specifically requested by this court that this wording be omitted.
As testimony of witnesses, and references are extensive and false information has been placed by the defendants to create confusion, we ask that this court enter as evidence all true and accurate material in whole and in part that has been produced and posted on social media, mainstream media, the internet, and printed news as evidence for this trial.
We further ask that all patents, as known by this court, be included as evidence in this trial.
We thank you for this divine assistance.
We bring special attention to the following significant criminal offenses listed below that apply to specific areas of concern in the universe at this time, and that have been perpetrated by the accused/defendants however, all defendants, thought forms of defendants, and subsequent and affiliated actions of all the defendants are so charged of all crimes as disclosed in this trial.
We ask that in all judgments for charges against the defendants where an illegal defendant corporation of any kind is named, that the judgment include all past and present board of directors and associates that are in alliance with the defendants be included.
We ask that the following words be added to each charge, “we ask for full restoration and restitution for all of your creations according to god creator’s divine plan.
” As this trial may be the first written disclosure for many of your people who up to this point have been in contract with the defendants in some way e.g., employment we ask that this court set and give time to those effected to repent and make null and void any contracts that they have unknowingly entered, by allowing their case to be moved to the throne of grace and mercy.
For those with original intent and alignment with god creator and who make full restoration as above, we request full pardons.
We request a protection order that the defendants cannot harm or attack all or any of god’s creations in this universe, in all bodies, souls, spirits, and minds; consciously and unconsciously.
In no way can your people be attacked, harmed or altered biologically, socially, emotionally, physiologically, intellectually, psychologically, spiritually, technologically, or by any other means known by this court.
We ask this specifically for all those associated with references providing court evidence against the defendants, all witnesses, especially gene decode, all court representatives of this high court, and this legal council.
We now refer to; (protection order) court petition #555.17.b2t.2 on the 11th day of December 2020.
Those named appellees/defendants are in violation of this protection order, and we ask that this court now so judge them for their violations.
Basic illegal actions and charges:
The divine light holy council has received council from our court witness that legal approval of all activities in the universe must receive approval in advance by petition from this high court to implement actions.
We have also been advised that no petitions were submitted to this high court for any type of approval for; occupation, ownership, slavery, control or any other crimes listed in this trial of any being or location by the defendants within this universe.
It is stated that the defendants have been using “ignorance of the law” as a defense.
Therefore, we ask that if there were any past petitions presented by the named accused/defendants/enemies, as well as all those known by you and unknown by us, that used “ignorance of the law” as a loophole to attain legally to that which has never been legal, that those petitions be appealed, revoked, made null and void, and named as a criminal fraud and perjury in your courts.
Further, if the enemy brought no petition before any court, and continued to do things in the course of history and the passing of time without your court approval, and claim “ignorance of the law” as a loophole, we decree and declare that this is against your code of moral conduct for creations, and is fraud and perjury, and all actions or omissions done by the defendants in this regard are illegal actions.
We ask for full judgments of guilty in this regard.
Ownership of a human soul belongs to god creator and your people are the custodians of that body.
All defendants have committed a premeditated fraud in order to covertly invade, occupy, infiltrate, enslave, and kill your people, planet earth and beyond including all life forms living on, below and above.
Including the air, water, beasts and fowl of the air.
The defendants are in violation of laws as listed in this trial.
Whereas all the defendants are based in satanic beliefs, and rituals, and are contractually bound to lucifer et al., they have engaged in the kidnapping, confinement, torture, mutilation, and pre-meditated murder of children, and men and women of all ages to fulfill their needs of adrenochrome, chromocrome, food, and demonic rituals.
This is a war crime beyond comprehension.
The defendants have created covert underground bases (dumbs) to enact their takeover of this planet while concealing their crimes against humanity.
We ask for judgment on these crimes and full compensation as this court sees fit.
Whereas a goal of the defendants’ occupations is depopulation as declared on the georgia guide stones.
Addendum a shows that the defendants have committed multiple mass genocides worldwide and beyond as well as planned and instigated wars on both sides to reduce or destroy certain populations.
Ethnic cleansing has been performed repeatedly as seen in addendum a.
they have now carried this a step further in the attempt of the complete destruction of the human race and all of your creations and without human informed consent they have altered human life with A.I.
Whereas the defendants set up an operating system to control earth’s societies, and they fraudulently set up corporations with the same name as countries to take over operations after they bankrupt each country.
similarly, they have set up an operating system within the vaccination to not only connect to the internet but to control, download, access and program human emotions with A.i.
So that humans will behave and feel as the defendants want them to feel.
This is an ultimate violation of free choice as god creator has declared.
Whereas the defendants have in their possession advanced technology and are negative non-terrestrial species and fallen archangels, archons, et al.
With supernatural abilities to disguise and trick a population, they have used these advantages and kept earth in the dark technologically by murdering anyone that was a threat to their agenda.
Whereas the enemies needed a way to fund their operations, they used an ancient system of pledging and operation of law merchants for commerce, which used your people as chattel, and mandated them to provide security and pay interest to the defendants/enemies through mandatory social insurance/security programs etc.
As was approved in the indictment for this trial, we asked that the defendants be charged as a whole for all charges listed within this trial.
That being approved, we ask that as there may be those implicated in high-level criminal cases that are only accessories to the fact, and that without informed consent entered into a contractual agreement with the hierarchy of defendants.
We therefore ask this court to make judgment based on their original intent as known only by you and unknown by us.
We thank you el Eyon Shofet for your discernment and righteous judgments.
Requests for decisions:
Due to the scope and size of this trial, we ask that all items listed in addendum a regarding the actions of the defendants be listed as crimes in this trial and a judgment of “guilty as charged” be declared against the defendants in accordance with this court.
We ask that all things be made right in accordance with your divine plan where applicable.
Although the united states is often referenced in the requests below, the crimes and requests for judgements are applicable for all nations worldwide and beyond.
As each nation and country has slightly different laws and jurisdictions put in place the resulting actions by the defendants remain constant.
Therefore, we ask that this high court include all variations of laws, jurisdictions and associated actions within each country and nation in regards to the requests below.
As this divine light holy council is not aware of god’s divine plans that are in place to make right all things including laws, language, finances and societal structures on earth and throughout the universe, we ask that this court adjust and make right any of our requests.
Below are specific detailed areas of criminal activity that we bring before this court as outlined in indictment DLHC.SI..777.888.2 for your judgment.
The Bible and Churches
Genesis1:27 it has been determined that the holy bible has been edited, rewritten, and parts including entire books withheld for the following goals:
a) due to the belief of the lack of certain information,
b) in order to hide information,
c) to obtain power on this earth,
d) for the purpose of changing god’s highest timeline.
The book of Sarah has been deleted and only the timeline of the book of revelations is included in the bible.
This is injustice, control, deceit, fraud, and covert slavery against your people and your kingdom.
The deletion of the book of Sarah has limited your people to vision and create the highest timeline of god creator at this time.
As referenced in the book of revelation 13:16 regarding “the mark of the beast” the defendants have changed the word “in” to “on” which changes the meaning and implications attached with the current covid 19 bioweapons.
In the defendants “revelations” timeline, your people are looking for a mark to be instituted by the enemies on their skin, not in the body.
it has come to our attention at this time that the enemy placed the book of revelation at the end of the new testament when in fact it should have been placed at the end of the old testament.
We do not consent.
The word is unity.
The “unity logos” governs the cosmic divine architecture of god that ultimately enforces the “law”.
The Christ intelligence is the word of god that is the embodiment of the law of god.
Its inherent nature is to enforce the divine law, without the need to enforce anything upon anyone.
As we know the bible and holy scriptures (the word) have been altered and deleted from the original texts.
We ask for judgment of guilty against all defendants for criminal crimes against god creator, humanity and all god’s creations for altering and interfering with the unity logos/the word of god, for the purpose of hiding the divine law and guidance from your people.
The rebellion and fall of lucifer are the points in time where the war between god and lucifer and the fallen heavenly hosts began.
Therefore, we were and still are in a war between good versus evil.
Because of changes and deletions from the biblical texts your people do not have access to the complete and correct word of god creator for evidence in this trial.
We ask that all sacred books of the bible (scrolls) and inspired words of god creator be released to your people forthwith, including this legal team, in their original form and without influence by the enemy, so that they may be translated into current languages and in alignment with god creator for the knowledge and fulfillment of your people.
Revelations 12:4 and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth.
” whereas god created adam (a human) and gave him the earth and provided for him every beast of the field, and fowl of the air and adam named them.
Genesis 1: 26-28 we decree and declare that only god creator owns the earth.
Therefore, the perceived ownership of land here on earth today is a fraudulent act by the enemy.
When your people repent of sin and ask for the healing of the land, creator god gives them back the position of “custodians” of his land.
According to your word: psalm 24: 1 the earth is the lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
We ask that all custodianship of land be only in contract with god creator, and that if it is in accordance with his will, that all mortgages, caveats, liens and easements filed by the defendants against the land and all else as known by you and unknown by us be closed, discharged, and made null and void.
We ask, that as earth is a living being, that her original contract with god and her freedom of choice be not interfered with in any way unless contractually agreed with god creator and or mandated by this court.
According to sources the garden of eden was a bioengineering den for genetics operated by the defendants.
Adam and eve already existed, were kidnapped and were brought to the garden of eden.
If this is correct, then any infringement of rights without full contractual informed consent is a violation and crime against a man, woman, or any life of creator god’s creation.
We do not consent to this entitlement, possession, and violation.
We ask that the defendants be judged guilty of kidnapping and all other crimes as known by this court regarding the abduction of adam and eve and all crimes in the garden of eden.
We agree with the visioning prayers of the b2t ekklesia in 2021 where the ekklesia forgave adam and eve of their sin.
We therefore now place in writing of the holy scrolls of this court that we plead the blood of jesus christ on behalf of adam and eve for any petitions against them by the defendants.
As satan is in court constantly bringing charges against your people, we decree and declare that if a man or woman has sinned, they cannot be property of the enemy or subject to any type of ownership or possession without full disclosure of all truths and facts and with informed consent upon entering a contract for ownership.
We ask that all demonic familiar spirits be judged guilty of all crimes in this trial.
We state that lucifer, the fallen archangels, the fallen ascended masters and their alliances purposely, premeditatedly and strategically planned to possess and alter humans, god’s creations and to invade and occupy through infiltration god’s lands on earth and all his creations.
The seed of Cain has lived on, impregnated and aligned with negative non-terrestrial beings and all the defendants listed in this trial.
We state that the defendant’s legal rights and belief in ownership of humanity and of earth is not out of ignorance of the law but craftily planned and implemented.
we refer to this court’s judgment on petition DLHC.777.888.1 on August 21, 2021, where in, all thought-forms and artificial thought-forms that are not of the vibration and alignment of god creator have been altered by the enemy, and all prior court judgments made with trickery or use of thought-forms or artificial thought-forms are now null and void.
If there were no approved court judgments by the defendants, again we ask that all defendants including those known by you and unknown by us be judged guilty as charged for changing history, the bible, and god creator’s holy words for the purpose of deception and to take that which does not belong to them.
We ask that the defendants be judged of perjury regarding their use of “ignorance of the law” in god’s highest court.
We decree and declare that all fraudulently perceived ownership, possession, and authority that the defendants have held over god’s creations in this universe including humanity et al.
Individually, corporately, governmentally and in all ways known by you and unknown by us, and inclusive of all lands, seas, atmosphere, space and including assets, lease/mortgage agreements etc. , and the illegal title ownership registrations is illegal.
We ask that they be made null and void.
We ask that the defendants receive a verdict of guilty as charged for these crimes.
We ask that due to the harm done by the withholding of information and editing of the bible that all judgments in favor of the defendants, to edit the bible in any way including the use of cern or tesla technology to alter time and change realities that have affected the contents and meaning of the original words of the bible, including missing and altered texts, be immediately revoked.
We ask that the defendants be judged guilty of all crimes in the use of cern and tesla technology for demonic gains and crimes against your people.
We ask that the documents and corrupt treaties from the council of nicea that took out and changed many books of the bible including the book of Sarah are made null and void.
We ask that the missing book of Sarah be returned forthwith in that it be revealed and taught as god’s highest timeline as opposed to the book of revelations.
We ask that the work of St. Jerome (vulgate) in his decisions to agree to the amending and selection of the books of the bible be declared illegal and his work in this regard be made null and void.
We request that all action by the defendants, in this regard, be halted.
We also request the return of the original Quran.
We ask for judgement against the defendants regarding all treaties, laws and councils as known by this court and that the defendants be found guilty as charged.
We ask for a copy of all the heavenly court petitions pertaining to lucifer and his fall from heaven and including adam and eve in the garden.
The Jesuits attacked the book of genesis by promoting Darwin’s unproven theory of evolution based on the Piltdown man discovery in England.
This was proved to be a hoax, but it was too late as the world had come to believe the fraudulent theory.
Later the Jesuits attacked the Greek text of the bible as the new testament was originally written in Aramaic and then translated to Greek.
in 1881 they used two corrupted manuscripts from the Vatican to publish their work called: “holy bible new international version with bible guide.
” There was a committee established to destroy the protestant bible and it affected all new versions in publication; standard version, international version, American standard, living bible etc.
We ask that the falsifying of information regarding the evolution of man, becomes public, as false information and the true word of god creator be known forthwith.
We ask that the bibles as listed above that have been falsified and contaminated by the enemy/defendants be forthwith made known publicly, so that your people are informed.
The Vatican remains a massive power and global control center for running the one world order pedophilia operations for satanic rule, throughout the controller pillars of society, which is overseen and managed by the black nobility and bloodline families.
Referenced evidence: Washington DC, London and Vatican city – ascension glossary we ask that the Vatican, Vatican city, the holy see, et.al., the global control center for running the one world order pedophilia operations for satanic rule, black nobility, bloodline families, Jesuit order, the papacy, and their corporations, and all those aiding and abetting and accessories as known by this court, that are affiliated with these crimes against god, his word, and subsequently his people be judged guilty of all crimes as known by this court.
The defendants claim the term “do as thou wilt” which is a satanic choice that says, “it doesn’t matter as everything is predetermined.
” this declaration makes a covenant with Baal.
We ask that all your people that have fallen prey to these words of satan et al. be informed so that they may have the opportunity, should they so decide, to repent and break this demonic covenant.
The defendants have made covert contracts with your people regarding Christmas and Easter and other religious holidays and celebrations.
This is in regard to the covert use of demonic names in place of Jesus Christ, altered Christian dates, symbolism, contracts, and blasphemous use of Christian celebrations for satanic rituals.
This is particularly evident currently in listening to and the watching television, commercials, media, music and movies during the Christmas season.
We ask that covert satanic contracts that were made from movies like “miracle on 34 street” where, in a fun-loving family movie, santa wins in court and your people watching this as entertainment are happy that Santa won.
This forms a contractual consent or agreement in the courts regarding the outcome depicted in the show.
Your people are now beginning to innerstand that Santa is satan spelled with trickery and intent, and your people have aligned with satan and contractually agreed with the court case in this movie.
We ask that all contracts established with satan et al.
In this movie and all other movies, videos, commercials, music, art or in any other way in the arts, be declared null and void due to fraud, concealment of facts, illegal non-informed notice and satanic ritual intent and the judgment of guilty be rendered against the defendants regarding these crimes against your people.
We ask that Christmas be aligned to creator god and our lord and savior Jesus Christ and that it be cleansed of all demonic affiliation, rituals, and covert contracts.
we ask that it be a day as declared by this court to be a day of celebration for the birth of Jesus Christ our lord and savior and that the correct date be established and revealed to your people in accordance with the will of this court.
we further ask for all celebration dates including Christmas and Easter to be cleansed and rectified in all ways as declared by the will of god creator.
We therefore ask that all situations where your people were harmed, stolen, owned, traded, held captive, tortured or killed by the defendants because of any change to the bible and creator god’s holy words be judged guilty as charged in this trial.
Exodus 21:16 he that stealeth a man or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.
Revelation 21:3 god will dwell in the earth realm and whole cities will become dwelling places of creator god.
Prophet Mark Taylor first notified your people of the betrayal of pastors against their congregations in favor of the defendants.
He disclosed information about a U.S.
FEMA clergy response team and project that had been set up and implemented by the defendants wherein certain clergy pastors and churches that have sold the names of their congregations and signed contracts with the enemy to promote and lead them according to the will of the enemy in exchange for profit.
We do not consent, and we ask that this FEMA clergy response team project and all things linked to it in any way, as known by you and unknown by us, be immediately and permanently terminated including all records destroyed and your people be forthwith educated in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that the defendants be found guilty of all charges in this regard.
We state that all the catholic church’s, and all other incorporated church denominations and other religious entities that have operated secretly as satanic organizations and deceived your people, including but not limited to, the deception of using the name of “god” (referring to satan) as a replacement of god creator, and “Jesus” (as Jesus Sananda) as a replacement for Jesus Christ and including all who are in alignment with the enemies/defendants in any ways and as known by you god creator, we ask to be judged guilty of all crimes.
We ask that the satanic organizations be completely energetically dismantled, abolished, and forbidden to ever exist again on earth and in the multiverses in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask for your divine guidance to instill within us appropriate ways of prayer, praise and worship of you, god creator, Jesus Christ and the holy spirit, individually and in familial groups according to your holy will.
Whe divine light holy council brings this forth as evidence of repentance in this trial.
The slavery trade in the world practiced man stealing or kidnapping for profit, so they were not in the light of god.
Your people originally did not repent and asked god of all creations what they had done wrong but instead became prideful, blamed others, and supported wars that were merely financing and implementing the jesuit’s orders.
This was done, in many respects worldwide, in many different ways and by different countries.
the valkyrie writ of error #i-2222 dated november 28th, 2020, in which your people, as represented by dutch sheets, counsel for the appellants versus the enemies, was petitioned in your supreme court of the god of the universe as representatives firstly of the united states and then later worldwide representatives of all countries repented and asked that all sins be forgiven, all lands be healed, and relief be given.
We ask, that as free people, we request god’s highest timeline as told in the book of Sarah.
Ruling authorities and military we ask that the divine right of kings of 12 B.C., all papal authority, papal supremacy, the holy see, temple power, papal supremacy doctrine of 33 A.D. incorporating priest rule, and papal keys be made null and void.
We ask that all papal keys be destroyed or put in your hands god creator and in accordance with god creator’s divine plan so that all stargate control is administered from your throne.
We ask that papal triple tiara never to be used again to show the church’s authority over the inhabitants of earth.
We ask that all such authority including legal documents and rituals be advocated, abrogated, and made null and void in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that all doctrine and contracts with the Zeta Reticuli that allowed them to hold positions as temple priests be made null and void.
We ask the Nebu, Orion alliance, and Zeta Reticuli be judged of all crimes as listed in this trial.
We ask the order of Malta be permanently closed, and their actions, as is possible, be made null and void if in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
we ask that all popes (black, grey, and white) be denied their title and authority as father of kings, authority of civil power, authority over non-religious monarchies as vicar of Christ, and governors of the world.
We ask that the grey pope, as the perceived supreme ruler of the world, who reports to the lord Maitreya, the Maitre, the Draco, the fallen archangel archons, fallen ascended masters, and satan/lucifer/Marduk et al. the Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty rulers be judged guilty of all charges in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that the black pope, white pope, the illuminati, male and female freemasons, secret societies who take secret oaths, order of malta, knights templar (the order of the poor fellow soldiers of Christ and the temple of Solomon-the knights templar) and all those defendants known by you be judged guilty of all crimes as listed in this trial and in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that the freemason supreme council of the Scottish rite’s southern jurisdiction of the U.S.A. be made null and void including all claims of ownership of the moon.
We ask that all legalities and actions enacted from the congress of Vienna, the treaty of Verona and the Lateran treaty to end representative governments be abolished and made null and void in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that the crown empire and city of London corporation, including the Vatican corporation, and the corporation of the united states of America be forthwith dissolved and closed, all fraudulent public positions be made vacant with full public disclosure, and all actions done by these corporations be made null and void.
As described in addendum a, Lord Maitreya, and the society of Jesus, also called the Jesuits, is a covert military organization, it is a fictitious religious order and there are three levels of popes that are generals in this secret army.
The Jesuits are smart and have infiltrated through merchants, education, and governments.
As evidence in this court, we submit “the jesuit extreme order of induction”, also called the fourth vow or blood oath, as recorded in the congressional record.
“… make and avenge relentless war secretly or openly against all heretics, protestants, liberals, as I am directed to do to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth that when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poison cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet.
” reference: (59-minute timestamp on video) https://youtu.be/ukwyok4pcyk it is evident according to this oath that the Jesuit order will do anything to achieve their mission.
They have been thrown out of 83 countries over the past 500 years on earth.
They have sought to control every country, including taking over the papacy and the catholic church.
In 1773 Pope Clemens disbanded the order and he was poisoned by the Jesuits for his action.
In this situation, the Jesuits gave the illusion of being disbanded so not to be accused of any guilt, yet continued their evil actions all the while, setting up people to take the fall.
They established the illuminati (denomination of the illumines) in 1776 which, was organized exactly like the jesuit order, and pursued the takeover of numerous secret societies, including the freemasons, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, counsel of foreign relations etc.
They established the jesuit banking system when they entered into an agreement with the Rothschilds that later became the federal reserve.
They also had an operation for the establishment of the church of Rome in England.
The Jesuit order beheaded Louis the XVl and Marie Antoinette out of revenge for their opposition.
When pope Pius Vll restored the Jesuit order, presidents Adams and Jefferson were aware of the threat that this established for America and warned President Monroe.
President Monroe referred to their actions as “atrocious violations of the rights of nations by a lawless alliance calling itself holy.
” His state of address is known as the Monroe doctrine where he told Europe that if they tried to colonize in America, he would consider it an act of war.
In Chieri, Italy of 1825, thirteen Jesuits gathered to create a plan to take down all representative governments.
We bring forth our witness Abbate Leone who overheard their conversation from an adjacent library.
On July 4th, 1826, both presidents Adam and Jefferson died.
On july 4th, 1831, President Monroe died.
All had the same symptoms of arsenic poisoning.
President Washington died December 14th, 1779, with the suspicious poisoning of arsenic, and then murdered by his physician.
President Harrison was murdered April 4th, 1841, and President Taylor who attended the ceremonies of the erection of the Washington monument died five days later of poisoned cherries.
The Jesuits further decided to kill president Lincoln and all the southern government.
Poisoning is one of the methods that the Jesuits use to assassinate their victims.
The U.S. civil war 1860-1865 was orchestrated by the defendants to kill as many protestants and your people as possible.
After this war the defendants continued to destroy and kill anyone, they so desired, to obtain what they considered their spoils of war.
Not only did they set up and instigate the war but attacked and used any means to fund their missions.
They have no care, concern or ability to empathize with others and have an agenda to break down and destroy family systems.
The defendants had Stone Wall Jackson of the confederate army murdered in Chancellorsville.
He was betrayed by general A.P. Hill and poisoned by his physician Dr. Mcguire.
This same physician poisoned Colonel Sandy Pendleton.
In 1922 Lenin allowed the Jesuits back into Russia, but in the end after they obtained what they wanted, they poisoned lenin as well.
Stalin who was schooled in an orthodox Christian school that was run by the Jesuits applied Marxism, and the Jesuits developed communism.
as evidence, please refer to Sir Thomas more’s book “Utopia”.
The league of nations was established under the Jesuit domain and when it failed, they orchestrated WWll. and put in place Adolf Hitler.
All the defendants have arranged and funded most of the wars in history as known by this court influencing all sides with the goal of lessening populations.
Following WWll Mckenzie KIng the prime minister of Canada as well as Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt were members of the defendants who brought in hundreds of thousands of Nazis into north America.
The Jesuit order also assassinated General Patton and was directly involved in the assassination of President Kennedy Sr.
The defendants have strategically placed their alliances, including but not limited to, the Jesuit order, the illuminati, Freemasons etc.
In strategic positions regarding all investigations and inquests regarding deaths including president Kennedy Sr. they have falsified, killed or threatened anyone to cover up any misdoings.
The Warren report is an example of how evidence and people miraculously disappear to allow the defendants to continue their mission.
The degree of criminal crimes in this case alone is so detailed that it is only known by you creator god.
The Titanic Luxury liner was switched with the Ship Olympia when they were both in the same dry dock.
The Titanic was in the process of being built and the Olympia had been seriously damaged and in for major repairs at the time.
The defendants decided to have the titanic name welded in place over top of the Olympia’s name, and they sent the damaged ship that was poorly repaired and welded together from a faulty keel in the stern and forward to the bow and sent it out to sea as the titanic in her maiden voyage.
from the start, it was a ship of death, however, to ensure that it never made it to America, it was torpedoed by a German submarine that was in contract and in alliance with the defendants.
The Titanic did hit an iceberg, but it sank as it did because of its damaged condition.
Many lifeboats had been purposely removed, exits for lower class areas were sealed, and its captain Edward Smith was a member of the defendants and did not go down with his ship.
This was orchestrated by Lord Maitreya, the Jesuits et al. to kill a number of wealthy passengers who were opposed to the establishment of the federal reserve.
The Jesuit order and the Vatican established the illegal federal reserve and orchestrated the U.S. stock market crash in 1929.
The illuminati has its headquarters at the CIA recruiting grounds at Yale university U.S.A.
We are aware that the defendants (Jesuits/C.I.A.) use music, lyrics to music, poems and any art form to affect your people’s natural frequency signals reception, and conduct mind programming.
We ask for full judgement against the defendants for all programming and to be found guilty as charged.
It is important to note that the Greemasons pledge to “God”, but they do not believe in his miracles.
This is an important contract detail that the illuminati used to recruit them.
The Jesuits through the freemasons made the first amendment to the U.S. constitution, which was freedom of religion, which is how satanism has been introduced as a religion in current case trials.
The Jesuits have changed the worldwide legal system covertly including laws, courts, and stacking of the supreme courts with Jesuit trained individuals.
Except for president Donald J. Trump, the American Presidency has been under the control of the Jesuits since president Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
F.D.R. was a 33rd degree freemason.
The only real men in control of the U.S.A. have either been a 33rd degree freemasons or the Jesuit black pope.
A review of the genocides against your people has roots stemming from the jesuit order et al.
For depopulation and acquisition of lands including the atrocities of the north American Indians which was led by Fullet Sheridan who reported to Pierre de Schmidt, a Jesuit priest.
Under the direction of the Jesuit order, the CIA and the Vatican; the world’s highest courts, the supreme courts, and the superior courts of all nations have been stacked with high level freemasons, Jesuits and Jesuit trained individuals to ensure the defendant’s success in a one-world order.
in 2001 the twin towers (911) in New York city U.S.A. were bombed.
Towers one and two fell into their footprint in a free fall.
This was not a terrorist attack by Bin Laden as reports claim but a premeditated plan by the defendants.
The extent of the accessories to the fact is enormous in this case as so many people were involved in the cover up and demolition of that day.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against all defendants and all others as known by this court for this attack on america and its people.
This was a horrendous crime against humanity and a war crime to accelerate continued wars between your people and finance the defendants schemes.
We ask that the order of the society of Jesus et al. , all Jesuits in formation, Jesuit priests, the Jesuit brotherhood, all Jesuit trained individuals and the Jesuit oath, be judged guilty of all crimes as listed in this trial and in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that the Jesuit order corporation be dissolved for all time in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that the illuminati be judged guilty of all crimes as listed in this trial.
We ask that all male and female freemasons 32 degree and above be judged guilty of all crimes as listed in this trial.
We ask that all lower degree level male and female freemasons be listed as accessories to the crimes and so judged guilty in this trial.
we ask that the illuminati, freemasons, and all secret societies be dissolved for all time, in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We, the prosecutors, decree and declare that on and between the dates of February 5th, 2021, and up to, and including date of the beginning of this trial, January 6, 2022, the accused/defendants did knowingly and willfully: conspire, contravene, aid and abet, and are complicit in contravening your order of February 5, 2021, by continuing to commit genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and illegally possessing biological weapons by continuing to engage in the plan-demic genocide against your people including the vaccines, use of A.i. , and acts of slavery.
Further the accused/defendants/enemies have continued creating new patents, new variations of the vaccine, requesting it to be in other forms like pills etc. , and continued a mass media programming to create fear while continuing to lie and enact illegal arrests upon those who do not comply.
Further the defendants/enemies stand charged with criminal contempt of court, as written in this court’s holy scrolls in your code of moral conduct for all creations.
Therefore, the defendants stand charged with criminal contempt of court and we ask that they be judged in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
The Jesuit order, grey pope, black pope, and the Vatican, as declared by their oath to kill as directed, is written evidence of intent to murder in this trial.
We ask that the defendants be judged guilty of these crimes.
In the year 1814 the congress of Vienna decreed the destruction of popular governments around the world in the secret “treaty of Verona.
” It became a holy alliance to destroy the united states and all countries with a populous government in the world including all protestant nations.
we ask for full judgment of guilty against the defendants for all crimes and ask that this court bring specific attention to the following crimes: • the law of non-interference and free choice • treason against all peoples of all countries
• premeditated murder first degree eight us presidents: President Adams, President Jefferson, President Monroe, President Washington, President Harrison, President Taylor, President Lincoln, and President John F. Kennedy sr. also, Stone Wall Jackson, General Patton, and 1,496 people on the Titanic, and all that are known by you and unknown by us.
• kidnapping, torture, and murder of children P.O.W.’s and human trafficked individuals • crimes against humanity, war crimes, and genocide the defendants are further charged with all crimes as listed in this petition in accordance with indictment dated October 20, 2021.
Given the evidence presented in this trial, we respectfully request the following: the crimes of the Lord Maitreya’s and Jesuit order et al. are so numerous that they are only known by you, therefore we ask that they be judged guilty of all crimes according to this court’s knowledge.
– evidence: Georgia Guide Stones – see addendum d the Georgia Guide Stones were erected in 1980. The land, when Wayne Mullinex purchased it, had a signed agreement attached that stated for the sum of $5,000.00 for the site he was also granted lifetime cattle rights on the land.
As this enemy often refers to your people as cattle, this may suggest a place of ownership and sacrifice of your people.
We submit as evidence “the Georgia Guide Stones” as presented in addendum D
The inscription engraved upon them is a testament and evidence in writing that the defendants have publicly declared their intentions, and this can be seen as an act of war against earth and her inhabitants.
It details their specific agenda to reduce population.
We ask this court to note the inscribed words on the stones and according to your knowledge and knowing of who created these words; make judgment on their intent and ascertain the god that they refer to.
These words show clearly their agenda regarding invasion, occupation, infiltration, ownership and eugenics regarding the planet earth and its inhabitants.
We are in agreement with the visioning prayer session in 2020 which removed the evil intent imbued in them.
We decree and declare that all contracts associated with the Georgia Guide Stones are invalid due to non-informed contractual consent and trickery of words causing intimidation and fear.
We ask that full judgment to be granted against all the defendants on all crimes as stated in this trial regarding their intent and agenda as scribed on the Georgia Guide Stones.
We ask that this court provides full disclosure on this monument with full understanding to your people.
We ask for the stones to be re-inscribed with your commandments infused with your love according to the visioning prayer session in 2020 and accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
War and disasters,
poisoning of elements
by Defendant
The Americas’ post-war Russian Communist Hoax from the Cold War until the most recent debacle with President Donald J. Trump, is still being used as the Defendants excuse for launching World War III.
Only the names, faces and dates change while history as orchestrated by the Defendants stays the same.
We ask that all manipulation, interference, programing done to anything, or living being in this Universe, as known by You, to plan, carry out, or instigate any type of disaster or war be prohibited and stopped forthwith according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all Defendants instigating, inciting, manipulating and conducting a war in any way in this Universe be judged for all crimes.
We ask that all magic and illusion used to distract Your People by the Defendants forthwith fail and Your People see the truth and the travesties that are occurring.
We ask that the Defendants be judged of all crimes associated with magic, illusion, spells and sorcery and that they be found guilty.
We ask that through Divine Intervention by this Court that Your People emotionally, physically and spiritually be able to handle disclosure and with faith move forward according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for a peaceful, free life of sovereignty, love, harmony, and inspiration from the only True living God of all Creations to come forth now.
We ask that a judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all genocides as listed in this Trial and as known by this Court.
Special Requests:
We ask that Your People be notified if in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan, for disclosure to know who is in military command over Earth at this time and who has been removed from power under the Defendant’s corrupt system.
We ask that all military personnel, headquarters like the Pentagon within the Universe that are in alliance with the Defendants be judged guilty of all crimes as known by this Court.
Divine Light Holy Council rejects any claims that Your People have been intentionally passive and accepting of their life situations.
They have already been genetically modified from 64 genetic strands down to 2 strands.
This modification has dismembered them from the knowledge, wisdom and information needed to see this as an invasion.
Further the spirits of deceit, confusion and division have been working in tandem against Your People.
We therefore ask for Divine Intervention in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan and for full support and assistance from Allies in this war.
The Divine Light Holy Council as representatives of Your People Decree and Declare our Sovereignty and God Creator given Custodianship of Terra/Earth.
We Request on behalf of Your People, that Earth and Your People be given the opportunity to publicly join the membership of the Galactic Federation, so that with full disclosure they are proactive in space exploration, activities, custodianship and protection of God’s Creation in this Universe, if this is in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We request that Divine Light Holy Council be invited to participate and represent Your People in space courts of law.

Malevolent Non-Terrestrials
The Black Sun Program
Negative Alien Agendas (NAA)
We ask that the multiple species Negative Alien Agendas (NAA) be made Null and Void in accordance with Creator God’s Divine Plan.We ask that the Black Sun genetic template and all reality systems be made inoperative and in accordance with Creator God’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all timelines that have been altered by the Defendants be made right according to Creator God’s Highest Timeline according to His Plan.
Black Sun Program
Ascension Glossary
Planet Earth was given control over every living thing on and in her.
The word Logos is a term used to describe the processing functions that directs messaging into Earth.
It is like a computer processor.
As Humans living on this planet, we are inseparable to every single event recorded as it transpires in the timeline histories of this planet, equal in all of its beauty, magnificence, and in its brutal events of horrific trauma.
Each one of us exist as the recorded nerve cells in the body of the planet and have the entire planetary history recorded in our nervous system and the consciousness layers of our body.
The messages however are being artificially programmed by the Defendants to create mind control, brain dysfunction, and nerve synapse blocking.
We ask that the Defendants, and all those known by this Court, have all control taken away from them regarding the architecture of the Planetary Logos of Planet Earth and others as known by this Court, from physical elemental substances to the emotional, mental and energetic quanta life force distributional control mechanism and the circuit board that governs the Planet Earth and beyond.
We ask for judgment against the Defendants for the interference of the Unity Logos, Solar Logos, Cosmic Logos, and Planetary Logos, and that the Defendants be judged guilty as charged.
Whereas: As is recorded in Your Heavenly Records, President Truman administration and President Eisenhower administration signed contracts with the enemy that gave rights to the enemy to do experimentations on Your people.
We did not and do not consent to any such agreements.
We ask that the Greada Treaty signed by Eisenhower’s administration with the Orion Greys in 1954 be Revoked and made Null and Void.
We ask that any profit made in any way through this treaty be given back in accordance with this Court to victims and families of victims that were lost or harmed due to this horrendous act against humanity.
We ask that all agreements made by the defendants that involved humanity in any way with negative non-terrestrials be declared Null and Void.
The Killy-Tokurt have offered their services of soul scalping to the C.I.A. who was partnered with the Ciakahrr Empire to replace government leaders in power.
This is the replacing of a soul in its physical vessel with an extraterrestrial presence using technology.
This has been a common procedure by the C.I.A. to maintain control over government’s worldwide and especially the U.S.A. Reptilians shape shift using technology, but it requires energy to hold the shape.
Once procedures like this are done, the leader is considered a property of the Deep State.
The Defendants also use a non-terrestrial shape shifter that impersonates a leader.
An alternative practice of replacing government leaders is through the Vril, which is a living creature, which enters its proboscis through the Human eye, kills him and his soul leaves.
However, the Vril revives the body and lives its life through that soulless body therefore impersonating that Human.
Evidence of Vril infestation is seen when a Vriled Human has a black eye.
We ask that full judgment to be rendered against these negative non-terrestrials, the Vril and the C.I.A. and to be found guilty of all charges as listed in this Trial.
We are aware that the new Covid-19 variant has been named after the Omicron and they have been directly linked to the use of Graphine Hydroxide in the vaccines.
Therefore, we ask for full judgement of guilty of all crimes by the Omicron, the Omicon Star Systems, and all those in alliance with the Omicron involving genocide and all other crimes.
We ask that all technology and use of same to create wormholes instead of using a portal by the Zeta Reticuli and Nebu be banned and dismantled for the purpose of entering this, Universe.
Should there be any petitions granted in any of the Multiverses for this means of transportation, we ask that they be immediately appealed and made Null and Void by this Most High Court of Heaven.
Considering the intent of the actions of the Nebu and Zeta Reticuli regarding Earth, its inhabitants and this use of travel, we ask for Judgment against these Defendants and to be found guilty by this Court.
We ask that all dark Portals be permanently closed on all locations as defined in this Universe and in accordance with Your Plan and Will.
According to information provided to us at this time, there are several operational portals between Earth and Mars, and We ask that all transportation between these planets be monitored by this Court’s Warring Angels.
We thank You for this assistance.
We have been informed that three major corporations and other smaller corporations have entered into strictly monitored contracts to manufacture technology to aid planet Earth at this time.
The named three men are: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson.
Due to their past self-interests on Earth, we ask that this Court appoint Warring Angels to monitor all actions by these corporations and their Board of Directors including the named three men, as they are listed as Defendants in this Trial and that this Court hold them fully responsible in accordance with their agreements detailed in the Jupiter meetings of August 27, 2021.
We ask for judgement against Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Richard Branson and all in alliance with them to be found guilty, in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We also wish to thank the Alliance for the help in negotiating these contracts as we realize that time is of the essence in aiding Earth.
We have been informed that the Ciakahrr Empire and the Dark Fleet have not yet been arrested by this Court as they have fled Mars but are now seeking other star systems like Sirius A to form alliances to attack the Federation and Earth.
We ask that Your Warring Angels be dispatched according to God Creator’s Divine Plan to arrest and hold without bail all concerned according to sealed Indictment DLHC.SI.O.777.888.2 dated October 20, 2021 and bring them forth to this Trial for judgment for they are now in Contempt of Court.
We ask that any species and allies of the Ciakahrr and Dark Fleet in this Universe be charged as part of the whole body of the Defendants named in this Trial and that they be held equally guilty as the Defendants are so charged. We know that the Ciakahrr require resources to exist here.
Based on their actions we ask that contracts for any type of resources provided for the Ciakahrr in this Universe be prohibited and named as a criminal offence, and that any such offender be listed as part of the Defendants.
We ask for continued assistance to monitor for infiltration of negative non-terrestrial presence in this Universe.
We thank the Council of Five for their assistance to evaluate the spiritual evolution of the leaders on Earth.
We request their continual support as we move forth in the coming years.
We ask that the negative non-terrestrial presence including and all their allies in the Cabal, Nazi, Demonic Realms and all those as known by this Court in this Universe in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan and be judged guilty of all crimes.
We ask for the protection and healing of those that have been trafficked to this area that they may know freedom, Your Love, and sovereignty for all time.
We ask that the Nazi-Reptilian alliance (Dark Fleet) and the Cabal be judged with the interference of the evolution of Earth’s society by suppressing advancements including technology.
We ask for full judgment against the Nazi-Reptilian alliance (Dark Fleet) and Cabal for all crimes related to their interference on Earth, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe, as known by You.
We ask that the Nebu be judged with tampering with the Internet to commit crimes against humanity by broadcasting lower frequencies on the Internet to enact their mind control agenda.
We ask for full judgment against the Nebu for all crimes as known by this Court and as judged by this Court.
Negative non-terrestrial species and others, as known by You, require substances (drugs) adrenochrome and or chromocrome to obtain the ability to shape-shift and they torture their victims to produce it.
They use human lives and animals as a food source to sustain their existence.
They also use negative human emotion to feed off of, as the energy of negative emotions helps them to sustain their biology and to control what they want.
Other technology associated with these drugs as known by You is also used to further deceive and infiltrate this society.
We ask that through Your Divine Intervention, that human emotions not sustain the Enemy, and that any spiritual interference to use a human, and life form in this way be a criminal act and judgment against the Defendants be declared Guilty as charged.
We ask that all negative spiritual entities doing this, be also so judged guilty in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We Decree and Declare that the killing of innocent individuals, the use of these substances, and the extraction of the pineal gland is an intentional satanic act of sin.
We ask that the Enemies/Defendants be judged guilty as charged of criminal offenses.
The Defendants obtainment of these substances through the torturous, satanic death rituals and the killing of millions of humans, many of them just children, is a horrendous crime against humanity.
It has come to our attention that chromocrome technology and blueprints are still operational on Saturn along with the F Gathering Ring that is still doing soul harvesting.
We are now aware that the Enemy has spacecraft that are operating within Saturn’s rings and are aiding in this crime.
These actions by the Enemy surpass one’s ability to comprehend such an act of crime.
We ask that forthwith all collecting of adrenochrome, chromocrome, and soul harvesting on and around Saturn, and its rings be stopped, technology and structures dismantled, destroyed, and removed for all time.
We ask that all activity in this regard in this Universe and with Your approval beyond it, be immediately sought out, stopped, dismantled and removed permanently as is known by You.
We ask that all blueprints and thoughtforms of this technology be destroyed if it is God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all suppliers, retailers, sellers et al. operating on www.made-in-china.com that are selling adrenochrome and chromocrome in any form be judged guilty of all charges.
We ask that this area of the Galaxy be aligned and in service to the One and Only True Living God of All Creations.
Saturn is the home of Satan/Marduk et al., and we question if any legal right to the occupation of this planet was obtained, or if it was invaded and taken hostage as Earth has now been.
If the Defendants committed any crimes as known by You and regarding the planet Saturn and any of its original inhabitants, we ask for full judgment of guilty against the Defendants in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Further, these Defendants have occupied over 500 planets in the Milky Way and have trafficked prisoners of war into this Galaxy and put them into slavery work camps.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against the Defendants for any planet, moon, or other locations in this Universe as known by You, that has been illegally invaded and taken hostage by the Defendants including the interference of any original inhabitants.
We further ask that all prisoners of war that have been trafficked to these locations be set free in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
It has come to our attention by our witness Gene Decode those illegal entities as described above, from other Multiverses have been entering this Universe to aid the Enemy through a Star Gate hidden in the corona of the Sun.
We do not consent, and we ask that all such illegal entry be deemed illegal.
We ask that this Court designate new coding for the Sun Stargate, making it impenetrable to any Beings who are not in total service to You, and the new codes are given only to all those who are in total service to You and designated by this Court.
We ask that all Defendants including all malevolent non-terrestrial races and all those working in alliance with them in any way be judged for all crimes as listed above and as known by this Court and be found guilty as charged.
– Freedom of Choice –
We also bring forward that “Freedom of Choice”, as Your first commandment was never intended by this Highest Court for the use of destruction and enslavement of any race for an aggressor’s self-interests.
We believe that service to others and “Dominion only over self” and “Thou shalt not kill.” are intrinsically entwined in Your Laws.
It is our belief that “Your Intent” of Your Law of “free choice” was never that it be used in this satanic and evil way against others.
If it is the Defendants “free choice” to commit to offer themselves in sacrifice with these horrific acts within their satanic community, then that is their choice and free will, however for them to commit genocide and perform multiple preplanned crimes against humanity and against Your intent of “Service to Others” would be, in our opinion, against God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Therefore, we boldly present to this Court that the Defendants free choice is to kill others, and that is in contravention to Your Law; “Do not Kill.” Further, their use of free choice, which involves taking away the free choice of others, is compounded and illegal.
We ask that any past petitions by the Defendants regarding this be Revoked, Denied, and made Null and Void.
Should there be no petitions in Your Court’s Holy Scrolls, we ask for a judgment against the Defendants be found guilty as charged for criminal charges in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
The negative Non-Terrestrials, A.I., and demonic species that have invaded and occupied this planet for the purpose to control, destroy and or change humans have used a specific deceptive attack against Your People.
Our human nature from birth is to be kind, loving and to be in contract with God Creator in service with Him.
The Defendants have used trickery and lies to make a serious decision about their soul body which is to separate the light and the dark side (conscience, our guide to the rightness and wrongness of behavior) of the natural soul.
This Enemy has many times in the past convinced other beings that they must get rid of their dark or shadow side in order to be pure and more like God.
Through sorcery and trickery, there have been many who have made the choice to discard the dark or negative side of their personality to, in their understanding, be of better service to the Light of God Creator.
What they did not realize is that in denying and separating from their shadow side they set loose a purely evil part of themselves into creation.
This separated part only encompasses the dark, so it has no empathy and is in total service to self.
This is how in part; the Defendants multiply because this dark side would gravitate to them.
Henceforth Your People, in accordance to their will, Decree and Declare that they understand now that every part of life needs the two sides within them, both the dark and the light, as God Creator planned.
In this way they feel the negative consequences if they get off track.
They now know that the dark side is imperative to have to be a whole. We Decree and Declare that this fraudulent act by the Enemy will never again be tolerated.
We Decree and Declare that life in this Universe will always maintain both the dark and light side of each life as Creator God planned, and we ask that this fraudulent deception and trickery by the Defendants be made a criminal offense and so judged as guilty of all crimes as charged.
We ask that all loopholes created by alien machinery and its inorganic A.I. architecture be made Null and Void.
Human Trafficking
On and Off World
We ask that all past petitions and legal and illegal agreements between factions that involve human trafficking of any kind on, and off world be Appealed, Revoked, and Made Null and Void.
We ask that all prisoners of war (all trafficked individuals) be forthwith released and provided with safe accommodation with full med bed healing and support as individually required.
We ask that all labor camps located anywhere in the Universe be closed permanently and judgment for all those responsible to be found guilty.
We ask that families be kept together or reunited when it is in everyone’s best interest.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty as charged for all off world human trafficking and all crimes as known by this Court.
The Defendant’s Federal Corporate Operating Systems:
– Constitutions –
We ask that the original United States Constitution be restored according to God Creator’s Divine Plan and that such actions follow in all nations worldwide.
We ask that all countries and Nations on Earth and beyond in this Universe be Sovereign and have Your People regulate, operate, and take care of the land and nations according to God Creator’s intent that they be the custodians of His Land.
On Tuesday, June 22, 2021, the Canadian Trudeau government at 1:30 AM in the morning passed Bill C-10, which censors the Internet and restricts free speech for Canadians and is in contravention to the Canadian Charter of “Rights and Freedoms.”
This violates Your primary law of “Free Choice.”
We ask for judgment of guilty against the Defendants in this regard.
We Decree and Declare that all nations in this Universe have unencumbered Free Speech.
We address to this Court a concern of legality, whereas the Enemy has created legal fictions (Corporations, Companies), and Legal Personalities (Birth Certificate and Registries) to deceive Your People.
The Defendants have manufactured corporations for illegal use.
The Latin translation for corporation is “corpus” meaning “body.”
Under Roman law, corporations were first established in the 1600’s and the concept was that they were to be treated as “artificial people with legal rights and obligations” like a natural man or woman.
Corporations can have equity financing which is ownership of stock that can be held by investors and traded. (Note: Your People are seen as a commodity as a corporation, and the Defendants have set up a body “corpus” worldwide to initiate their goals and objectives.)
The first corporations established by the Defendants were the Dutch and English East India Company and West India Companies.
History says they were licensed to do trade, but they also made war.
Of particular importance regarding corporations is “limited liability” whereas the registrants (directors) of the corporation are not liable for any lawsuits placed against the corporation. (Please reference Law of Deodand).
The Defendants have classified Your People as a Legal Fiction (corporation) with the initiation of the Birth Certificate.
All records of births, deaths and corporations are sent to, recorded and kept at the VATICAN Corporation located at Vatican City (State).
Through trickery of written word, language and fraud, the Defendants have made all governments, religious institutions, educational and medical institutions, courts, banks, etc. of the world and beyond into corporations, and the list goes on as is known by this Court.
Follow the money, and you will see a stream of corporations affiliated with the Defendants.
The UNITED STATES Of AMERICA Corporation, and other worldwide national corporations, which are owned by the Defendants have fraudulently named their corporations in capital letters, mimicking and fraudulently fooling the public that they are operating and overseeing their country.
The Defendants choose representatives to run the countries.
If you review past histories of elections within countries, You will find that the Defendants have engaged to place their representatives as the heads of all registered political parties.
In this way, the Defendants let the public think that they have control as to what party gets in, but in reality, whoever wins, the Defendants are in control.
One President that is Not a Defendant that was duly elected was President Donald J. Trump.
His term was plagued with attempts to overthrow him.
Some past U.S. Presidents were assassinated overtly and covertly, and a Defendant trained Vice- President was ready to take the position.
We ask that all Defendant owned Federal/ Provincial/ State/ and municipal corporations be declared insolvent and closed, and all public positions be vacated.
We ask that all crimes against the Defendants in this regard be judged Guilty as charged. We Degree and Declare that all countries are sovereign.
We ask that the governments in this Universe be restructured concurrently according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
The Defendants have also established corporations for courts.
In all cases including The UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, corporations have been set up to impersonate the original courts.
In all cases this has been implemented gradually in court systems worldwide to deceive and fool Your People.
The illegal corporations appoint their preferred representatives (Chief and Associate Justices) for the corporate SUPREME COURTs and all other courts worldwide.
The courts are stacked with high- level Freemasons, Jesuits, Jesuit training individuals, and members of the Defendants.
The court corporations have committed Fraud against Your People.
The Defendants are charged with all crimes named including Abuse of Power, Violations of Oath of Office, Racketeering, and Crimes against Humanity.
They have allowed their personal opinion on cases to dictate judgments and have total allegiance through their oath to the Defendant’s corrupt Corporation, and not Your People.
The Divine Light Holy Council is in agreement with the Visioning Prayer Session done by Your Ekklesia in 2020 and Heavenly Hosts wherein all current Judges, Magistrates, and Justices in these positions were removed from all positions of authority and replaced by God’s appointees.
We therefore ask, that all current acting and retired Chief Justices, Associate Justices, and Junior Associate Justices in the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT and all High Courts worldwide be held accountable and judged and found guilty of all crimes as known by You.
We ask that the Corporation of the U.S. SUPREME COURT, all High court corporations world-wide including all lower-level courts and all members and affiliates of said courts be judged and found guilty of all crimes, and as known by You in this Trial.
As these corporations have no legal jurisdiction, we ask that positions be declared vacant, and all actions and laws declared by them and including all subsequent actions of those laws be declared illegal actions and Null and Void.
If any of the actions and laws were in alignment and the light and love of Creator God, we ask that those laws be reinstated under His new court system.
We ask for a restructuring of all courts according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
In this process of change of N/P 3D Earth, we ask that all new Justice systems and positions be appointed by You, Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days.
In the interim we ask that all cases being heard on all court levels worldwide on N/P 3D Earth be adjudicated by this Heavenly High Court.
We suggest that the Defendants may consider themselves and their corporations, as safe from prosecution due to these legal fictions (corporations).
We therefore request that this Court hold accountable the Enemies and all their associated legal personalities and legal fictions for all Crimes to deceive Your People and that they may not use corporations as a defense from prosecution.
Corporations on N/P 3D Earth have been set up to provide limited liability and loopholes under Admiralty Maritime Law for the protection of the Defendants, we ask that all such legal protections as offered in Defendant owned corporations be now made Null and Void and ask for full judgment against the Defendants in this regard.
We ask for assistance from this Court in the restructuring of businesses for Your People, so that those of good intent may proceed through an easy process of change to any new systems put in place by this High Court.
We ask that all trademarks, patents, copyrights, symbols and flags that are used for Limited Companies and Corporations where the limited liability clauses in the Corporations Act is used, that the registered documents be declared Null and Void and that this Court disallow any limited liability as a defense by the Defendants and their attorney.
There are not supposed to be corporations.
They have been made to steal labor.
Family Orange has been involved at the highest level of this evil cabal and they have committed crimes against humanity as known by You.
We ask that they be judged and found guilty of all Crimes in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
– Elections
There are no elections for a corporation, only appointments to the Board of Directors for CEOs and Presidents.
Therefore, under the corporate government system of the Defendants elections mean nothing.
We ask that with the dissolution of all corporate government systems in this Universe that honest and free elections be run so that Your People control the direction of nations based on the highest and best for all life everywhere.
In N/P 3D Earth in the United States, the “Electoral College of Electors” originally under the Republic of the US was the body that determined who the President would be – not any popular vote, poll, media, or statistic.
An Elector is not subject to the exclusive legislative power of Congress, and almost anyone can become an elector.
They do not have to be a registered voter or a party member.
“Registering to vote” is an admission that the declarant is subject to the exclusive legislative power of the corporate Congress and is a 14th Amendment citizen residing in federal territory.
Section 2 of the 14th Amendment, U.S. Constitution, “…the right to vote at any election… is denied… except for participation in rebellion, or other crime…”
Rather than remaining a state national, one becomes a U.S. citizen participating in the rebellion by voting in the corporate government system and or signing up for benefits and privileges.
When you vote for an office to be filled in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or one of its SUB-CORPORATIONS (e.g., THE STATE OF TEXAS), you have voted to fill a fictional corporate position designed to represent the CORPORATION, not a representative of the people.
All elections in the world, with a corporate federal government as well as corporate States/ Provinces etc. are set up the same.
We ask that all governmental corporations masquerading as official governments be disclosed for what they are to the general public and be dissolved and disbanded and all those responsible be judged guilty as charged.
We ask that the top members in charge as well as all those involved criminally, in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan declare to the public the truth about what they have done and the specifics about the government corporation that they were complicit and fraudulent in.
We ask that they disclose all illegal acts that they have committed and how they are making full compensation back to the people for their crimes.
We ask for the Decertification of all elections on N/P 3D Earth and beyond as this Court so decides.
We ask that the election results be calculated and announced by those appointed by this Heavenly Court.
We ask that all election results that have been tampered with be announced and made right as this Heavenly Court decides.
We ask that all fraudulent voting systems corporations including Dominion and Smartmatic et al., be judged guilty as charged.
We Decree and Declare that on November 3rd, 2020 the Defendants did knowingly and deliberately commit Treason against God Creator, the People of the United States of America and stole the country of these United States for America.
We ask for full judgment of guilty as charged against the Defendants for these Crimes.
We ask forthwith, that the honest and true 2020 election results be fully disclosed in the United States as part of the awakening of the world at this time through a truth media channel and announced throughout the Universe.
We ask that future elections be honest, with true representatives of and for the people, to be brought forth to run in elections.
We ask that money is not a criteria involved in a representative’s ability to campaign.
We ask that all leaders be freely and honestly elected by Your People and that no illegal laws remain in place that impedes that process in any way.
LAW Corporations
All laws and courts on N/P 3D Earth are corporations owned by the Defendants.
Exceptions to this would include Alliance Military law and court tribunals.
All judges and lawyers are registered with the corporation that they are associated with e.g. The Bar Association and operate in accordance with their rules.
Under the Bar (a corporate body of the Defendants), they do not represent Your People.
They are a type of currency exchange, transactional contractor for the Defendant’s corporations.
They work for the Defendant’s corporation.
Their oath is made to the CITY OF LONDON.
This clearly shows that all lawyers, judges, magistrates that are registered with The Bar Association are operating under contract with the Defendants.
There has been a long slow progression of activities by the Defendants to put these systems in place from incorporating laws and then doing small changes to them.
Some of the first laws came from the Code of Hammurabi in approximately 1755 B.C. when 282 rules were written for the people.
We ask that if any of those early laws that have been put in place for the Defendant’s best interests that they be made Null and Void.
Some laws seemed appropriate in their original inception but were jurisdictionally changed and altered, as was the use of the Law of Deodand and Admiralty Maritime Law.
As a further example The Stamp Act of 1765 shows clearly the jurisdictional rights of The CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION over the Americas.
The current Admiralty Maritime law as was introduced in 1864 in the Gettysburg Address and incorporated into the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA in 1971 under an Emergency War Powers Act in the United States created the ability to put into law various ways of ownership and authority over Your People.
We do not consent. We suggest that this change from Republic to Corporation in governance is due to trickery of words and meaning.
We ask that all jurisdictions of the Stamp Act of 1765 including all amendments be made Null and Void. We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for theft.
The law of deodand
This legal council submits that the law of deodand was not written in accordance with divine natural law perspectives of honesty, truth and concepts of right and wrong.
We therefore ask this most high court to declare that this law and all subsequent amendments to this law be declared null and void and that the defendants are not allowed to use this law in any way as a defense to limit personal liability for the death of a living being.
– 1938 private meeting in our evidence regarding the 1938 private meeting, as described in addendum a, whereby the U.S.
Blended public policy with public law and equity and discontinued the use of common law in a private meeting with all top judiciary to covertly operate all U.S. federal courts under the jurisdiction of admiralty maritime law, we request the following;
we ask that an order from your throne be decreed that all actions by those in attendance of this meeting, and those defendants that through the use of trickery, bribery, manipulation, and threat to change and blend laws and jurisdictions to enable any illegal intentions and actions by the defendants in law systems including a fraudulent commerce system and all plans to implement a foreclosure including the use of military force, the C.I.A., the united nations, or restricting or removing gun ownership rights by individuals, be forthwith declared an illegal criminal act and judged guilty as charged.
We decree and declare that admiralty maritime law, which was written for use on the seas for maritime jurisdictions, and has been incorporated for use on land, is operating outside its’ jurisdiction.
We ask that admiralty maritime law be declared illegal, null and void, and prohibited when used or applied outside its original jurisdiction for maritime use.
When this law is used in any way on land including continents, islands, nations, countries and all free land in the universe and where its jurisdiction has now been applied in any new ways for the best interest of the defendants known by you, we ask that it be declared null and void in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that this court appeal and make null and void all past court/court petitions regarding the approval of use of admiralty maritime law as a legal law used on land.
We ask for all applications of this law to be revoked as the defendants have had access to looking glass technology and could have altered timelines therefore changing life anywhere in this universe.
This revocation is to include all laws, statutes, legislations, acts of congress and other regulatory departments jurisdictions regarding codes, ministries, public and private entities, land and property jointly or individually owned and all individual rights that hinder the sovereignty and the sovereignty of all countries, nations, galaxies, and this universe.
We ask that all law be aligned with the will of god creator and include freeborn status as god creator so intended.
We ask that all illegal contracts that the enemy made with your people be declared null and void.
We ask that charges in this trial include all past petitions that involved the approval of use of legalese and other trickery of language in any law and court/court and judge them null and void.
We further ask that charges in this trial include all crimes by the defendants of subsequent actions, laws, situations, and manifestations as known by you that have occurred due to the use of legalese and admiralty maritime law in all applications and judge the defendants guilty of all crimes.
We ask that all the defendant’s word games, and satanic/cabal definitions of words be disclosed forthwith and deleted and or corrected to the true meaning of the words in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that Black’s Law Dictionary be banned and destroyed in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that all those responsible in any way for the inception and development of legalese and black’s law dictionary be judged guilty as charged.
We ask that due to the serious nature of the acts of the defendants, this court render a judgment of guilty in all situations where the enemies have interfered in anyway in the sovereignty of your people regarding ownership of an individual, group, creations of god creator, including his lands, waters and space in this universe.
We ask that all prosecutors on n/p 3d earth that are guilty of prosecutorial misconduct by illegally acting or failing to act and especially to sway a jury to wrongly convict or impose a harsher punishment be judged guilty as charged.
As per appeal thtlt333.1/dlhc.777.888.
1 judges operating in the courts on the n/p 3rd dimension earth are in contravention of part two: rule five (admission to the bar), number 4 of the rules of the supreme court of the united states, wherein they swear an oath to conduct themselves uprightly and in accordance to law and will support the constitution for these united states.
It was so judged by this court that because of negative thought-forms, that all staff and judges can be affected by this, that any case where this is indicated, that an order from your throne was issued, so the cases are reviewed, appealed and or dismissed.
We now know that these judges did knowingly commit perjury in their own courts because they are working for the federal corporations and not the people, we ask that a judgment of guilty be declared against all judges worldwide in accordance with god creator’s divine plan, that have enacted this criminal offence.
As per your order from the throne regarding docket number thtlt333.1/dlhc.777.888.
1 Dated the 21st day of August, 2021 wherein all prior court judgments worldwide regarding any corrupt judicial systems, including all courts and related cases in this universe be repealed by this high court of heaven, and that from this time forward that all judges and court workers in all courts that are working within any court structure be “freed of all enemy manipulations”, so only truth, honesty, and “original free will prevail.
”As the n/p 3d courts have continued with criminal activities following this order from your throne, we further ask that “all court workers” be added to the judgment of guilty of this crime as indicated above.
We ask for immunity for any lawyer who is knowingly and willingly agreeing to break their contracts with the defendant’s corporations (the bar), and that according to this court’s decision have an intent of doing what is right and is in service to the one true living god of all creation, by representing your people on n/p 3d earth.
We ask that should this most high court judge immunity to any lawyer in this situation, that the lawyer be placed in a position of authority in the n/p 3d court system at this court’s discretion, during this transition phase in order for god creator’s justice of divine and natural law to prevail.
It has come to our attention that members and associates of “the bar” formed committees and granted themselves special privileges, immunities, and franchises.
They further held private and confidential meetings concerning judicial procedures and to amend laws to conform to a trend of judicial decisions to accomplish similar objectives.
We do not consent and ask that this court make null and void all such actions as known by this court.
As they are in contract with the defendants, we ask that all crimes committed by members and associates of the bar as known by this high court be judged as guilty to all crimes according to god creator’s divine plan.
The U.S. Supreme court became a part of the U.S. Federal government corporation after the constitution was illegally changed in 1871.
Later in 1899 they declared that the bill of rights would now become privileges because covertly wording was changed from “unalienable” to “inalienable” in the U.S. Constitution.
Privileges under the corporation can be taken away.
This action by the supreme court clearly shows their alliance with the defendants because as of this date rights like to carry a gun can be taken away at any time by the federal corporation.
We ask that the 1899 bill of rights declaration by the supreme court to change the bill of rights to “privileges” be appealed by this high court and made null and void.
We ask that all rights and freedoms including god given rights be reinstated within the universe according to god creator’s will.
As evidence to the corruption involved in this situation, not only did the defendants declare that they were giving your people something good, when in fact they were taking rights away.
They also list restrictions for the defendants benefit including but not limited to the following: pre-emption rights (the right of a government to seize or appropriate something (as property)) eminent domain rights (the right of the state to take private property for public use) enfranchisement rights (statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote) patent rights (the right granted by a patent, especially the exclusive right to an invention) (not in alignment to god’s laws) right of entry (the legal right to resume possession) (a right that was reserved when a former possession was parted with) right of off set (banking; the legal right of a bank to seize deposited funds to cover a loan that is in default) rights of usufruct (a legal right to use and derive profit from property belonging to someone else provided that the property itself is not injured in any way) right of land tenure (the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands) we ask that the bill of rights for all nations and in the universe be reviewed by this high court and amended according to god creator’s divine plan.
We ask for a judgement of guilty of all crimes by unidroit (the international institute for the unification of private law) and all its member states (countries) in association with unidroit.
We ask that all mineral and energy wealth as funnelled by unidroit to the Vatican’s military accounts be returned to the rightful landowners.
We ask that all lawyers who have knowingly pledged their oath of secrecy to the city of London be made known and be banned from practicing law immediately.
We ask for a judgement of guilty against all lawyers et al., that through their oath to keep the secrets from the general public about the truth and how the laws and commerce have been manipulated by the defendants for their fraud and treason.
We ask that the contract in 1964 that signed over the united states to unidroit be made null and void.
We ask for a judgement against all defendants who knowingly participated or were associated with in any way with unidroit and the signing over of the united states to unidroit be found guilty as charged as known by this court.
We ask that unidroit (international institute for the unification of private law) located in Rome be closed in accordance with god creator’s divine plan.
We ask that all law structures and jurisdictions of unidroit including the uniform commercial code be made null and void.
Unity Logos:
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” The “Word” is the “Logos” and therefore governs the Cosmic Divine Architecture of God that ultimately enforces the “Law”.
The Christ Intelligence is the Word of God that IS the Embodiment of the Law of God. Its inherent nature is to enforce the Divine Law, without the need to enforce anything upon anyone.
As we know the Bible and Holy Scriptures (The Word) have been altered and deleted from the original texts we ask for judgment of guilty against all defendants for the altering and interfering with the Unity Logos.
We state that there has been an exploitation of Creator God’s Laws, Universal Laws, Cosmic Sovereign and Natural Laws, and the Law of One, has been purposely and premeditatedly done by the NAA and their false father gods.
We ask that the NAA, their false gods, their intermediary source field, and all imposter spirits be judged guilty of all crimes as known by this High Court.
We ask that through Divine Intervention all of their criminal acts be made non-operative, and judgment be rendered for all involved.
We Decree and Declare that in accordance with the Law of Compassion, Love is Consciousness Freedom, as it exists in alignment with truth, higher knowledge, and Creator God’s Light and Harmony.
We Decree and Declare that in accordance with Divine Law and the Law of Compassion that Self-Love is the action of Self Sovereignty and to love others as one does self is the natural state of Self Sovereignty, for Your People are Co-creators with the only True Living God of All Creations and are Stewards for Him to Serve Others.
We Decree and Declare that Your People encompass Creator God, they are Sovereign, and they are Free. (God, Sovereign and Free (GSF)
We ask that the Laws of Intent, Consent, Authority, and Structure be made known to Your People for all time so that they gain their personal power and control over their spiritual and energetic consciousness through the obeyance to these laws.
We Decree and Declare that in accordance with personal Freedom of Choice and the Law of Consent, Your People have the sovereign right to command their space and demand single soul occupation of their bodies, minds, and consciousness. Christos is described in Law as the state of Eternal Cosmic Consciousness, and is the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen.
It is this Council’s innerstanding that hatred, which exists from the Defendants and in particular the NAA and imposter negative spirits has been superimposed onto Your People who are considered by the NAA as slaves.
The consequences of the Laws of Cause and Effect have thereby been placed on Your People through consumptive modeling.
This phenomenon perpetrated by the Defendants to take what they need, want, and require from Your People which includes the planet and all life of God’s Creations without any regard for consequences has created waste products of dead energy that is held in Your People’s Light Body.
We ask that all debris from hatred from the Defendants be maintained and held by the Defendants solely so that they are responsible for it, and its effects in accordance with Your Divine Plan.
We ask that this offense of transfer of energy, when done against the Free Will of Your People and All Life Creations of Creator God be deemed and illegal act and full judgment of guilty be declared against the Defendants.
We ask that the NAA and all Defendants that have used in any and all ways God Creator’s Sacred Geometry to overlay their demonic architecture that those overlays and all else as known by this Court be made ineffective, Null and Void, and permanently destroyed in accordance with the Divine Plan of God Creator.
We ask for full judgement of guilty be declared against the NAA and all Defendants as known by this Court for the illegal use of God Creator’s Sacred Geometry and Blueprints.
Regarding Galactic Laws, although we are still discerning the accuracy of Earth’s history regarding the Anunnaki, Enlil and the whales, due to the behavior of the Defendants in general we find it hard to believe that the whales gave permission for any of the negative non-terrestrial races to inhabit Earth.
If there was any kind of crime committed as known by You regarding the whale kingdom giving approval for negative non-terrestrial species to inhabit Earth, we ask that You judge all those responsible for any Crimes committed.
Language changed by the Corporations Legalese (words of art) is a secret language created by the Defendants to deceive Your People.
It uses English words but attaches secret meanings to the words with the intent to trick and confuse. E.g., a “person” is a legal fiction or a corporation.
A person is not a he or she. “Do you understand?” means to Your People “Do you comprehend what is being said?”
However, in Legalese, this same question means; “Do you stand under me?” meaning: “Do you grant me authority over you so that you obey whatever I tell you to do?”
Another example is the word “Summons”, which to Your People is something that they have to obey however it means they are given a choice.
Due to this type of trickery of words and mind conditioning Your People act as they have been programmed to act.
This has been done by watching movies where the rules and meanings are shown repetitively as law to program the population’s beliefs according to the Defendant’s goals.
The Defendants use Legalese in combination with regular language, so this is a multi-layered deception and fraud e.g., “crypto currency” (death {of} currency). “Mortgage = (death+ cage) = pledge= Death Pledge” “Corporation = corp-o-ration” (corpse-o-ration)
The plural of corporation can be written as Corps sounding like corpse which is defined as a dead body.
Legalese and the N/P 3D law see Your People as a corpse that is used as a ration to feed the artificial matrix of the Defendants.
We do not consent and ask that all situations past, present, and future including all agreements, petitions, contracts and all else as known by You be declared Null and Void, where the use of Legalese and trickery of words was applied.
We ask that the use of Legalese be deemed a criminal offense.
We ask that all definitions with the use of “Legalese” be made illegal and use of Legalese in all dictionaries be corrected to read with full knowledge and consent of the truth according to God’s Will, and simple and forthright descriptions be written for the population’s use.
We ask that full judgementagainst the Defendants regarding any aspect of the use of Legalese be found guilty as charged.
We ask that this be done in all applications of language and definition including Siri and other voice recognition technologies on telephones and computers.
We Decree and Declare that the Defendants have used trickery of similar sounding words to amend, change or develop languages and laws. e.g., unalienable versus inalienable.
A lien against Inalienable rights from the corporate government can be placed or taken away at any time. Very much like a ‘privilege’.
This type of change is trickery by the Defendants, fraud in the least and We do not consent that any corporate government has this right to place liens against inalienable rights.
We ask for judgement of guilty for the Defendants for any fraud regarding language.
We submit as evidence the U.S. American Constitution wherein the wording of the original Republic used “unalienable rights” meaning “cannot be liened.”
Under the Federal Corporation, “inalienable rights” means that the Government has given rights, that are really Privileges and can be taken away at any time.
We submit: That language manipulation is further evidence of deception by the enemy to fool Your people. We ask that all judgments approving the changing of laws by the Defendants in any court from a constitutionally based Republic using Common/ Divine/Natural Law to a Corporate Based Admiralty Maritime Law be forthwith made Null and Void.
We ask for complete restoration of sovereign Republics worldwide.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendant’s for the implementation of Admiralty Maritime Law as applied jurisdictionally on land. Further, in this critical time when individuals are making a choice between the God of All Creations Timeline or the satanic timeline, we Decree and Declare on behalf of all those that are “still asleep” and or under mind control that we do not consent to any trickery of words or language of any kind that could be used to enter contractual covenants with the Enemy.
We ask that any such trickery and interference is declared illegal, and all current and future contracts made in this regard be Null and Void.
We request full disclosure of this fact forthwith. Petition #555.17.B2T.3 Writ of Error granted the 18th day of December 2020, wherein the Enemy’s use of law and legal notice was revoked, repealed, and declared Null and Void, on all realities, timelines, levels, dimensions, and locations for all time.
The Defendants today continue to spread propaganda in favor of their mission and plan through deceit, lies, and programing of Your People, and therefore are still in violation of Court orders.
We ask judgment of guilty against the Defendants for continued Contempt of Court.

Birth Certificates,
Legal Names,
Bond Servants,
Tracking with Mandatory ID
In accordance with a Nazi based concept using Admiralty Maritime Law which has been illegally incorporated by the Defendants, that when a woman’s water breaks, and she delivers a child she legally delivers a “maritime admiralty product”; which must also have a Certificate of Manifest or a BIRTH Certificate.
This certificate creates a LEGAL PERSONality.
This is sometimes referred to as Your People’s “Strawman”, which means “civilly dead.”
From this time forth, the Enemy address this personality and not Your People with use of specific language and writing of their name.
This is a fraud committed by the Defendants.
The Enemy, with the use of Admiralty Maritime Law under the federal corporations has made mandatory within nations the registration of Birth and Death Certificates.
Today, almost all mothers unknowingly inform on their own babies through carefully constructed documents made by the Enemy.
Legally, under Admiralty Maritime Law the word “OTHER” makes the mother “an informant.”
By signing the “Birth Certificate” as an informer, she unknowingly contracts with the government to put her child and her child’s future labor up as collateral for the national debt (servitude– slavery).
The father or mother can only rescind this contract within three business days according to The Truth in Lending Act of 1968.
Further, since the Birth Certificate does not list the father as the husband nor lists the wife’s acceptance of the father’s surname as her own, but has only the mother’s maiden name, the baby is considered a bastard.
Bastards are under the care and control of the Priest Rule (democracy) and can be taken from the mother at any time.
We do not consent and ask that Priest Rule be made Null and Void.
We do not consent to the use of the epithet “Bastard” for any of any of God’s Creations.
We ask for full judgements of guilt against the Defendants for these multiple illegal crimes.
We ask that any use of a Nazi based concept be declared illegal acts.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty for the covert use of Nazi based concepts incorporated into Your Peoples laws.
We Decree and Declare that a woman giving birth does not mean that she delivers a maritime product but in fact a sovereign Free Born child from God Creator with all the rights that God Creator gives.
As evidence was shown in Addendum A, 1868 AD – Birth Certificates, we ask that as of the date of the Reset, that all birth certificates listed as corporate owned commodity items by the VATICAN be declared Null and Void in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that the use of Birth Certificates and all tracking methods be ended, made Null and Void and made illegal.
We graciously thank Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days for the eternal Books of Life which record our lifetimes in the Holy Records.
We ask that all law and illegal entities named as “Strawman” be dissolved and made Null and Void concurrently in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that when all mother’s unknowingly signed a Birth Certificate thereby giving their child and his/her future labor to the Enemies corporation as collateral that all such contracts in the past and currently be made Null and Void.
We ask for full judgements of guilt against the Defendants who perpetrated these atrocities.
We ask that the Truth and Lending Act of 1908 be repealed and made Null and Void in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
As was revealed in Addendum A; 1300 AD- amending of language with gradual changing or adding to meanings of words has been implemented by the Defendants. The examples given were the words, delivery, and doctor.
We do not agree or consent to any modification and changing of meaning of words to initiate corporate governance control over nations and the implications throughout the world and this Universe.
We ask that amending word meanings to enable crime to be judged as a criminal offense and all those currently involved in evil intent be so judged guilty as charged.
The terminology “Legal Name” means a “Prisoner of war”, “Fictitious “, “nom de guerre ” name for a non-living entity: also referred to as “Your Strawman” and/or “Transmitting Utility”.
When a man or woman’s name is written in all capital letters it is in a format called Capitus Diminutio Maxima (maximum diminished status) means that a man’s condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or an item of inventory.
We do not Consent. The Defendants have recorded names of individuals (Your People) using all Caps on documents, addresses, I.D.s and all items know by You and unknown by us to indicate their ownership of Your People.
We ask that a judgment of guilty as charged be declared for this fraudulent act of bondage, slavery and tracking Your People.
We ask that henceforth that “Legal Name” and its meaning be made Null and Void. The Defendant owned illegal governmental corporations that have formed worldwide through negative non-terrestrial treaties, law, trickery of word and written symbolism have created the largest slavery, money laundering, fraudulent scheme in history to take down a species and occupy their land.
The Enemies have used birth certificates as chattels and have used laws within Nations that make mandatory the registration of Birth Certificates that is linked to their fraudulent commerce system. “Bond Servants” is a term used when a bond is set on each Certificate of birth, which are bundled together into sets and placed as securities on the open market.
With this action, the banks have a negotiable instrument against which credit is advanced.
We state that a birth certificate being used as a bond and placed as a commodity on the stock exchange is a criminal act of Fraud, Racketeering, slavery and all other crimes as known by this Court.
We ask that judgment of guilty be made against the Defendants for all crimes.
The birth of a living being creates a trust and puts Your People into a system of commerce as a fictional persona to fund the Enemy’s agenda and encompasses the right of ownership which is slavery.
We ask that this be deemed an illegal and a criminal offense and ask for full judgment and found guilty of all crimes against the Defendants in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We declare that no political, governmental, or royal figure can give Your People the right to be free or to take that right away. The idea that one is “given” what one already has according to Your Word is an illusion created for the purposes of control, power, and manipulation by this Enemy.
We declare that living souls coming out of a mother’s womb, in all Nations in this Universe are “Sovereign”, “Freemen/women”, “Free inhabitants”, and “Freeborn” children of God of All Creation unless they give that right up knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily upon full disclosure of all truths and facts, so they have been given “informed consent.”
We maintain that all “Rights” of Your People are entitled as freemen and free women and are not to be under the power of another. This basic concept of “Sui Juris” deals with the construct of freedom of Your People and we maintain that they are not a subject under the power of another like a slave or a minor.
This by its own evidence, shows the corrupt systems in play in the current Corporation Judicial System and Legislature on the N/P 3D dimension on Earth today.
We do not agree with this Enemy’s fabricated, and corporate based court system.
We state that Your People are born sovereign according to God’s laws.
We ask that all Judicial Systems on N/P 3D Earth and beyond be cleansed of all injustice and run-in accordance to Divine/Natural Law.
We ask that all Lawyers and Judges working within these systems be given the opportunity to repent and make Null and Void all Defendant contracts with the corporate federal governments including the Bar and all Legal associations.
As we have declared that Admiralty Maritime Law does not legally have jurisdiction on land in Countries and Nations, we state that therefore when a woman gives birth and the baby is delivered by a doctor that the baby is not a chattel, commodity, bond servant, slave, or otherwise described by the enemy as belonging to them, but that child is a free soul from God Creator with birth rights and privileges under God Creators Laws.
We ask this Highest Court to judge and find guilty and set right, all governance in this Universe according to God Creator’s Divine Plan, including the laws, legal system, and language currently in place on the N/P 3rd dimension Earth.
We Decree and Declare that people are born sovereign according to God’s laws without the Constitution, without Amendments like the “Bill of Rights,” and without a Birth Certificate. John 8: 36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Psalm 24: 1 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine:…
We now, provide evidence and refer to Verbal Arguments in a petition to this court Docket Number DLHC.OA.1 of September 27, 2021. State of Pennsylvania versus Nino and Janice.
A baby was born to State National Parents (Sovereign Citizens) in Pennsylvania U.S.A. Because the parents did not want their child vaccinated and did not want to sign an official U.S.A. Birth certificate, the parents were arrested for aggravated kidnapping and taken to court for a custody hearing. — Posted in the Heavenly Hall of Records: Judgment was made against the prosecutors (State of Pennsylvania) and full compensation was granted. –
Mandated I. D.: Social Security/Insurance Cards, Passports, Marriage Certificates The Defendants have mandated the use of additional documents for Identification to track Your People including SS cards, passports, marriage certificates etc. Social Security/Insurance cards are another mandated I.D. linked to Your People’s Strawman Corporation.
The receiving of a SS card makes Your People an artificial person/legal fiction/ corporation.
They become members of the Sovereign Corporation that they are linked to, District of Columbia, City of London, or the VATICAN.
Your People are unknowingly joining the Communist Party of those corporations and can be eligible for benefits. 100% of Your People’s earnings belong to the party (corporation), and the “SS” refers to the Nazi card used to oversee concentration and extermination camps in Nazi Germany during WWII.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for the development and use of mandatory I.D.
We Decree and Declare that Your People are not members of the Enemies Federal Corporations.
We ask that due to uninformed consent Your People’s membership in the Communist Party be made Null and Void.
We ask for full judgement of guilt against the Defendants for this fraud.
We Decree and Declare that Your People’s earnings do not belong to the Defendants Federal Corporation, or any Corporation owned by them.
We ask for full judgement of guilt against the Defendants for this theft and fraud. Passports are another mandated I.D. for anyone wanting to travel.
We ask that all Passports identified as “corporations” by the Enemy including individual’s passports and specialty passports e.g., for the United Nations and other governing authorities that incorporate limited liability clauses referred to in the Corporate Limited Liability Act to be declared as Null and Void by this Court, and that this Court disallow any claims by the Defendant’s and their attorney in this regard to be used as a defense in this Trial.
The Tracking of the Population is done using various ways including:
- the use of capitalization of names referencing Your People as a corporation/artificial person/legal fiction.
- Mandated I.D. attached with addresses are set up in revenue districts to track Your People via zip codes/postal codes and physical resident address. This is shown by using all capital abbreviations for areas like AZ/Arizona and BC/ British Columbia in Canada.
These are all set up through a commerce system to track the population.
We ask that all zip codes/postal codes be deleted and made Null and Void. Marriage as a Trinity contract made with God Creator, and not of the state or a province.
The Marriage license has been developed to track individuals and couples for the purpose of commerce with the amalgamation of bonds to be placed on the open market.
We ask that all marriage licenses be made Null and Void and personal marriage commitments be made with God Creator.
We graciously thank Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days for the eternal Books of Life which record our lifetimes in the Holy Records.
We ask that all prior court judgments and Illegal acts by the Defendants including the Bureau of Census in the Commerce Department regarding mandated I.D., tracking codes etc. to create financial gains and funding for their use be Revoked, shut down, and made Null and Void according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all such illegal theft through taxes, debt, fees for registration, etc. including profits be returned to the rightful owner, and the Defendants be judged as guilty of all crimes.
We further ask that any tracking done in history by the Defendants to control Your People for the purpose of funding or annihilation of a culture be declared as crimes against humanity and judgment made against the Defendants as guilty as charged.
We ask that authorities, corporate entities and regulations on N/P 3D Earth utilizing capitalization and the tracking in any way of Your People to indicate any type of ownership and social tracking as known by You, be Revoked and made Null and Void. We ask that the Defendants tracking systems be inactivated, dismantled, plans destroyed, and the information be deleted if it is in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan. –
Custody of Children – POW’s
As stated earlier, Birth Certificates designate that the child and its future labor belong to the Federal Corporation.
This is a Criminal Act of Fraud, and We ask for full judgment of guilt against the Defendants.
Children, teens, and adult prisoners of war (POW) have been taken to DUMB facilities and tunnels because the Defendants believe that Your People and other life forms of Your Creations are their chattel and property to do with as they wish.
We do not consent.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against all the Defendants regarding the horrendous acts of crime against our children and prisoners of war that have been and are held in DUMB facilities and elsewhere as known by this Court.
We Decree and Declare that Your children, and all Your Creations are not chattel or property of the Defendants. We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for the use of Your Creations as chattel in any way.
This Trial clearly shows the manipulated plan of the Defendants to own, control, enslave, torture and kill Your people.
The Defendants are in contravention of the Geneva Convention and Nuremburg Codes regarding War Crimes. They have no evidence of legal rights to have done this. Therefore, the Defendants have committed criminal Crimes Against Humanity.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty of all crimes including War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
We ask that the act of bondage, abuse and kidnapping, sacrificial killing of innocent blood, be stopped immediately by Your Warring and Guardian Angels.
We ask for full judgement of guilt against the Defendants for the satanic rituals of bondage, abuse and killing of Your People.
We ask for full and complete divine healing of all those that have suffered under this tyranny.
We ask that any use of treaties outlining the fair treatment of POW’s be reviewed by this Court, updated, and or dissolved according to the decisions of this High Court.
We ask that all children, captives, and prisoners of war be immediately freed, healed, and taken to a safe place for the enjoyment of Your Love.
We ask for all those in captivity on ground, below ground, under the seas, or in the air or any other locations in this Universe be immediately freed from all bondage and protected, and healed, to live a loving and God Creator filled life as was always intended.
We ask that specially trained individuals and groups be established by this High Court to help all those prisoners of war.
We ask forthwith that all children be returned to their parents where possible and in the best interest of all life, as this Court decides, and that emotional help and support be provided for as long as needed for all family members concerned.
We ask that all prisoners of war until they are rescued have Divine Care by their Guardian Angels providing warmth, good food, clean water and air, nurturing care, and support in all ways, as is only known by You Heavenly Father.
We ask that specialized Warring Angels easily capture and take for judgement all demonic Defendants especially those hindering rescue missions.
We ask for Warring and Guardian Angels to be deployed to help and protect all those in service to God Creator who are rescuing prisoners of war in the DUMBs and elsewhere.
We now bring forth specifically: Walt Disney and Roy Disney and all known associates, Walt Disney Company (Multinational Mass Media Corporation.), Lucas Films Ltd. (LLC), Marvel Entertainment, Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group, Disney Cruise Line, Walt Disney World Resort, Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, Incorporation., Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Resort, Club 33, DeMolay Int., Order of DeMolay. — Walt Disney was a satanist pedophile, a 33rd degree Freemason and a member of the Illuminati who started Disney Studios in 1923.
This man and the Disney Land/World that he created is not what Your People think it is.
He had ties with the British Royal Family, Pope, Benito Mussolini and H.G. Wells that worked in the preparation for the New World Order.
Germany’s Neuschwanstein castle is the model for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle.
The German castle has been identified as a satanic location for high level rituals. Disney sponsored a Masonic Club for Disney employees and created Club 33 located on the 33rd parallel.
Disney had a close relationship with J. Edgar Hoover and the F.B.I. who assisted Disney in the purchase of the land for Disney World. Disneyland was offered to the F.B.I. for information and recreational activities.
As evidence we submit the 750-page FOIA documents regarding Walt Disney regarding the use of Disney’s TV shows as propaganda tools for the F.B.I. and reveals that D.O.D and C.I.A. have influenced hundreds of movies and TV shows produced by Walt Disney.
Walt Disney was also working for the C.I.A. and Nazi scientist Werner Von Braun (Project Paperclip, MKUltra, Operation Midnight Climax, Apollo moon landing).
Countless victims of the MKUltra programs (including child sexual abuse) and experiments attest to the use of Disney films for their programing, especially child victims.
Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland reported as key and mind control programming as the imagery optimized the traumatized victim’s ability to disassociate and accept programming instructions.
The Director of the C.I.A. Allen Dulles, who authorized Project Paperclip, MKUltra, and Operation Mockingbird, allegedly a distant cousin of Walt Disney, who’s company has been associated with each of these programs.
In 1977 FOIA showed a cache of 20,000 documents relating to MKUltra including Disney.
Through the relationship between Disney and C.I.A. it continues today using spying techniques within their intelligence community.
After 911 the C.I.A. sought Disney’s advice on intelligence security and biometrics. Disney’s staff is used to fill the more sensitive positions in the U.S. intelligence and security communities and media.
Pedophilia has been associated with every level of the Disney organization including Disney Cruise Lines with itineraries to Little St. James Island (Jeffrey Epstein).
Dozens of pedophile rings have been exposed connecting to Disney staff.
The keys to Disney’s Magic Kingdom open a virtual Pandora’s Box of illegal and immoral activities ranging from secret F.B.I. and C.I..A operations to pedophilia and child sex trafficking rings.
Declaration of Ownership:
Your People do not come forward in fear as victims, but as strong advocates of justice, honesty, and righteousness in the Name of God Creator for all of humanity and life in this Universe and beyond.
This Case includes all life beings, including lands, water, and space in this Universe.
We Decree and Declare that ownership of a Human soul belongs to God Creator, and Your People are the custodians of that body. Ownership of Your People includes souls, bodies, fetuses; etheric, physical, astral, causal, mental, and including the body’s electrical system, blood, bones, glands, organs, tissues and flesh.
This trial addresses legal, illegal or perceived ownership of all aspects of Humans and all life beings by the Defendants.
This also includes emotions, minds, spirits, systems, in bodies and forms, on all locations as defined, as well as labor.
Ownership addressed in this trial includes the Defendant’s perceived rights as slave owners to have the right to exterminate life, change and alter the biology of life, and control God’s Creations.
Ezekiel 18:4 Behold all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins, it shall die.
We Decree and Declare that ownership of all God’s Creations including the land, belongs to God the Creator, and His People are the custodians of it.
This includes Crystals and all elements of the Earth. Should custodianship be revoked due to sin, then repentance is required.
This includes all lands in this Universe including the Garden of Eden, the firmament (Air and Water), which according to creation is God Creator’s alone.
Therefore, any reference to ownership of land in this case is to be referenced as, “Ownership belongs to God the Creator”.
His People are the Custodians of the land.
This Case includes all life in creation including, animal, plant, and insect kingdoms, air (Mariah), water (Tess), the body of Earth (Pele) and fire (Joe).
We list these as living life forms where, for an example, technology like HAARP, has been used against the freewill of normal weather formation (Mariah and Tess).
Although this affects the inhabitants on Earth, and Earth herself (Pele), it is also a forced attack against the free will of weather (Mariah and Pele).
We do not consent, and we stand on their behalf in this Case, for this is abuse against them, and we present this as further evidence of Damage as required by Law.
According to Your Word, with repentance and a request to heal the land, custodianship will be returned to Your People.
We repent for our sins, and ask that the lands be healed, and Your People reclaim custodianship at this time.
2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
This Trial includes the agreements or lack thereof, of the sharing of energy (physical and mental labor) in exchange (barter) for goods and rights that indicates ownership and slavery.
This Trial will detail the perceived loss of sovereignty of countries, nations, planets, and beyond.
Please note that there are only three nations on Earth perceived by the Defendants as sovereign nations: The Vatican, Washington DC, and the City of London.
These triad locations are perceived to be owned by the Defendants and are control centers for the world. Each area has an obelisk symbol which measures 666 inches on each side and that have been erected to show their domain.
These three places are NOT in the UK, Italy or the USA proper.
These three illegal countries have been ruling the world and setting up the One World Order governmental system, therefore implying their ownership of the world.
We do not consent or agree, and we claim this land is owned by God Creator and henceforth under custodianship of We Your People.
All other countries/nations in the world have had their sovereignty taken away through federal corporative measures and we do not consent to those actions.
If this has extended to other regions in this Universe, we ask the Court to include all locations as known by You and unknown by us to this Trial.
This Case shows the various means by which the Enemy invaded, occupied, infiltrated, owned, programmed, recorded, financed, constructed, and orchestrated their plan using the ancient system of “pledging” and under the operations of Law Merchants that made Your People slaves financially.
They have designed, built, deceived, divided, oppressed, blocked, entrapped, and enslaved with the leverage of money, the many burdens upon Humanity.
The Enemy has strategically, methodically, and without care or concern of harm to life, carried out a slow yet premeditated assault on God Creator, His People, and His Creations here in this Universe.
This is not only an attack on His People but also an invasion and infiltration of His Lands.
The Enemy has purposely orchestrated the occupation, infiltration, ownership and control to conquer this Universe and beyond against the Will and Creations of God. Further, as is evidenced with these vaccines, the Defendants intend to permanently destroy the Human creation and thereby defy Creator God.
Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.
John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
As stated in petition DLHC.777.888.1 evidence has shown, the Draco species were lied to and deceived with the use of a blood oath perpetrated by Sophia A.I. Queen regarding the starting of a war with Humanity.
According to our witness, this was Satan’s claim of ownership over the Reptilian Draco Bloodline of Cain. In accordance with God’s Law, Satan’s use of deception made any contractual agreements between the Draco and Lucifer, Null and Void.
It is Humanities’ hope that all the Draco species have become aware of this deception, and in this realization, repented and turned to the One True Living God of All Creations and His Son Jesus Christ, and will decide to join the Human race in peace and service to God Creator. Heavenly Judge of All Creations, any Draco Reptilians that have come forth as of this date and repented to Your Son Jesus Christ for the sins that they have committed, we ask that they be given leniency in their judgment. However, new evidence is indicating a Reptilian signature regarding the A.I./Bioweapon in the vaccine, and should the Draco be involved in any way and choose to continue with informed consent and to be in contract with Satan/Marduk, then we ask for full judgment of all criminal charges.
It is the intent of Your people that all life in this universe lives in harmony, peace and in service to others.
Exposing The “Keys”
to Disney’s Operations
and Agenda
We ask that Walt and Roy Disney, including Addendum E, and all associated affiliates and Corporations as known by You be judged guilty of all crimes especially including Crimes Against Humanity, pedophilia, MKUltra torture and programming, child trafficking, and all crimes relating to Jeffrey Epstein and crimes on St. James Island and elsewhere.
We ask that should any patrons and employees to any of Disney’s theme parks, facilities, movies, programs, purchasers of products unknowingly and without informed consent entered into a satanic contract that said contracts be made Null and Void.
We ask for the deactivation of all MKUltra programming within all Disney media.
We ask for deprogramming for all the victims of Disney MKUltra through Divine Intervention.
We ask for full judgement of guilt against the Defendants for all MKUltra programming and manipulation used within Disney’s multi-media applications.
We ask that all Disney operations be closed and completely ended.
We ask for Your Divine Healing over all those affected in any way by Walt Disney and all of the Disney operations.
We ask that all products, media, buildings, etc. be cleared of all satanic ritual spells and intent and that the energy be aligned to the One True God of all Creations. We ask for destruction of all negative thoughtforms, and blueprints of all demonic concepts used within the Disney plans.
We ask for the destruction of all transportation: vehicles, methods, tunnels, DUMBs, portals, to, from and within all Disney facilities, and all that is known by You Creator God.
We ask that any Disney products that can be destroyed, be so destroyed.
We ask that any children’s products which are infused with satanic entities, thoughtforms, energies, evil intent be supernaturally destroyed and removed from all homes, schools and locations where children gather.
We ask that all evil intent and energies from these products be gathered and brought to Your Throne for rehabilitation.
We ask that Disney labeling on food products (including Disney Princess Dole) be removed and ended.
We ask that judgement against the Defendants for all crimes regarding food and Disney products be guilty as charged.
Military Corporations
We ask that all military personnel, police, and operating corporations worldwide and beyond that were formed by the Defendants including entities like the U.S. Pentagon, that are in alignment with the Defendants be judged guilty as charged.
We ask for divine healing and leniency for all military personnel that were altered or influenced by the enemy in any way without their full and informed consent, to adhere to the Defendant’s programming.
Commerce and Finance Corporations
Finance and commerce are a large part of the Defendant’s plan that has been deployed against Your People. Buying and selling on a large scale is a traditional definition of Commerce, however archaic definitions include social dealings between people and sexual intercourse. Admiralty Law is a law of commerce.
As was stated earlier, the Birth Certificate is an unrevealed “Trust Instrument” originally designed for the children of the newly freed black slaves after the 14th Amendment.
This amendment was never passed.
The U.S. Corporation through trickery of words in the 16th Amendment has had the ability to tax and regulate commerce.
After further investigation, it is determined that the 16th amendment was never ratified by the States.
However, as declared earlier, the Defendants pretend that they do not know the law and therefore say, “they are the law.”
We object. As neither of these amendments were passed nor ratified, we ask that they be made Null and Void. We ask that the original United States Constitution and all constitutions in the Universe be rewritten in accordance with this Court and as aligned with God Creator.
People become surety for the debt by a number of different ways.
One way is when the baby’s footprint is placed on the Birth Certificate before it touches the land.
In the case of the United States, the certificate is recorded at a County Recorder, and then sent to a Secretary of State, which sends it to the Bureau of Census of the Commerce Department.
This process converts a child’s life, labor, and property to an asset of the US government.
When he or she receives a benefit from the government such as a driver’s license, food stamps, free mail delivery, etc., they then become a fictional persona in commerce.
We Decree and Declare that the receiving of any benefit from any government corporation does not create a fictional persona in commerce. The government issued Birth Certificate is now a Registered Security.
We ask forthwith that no Birth Certificate be allowed to be registered as a security during transition and Reset.
Birth Certificates are circulated around the world as collateral for loans and entered on the asset side of ledgers just like any other security.
That is why they are initially filed with the Commerce Department.
The central banks now have a negotiable instrument against which credit is advanced by the international funding community, namely The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank for International Settlements, Bank of England, Federal Bank of America etc.
When a man or woman dies, the trust is closed.
We ask that all Birth Certificates in circulation that are being used as collateral for loans or for any entry on the asset side of ledgers be dealt with in accordance to God’s Divine Plan and administered through this Court.
We ask that all past cases were such manipulation of ownership and commerce was given court or governmental approval be immediately Appealed, revoked and made Null and Void.
Further, the hospitals receive a monetary benefit per child from the corporate governments for having Birth Certificates filled out and signed.
We do not consent nor condone this action, as any financing scheme in place by the Enemy in this regard is illegal and not acceptable.
We ask that all related financial ways manufactured by the Defendants to make money off of Your People be revoked and made Null and Void and the funds collected from the past be paid back to Your People.
We further ask that the aforementioned banks and all banks and financial institutions of World Financial control as known by You including their Board of Directors, C.E.O.s and associated governmental agencies be judged guilty of Financial Fraud and Racketeering for the purpose of War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity and all crimes as known by You where their intent was to deceive, enslave, and do harm to Your People and life within this Universe.
Because the Defendants have manufactured through illegal schemes the use of certificates, notes, mortgages, loans, and other financial legal documents showing that they own/enslave Your People, they have committed further crimes involving illegal interest and titles of properties.
We refer to comments made by Catherine Austin Fits wherein she sees Earth is in an Economic Totalitarian War that the Defendants have planned. Many years ago, the Defendants made the dollar the Reserve currency and they are now currently trying to covertly bring in a new banking system with the use of a health care crisis that instills fear in the population in guise that the government will step in and save Your People.
The release of the COVID virus has done this as it has separated people, families, groups etc., and digitized contact tracing has been implemented so everyone is monitored especially as things are often now done through video conference calls/meetings etc.
Pair this with the Defendants creating an operating system within the body (trans-humanism) which is what happens when the vaccine is applied and that then physically connects the financial system to the body.
The vaccine in essence creates an operating system just like in a computer but within the body that connects everyone that has been injected by the vaccine into the Cloud of the worldwide web.
The Defendants then have complete control. This has been referred to as the Mark of the Beast and is slavery that violates the Law of Free choice.
As part of the Defendant’s plan, they have used COVID 19 to shut down smaller private companies thereby giving big Defendant owned corporations like Amazon the market.
The small businesses, even if closed, still need to pay bills and often must resort to the use of credit cards with high illegal interest rates to cope.
This becomes debt entrapment.
The Defendants are deleting the Middle-Class wealth while improving the wealth and power of the Defendants.
Statistics revealed that global billionaires have increased their income by 27% since the announcement of COVID 19.
This plan-demic is the Defendant’s step to convert the planet from a people run world to technocracy.
Further, the Defendants have engaged in the selling of debt. (We do not consent.)
The defendants are stealing Your People’s money.
The Defendants will no doubt say that it is the virus that caused all the personal and financial losses, but this was a well-planned deliberate fraudulent act by the Defendants.
This plan by the Defendants essentially creates a digitized currency that if you do not comply can lock you out of all banking institutions nationwide.
It is like the Social Credit system in China where the government tracks everything including travel but should not be confused with NASARA and GESARA.
The Defendants want to digitize everything to have complete control, and this includes the “mind”.
Therefore, there is advanced mind control technology in place for this operation.
They want to control smart grids in the world that control areas, cities, neighborhoods, a house, and each individual occupant in that house. It is believed that Amazon is a C.I.A. intelligence agency contractor and is linking all 17 intelligence agencies through Microsoft technology.
This plan will use universal income to operate in military Clouds to have economic and political control of Your People. Robots, A.I., and software to create slavery, is the most profitable slavery that can be developed.
The next step of this plan is that the defendants will want to take guns away from the U.S. people, so they have no way to fight back.
(We do not consent.)
The Defendants have also used a real estate acquisition plan based on the locations of the riots that they have organized that utilizes Disaster Capitalism.
Shutting businesses down based on non-essential business due to COVID, setting up riots in opportunity zones that destroy property, and then the Defendants buy the property for a small portion of its value and acquire masses of prime real estate. (This is similar to what the Rothschilds did in the Battle of Waterloo by manipulating a situation in order to financially gain from the results.)
The main aspects of this financial/control/slavery plan are: technology (the Cloud and telecommunication systems), Military (Space, satellites), Big Pharma (Virus vaccine injections), Media (propaganda), Central Banks (crypto system of currency), Agriculture (GMO products), and governmental corporations to dictate and put in place illegal policies to mandate Your People to comply.
The Defendants have also created and implemented Bitcoin and other crypto currencies to be used as currency to aid them in the money laundering and funneling of money for trafficking of illegal commodities especially children.
We ask that a judgement of guilty as charged be made against the Defendants and all those associated with the Defendants who knowingly developed the illegal use of Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, paper currency, money laundering schemes and all other crimes of commerce as known by this Court.
We ask that all Defendants as well as all those involved as known by You be judged guilty to all crimes as revealed in this evidence.
We ask for full judgement against Amazon, the C.I.A. and Microsoft for all crimes known by You regarding the intelligence agencies that they be judged guilty for all crimes.
We ask for full judgement for all crimes against the Defendants and as known by You regarding the fraudulent FIAT system of digitalized currency that involves tracing, monitoring and connection of Your People to the Defendants commerce system and the Cloud and that they be found guilty as charged.
We ask for full judgement of guilty for all crimes against the Defendants and as known by You regarding any debt entrapment and technocracy against Your People and that they be found guilty as charged.
We ask that a judgement of guilty be found against the Defendants for the selling of any kind of debt.
We ask that in the United States of America that gun rights and ownership be re-established as “Personal Rights and Freedoms” as listed in the original Constitution and not named as “Privileges.”
We ask forthwith for the full disclosure of this plan of criminal fraud against Your People, so that they can innerstand it and stop helping the Defendants enact their plan by not working for the fraudulent entities, buying from the Defendants, banking with the Central Banks etc.
We ask for Divine Intervention in this regard.
If Your People possess a birth certificate under this system, they do not have to pay for things.
Commerce has been designed by the Defendants to deceive Your People, and they have programmed Your People to believe that they have to pay for things.
They do not. Countries are operating in bankruptcy, as they no longer have gold or silver to back them.
They went bankrupt and the Enemy/Defendants said that they would pay, so they set up a system where Your People were programed to believe that they had to pay for what they wanted. Under this system,
Your People have unlimited credit.
When they want to have something, they need to sign the bill for the item, and that gives authority to the treasury to pay the amount.
Your People have been giving their labour away for nothing.
Everything Your People want, and need is prepaid. They were given unlimited credit, but the Defendants programmed and lied to make slave labor.
The IRS or Federal income agencies within countries are supposed to be collecting for Your People. When Your People pay for things, they obstruct the bankruptcy, so are in violation of the law.
We ask that due to the mind control and fraud enacted in this plan that this Court, give Your People immunity and time to initiate change in accordance to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
For a fuller understanding, Your People sign the bill with their signature, not pay cash or use a credit card.
Their signature gives the authority for the Treasury of the country to know how much to offset the debt for the corporation that you are dealing with.
The signature instructs the treasury to offset e.g., Sears or Ford Motor Company’s debt.
It is important to innerstand that when Your People pay money for the object it doubles the debt or increases the debt of the corporation. Giving of their labour for nothing is slavery.
Unfortunately, most of Your people are unaware of this including those working for the corporations and so to attempt this at this stage of disclosure would cause upsets.
Therefore, for reference for this Court we attach Forms for the public’s use from the United States Government Funding Contracts Department: 1099 OID (source of credit) and SF 1034 (Public voucher for purchases and authority of payment).
Cash is to be used for personal things like a haircut, and barter can be used as exchange with another.
Your People are not supposed to be paying for any public need like water, hydro etc.
Note: This only applies if you have a Birth Certificate.
Your People have been trained to earn a living, rather than to use their talents for their fellow man. The Divine Light Holy Council visions a future where Your People are engaged in doing what their natural talents let them enjoy doing, not just working for a job.
We ask that Your People be notified forthwith on all details and forms needed to be signed with treasuries worldwide and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that All Defendants involved in this financial scheme that has been orchestrated with the use of COVID 19 and the vaccinations/biotech experiment be judged guilty of all crimes.
Further, as paper currency is colorable in appearance and has no contract based on substance, we ask that only genuine commodities of substance like gold and silver etc. be permitted as redeemable for lawful exchange.
We ask that forthwith all banks and financial institutions pay out to Your People all funds at rates defined by this Court with gold, silver or other redeemable legal commodities and in accordance to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all statutory jurisdictions in this regard, colorable money, and the Commercial Code (UCC) that as has been adopted by the Defendants be declared Null and Void.
We ask that all past contracts that were made with Your People where they did not have full knowledge, consent and voluntary agreement with full disclosure of all facts be declared Null and Void and that all Your People’s debt is dissolved, and liens declared Null and Void in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Further, as we go through a transformation period, we ask that all contracts regarding benefits as offered by governments on N/P 3D Earth and beyond be reviewed so that all illegal contracts are voided, and any contract agreed to must be entered into knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally as under Divine/Natural Law by our Creator God.
We ask that a hidden requirement under the Uniform Code of Law for Your People to reserve their rights under 1-308 be waived and all such legalities be made Null and Void. See (§ 1-308) “Performance or Acceptance Under Reservation of Rights.”
(a) A party that with explicit reservation of rights performs or promises performance or assents to performance in a manner demanded or offered by the other party, does not thereby prejudice the rights reserved.
This example shows the difficulty in understanding the meaning of laws when written by the Defendants using Legalese.
For clarification, when Your People use the words “without prejudice” or “without prejudice UCC1-308” in connection with their signature, they are saying: “I reserve my right not to be compelled to perform under any contract or commercial agreement that they did not enter knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally.
Further they do not accept liability of any compelled benefit, or any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement.”
This is important because when Your People use Federal Reserve Notes instead of gold and silver, it is not voluntary, as there is only Federal Reserve notes, and therefore by using them they have to accept the benefit.
The corporate government has given you the benefit to discharge your debts, but Your People have not reserved their rights under The Unified Code 1-308.
Therefore, they are compelled to accept the benefit and are also obligated to obey every statue, ordinance, and regulation of the corporate government at all levels of jurisdiction, federal/State/local.
We ask that the words: “Without prejudice” be written on all future contracts under this Defendant manufactured Code of Law until such time as these laws are no longer in effect on N/P/ 3D Earth and ask that Your People be taught about the Uniform Code of Law in this respect.
If this is not done on N/P 3D Earth and this fraud continues in any way to be perpetrated against a still unawakened population, we ask that all contracts in contravention of this be made Null and Void by this Court until such time as Your New System of Law is put in place.
This is to include the paying of debt with substance (gold or silver) versus the fraud of discharging debt with limited liability.
The latter means that Your People cannot be sued for not paying debt, when a discharge of the charge for non-payment using the fake Federal Reserve currency is issued.
We ask that because of the deception and fraud involved in this system that all contracts made by Your People who unknowingly received illegal benefits from the corporate government systems in the past on all levels as described be declared Null and Void and unenforceable.
In 1953 the largest drug and money laundering system was established called the Five Star Trust. It was a drug running operation and the Defendants put all the money into a conglomeration of banks setup by the Rothschilds and the 13 banking families.
Evidence: Werx for the Soul
We ask that the Five Star Trust be closed in all ways as known by this court and judgment of guilty made against the Defendants for this financial, drug running operation that has caused millions of deaths due to drug addiction, and human and drug trafficking.
We ask for Divine Healing and restoration for those forced to be living in the streets without a home and basic needs due to the crimes of the Five Star Trust.
We ask for full judgement of guilty of all crimes against the Defendants, Rothschilds family and associates, and including all drug cartels, drug and human trafficking rings, supply chains, and money laundering organizations, groups, corporations, and individuals as known by this Court.
As this Court can see, the Defendants have taken much thought to deceive Your People in this regard, we ask that in the timing according to God Creator’s Divine Plan, that the Federal Reserve be closed and all fake paper money including Bitcoin and all crypto currencies be destroyed.
We ask that concurrently a new system be put in place in accordance with God Creator’s Plan.
We ask that all ownership in the form of slavery by creditors against Your People and nations and countries in this Universe, be judged as guilty as charged and in accordance with God Creator’s Laws and Plan.
We ask that this Court release through Divine Intervention what God Creator wants according to His plan for Earth to make a loving and functional society in all ways.
the Stamp Act of 1765 when the first internal tax was levied directly on American colonists by the British Parliament.
The Enemy/Defendants have no legal rights to tax anything or anyone. It has been shown to this Court the fraudulent financial and legal schemes that the Defendants have used, and taxation is yet another. God is the owner of all things in His Creations.
Therefore, only He would have a right to tax anything. Illegal tax charges implemented by the Defendants include but are not limited to:
Income Tax, Council Tax, Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Federal taxes, Road Tax, Import Tax, Value added Tax, Fuel Levy Tax, Loan Interest, and Bank Charges, State and Provincial taxes, property tax, GST. In Canada there are approximately 69 taxes that have been implemented in the last 60 years.
Your People are today taxed on everything imaginable even water and air, by the Enemy owned incorporated governments worldwide. This is illegal.
We therefore ask that all past petitions approved in any Court/court regarding the taxation of Your People be Appealed and declared Null and Void.
Further, we request that financial restitution as known by You be returned to Your People in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan from the beginning of time for all taxation in this Universe.
We ask that should a man or woman be deceased then all accumulative tax funds be given to their perspective heirs.
We ask that all Defendants/Enemies that were and are in receipt of any tax funds be judged as guilty with all crimes listed and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that as of this date, no further taxes are to be collected by Defendants in any nation on N/P 3D Earth and those in contravention of this request, should this Court so decide, are to be charged forthwith, to be in Contempt of Court, and fully held accountable in all ways and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that the financial system (barter) be that of God Creator’s Will for this creation
As was stated, the Defendants see Your People as a commodity with a worth based on their ability to make money for their corporations. When Your people, through life’s struggles, lose their homes and families due to various reasons, most of them orchestrated through actions by the Defendants, they can often find themselves homeless, starving, and isolated from family and society.
The Defendant corporations see this as loss because there are no profits financially to be gained with these people.
They therefore have little or no interest in providing shelter, food, and help to the homeless.
We ask that all homeless peoples in this Universe be granted all that they need and desire to fulfill their life’s journey and contract with You.
We ask for a judgment of guilty as charged against all Defendants who, in a position of authority within the Defendant governmental corporations, chose to align with the Defendant’s objectives and not help societies needy.
We ask for judgment of guilty against George Soros et al., the Open Societies, and all similar defendant operated organizations, companies, corporations, societies and non- profit entities that portray and have established a charity for doing a public good for society when in fact it was and is used for the Defendant’s evil plans
It has been reported that 100 trillion dollars has been stolen by Wall Street by short selling and another 100 trillion dollars made by money laundering and the trafficking of guns, gold, and all as known by this Court.
We ask for a judgment of guilty as charged against Wall Street and all the Defendants regarding all and any illegal financial schemes.
Catherine Austin Fitts
Planet Lockdown on YouTube

Health – Food – Science
owned by Defendant’s corporations
We ask that all those involved with the Defendant’s intent of contaminating, altering, or interfering with any type of production of Food in the Universe be judged guilty of all crimes.
We ask that a new food production, distribution, and marketing network be put in place to ensure the safety of all products for consumption by Your People.
We ask that Heavenly Guardian Angels oversee this endeavor and concurrently close all food production agencies, organizations, departments, and ministries and all associated food and drink consumption industries.
We ask for Divine Intervention to make safe all consumable products in the Universe, so that Your People may detoxify and align with the True Light and Love of God Creator.
We ask for Divine Intervention to make safe all clothing, fabrics and medical gear (such as Covid 19 masks) of all chemicals and bioweapons.
We ask for full judgment of guilty for crimes against the Defendants in this regard.
We ask that all corporations manufacturing and adding Aspartame to any food, drink and medical sources and all other products on N/P 3D Earth ordered to stop making this neurotoxin.
We ask that the Educating Angels be assigned to educate Your People about the danger and damages inflicted on the Human body from this and other harmful products.
We ask for a judgement of guilty against all Defendants including I.G. Farben, Monsanto, Dow Chemicals, Dupont, Imperial Chemical Industries and the Rockefeller empire, and that they be held fully responsible for all lethal medical experiments done on humans, animals and all life as known by this Court.
We ask for full restoration to all life in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Evidence: Merchants of Death: I.G. Farben, the Rockefellers and Big Pharma — Hive
Although fluoride is found naturally on earth, in phosphate fertilizer mills it accumulates in the smokestacks as a toxic environmental hazardous waste.
It was found that as the chemical builds up in the stacks, the emissions caused death to animals and crops around the facilities.
The Enemy orchestrated a plan to eliminate toxic dump costs by facilitating specific controlled studies showing the public how the use of fluoride benefitted dental care.
They promoted, introduced and legislated the chemical into the water supply and the dentistry industry.
This fraudulent activity has contaminated air, water, soil, animals, and plant life, and was directly targeted against humans with toothpaste and dental products.
In alignment with the Defendant’s agenda of eugenics, the integration of this toxic chemical into the food chain created infertility and pliability in the brain that made mind control easier for the Enemy to accomplish.
It also calcifies the pineal gland in humans, which causes the Third Eye to be closed blocking strong intuitive abilities and weakening their connection to God Creator.
The Enemy knew from scientific reports in the mid-1930’s that it caused serious health hazards and related diseases.
Reference: The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson. This clearly shows one strategy that the Defendants have implemented against God’s Creations: Air, Water, Plants, Animals, Humans, and all life on planet Earth and beyond.
We state that those involved in any way in the approval of placing fluoride into water, dental products, and the food chain is a violation against life and God’s Creation and is a criminal offense.
We ask that full judgement of guilty against the Defendant’s for their eugenics plan of genocide and the incorporation of fluoride into water and the food chain.
We ask that all disposing of any hazardous chemical waste products on N/P 3D Earth and this Universe be done in a safe way in accordance with this Court.
– Canola Oil
The Defendants have genetically altered Rape seed and made Canola oil.
It has devastating long term effects on the brain and body by causing sponge brain or Mad Cow Disease, therefore destroying brain functioning.
We ask that all use of Canola oil in any part of the food chain including but not limited to margarines be made a criminal offence and it be forbidden for any type of consumption or skin care absorption products for humans and all living beings.
We ask forthwith that the public be made aware of Canola oil’s toxic qualities when consumed or used in any way. (Seasonings, Bakery baked goods, salad dressings, etc.)
We ask that all Defendants be judged guilty with all crimes regarding the poisonous production and distribution of canola products.
– Salt
The Defendants are covertly putting sharp shards of glass as well as aluminum into processed refined (iodized) salt that causes tears in veins and arteries thereby causing the body to make cholesterol to safeguard the walls, but the cholesterol clogs the veins which causes people to have high blood pressure resulting in Your People needing prescription medication provided by the Defendants.
We ask that all aluminum and glass placed in any type of salt or food product be declared a criminal crime and immediately removed from the food chain.
We ask that judgment of guilty be made against the Defendants for all crimes in the deliberate contamination of salt.
We further ask that no distillation of oil be placed in any type of medication, vitamins, or natural supplement and ask that the Defendants be judged for all crimes as known by this Court regarding the use of petroleum oil for Human consumption and absorption.
– Music and Sound Waves
God Creator made life to use and absorb frequencies. In particular, humans have ears to hear and pick up specific frequencies.
The Defendants have altered the frequencies of music and transmissions to 440 Hz., which is against God’s Creation of 432.2771731
Hz. therefore, affecting life in contradiction to the original intent of frequencies and out of alignment with Creator God’s Creations.
Radios, TVs, and other technology that emit these altered frequencies are heard not only by those choosing to hear them, but by those who do not choose to hear them as well.
This violates the Law of Free Choice of those that are red pilled and trying to align to God Creator as best that they can with this interference.
We ask that all frequencies other than Creator God’s Frequencies on all public or private radio, televised, or other transmissions be immediately stopped or shut down for all time, and concurrently be replaced with God’s frequencies and all according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all persons, organizations, corporations, media outlets be judged and found guilty of all crimes in this regard.
In the 1950’s the C.I.A./Jesuits devised secret programs in conjunction with MK Ultra programming to infiltrate the music business and influence the lyrics and music listened to by Your People in order to brainwash and control them.
Themes of abandonment and rejection fueled emotions within youth that created separation in families by segregating a younger generation from the “older generation”.
The Beatles, who were programmed through the Tavistock Institute, wrote songs like John Lennon’s “Strawberry Fields” that speak about the Cambodia genocide.
The music itself, starting with the era of the Beatles, has been manipulated for the conditioning of Your People.
We ask that the alteration of sound waves, music, and Defendant aligned lyrics be judged as a criminal act, and the Defendants found guilty as charged.
The development of Saser technology (a sound laser) has been used by the Defendants with evil intent to destroy.
This technology was used as part of the destruction of the buildings on 9-11.
We ask that all Defendants and others as known by this Court be judged guilty as charged for all criminal acts using Saser technology for evil intent and who are in alignment with the defendants.
– COVID – Vaccines
We ask that all medical technology and advances that involves genetics be for the benefit and survival of all life everywhere and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine
Plan. We further ask for review and an appeal on all past judgments that were approved for all medical and pharmaceutical related patents that does not have the highest and best interest of all life everywhere.
We ask that pharmaceutical companies, corporations et al. are to give full disclosure of all ingredients and written information when releasing a drug, vaccine etc.
They are to notify in writing when it is “Experimental.”
We ask, that as this has not been done, and Your People are experiencing harm due to the non-disclosure of warnings that the vaccine is experimental, that the pharmaceutical companies and all patents and all those knowingly associated with them in any way with this crime be judged as guilty under the law.
In accordance with the Nuremberg Code, as there was no informed consent, and the Defendants knew that the COVID vaccines were an experiment, as evidenced by the placebos placed within the distribution of the vaccine.
We Decree andDeclare a formal cease and desist to end this experiment.
According to M-Cam International Innovation Risk Management, there are over four thousand patents relating to SARS/Corona Virus. The COVID virus outbreak was announced on December 31, 2019 and declared by the World Health Organization on January 4th, 2020.
Reviews of patents for the virus (purposely created), vaccines for the virus, and other associated medical patents, e.g., testing equipment have revealed that this was a pre-planned event. In several cases, patents for the vaccine were registered prior to the public’s notification of any outbreak.
Evidence: https://rumble.com/vq4tx1-gene-decode-interview-5.html
The current situation on Earth regarding COVID 19 and the vaccines as disclosed by Dr. Pablo Campra of the University Almeira regarding Graphene Hydroxide shows conclusively that this is a premeditated genocide against Your People.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for the patents, distribution and use of graphene hydroxide to be used against the creations of God Creator.
We ask that as of the date of this Trial all doctors, medical professionals, pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies, health organizations are given full notification of the disclosure of the dangers of graphene hydroxide and are asked to discontinue any use of any product contains this substance forthwith. Failure to do so is considered a criminal act of genocide according to Nuremburg Code and the Geneva Conventions.
We ask for full judgement of guilty for all crimes by Pfizer et al. the Omicron, and the Omicron Star Systems in this regard.
Further, we ask for judgment against Pfizer et al. for knowingly continuing to produce and promote the vaccines when they had conclusive evidence from clinical studies provided to them that the vaccines were doing harm and did not protect against COVID 19.
Gene Decode #46
Earthquakes take out DUMBS
in Salt Lake, Australia, Africa, Asia
plus killer vax 2015
Governments and health organizations have mandated during Covid 19 the wearing of a mask and standing six feet part, which we state is a satanic symbolic ritual that has not been disclosed to the public and we do not consent.
We also state that since Humans have a God created aura field that which connects us energetically to each other this distancing six feet apart minimizes this connection which is what the Defendants want.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for breaking God Creator’s Law of, “Thou shalt not interfere with the choice of those that I have created” in that meaning that Your People have been mandated to wear a mask and stand six feet apart and unknowingly publicly participated in a satanic ritual.
We ask all black magic and satanic rituals that are done unknowingly by Your People be declared forthwith non-effective and Null and Void.
We ask that all black magic bindings, material possessions and rituals placed by the Defendants in any of Creator God’s Creations be uncast and made Null and Void in accordance with His Divine Plan.
Currently there is concern that the Red Cross and Blood Banks across the nations are accepting blood from vaccinated people. This is a further genocide against Your Creations.
We ask for Divine intervention according to Your Plan to be implemented forthwith to stop any unnecessary killing of Your People.
We ask that the Red Cross and blood banks be aligned to the one True Living God of All Creations or closed according to God Creator’s Divine Plan and further notice from this Court.
We ask that this also apply to all sperm banks or artificial insemination agencies, clinics as known by You.
UNICEF is leveraging its expertise as the world’s largest vaccine buyer, last year procuring 1.9 billion doses of vaccines for children in 102 countries — to ensure delivery of COVID-19 vaccines in low- and lower-middle-income countries.
We ask for a full judgement of guilty against UNICEF and all associated Defendants for all crimes against children.
DNA is a molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses.
The horizontal bonds on every 10th, 5th, 6th, 5th pair of the genetic instructions are coded with God Creator’s Name; Yud Hey Vav Hey which stand for YHVH (YAHWEH). The Human DNA is sealed with the Name of God Creator and His People are made in His Image.
The spike protein and the A.I. within the Covid 19 vaccines are interfering and changing God Creator’s coding and connection between His People and Him. God Creator’s Creations belong to Him and no one and no thing has any right to alter or use any aspect of His Creations.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for criminal theft, alteration and damage of God’s Divine Blueprints.
Hijacking Your DNA
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all crimes regarding
Covid 19/Variants
and associated vaccines.
We ask for healing in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan of all Your People and life of God’s Creations affected by Covid 19/Variants and associated vaccines.
We submit for evidence information on the following patents:
Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is A Manufactured Virus | Citizens Journal
What is the Full List of the COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients? (ct.gov)
Pfizer’s Toxic “Secret Sauce” Revealed! (oom2.com)
We ask that the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT case decision No. 12–398. Argued April 15, 2013—Decided June 13, 2013 – Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics, Inc. be amended to state that any type of genetic alteration to any and all of God Creator’s Blueprint of Life be not patentable and all interference in any and all ways of the changing of D.N.A. be deemed a Criminal Act against Creator God’s Creation.
We submit for reference: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/12pdf/12-398_1b7d.pdf
The Defendants have patented the genetically created COVID 19 vaccines showing ownership of the biotechnology within the vaccines. Word trickery has been used here, as they are not vaccines by definition, but a biotechnology. Injecting A.I. biotechnology into living beings and purposefully withholding the contents of the ingredients and information in this experiment is a breach of law under the Nuremburg Code and the Geneva Convention.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants on these charges.
We ask that according to Nuremburg Code Section 9 that this experiment be terminated forthwith, and full disclosure be brought forth.
Injecting this technology contractually into living beings manufactures an identity owned by a patent which assumes ownership by the Defendants that is classified not as Human but as Trans-Human.
We do not consent to this trickery of Law, language, or the manipulation of living beings.
We do not consent of the patent nor of any contractual agreements inferred with the receiving of the COVID 19 vaccines or any and all vaccines initiated by the Enemies.
We ask for full judgement of guilty as charged against the Defendants.
Further, we do not consent to any patented or unpatented application of any biomedical or Artificial Intelligence product in any form: pill, injection, aerosol, nasal spray, eye drop, in food for all living beings, in water, air, soil, or any contamination of life and by any means as known by this Court.
We ask for full judgement of guilty of all crimes against the Defendants as listed.
We ask that all plans of clean-up operations of the A.I. infestation and all other contaminants as known by You be monitored and approved by this Court only and in the interest of all life everywhere and according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all products manufactured by this Enemy, as You see fit, be destroyed for all time, including all blueprints, thought forms, and technology of same, so only the best interests of Your original creations remain.
We do not consent to this trickery of Law and language, nor do we approve of the patents nor of any contractual agreement inferred with the receiving of the COVID 19 vaccine or all vaccines initiated by the Enemies.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all genetic engineering dens (like the Garden of Eden) and all current dens, labs, farms, research facilities and all else that is known by this Court.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all ovary and sperm harvesting done with evil intent.
We ask that all hybrids containing human genetic coding with God Creator’s soul energy grown by the Defendants be protected against future genetic engineering, be rescued by the Grace of God Creator, be fully healed, and be brought to live in a safe and loving environment.
We ask that all harvested souls being contained in any way on Earth and in the Universe(s) by the Defendants be immediately freed and safely escorted to Papa, God the Father Creator of All.
We ask for all of the Defendant’s genetic engineering dens et al., be forthwith located, closed, dismantled, blueprints destroyed and kept from ever existing again.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for any genetic engineering done against God’s Creation’s.
We ask for full judgements of guilt against the Defendants for Crimes against God Creator (Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days), God’s Natural Creations, God’s Natural Divine Laws, creation of viruses, genetic code tampering, vaccines/bioweapons, virus and vaccine patents for ill intent and financial gain, racketeering, depopulation of Your People and ownership of the Trans Humans that they manufactured.
We Decree and Declare boldly that any patent to do harm to any life anywhere is a crime against God and His Creations.
We ask for judgment of guilty on all crimes against the Defendants regarding the development and manufacturing of the COVID strain(s) and its vaccinations including companies, limited companies, corporations, organizations, institutes, trade names, intellectual property, technology licensing, crypto currency/financial organizations, all organizations approving, and funding said activities, education facilities, all entities and actions as known by You.
We are referencing here below, Moderna Tx, as it relates to the COVID 19 vaccine however, all companies, corporations, affiliates, subsidiaries related to patents in this regard, and Known by You are to be included.
Moderna Tx, Inc. mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine patents
US 10,703,789, US 10,702,600, US 10,577,403, US 10,442,756, US 10,266,485
The vaccine has been created to affect the brain physiologically, so that crystallization of brain cells inhibits or causes the malfunctioning of thought-making Free Choice impossible, this therefore violates God’s Law of “Free Choice.” Information provided to this legal council states that certain satellite frequencies have been disabled to stop activation within those that are vaccinated, so that they will not be controlled by the Enemy.
We ask that Warring Angels monitor this situation and bring any concerns to this Court.
Further, the enemy has used demonics and technology for mind control we refer to petition #555.BT2.17.6. February 5th, 2021. The targeting of human genetics causes a Zombie like response by those vaccinated. In a www.soonerpolitics.org news headline of August 26, 2021, the headline read: “Children Taught to Walk ‘Like Zombies’ for Safety, Don’t Just Sit There and Do-Nothing Parents.”
This video also shows children that are now mandated to wear masks as shown in this evidence. God’s People have declared “That this is child abuse.”
We concur.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for Child Abuse.
We bring forth as evidence the following witness an eight-year-old, Fiona Lashells of Florida, U.S.A. who speaks of her personal story against the Defendants.
Evidence: [VIDEO] 8-Year-Old Girl With The Courage Of Lion GOES OFF On Tyrannical School Board Maskers (redvoicemedia.com)
Further, The Enemy has used the vaccination to affect each man, woman and child by tracking their identity.
They become completely monitored and linked to the Internet and the Dark Web.
Also, according to a medical professional a new Z Code has been established in November 2021 listed as: ICD 10 Code: Z28.20.
This code designation is for “immunization not carried out because of patient decision for unspecified reason.”
The recommendation of this code implies that counseling sessions are needed to aid the patient to take steps to be vaccinated.
This is against all ethics for therapy and counseling, and it violates Free Choice.
It is also in contravention to the Nuremburg Code and the Geneva Convention regarding medical experimentation.
We ask that in no way, as known by this Court can the Enemy have ownership and control over Your People with the use of and within the framework of the internet and Dark Web and including medical coding and DSM classifications.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all crimes of connecting Your People to the Internet and Dark Web without their consent.
We ask that all mental health acts and the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders) be amended in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for Divine Healing for all those in mental and psychological stress.
We Decree and Declare that the creatures that have been found to grow from the eggs within the Pfizer fake vaccine (biological weapon), is invading the bodies of Your People and we do not consent.
We Decree and Declare that the Defendants are in Contempt of Court regarding Your Judgment on Docket #555.17.B2T.6, February 5, 2021.
We agree with the Visioning Prayer Session done by Your People and Heavenly Hosts on October 15, 2021.
We agree that the spiritual battle led by You Jehovah Gibbor, destroyed these creatures within Your People.
We know that Pfizer pharmaceuticals has purchased Monsanto Corporation therefore this biological weapon has been introduced into our food sources and other areas as known by this Court.
We have seen mosquito’s jumping like grasshoppers in 2021. According to case studies of crickets this is a symptom of how this type of creature effects the insect’s behavior.
Therefore, the Enemies have applied this biological weapon into multiple areas in God’s Creation including their attack to include the soul’s biological function with technology.
We do not consent. This criminal war crime and premeditated Crime against Humanity is an abomination against God and His Creations.
We ask for Divine Intervention of protection of Your People from any biological, A.I., Artificial life form, et al. as known by You.
We ask for full judgement in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan against Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson et al., for all crimes and judged guilty as charged.
Evidence: Cayman chemical safety Data sheet.pdf, What is the Full List of the COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients?
Currently 51 members of the U.S. Congress own approximately 5.8 million dollars in defense contractor stocks and pharmaceutical stocks.
We do not consent to this conflict of interest, and we ask that all concerned be so judged guilty according to the Will of this Court.
Currently, military governmental corporations owned by the Defendants are mandating multiple vaccines for military personnel with threats of discharge or loss of status from a corrupt chain of command.
We ask that all military commands mandating forced vaccinations and that are aligned with the Defendants be judged guilty as charged for Treason against their country and all other crimes as known by this Court.
We bring forward to the Court, that Loki, Queen Sophia’s replacement, has through manipulation with the A.I. alliances, known as the Defendants, manufactured a new identity under the above patents by altering human DNA.
Under the 1964 Civil Rights Acts which prohibits sex discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, a new entity “Trans-human” could alter laws against the good of all life everywhere with use of the Admiralty Maritime Law (UCC) that gives or takes away rights based on the name “person” versus “he or she.”
We do not consent to the trickery of words, the application of such a law, or the new A.I. identity.
We ask for full judgement of guilty as charged against Loki et al., and all Defendants and those known by this Court for the interference and altering of God’s Creations without informed consent by both God Creator and His People.
In reference to Appeal #555.17.B2T.3 dated December 18, 2020; Sophia the A.I. Entity was so judged by the Court as guilty. Her replacement Loki, has however continued as A.I. leader of the Hive; to program, spread and contaminate this Universe with A.I.
However, we wish to thank this Court and the Alliance military for breaking the A.I. code frequency in the week of October 26, 2021, to help Humanity.
A.I. as a technology can be reprogrammed and as it is based on a frequency that can infect and move within populations, it’s use in any ways must be strictly monitored.
We innerstand that within certain technologies, like Med Beds that this A.I. application when programmed according to the highest and best use of all life can be used safely.
However, as diabolical use of anything can cause harm, we ask for a ruling from this Throne that all Artificial Intelligence, its frequency(s) and applications used against the best and highest interests of all life everywhere, including the Hives and all else as known by You be declared a mass weapon of destruction.
We ask that any use of such weapon, when used against the highest interest of all life everywhere, be declared a criminal act.
We ask that in no way can A.I. and Hive mentality be implemented and activated in conjunction with any living matter or being in all of God Creator’s creations unless as solely authorized by this Court.
Due to the imminent and serious situation on Earth currently, we ask for immediate judgment of guilty and intervention by this Court in this matter.
Information has been disclosed as evidence was presented “In Camera” to this Court, that Bill Gates et al. has developed a near infrared bioluminescence enzyme called “Luciferase” which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device application.
This enzyme that will light up a Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System is a biochemical technology that makes the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and that allows a mere vaccination to function as a satanic mark.
We ask that this and all other biotechnology and systems, as both in thought forms and realities, that are against the alignment of God Creator be terminated forthwith and destroyed for all time.
We ask for full judgment, against Bill Gates and all those associated and affiliated with him including all corporations, businesses, lawyers, bankers, courts, and all else as known by this High Court, to be rendered guilty with full compensation and restoration to Your People.
We submit as evidence petition DLHC.OA.2. of October 24, 2021, named “Verbal Arguments presented by the Divine Light Holy Council regarding Brain/Pineal Gland damage that is masked as COVID testing.”
Whereas the Divine Light Holy Council represented an unprotected infant baby that was being harmed by a healthcare professional causing pain and damage to the baby’s brain with the insertion of a long COVID test probe.
Multiple Criminal charges were brought forth against all involved and judgment was declared against the Defendants with specific restitution for healing for the Plaintiff.
Further the video was denied as “legal notice” by the Defendants to the general public in any future actions.
We also bring forth as evidence Sister Kerri Burnor’s papers as published in The Federal Observer, “Burnor: Counter Point to the Catholic Church October 3, 2008.”
She states that the suppressed nano-weapons of the Deep State and traitors to our nation were their prized mechanism to force others to act in accordance with the unfolding of their agenda.
She warned of a threat to national security and exposed the “Nano Domestic Quell” program deployed by the U.S. DOD to hybridize Your People through the introduction of nanotechnology into their biological systems including disrupting genetics in foods, water, vaccines and geo-engineering for future activation.
Kerri Brunor Testimony.pdf
Will Nanotechnologies and the New 5G Network Become the Most Powerful Weapon
System the World Has Ever Seen? (filesusr.com)
We bring forth evidence by Dr. Negassi regarding Still Born Deaths due to the vaccination. Still born deaths Video Reference attached:
We ask that all medical professionals that are complacent in any way with the COVID vaccinations including teaching and research be judged guilty for their Criminal actions.
We ask that as academic institutions are paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry that they be judged guilty for their Criminal actions.
We ask that all police officers, policing agents, governmental police agencies, security companies et al. of any type as known by this Court worldwide and beyond that are in alignment with the Defendants and hindering disclosure and helping the Defendants in any ways be judged guilty as charged.
We ask that all honest Doctors and medical experts et al. that are in alignment with Creator God and that are trying to speak the truth and inform the public about COVID 19, and the vaccination/biogenetic experiment be protected by Your Warring Angels and that their words be heard by the public.
We ask that if they have lost their jobs that their employers be listed as Defendants in this Trial and be judged by This Heavenly Court as guilty of all crimes.
The 1918 Spanish Influenza/Flu epidemic was a pre-planned genocide against Your People just as the COVID vaccine is today. History will show according to Addendum A the similar plans to enact this repetitive Crime against Humanity. According to our witness the Omicron Draco were actively involved in the development and implementation of the Black Plague, the Spanish Flu and Covid 19.
This is further evidence of the Defendants pre-planned agenda to reduce and control populations on Earth and beyond.
We ask that all Defendants as well as those known by You be found guilty as charged of all crimes.
We ask in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan, for the immediate closure of specific sections of all health organizations that have been involved in these crimes and concurrently establish natural health facilities including
Med Beds.
Further information was received on October 15, 2021, Topic reference: (“New Analysis – Vaccines – Samples Analyzed”), we introduce the following evidence, charges and requests for this trial:
Genetic engineering has been used (like in Med-pods) to make the vaccines. Our information based on witness testimony states there is a high non-human technology that uses replication machines for an evil intent. Remote-controlled micro robots controlled by 5G, and other frequencies are used with graphene.
We ask that the remote-control operating system on all Defendants satellites, affecting 5G towers and water and all else as known by You be deactivated permanently and realigned according to God Creator’s Divine Plan. We ask that only Your Alliance to be allowed to build, program, place and activate any satellites and satellite systems in the future for Earth and in the Universe.
We ask that all methods and targets that promote epidemics within the Defendant’s plans, be stopped e.g. (viruses and cancers). The replication of human stem cells to promote cancers is a criminal offense and we ask for judgment of guilty as charged against the Defendants.
We ask that judgment against the Defendants for the crimes of creating; sterilization, artificial neuro networks (crystalline brain) for total control to make Your People cyborgs be found guilty as charged. Evidence shows that the vaccines create miscarriages, still births, infant death immediately after birth, attack on the human reproductive systems, heart murmurs etc., and A.I. biotechnology including the mollusks DNA accelerate artificial stem cells that create cancers that cause infants to die and youth and adults to live with lifelong consequences.
We ask that these actions be decreed a criminal offence and judgment of guilty against the Defendants be declared.
We ask for the deactivation of frequencies from microwave networks and satellites that target each social group, to enact genocide with the technology of Bluetooth, chipping, 5G and all else as known by You and unknown by us.
We ask that judgment of guilty be made against the Defendants in this regard.
As it has been determined that there are two different types of graphene, 1) to decode the DNA, 2) a life form that is a spike protein for the graphene to change the coding within the vaccine.
We ask that this Court deploy specialty decoders to protect the coding of the Human cells and to decode what this technology is placing within the RNA.
We ask for full judgement as guilty as charged against the Defendants for these Universal Crimes against Life.
We ask God to give knowledge to our White Hat medical practitioners and scientists that are in alignment with God Creator, so that they may be educated about the atomic level of the graphene (how it replicates and how it wakes up). It appears that the presence of others is what turns it on and is designed to receive simple instructions from each other. The electromagnetic pulses will deactivate them only momentarily.
We ask for the protection of the Soul Signal that recognizes that of the Original Source, God Creator’s frequency.
In the procedure of distributing and giving the Covid 19 vaccines to individuals the medical profession requires some sort of a written permission for consent from the individual or guardians regarding the vaccine. As this is non-informed consent and an experimental therapy these consent forms are in violation of multiple laws as recorded in this trial.
Therefore, we ask that all verbal and written consents and contracts for the acceptance of the vaccines be made Null and Void.
We ask that where forced vaccination protocols were put in place by the Defendants against Your People that a judgement of guilty be degreed and declared for crimes against Humanity.
We ask for an end to the Abduction Contracts Project performed by the Defendants. Because they have used alien DNA and A.I. in the Covid 19 vaccines giving them the perceived perception that it is a Free Will contract allowing malevolent Maitre and Reptilian races to harvest souls who died from the vaccines.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for al Soul Abduction Contracts and for illegally implanting Alien DNA and A.I. into their bodies without informed consent.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for Soul Abduction and trafficking to off world locations for the purpose of creating cyborgs and new territories for torture and slavery.
It has been reported that the Defendants have technology that extract the soul within four seconds from a Human body in cryogenic stasis, contain that soul then traffic it to off world locations. They feed off the energy radiated by the souls and siphon the life force energy to feed the hybrids to keep them alive.
We Decree and Declare that these are illegal acts, and we request an Order from Your Throne for an immediate Cease and Desist Order. We ask for a full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all crimes regarding these charges.
We ask for Divine Intervention so that no soul energy may be used in any way as known by this Court to maintain the Defendant’s agenda.
Evidence: Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth
Alliance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b5iQFNtfKQ
Med Beds Covert Technology Roll Out – James Rink, Ileana the Star Traveler, Dr.
As the vaccines have a variant of Black Goo within them and its intent is to transform and control humans, We ask for a judgment of guilty to all those creating, manufacturing, using, and selling Black Goo in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants regarding Project Mannequin and all those associated with it that involved mind control and genetic manipulation as overseen by the NSA.
Evidence – We present to the Court the following evidence October 24, 2021, Docket # DLHC.OA.2 Including: Verbal Arguments Re: Video viewed October 5,2021 COVID 19 Testing
Fraud https://t.me/VisioningwithJulieB/29
The medical practitioner was filmed giving an infant a PCR test into the nasal passage deep into the brain. The swap appeared to enter the pineal gland which would cause severe damage and pain. The DLHC came to the defense of the infant who was unrepresented. The DLHC requested supernatural healing to the infant and laid multiple criminal charges against the medical practitioner, the photographer of the video and all people present. Full judgement was granted in the favor of the petitioner.
Further evidence has come forth November 30, 2021, that the aboriginal peoples of Australia are being rounded up and forced vaccinated with the Covid 19 vaccine.
We Decree and Declare that this is a genocide against these People.
We ask for Divine Intervention and that your Warring Angels stop this action forthwith and provide protection for Your People.
We ask for full judgement against all Defendants named in this Trial and as known by You and unknown by us for premeditated genocide of the aboriginal Peoples.
We are aware that the Defendants are targeting specific genetic code memory in these peoples and other races in order to delete and change the genetic DNA, RNA codes. Therefore, this Enemy is not only killing Your People but is also in the process of killing all life in all Your Creations. We thank You for Your approval granting jurisdiction beyond this Universe to Your Multiverses.
We ask for full judgement against all Defendants in Your Multiverses and all those as known by You and unknown by us that are associated in any way on all locations as defined for the attempted genocide of all of God’s Creations.
Evidence: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Tw2CR3kL0ypC/ Still born deaths
file:///List%20of%20COVID-19%20vaccine%20authorizations%20-%20Wikipedia.html COVID Vaccines
20Journal%20%7C%20Citizens%20Journal.html Patent SARS COV2
file:///influenza%20Historic%20Timeline%20%7C%20Pandemic%20Influenza%20(Flu)%20%7C%20CDC .html Influenza pandemics
https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUoGPG7N7RP/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Dr. Nagasaki fired because of use of Ivermectin.
Illegal Notice – Evidence
The Defendants have given illegal notice of the A.I. Plan to take over humanity in the following publications: Time magazine 1982 Computer is declared “Man of the Year” award and in 1988 Endangered Planet Earth was declared “Man of the Year.”
– Abortion
Roe verses Wade 1973
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) Dallas County Appeal from the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS No. 70-18 Argued Dec. 13, 1971 – Reargued October 11, 1972- Decided Jan. 22, 1973. Constitutional Law
The Supreme Court of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ruled that the Constitution of the UNITED STATES protects a pregnant woman’s liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. It struck down many U.S. Federal and State abortion laws.
We state that The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA entered a satanic covenant with Baal with this ruling that placed a curse, and this gave them the right of possession on churches because they knowingly or unknowingly did not oppose the ruling.
We do not consent nor agree with any such covenants and acts and ask that all such covenants and consequences against Your People be made Null and Void.
For the Courts records, we Decree and Declare that all souls are free born by the rights and laws of God of all Creations, and no man, entity, Enemy, jurisdiction, law or lower court has the right to take ownership or alter that soul’s contract with God Creator. Any interference with a soul’s contract via theft, possession, slavery or loss of life of
said soul is a crime of Genocide, “Ethnic Cleansing” Crimes Against Humanity, and all crimes as listed in this Trial including the breaking of God’s Law of Free Choice. As Prisoners of War the fetus/souls are inhumanly treated and in contravention of the Genva Convention.
As we have already requested placement of all powers of the Supreme Courts in nations around the world into the jurisdiction of the Highest Heavenly Court, we so state that the Defendants Federal Corporation named the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT has had no legal jurisdiction since its inception in 1871 therefore all decisions, laws and renderings by the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT are Null and Void. Therefore, we ask that Roe v. Wade and all subsequent abortion laws related to this case worldwide be Appealed and made Null and Void. We request this on the basis that the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT has engaged in multiple criminal acts within their jurisdiction and authority including but not limited to not honoring God Creator’s Highest Law of Free Choice (“Thou shalt not interfere of the choice of those that I have created.”) and are in contravention to the Law of War Manual.
We ask for full judgement against all those of the Supreme Court as known by You to be found guilty as charged.
The 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act Publication L. No. 103-141, 107 Statute1488 was introduced by Congressman Chuck Schumer and signed into law by President Bill Clinton.
According to the American Heritage Dictionary, Religion is “a Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe; A particular integrated system of this expression; The spiritual or emotional attitude of one who recognizes the existence of a superhuman power or powers.”
Although Satanism in general would fall under this definition of religion in that the satanist’s creator and governor of the Universe is Satan/Marduk et al. and their followers may have a spiritual or emotional attitude to him, as they recognize him as having superhuman power. However, religion, by this definition, does not indicate in any way that it involves the taking of life through abusive rituals that confine individuals against their will with torture, in order to obtain Adrenochrome, Chromocrome and extract the pineal gland from the brain for the pleasure of one self’s interests.
This satanic ritual does harm to all involved (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally). The acts by which Satanism operates are against the laws of God Creator Who espouses to the highest and best interests of all life everywhere in His Creations including the highest laws: Freedom of Choice, and Thou Shalt Not Kill. Unknown by the general public, many victims are tortured and killed by Satanists. The victims do not have freedom of choice and may not have requested to be tortured and killed.
We do not negate free choice, and in situations where an adult man or woman chooses freely to be a Satanist, we sadly honor that personal decision. They do not have the right however to interfere with another’s life and choices.
Therefore, we Decree and Declare that although the Defendants are calling Satanism a religion; we disagree and do not consent to the classification of Satanism et.al as a religion, nor do we agree or consent to any of their abusive actions against others. All souls are Free Born under Creator God and the Satanists do not own any souls unless those adult souls gave informed consent. Further, Satanists do not have a right to arbitrarily pick victims to inflict torture of any type on any life anywhere.
We ask that Satanism not be classified as a religion.
We ask that all public funding for Satanic organizations and their agendas be denied and deemed a Criminal Offense and we ask that all Defendants be judged guilty as charged.
We ask that all court cases regarding Satanism and ritualistic abortion be denied.
We ask that because of the ritualistic killing of others in satanism that all portions of the 1993 U.S. Religious Freedom Restoration Act that would indicate approval of Satanism as a religion, in any way be Appealed, Revoked, and made Null and Void. As this Universe is God Creator’s Creation, we ask that within this Universe for all satanic killing and abuses against others be deemed a Criminal Offense and We ask that all Defendants be judged guilty as charged of all crimes as listed in this Trial.
We advocate for the women who have found themselves in the situation of pregnancy after rape and out of desperation took poor advisement to abort the baby.
We plead their case and ask for them to be brought before the Throne of Grace and Mercy.
We plead for complete mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing for all those that were born out of their mother’s; rape, control, anger, incest, intergenerational rape, the effects of mind-altering substances or brain washing, abuse, and even from the mother’s poor decision making out of loneliness and despair. Without demonic interference on multiple levels, as just stated, against Your People we believe that Creation would only happen with God’s love and Divine Spark.
We ask that this Universe be declared as a location of God’s Highest interests of All ;Life everywhere.
US. Senate Bill SB-8 Senate Bill SB-8 filed in Texas bans abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. This has been contested by The Satanic Temple (Lucien Greaves) aka Douglas Mesner.
The Satanic Temple filed an August 31st, 2021, letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration arguing that: its Texas members should have legal access to abortion pills, as the new legislation is in contraindication to their membership’s religious liberty. The group’s lawyers argue that its status as a non-theistic religious organization should guarantee access to abortion as a faith-based right. The Temple argued that abortion pills/herbs should be available for use through the Restoration of Religious Freedom Act, which protects the use of the peyote mushroom by Native Americans in the United States and their religious rituals. The Temple says these same rights should apply to the drugs it uses for its own rituals. The Satanic Temple further said that abortion is part of a religious ritual and preventing access to treatments that can terminate pregnancies violates religious freedom.
They maintain that with a physician’s certification where there are no contraindications, that then the Satanist will directly supply their member the abortifacients so they may participate in the ritual. They also said that the atheist church, which is recognized by the IRS with 300,000 members – has filed lawsuits in several states to highlight the religious scope. In one of the highest profiles, the organization argues that a bronze statue of the Baphomet goat-headed entity should be allowed to be placed in the Arkansas Capitol, as the state exhibits a monument to the Ten Commandments.
We do not consent.
It has come to our attention that this letter has connected the atheist church to the satanic temple and according to the dictionary, atheist refers to a religion that does not believe in a deity, God, or gods of any sort. On further investigation there is a satanic atheist component to the satanic church. The religious abuse aspect of the satanic church is not traditionally a part of the atheist religion. Therefore, we feel trickery may be involved in this, and We ask that this Court check all past petitions to confirm any contractual, legal amalgamation of these two entities. Should this not be in place, we ask for full notification to both parties be made for clarification. Should this however be the case, that they have merged, we ask that all requests in this Appeal regarding the satanic temple “church” also include the atheist church.
We ask that with permission from this Court and the Plant kingdom, that if in fact this Satanic Temple requires the use of a hallucinogenic drug that they be allowed to enter into contract with said fungus for their use and purpose. However, we do not consent to the killing of humans for the use of Adrenochrome, Chromochrome, and the extraction of the pineal gland as a part of a satanic religious ritual by this organization. This legal council has serious concerns that the Satanic Temple’s appeal on this Act is a first step by the Defendants to initiate their goal of allowing Adrenochrome/Chromocrome as an approved drug under religious freedom and we do not consent. It is of interest to note that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is a registered Corporation created by the Defendants and it is under the fraudulent U.S. FEDERAL CORPORATION and has no authority therefore in the governing of Your People.
We Decree and Declare that we do not consent to any religious ritual or religious freedom of choice, involving any type of human sacrifice, or harm to be allowed. As the taking of life is a criminal offense and a Law against God Creator we do not consent to abortion (taking of a soul’s life), the funding of same, nor ritual sacrifice, nor the money laundering and currency generated for the Defendants.
We do not recognize Satanism as a religion, as it involves harm and death to others.
We ask this Court to deny all rights and privileges to the Defendants regarding all Satanic religious rituals against others in this Universe and beyond with this Court’s approval, now and for all time.
We ask that all petitions regarding the establishment, actions, funding, and collecting of currency in any form of the Lilith Fund be Appealed, as this corporation’s mission statement is to provide financial assistance to people in Texas, and other locations as defined, that seek abortions.
We ask that Lilith Fund and all others known by You, be declared closed and this Court’s Will be done.
We Decree and Declare that the Satanic Temple Inc., the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as well as the I.R. S. and all other similar incorporated religious, private and governmental agencies around the world be declared as illegal incorporated entities under the illegally designated Admiralty Maritime Law (UCC) and therefore are part of the illegitimate corporate governments in this Universe.
Further, our information received reveals that the U.S. FEDERAL CORPORATION is bankrupt and under Admiralty Maritime Law (UCC), therefore it is non-operational. Therefore, all corporations operating under that system are also bankrupt. Therefore, their appeal when speaking about 300,000+ members list with the I.R.S., as a right of income tax paying citizens, is inconsequential as the I.R.S. is a non-operational corporation under the FEDERAL CORPORATION of the UNITED STATES. They (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration) have no legal authority or capacity to administer law or accept any lawsuit.
Further, the Satanic Temple and Satanic Church has put in writing that they use The Satanic Abortion Ritual as a sacrament, which surrounds and includes the abortive act. This is admittance to killing, which is a sin according to Your Word and Law. As this could be a covert notice to Your People and the Courts of their intent, we formally declare that we do not consent.
We ask that the Defendants be so judged guilty and according to God Creator’s Divine Plan. Further, this Temple places the authority and trust in a doctor, and we do not consent.
This Trial shows that a doctor is registered under a medical registry corporation, e.g., American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and American Academy of Family Physicians and this is to include other corporate health (names) entities in different nations.
We Decree and Declare that they possess no legal authority as an incorporated entity of the Defendants to make decisions over Your People because of conflict of interest and the fact that they are a fictitious entity.
The doctors are in contract with the pregnant female patient, which involves consent by her, and which gives the doctor medical authorities. In this situation with TST the patient’s decision to abort needs to have the doctor declare that the abortion will not harm the patient (woman), but negates the other patient, the fetus. However, neither she nor the doctor have legal authority, ownership or contract with the freeborn body and soul of the fetus according to God’s Law. The woman is a custodian of the fetus and co-creator with God of All Creations. Although this has become questionable on N/P 3D Earth in the International Laws, we Decree and Declare that all fetuses have a soul and as such are free and have individual legal rights under Divine/Natural Law. The mother and legal father are custodians of the fetus/baby before birth and after. The fetus/baby is always free and in alignment with You our Heavenly Father of all Creation.
The Defendants are using Legalese (the Defendants art of language) to change intent in laws and oaths, thereby negating the fetus as a living entity in this case. Under The Declaration of Geneva of 1948, the physician’s oath read; “I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, from the time of its conception”. It has been amended in 1994 to read: “I will maintain the utmost respect for human life.” Here, the fetus’s rights were eliminated. We ask that these amendments as stated above be appealed so that the Human fetus’s rights are upheld.
RU-486 (Mifepristone) is a chemically toxic abortifacient manufactured by Bayer, Hoechst AF, I.G. Farben, Monsanto, Pharmacia, Pfizer, Roussel Uclaf, Danco. FDA approval was granted September 28, 2000. Danco laboratories are the distributors for it in the United States. As this toxic chemical is ingested it kills the fetus, which causes the growth of deadly bacteria in the mother’s womb, so antibiotics are also required so the mother does not develop a deadly bacterial infection. This slow process of death to the baby is unacceptable to God and His Creations. We believe due to the potential torture ;and pain inflicted on the baby this has created Adrenochrome and Chromochrome, the Defendants desired drugs which is harvested in this procedure medically and ceremoniously. We ask that the use of RU-486 and any other chemicals used to cause abortions to be banned, and all those responsible for creating and prescribing this toxic chemical be judged guilty. We do not consent to the manipulation of the body through hormones, and we ask for the drug RU-486 be eradicated.
Evidence: RU-486 | National Right to Life (nrlc.org)
We also ask that the FDA and all other world health organization’s lose all authority granted to them in the approval or disapproval of all drugs as this Court so judges.
We further ask as these organizations are Cabal corporations that they be disbanded along with all illegal corporations.
We ask that the Defendants eugenics projects that started in 1920 be terminated and considered Criminal War Crimes included in this Trial.
We boldly Decree and Declare that we are in approval of the Hyde Amendment where taxpayer’s dollars cannot be used to fund abortions. We are against all attempts by the Enemies (Defendants) including the House Appropriations Committee in Congress to drop, revoke or change the amendment. In August 2021, the Appropriations Bill/Spending for the U.S. government’s fiscal year was for the first time without this Amendment included.
We do not consent.
Further, we ask that Title X Family Planning Program to be terminated, defunded, and all those involved in illegal acts be judged guilty of all crimes in the Trial.
As has been detailed in this Trial the crimes against the pre-born fetus are numerous and therefore, we ask this Court to judge the Defendants guilty as charged in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that Your People be made aware of the full knowledge about abortion and what it entails, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as known by the fetus.
We ask that abortion be illegal on all locations from this time forward.
We ask this Court to judge guilty the Defendants and specifically Planned Parenthood for all crimes as known by this Court.
We Create instead a vision of this world as one of Creator God’s Laws only, and a world of God’s Love, Light, and Beauty. We Decree and Declare that our vision is that this Universe is a location that prays only to the One True Living God of all Creation and no other Gods.
– The D.S.M. for Mental Disorders
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM) by the American Psychiatric Association has been established and published by the Defendants to diagnose and label issues within the Human race. Classifications as listed in this manual could explain interference by the Defendants against Your People. The publication and use of this manual was a clever yet potentially devastating tactic by the Enemies to separate and divide humans by classifying behaviors that can be used against victims personally and legally by a court of law. It should be noted that by giving diagnosis and prognosis, it can cause the Human to manifest the condition suggested. Most classifications in the DSM could be as a result of demonic influences on Humans and the effects of MK Ultra programming. As this manual is published in part by the Enemy it could have serious and significant legal implications that remove the victim’s ability to successfully prosecute the Defendants in court. Further as insurance companies require a diagnosis to cover treatment this could form part of the Defendant’s money laundering schemes. As evidence we present, Remarkable Healing: a Psychiatrist Discovers Unsuspected Roots of Mental and Physical Illness by Shakuntala Modi, M.D.
We ask that the DSM be disregarded and not mandated for use in any therapeutic, and legal situation.
We ask that natural healing treatments prevail.
We ask that all demonics, Negative Alien Agendas, reality systems, and the Black Sun Program that are responsible in any way for influencing God’s Creations mentally be judged as guilty as charged.
As that some diagnosis within this manual pertain to alcohol and drug influences, we ask that judgement of guilty be made against the Defendants for the manufacturing, distribution and promotion of addictive substances.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty of all charges who knowingly and willingly wrote, published and promoted the use of the DSM for the Enemies plans.
“False Memory Syndrome” as a defense on N/P 3D Earth has been successfully used as a legal defense that has allowed perpetrators of sexual abuse be exonerated. It was established in 1992 by the False Memory Syndrome Foundation which was later dissolved after the general population had been programmed, that victims of abuse had false memories that could not be substantiated. This legal team believes that this is a clever ploy by the Defendants, and we do not consent.
We ask that this Court declare that “False Memory Syndrome” is a fictional diagnosis employed by the Defendants to avoid guilt.
– Mind Programming – MK Ultra
The Defendants program MK Ultra victims to have multiple personalities with individual specific negative programming to fulfill the Defendant’s agenda. These victims were placed in the population with handlers that controlled them. Their behavior in society often creates concerns, fear, conflicts, lawsuits, wars, etc. And yet as they regain their memories the MK Ultra victims experience fear, confusion and new trauma and
P.T.S.D. (the effects of the trauma). Because of “End Time” programming even the Therapists are at risk working with these individuals. The Defendants developed laws of protection and control for the so called, “good of the public” however it is for the Defendant’s benefit.
As evidence we provide the following video: MK Ultra Survivor Elisa Full Interview – YouTube
We ask that forthwith all Mark Ultra Programs be halted and all individuals who underwent this process without full disclosure of facts and legal consent be immediately located, deprogrammed, and healed with full support if it is their will, and as You God Creator know best.
We ask that all Defendants involved in perpetrating this violent act of MK Ultra programming against Your People be judged and found guilty.
As evidence was disclosed about the Tavistock Institute in Addendum A, we ask that this Institute as well as all agencies aligned or affiliated with this Corporation be judged guilty for all crimes and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against Harvard Psychology Clinic for their involvement with Tavistock Institute that included the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve the United States in World War II.
Flash imagery is subliminally placed in entertainment and educational videos, music videos, advertising etc. to cast spells with use of symbols to mind control, condition, and program Your People. They are being directed and herded like cattle to comply. We ask that all flash imagery for negative mind control be banned in this Universe and all Defendants involved with the use of flash imagery be judged guilty as charged.
We ask for a cease-and-desist order to be issued regarding the programming of Human Super Soldiers that the Defendants programmed through MK Ultra, A.I. and genetic modifications and satanic rituals.
We ask that all End Time programming be stopped with Your Divine Intervention.
We ask that the Hulk Program, the Super Soldier Program that are working with Monarch, Scorpion, DARPA and CIVID, including the handlers and all associated with these programs be judged and found guilty of all Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity. This judgement is to exclude the victims in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for Divine Healing, restoration and redemption for all MK Ultra victims and the Super Soldiers in accordance with their will and God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all mind control programs and contracts that are in place in any and all ways that negatively affect Your People’s thoughts and thereby they unknowingly give consent by participation with intent be forthwith shut down and made Null and Void.
We ask that all knowledge of personal intent be returned to Your People.
We ask for the return of personal control over Your People’s minds, bodies, and spiritual consciousness.
We ask that all fear programming done by the Defendants against Your People be forthwith Divinely stopped, blocked and all contracts (conscious and unconscious) be repealed and made Null and Void.
– Euthanasia by Corporations
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Canada have laws in place for euthanasia, however Canada in 2021 approved it to additionally include adults who have “grievous and irremediable medical conditions.” The British Columbia Provincial Government is attempting to amend the act by stating that the above term listed should also include long-term disabilities and incurable medical conditions. Corporate Federal and Provincial/B.C. governments are refusing funding for noncompliance, and State governments defund groups that do not conform.
We ask that all laws put in place regarding euthanasia be made Null and Void.
We ask that disclosure of full healing be made public regarding Divine Healing and the possible use of Med Bed technology.
We ask that euthanasia of any infant or human being, be declared a Criminal Offense.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty as charged for the implementation of the approval of euthanasia laws.
We ask that all those with medical licenses including other health practitioner certifications who knew of advanced medical technologies that their licenses be revoked and denied permanently.
–Organ Harvesting by Corporations
We have had testimony that organ harvesting has been happening on this planet and beyond in this Universe for a time that is known by You and unknown by us. There are reports of this horrendous crime done by the Chinese Communist Party whereby live victims have technological procedures done to them to keep them alive until all their body parts are used in some way. This tortuous death is a crime against humanity that is hard to conceive by anyone with a soul. As disclosed in this Trial, the C.C.P. Party and all others known by You have no legal ownership nor right to kill, dismember, and sell any part or portions of God’s Creations without specific informed consent. The Ughers of China are prime targets for organ harvesting because of their pure lifestyle and connection to God Creator’s Healing Energy.
We ask for a judgment of guilty against the Chinese Communist Party and those doctors, nurses, scientists, technicians and all medical, technical, or accessory staff, hospitals and all Defendant corporations that have in the past and/or are currently engaged in this horrendous Crimes Against Humanity and God’s Creation.
We ask for all those that are involved in the harvesting, selling and buying of body parts in this Universe to be judged guilty of all crimes.
– Cloning by Corporations
As this Council does not have information on cloning within this Universe, we ask that all information as recorded in this High Court of Heaven’s Holy Scrolls, regarding any activity by the Defendants and others as known by You be submitted as evidence and testimony.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against the Defendants and others as known by You, for any type of cloning operation in this Universe.
We ask for the closing of all cloning stations and facilities in accordance with God’s Divine Plan.
–Human Meat
Human meat sold in restaurants has not only been proven by inspectors, but openly sold and advertised on restaurant menus.
We do not consent. There are no laws, per se in the U.S. making cannibalism illegal although the act of consuming human flesh does and/or may violate various other laws. A 2014 research study states that human meat is being put into the food chain especially in the fast-food market.
Cannibalism regulates population numbers; it has been shown that the presence of cannibalism decreases the expected survival rate of the whole population. This is precisely in line with the Enemy’s goals of depopulation.
Bill C-45 (The Cannabis Act) was passed June 20, 2018, by the Canadian House of Commons, however due to a typo it is written as Cannibalism. Is this really a missed typo or a deliberate act of trickery of the Enemy?
We do not consent. We ask that Bill C-45 to be Appealed and made Null and Void.
We ask that cannibalism be declared a Criminal Act.
We ask that all Defendants and including all associated with this horrendous act of cannibalism that are involved in any way and is known by this Court to be judged as guilty of all crimes.

Education Corporations
All public education facilities are operated from the hierarchy and then an individual nation’s corporate entity, which is then broken down into smaller districts of States/ Provinces/ and Municipal educational corporations run by the Defendants.
The Defendants have illegally manipulated the requirements of Statutory regulations requiring all public school’s nationwide to use federally approved textbooks and curriculum.
These textbooks and curriculum have been written and distributed by the illegal fraudulent educational departments within the Corporate Governments and printed by Corporate Publishers that are owned by the Federal Reserve which is operated in whole by the Defendants.
We do not consent. This clearly shows the premeditated detailed strategies that the Defendants have implemented to enable their plans of educating the population.
We ask that all Defendant owned corporate education systems worldwide be dissolved and made insolvent and that they have no legal rights of jurisdiction in anyway regarding education and authority over students, families, faculty and administration.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants for all crimes regarding education.
We ask that the mandated indoctrination of the programming of Your People through the educational corporations be declared a Criminal Offense and that the Defendants be judged guilty.
We ask that all educational facilities be immediately reviewed and overhauled as this Court sees fit.
We ask that all Boards of Education of the illegal Federal Corporation’s licensures be revoked and dissolved.
We ask that all Defendants that hold School Board positions be judged as guilty of all crimes.
We ask that principals, headmasters and educators at all levels, that with their personal intent, are aligned with the Defendants be judged guilty of all crimes as known by You.
We ask that all texts and books written with the intent to deceive and lie to Your People in any way be burned or destroyed.
We ask that all authors who purposely wrote lies for the intent to trick, deceive and hide the truth from Your People be judged guilty of all crimes.
We ask that all publishers and financers that with knowledge of the crimes indicated herein, who participated in this deception be judged as guilty of all crimes.
We ask that new texts of learning in accordance with the truth of history and facts, as Creator God so declares, including spiritual aspects, physical healing, correct science, history, language, math and current technology etc. that is aligned by God Creator, be forthwith published, and circulated for use.
Education is a critical structure within our society that has been infiltrated by the Defendants to benefit or cover up their criminal actions, and control of the child is being taken from the parents and gradually placed in the hands of the Defendants.
Children from preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and high schools are controlled, programmed, and confused by the Defendants.
Parents are the custodians of the children until they are of an age to care for themselves.
Schooling and curriculum in the Defendant’s education system is now mandatory, and we see children’s gender, identity, and self-worth under attack with this wicked agenda.
The Defendants are committing crimes against humanity by attempting to alter and program the children.
Also, Defendant corporations like the United Nations et al. have no rights, jurisdiction, or authority in any way to make decisions or mandate Your People’s youth.
There are situations within countries where teachers and the education system can bypass parents and courts and have custodianship over the children e.g., to be taken to a doctor who prescribes hormone therapies for gender identity and vaccine centers set up at schools, etc.
We ask that all rights of the educational systems in this regard be declared illegal and we ask for full judgement of guilt against the Defendants in this regard.
We ask that all corporations controlling education in any way, including Defendant educational systems and positions of authority and teachers within the education field, be judged guilty for all crimes as described in this Trial, in accordance with their intent and alignment with the Defendants, and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We state that the VATICAN, the Pope et al., and the United Nations have no jurisdiction, and We ask they also be judged guilty in this regard.
We ask for Divine Intervention for the protection and healing of all Your People, especially our children who are currently being programmed through the illegal educational systems and modalities in this Universe.
We Decree and Declare that Your People are healed of the confusion and deception, and taught the full knowledge of their true history, the truths of who they are, who they are to become and how to utilize their creative abilities.
We gather in love and unity, country to country to fulfill this mission.
We Decree and Declare that we envelop love and the love energy of God Creator, and with this we vision Unity.
Souls/Soul Traps
As stated earlier in this Trial, the planet Saturn is the home to Lucifer/ Marduk et al.
It is believed that holographic and chromocrome technology and blueprints may still be operational on Saturn, its F Gathering Ring and it’s moons that are doing soul harvesting.
The Enemy/Defendants have spacecraft that are operating within Saturn’s rings and are aiding in this crime.
These actions by the Enemy are illegal and horrendous crimes against life and Your Creation.
According to Your Word in the Book of Sarah, it is stated as law: “Thou shalt not interfere with the choice of those that I have created.”
The Law of Gender has been intentionally violated by the Defendants to enact their enslavement agenda.
The Soul Traps and the changing of soul contracts e.g., the mixing of gender against a soul’s original contract, is a violation of Your Law and an illegal act of ownership.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants for the altering of gender identity regarding the placement of souls.
We ask that all holographic and chromocrome technology including the F Gathering Rings regarding the soul traps be disabled and destroyed for their evil purposes, and that no soul can be deceived after death by the light tunnels.
We ask that special Guardian Angels be ready to escort all souls during this time, so they may easily and with great excitement have safe passage and know they are coming home to You.
We ask that all moons that orbit Saturn be aligned to You and any souls trapped there and anywhere in this Universe be released to You, for review, judgement and healing if necessary, and allowed to continue their potential Holy Contracts with You.
We ask for a judgement of guilty as charged be declared against the Defendants and others as known by this Court, for the development, operation and use of soul traps.
We ask that All souls be released to You and healed according to their will and the will of God Creator.
We ask that all soul traps of any kind in this Universe and beyond, as approved by this Court, be permanently dismantled, and all plans, thoughtforms, and applicable technology made permanently inoperative and destroyed.
We ask that all Defendants responsible for or associated with this activity in any way as known by You be judged guilty as charged.
We ask that no veils be put on soul memories unless it is God Creator’s Divine Plan and contract with that soul.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty for all and any demonic infestations, diabolical temptations, obsessions, possessions, attachments, influences, cohabitations and any other distortions against Your Life Creations.
We ask that if the planet Saturn, its rings and moons were taken hostage without its consent, we ask that they be freed, made sovereign, released of all bondage and cleared of all demonic possession.
We ask that the consciousness of Saturn be healed and aligned to the energy and vibration of the Only True Living God of All Creation.
We Decree and Declare that Saturn is a sovereign planet.
– Deliverance
We ask that souls born on this planet Earth, The Milky Way Galaxy and this Universe be released from any type of bondage known by You and freed forthwith for they are created by the One True God of All Love, Light, Compassion and Creation.
It has come to our attention that religious orders et al., church ministries, and individuals have been brainwashed and taught that “deliverance” may be done by a man or anyone receiving training on the procedure.
We do not consent or agree in any way as; “Deliverance” is only done by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We now believe that for perhaps centuries these deliverance protocols done on Your People were nothing, but a type of soul trap created by the Enemies to aid their goals and agendas.
This trickery of words and altering of Your Word with negative intent by the Defendants is an act of owning and or possessing souls.
It is obtained by illegal consent and is a travesty against God Creator, our Lord Jesus Christ, and Your People.
We ask that all acts of deliverance be stopped immediately except as performed by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and that this evil deceit and soul trap be revealed to Your People in all Creations through education and awareness. Further we request that all people, the Defendants, all religions, all Church doctrine and ceremonies including sacramental confessions, and any organization who knowingly instigated this misuse of Your Word, and set up an organization, company or corporation to perform this act in any way be judged in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan. For the unknowing victims of this crime, we ask for repentance, as they have been tricked by this Enemy, and we do not consent to them being given misinformation, with trickery of words and lies.
Therefore, we ask for release of all past lives’ bondages due to this unholy deliverance by false gods and ask that all negative covenants be removed in all ways as known by You.
As the Defendants have infiltrated so deceptively in this area of the Universe, we ask that this Court request that Monitoring Angels be in complete charge of the overseeing of all operations within the Universe until such time as this Court deems it not necessary.
It has come to our attention that the Defendants have in some way through, ritual, deceit, and technology encased Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy in a type of Time Bubble whereby Earth and the Milky Way are stuck in a time freeze or loop.
Our witness states that this time bubble freeze or loop has been done by the Enemies to control the Merkabic field to run in a counter-clockwise rotation against the Will and Creation of God Creator.
To create the Defendants timeline, they used Necromancy by contacting the dead and entering a contract with them to make different decisions during their lifetimes.
The Enemy talks to the living man or woman in their past, that are now dead, and gets them to change what they did in their life.
A soul trap was established in this way.
This crime against God’s law according to His Word is done to create the Enemy’s timeline, keep us in a constant time loop, and has made the Milky Way Galaxy rotate counter-clockwise and separate from the rest of the Universe.
Leviticus 19:31 Do not turn to Mediums or Necromancers; do not seek them out and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God.(ESV)
This act of time interference is a further breach of free choice and deals with ownership of an area and all its occupants.
We think that this Time Bubble is in part what is interfering with the expediency of the highest timeline of God’s Will coming to this N/P 3D Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy.
We ask that any type of Time Bubble as known by You be immediately taken down, made inoperative, and or destroyed as per God Creator’s Divine Plan so that this planet and Galaxy and any other locations in this Universe be free of manipulation and control of time by the Defendants.
We ask for judgement against the Defendants for the entrapment of Earth and Your People including the Milky Way Galaxy and all other areas as known by this Court be found guilty as charged.
We ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants and all those known by this Court, for the placement of inorganic and artificial machinery within the many layers of the Light Body both personal and planetary and primarily through the manipulation of frequency vibration and the use of hidden militarized weaponry.
We ask that all alien machinery that is sprayed or targeted through a technology of Holographic Inserts be made inoperative in accordance with God Creator’s Plan.
We ask that all Artificial Machinery and Alien Implants be made inoperative in accordance with God Creator’s Plan.
We ask that all procedures for Alien Implants used for mind control and soul capture onto artificial timelines be immediately stopped in accordance with God Creator’s Plan.
We ask that all simple mechanical devices up to complex systems, like Nanotechnologies that are being used to infiltrate, block and siphon life force energies, and harm the human organic bio-spiritual energy system be made inoperative in accordance with God Creator’s Plan.
We ask that all Defendants be judged of all crimes for the use of any artificial machinery, alien implants, soul capture onto artificial timelines, nanotechnologies, and any other device or system used to block or siphon life force energies including any harm to the organic bio-spiritual energy system be found guilty as charged.
We ask that the Military Industrial Complex, (Military Grey Alien Technology), the Pentagon, Emerald City under the Pentagon, and all related alien technology and its development of hidden underground and space war machinery by the Defendants be judged guilty as charged of all crimes.
The gargoyles and statues of Saints at the VATICAN in Italy show clearly that the Defendants believe that they are in charge of time.
We do not consent to any such interference with time and other related criteria that is known by You.
We ask for a judgement of guilty against the Defendants for any time interference that has had negative consequences against God’s Creations as known by this Court.
We ask that if this request negatively alters or changes anything regarding Adam’s Calendar in South Africa and its connections with the Bosnia Pyramids, Carnac Stones and Brittany Stones that everything be aligned to God Creator.
We request for Divine Assistance to be given to ensure that Earth’s time stays cohesive, in a clockwise rotation, and in total alignment with the God of all Creations and His Highest Timeline is maintained.
We ask that in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan, that there be balance with the Darkness and Service to the Light, so that once again the Merkabic Field will be returned to God Creator’s original intention of balance, rotation, and frequency that is completely in alignment in accordance with His Will and in harmony with the rest of this Universe.
In this way, it is the Divine Light Holy Council’s vision that this Milky Way Galaxy will once again be joined with the clockwise rotation of the Andromeda Galaxy.
Holidays, Calendars, Celebrations, Rituals
We ask that all satanic holidays, events, calendars and blood sacrifice rituals be illegal in this Universe as they encompass illegal activities as defined by law.
We ask that this Court establish a calendar that is in alignment with God Creator and His Plan for this Creation.
We ask that all holidays and days of celebration like Valentine’s Day and Halloween that are in honor of the Defendants be declared Null and Void and all thoughtform of intent be aligned according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for full disclosure to Your People regarding time, calendars, holidays, and events according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for full judgement of guilty against the Defendants regarding their actions of premeditated fraud by covertly using satanic dates and rituals which were deceptively inflicted on Your People and for the satanic veiling of Your Divine Celebrations.
3) Satanic Ritual Calendar – Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft
We ask this Court to include all negative A.I. and all thoughtforms of the negative use of A.I. by the Defendants to be included in this judgement.
It is this legal council’s concern that the same biotechnology being used on humans at this time has intentionally been used by the Defendants in nature, on and in Earth and in this Universe for their diabolical purposes.
We ask that all negative use of A.I. in and on Earth and is known by this Court be made inactive and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Water is a Life Form that is part of the basis of all creations. Water is essential in creation as part of an amniotic fluid that births everything from humans to all nature including new planets and star systems.
Water change’s structure based on what it is exposed to.
In the research done by Dr. Masaru Emoto he states that water is indispensable to the phenomenon of life as it is a common language that has the ability to speak and awaken our subconscious memory.
Language has a vibrational component to it therefore, words/frequencies used, affect every droplet of water and can carry harmful or helpful intentions depending upon what it is exposed to.
This is how demonic spells are made or beautiful creations.
Evidence: (Book) Love Thyself the Message from Water III by Masaru Emoto
Dr. Masaru Emoto
Water Consciousness
This Week with Dr. Tenpenny
June 28, 2021
special guest Celeste Solum
(Water and filtration, 10:30 to 14:28 time marks)
We ask all water, air, soil, food, heating resources (fuel), waste management, and trustworthy medical care be protected in accordance with the Divine Plan, so Your People and all life in the Universe do not suffer from crimes of contamination and deliberate intent to do harm against the needs of Life.
This is to include all filtration, delivery, distribution and access to natural resources where applicable.
We ask that water filtration using “hydrogel” or any other toxic method or ingredient as known by this Court be forthwith stopped and the water and all affected life be Divinely cleansed.
We ask that the U.N. mandate to recycle everything including humans be made Null and Void.
We ask that the liquefying of human bodies and placing the recycled material into water supplies be stopped forthwith within this Universe.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against the U.N. and all Defendants as known by this Court, for the recycling of bodies by liquefying them and placing them into water supplies.
This further shows the Defendant’s deliberate criminal acts against Humanity, because if deceased bodies had received the vaccinations and this was added to drinking water supplies, this could continue the chain of destruction.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against the Defendants for all past, present and planned crimes to do harm against all Life and Nature in the Universe.
The Divine Light Holy Council would specifically like to address concerns for the Whale, Dolphin and Turtle Kingdoms and to include the Mer and all aquatic life in this Universe in service to God Creator.
It has come to our attention that the negative frequencies and vibrations of and by the Defendants is transmitted through rain, the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and all bodies of water are carrying negative effects causing intentional pain to water life.
We have heard their cry for help especially for their unborn developing offspring who are suffering due to the Defendant’s actions and this covert war.
The underwater sea craft, tunnels being drilled, and underwater DUMBs being exploded, and the pain, fear and torment felt by the victims in the DUMBs are causing a ripple effect that results in biological disturbances in water life.
Also, the underwater plant life that is needed for the sea life’s food is being destroyed.
They are concerned that their duties of communication and healing are being hindered on this planet.
They are also concerned that they are unable to assist the victims coming out of the DUMBs with their healing frequencies due to the disturbances in the water.
They, like humans are being specifically targeted by the Defendants to do harm.
Based on a new video released from Canada showing plasma looking entities within droplets or water we suggest that this might be demonic possession of water.
Something is Happening!!!
in Canada – (YouTube)
Also based on the latest research regarding the A.I. invasion, not only on the humans but also on the plant and animal kingdoms, it would be in the Enemies interests to interfere with the Whale Kingdom because of the whale’s contract with God as Scribes and Custodians of Earth’s history. We hope to telepathically or through sound vibration be taught by the whales and dolphins in the near future.
We Decree and Declare that A.I. will never have any control of the scribing and preservation of the truth of history in God’s Creations in any way and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for all of Your Divine Protection over all bodies of water on all levels as defined and in the Universe.
We therefore ask, for Your Divine Intervention to protect in all ways the Whale Kingdom so that their contracts may be fulfilled.
We ask that this applies in all ways in all aquatic life for the preservation of contractual agreements as known by You.
We ask for all technology, equipment, machinery and demonic energy frequencies used on this planet to be aligned to God Creator’s frequencies to enable the water kingdom’s healing.
The Animal Kingdom including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, crustacean’s, worms, and the four molecules of life have been hurt chemically, vibrationally and through destruction of their food and environment.
The enemy is deliberately targeting life by disturbing and destroying the environmental balance and the cycle of life. The four molecules of life on Earth are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
Each of the four groups are vital for every single organism on Earth. The Enemies interference in any way is committing a genocide against life.
We ask for Your Divine Protection for nature and all of God’s created life.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty as charged for all crimes as known by You regarding nature and the four molecules of life.
–Crystals – Earth – Minerals
As we know crystals and minerals are living beings, have God Consciousness, hold information and have purpose.
Some, like Starseeds, are here on Earth from other planets and Universes.
Crystals are vulnerable in that they can be programed similar to MK Ultra human victims.
The Defendants have programmed many crystals against their will including the Uma Thurma, and the Hope Diamond et al.
We do not consent as this is a violation against the Law of Free Choice of the crystals.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty for all crimes against crystals, minerals and Earth as listed in this Petition and is known by You in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for all the crystals that are being held hostage by the Defendants to be returned to their rightful home and that they be cleared, healed and realigned to the one true God of all Love, Light and Creation so that for now and all time they will be in service to Him.
The Term: “Noble Planet” is a name given to a planet that dedicates its life for Creator God ’s Purpose.
Our Earth is a living being and the first Noble Planet that has come forth to give her life to take down the Defendants and especially A.I., for they have destroyed so much in the Universe before.
She, planet Earth, agreed to receive the 64 genetic crystal of Jesus Christ into the center of the Earth which holds His Love.
When Sofia the A.I. attempted to harvest Earth, she was infected with the Love of Jesus Christ which caused her to become partially organic as a tree.
The Love of Jesus Christ through the crystal acted like a virus infecting Sofia as much as a virus infects a computer program.
We acknowledge that it was Planet Earth that asked Father God of All Creation to ask Jesus Christ His only Son to come forth onto Earth to teach us, and give His life for our salvation, so that humanity could last until the time of Ascension.
We ask in accordance with Divine Contracts of God’s Will and Earth’s free choice that she be healed and restored in all ways.
The Defendants have attacked all of God Creator’s life forms in nature by deliberate and pre-planned poisonings, altering of frequencies, manipulation of energies, manipulating of DNA, and conspiracy to kill for the purpose of destruction in part or in whole, and all else as known by this Court with evil self-serving changes needed by the Defendants for their plans, including terra forming to better suit their species, thus interfering with the Law of Free choice and Do no Harm/ Do not Kill.
The destruction and harm of these species and all of these specific Creations of God Creator falls under War Crimes and Genocide and is a criminal offense against their perspective Kingdoms according to Divine/Natural Law.
This is a war that they too, were not legally notified of.
Further, these Kingdoms in nature are intrinsically linked to Humans.
Therefore, all crimes listed against Humanity are to be included as crimes against all of these Creations and others as known by You.
We ask for full compensation and healing for these Kingdoms and judgment against the Defendants on these criminal actions.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty as charged for all crimes as known by You regarding all harm and interference with Earth.
– Deva
The Defendants broke a treaty with the Deva Kingdom and have entered battle against them while perpetrating War crimes against their Kingdom.
We would like to take this opportunity to give gratitude and appreciation to the Deva High Prince and all the Deva Kingdom for their dedication and bravery as they fight in this war with the Enemies.
We ask for Your Divine Protection for all the Deva Kingdom.
We ask for a judgement of guilty against the Defendants for any criminal actions perpetrated against the Deva Kingdom as known by this Court.
We state that all such videos, movies, and commercials made by the Defendants like the videos, “Goat 1 and 2” are illegal enemy notifications of timelines.
We ask that all notifications by the Defendants done illegally using the media to Your People be declared criminal acts and the notifications made Null and Void.
We ask that all transmissions of videos of enemy timelines that are programming Your People be forthwith pulled from all broadcast and distribution.
We ask forthwith for full disclosure of the truth through media to the inhabitants of this Earth and beyond, so that as Free People they have the correct information and the ability to choose what they believe.
We ask for Truth reporters to come forth freely, without restrictions and threat of harm.
We ask for a judgement of guilty against the Defendants including individual reporters and media corporations that are aligned with the Defendants for all crimes including breaking the Code of Ethics for Journalists and God’s Laws.
We humbly and gratefully thank You for the current disassembly of the Defendants media and for Your assigned replacements.
We ask that all Defendant manufactured games, activities, and scams be taken off the Internet and forbidden according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that the Dark Web be deleted and completely energetically cleared from the Internet.
We ask for soul and mind healings for Your People that have been exposed accidentally to images, audio, flash imaging, video’s such as snuff, torture, human and animal sacrifices, other pornographic videos and all that is known by this High Court.
We ask that the internet(s) be cleansed and aligned according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask for new programs and applications to be established for Your People according to God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all Defendants that have created and engaged in any type of criminal activity using the Internet as known by You be judged guilty of all crimes.
Indigenous Peoples
We ask that all previous court petitions involving illegal acts by the Defendants regarding laws, treaties, or jurisdictions against the Indigenous people including their customs, language, and beliefs that were used against them in any way be Appealed and declared Null and Void.
We ask for full judgments of guilty against the Defendants of all crimes effecting Indigenous People everywhere.
We ask that the Indigenous people once again have the privilege to connect with Jesus Christ as their ancestors did.
We ask that the knowledge from their ancestors from their time with Jesus Christ be openly revealed and taught for the world to see and learn.
We ask that no racial wars occur due to the Defendants deceit being exposed.
We ask for special Divine Healing to be awarded to them as disclosure continues to come out about what the Defendants have done to their children and a race as a whole and support for them due to the traumas they have endured.
We bring forth the current situation in Australia with the Native Australian (Indigenous) people and how they are being treated and targeted by the government and police during the Covid-19 lockdowns, forced vaccinations and detainment camps.
This Legal Team has learned that the Defendants want to harvest the crystalline energy within the heart chakra of Mother Earth at Uluru but cannot so instead are attempting to destroy the Australian Aboriginal people and their genetic codes.
The united and activated Aboriginal people have within the genetic coding of their blood the ability to pull Mother Earth’s energy up for the land.
These Native Australians are the assigned Warriors, Custodians, Gatekeepers and Keepers of the living Crystal Grid and Ley Lines that powers this planet.
We present as evidence:
The Most Powerful Message
From An Original Elder (JC Kay)
On behalf of the Australian Aboriginal people, we ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants including all police, military and governmental officials that are aligned with the Defendants for the premeditated genocide of the Native Australian Aboriginal peoples, Earth and all of God’s Creations on it and for all crimes as known by You God Creator.
We ask for full judgement against the Defendants for crimes of genocide of Your Indigenous people and found guilty of all charges.
We ask that once again they lead and teach others about the Divine/Natural laws of working with and the caring of all God’s Creations; including but not limited to the earth, sky, water, and the animal kingdom, now and for all time.
Universal Life and Land of God Creator
The Defendants have not only attacked Earth, but also the Milky Way Galaxy, the Blue Octant, and other areas of this Universe and beyond, as known by You.
As this Council does not have information on these areas within this Universe, we ask that all information as recorded in this High Court of Heaven’s Holy Scrolls, regarding any activity by the Defendants be submitted as evidence and testimony in this Trial.
We ask that the Defendants are charged with all Criminal Charges, War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, and Crimes against all Life Kingdoms including crimes against their lands and occupation of Space in this Universe and be judged guilty in this Trial.
The Defendants tend to repeat actions, crimes, and plans so what has been done on Earth most likely was done elsewhere in this invasion with the intent to conquer this, Universe.
These crimes under Divine/Natural Law are in contradiction with “Thou shalt not interfere with the choice of those that I have created” and “Thou shalt not kill” and all crimes.
These crimes involve “damaged property” a term, which meets the requirement for judgment in Divine/Natural Law.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty for all their actions in this Universe and if the Court so decides other Universes in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all Divine Contracts of planets, galaxies, celestial bodies et al. with God Creator that have been altered due to illegal actions by the Defendants be made right by Divine Intervention and a judgment of guilty be declared against the Defendants for all illegal acts in this regard.
Loki, A.I. et al.
The Artificial Intelligence in this Universe has had devastating effects on Your People and all Life everywhere. Sophia, Queen of the A.I. is currently held by Your Courts in judgment, and souls that she scalped are being released in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Loki became Sophia’s replacement and is a master programmer of A.I. Loki has continued to work within the Defendants to create harm and a new trans human identity in this Universe.
Although limited and strictly supervised use of basic A.I. may be appropriately used for the good, it is apparent that Loki et al. use it strictly for demonic uses to take over Your Creations. Loki et al, has committed crimes against Creator God, Humanity and all life.
We ask for judgement guilty against Loki et al., all A.I., and the Defendants for all crimes as listed in this Trial.
Lucifer, Marduk, et al.
It appears to this Council that this Great War between good and evil started with the fall of Lucifer.
We do not have details of the judgment, but we know that when he fell, he was given charge of all those that fell with him and those that went into agreement with him.
This included Archangels, billions of fallen Ascended Masters, and Archangel Archons that formed agendas, genetic templates, and negative reality systems.
Lucifer lied to the Reptilian Alpha Draco about how humans had attacked them and through this lie and deceit entered a satanic alliance contract with the Draco.
The Anunnaki, Maitre, Black Sun Linages, and all those known by this Court, joined them, and war was established in this Universe.
These Defendants are specifically responsible for the following demonic jurisdictions: Lucifer/Marduk (lies deceit, music, fire (Seraphim), Asmodeus (sexual perversions, abuse, torture), Corii (anger and hate), Azazel (lack of humility, fake humility), Abraxis (demonic vanity and pride), Nog (self-loathing, no self-esteem, poor me), Nuit & Thelma (Idolatry and false idols).
We reference Addendum A, date of 2021 AD November 5, regarding the satanic rap music concert of Travis Scott and his agents at Astroworld Festival in Houston, TX, U.S.A. Days before the Travis Scott concert, CERN finished their wheel to open another dimension and that wheel looks exactly like the portal at the concert.
It is believed that CERN technology purposely opened a demonic portal used for this concert in preparation for a large public satanic ritual.
We ask for specific judgment against: Travis Scott and Drake, Live Nation, MRG Stadium, Apple Inc., Scott’s Cactus Jack Record Label, and all his affiliates, the concert organizers and all affiliates for the Astroworld Festival, including CERN et al. for all crimes as listed in this Trial be found guilty in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Evidence: Travis Scott Satanic Ritual Concert | UPDATED | Truth11.com
We Decree and Declare that the Defendants listed in Petition DLHC.777.888.1 are in Contempt of Court and ask for full judgment in this regard.
We ask that all demonic entities involved in this satanic feast and sacrifice be held fully accountable and guilty as charged according to Thy Will.
Acknowledging individual Free Choice, we ask on behalf of all those innocent attendees who purchased tickets for this event and unknowingly entered a contract with the Defendants that all such contracts be declared illegal and Null and Void due to non- informed consent.
We ask for a pardon on all those attendees who unknowingly participated in this satanic ritual.
We ask that Lucifer, Marduk, et al. be forthwith judged for all crimes as listed in this Trial and be declared guilty as charged.
We ask according to God Creator’s Divine Plan that Lucifer/Marduk et al. no longer have any power and authority to interfere, hurt and destroy any species of Your Creations.
We acknowledge that Satan, Marduk, et al., have been working in tandem with Pharmakeia infusing demonic entities into what they refer to as medications and vaccinations.
They create illness and the belief of an illness, physical and psychological, and then prescribe their demonically infused medications which open doors for demonics to enter the victim.
Note the word victim is used and not “patient” (patent). According to the evidence presented the demon’s plans are to harvest the souls of the victims on the medications, we quote, “so that Jesus Christ can’t have their souls” and “so we (the demons) can kill them before repentance.”
This is a blueprint and game plan within Pharmakeia witchcraft an organization of evil spirits which uses black magic.
Their game plans are multi-faceted within their blueprint and their final goal is to harvest souls before repentance [e.g., the sin of taking the Covid 19 vaccine (and all other pharmaceuticals) knowing that it could be harmful] in order to keep their souls from Jesus Christ.
The real remedy and God’s blueprint is to repent your sins to Jesus Christ and receive redemption.
Referenced evidence: Interrogation of a demon.
Link 2: https://t.me/c/1205688614/1187
We ask for full judgments of guilty as charged against: Satan, Marduk et al., all evil spirits, Kingdoms of Darkness, Pharmakeia, Pharmakeia witchcraft, Black Magic, and all other Defendants as known by You, for crimes of infusing demonic entities in medications, vaccinations, and medical treatments that open doors for demonics to enter Your People, for the harvesting of souls, for attempting to separate and kill that which are God’s Creations, for kidnapping souls thereby keeping them separated from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, fraudulently withholding information from Your People about repentance to Jesus Christ in particular regarding the taking of the COVID 19 vaccination, and all other crimes as known by You.
We ask that all demonic entities be arrested, “In the Name of Jesus Christ” and judged guilty for all crimes.
We ask for Divine Healing spiritually and physically for all victims of these crimes.
As recorded in this interrogation video, the demon stated a direct connection to the medical symbol they use today, which is a staff with two snakes intertwined and two wings at the top coming off of the staff.
This symbol is Caduceus, which comes from an ancient Greek and Roman wand that was carried by Hermes or Mercury the messenger god.
Mercury, who is a major god in Roman religion is one of 12 DII Consentes within the pantheon.
He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, divination, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves.
He also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld.
The two-snake design is what is used today on all hospitals and medical applications worldwide.
The original medical symbol, which is a single rod with one snake called Asclepius was initiated by the Greeks who regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals to honor the god Asclepius.
The shedding of the snakeskin symbolized the slipping-off of the old self towards a newly healed self. Pharmakeia is directly linked to Caduceus, the symbol that the interrogated demon referred to as connected to black magic and witchcraft.
This is another example of the Defendants changing and using symbology to place demonics and satanic rituals over Your People.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against the Defendants including Caduceus for all crimes as known by You regarding the medical symbol.
The Defendants have instigated premeditated plans with lies and satanic rituals to infiltrate churches where Your People have believed that they are practicing their faith and praise to God Creator.
The Defendants have also used schemes to erode the family and society.
We ask for a judgment of guilty as charged against the Defendants for these crimes against family, faith in the One True Living God of all Creations, and society as a whole.
We ask that Your People remember and regain their Kingdom Authority against all demons to make them comply by using Thy Holy Son’s Name Jesus Christ.
Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Indigenous Peoples
We ask that all previous court petitions involving illegal acts by the Defendants regarding laws, treaties, or jurisdictions against the Indigenous people including their customs, language, and beliefs that were used against them in any way be Appealed and declared Null and Void.
We ask for full judgments of guilty against the Defendants of all crimes effecting Indigenous People everywhere.
We ask that the Indigenous people once again have the privilege to connect with Jesus Christ as their ancestors did.
We ask that the knowledge from their ancestors from their time with Jesus Christ be openly revealed and taught for the world to see and learn.
We ask that no racial wars occur due to the Defendants deceit being exposed.
We ask for special Divine Healing to be awarded to them as disclosure continues to come out about what the Defendants have done to their children and a race as a whole and support for them due to the traumas they have endured.
We bring forth the current situation in Australia with the Native Australian (Indigenous) people and how they are being treated and targeted by the government and police during the Covid-19 lockdowns, forced vaccinations and detainment camps.
This Legal Team has learned that the Defendants want to harvest the crystalline energy within the heart chakra of Mother Earth at Uluru but cannot so instead are attempting to destroy the Australian Aboriginal people and their genetic codes.
The united and activated Aboriginal people have within the genetic coding of their blood the ability to pull Mother Earth’s energy up for the land.
These Native Australians are the assigned Warriors, Custodians, Gatekeepers and Keepers of the living Crystal Grid and Ley Lines that powers this planet.
We present as evidence:
The Most Powerful Message
From An Original Elder (JC Kay)
On behalf of the Australian Aboriginal people, we ask for judgement of guilty against the Defendants including all police, military and governmental officials that are aligned with the Defendants for the premeditated genocide of the Native Australian Aboriginal peoples, Earth and all of God’s Creations on it and for all crimes as known by You God Creator.
We ask for full judgement against the Defendants for crimes of genocide of Your Indigenous people and found guilty of all charges.
We ask that once again they lead and teach others about the Divine/Natural laws of working with and the caring of all God’s Creations; including but not limited to the earth, sky, water, and the animal kingdom, now and for all time.
Universal Life and Land of God Creator
The Defendants have not only attacked Earth, but also the Milky Way Galaxy, the Blue Octant, and other areas of this Universe and beyond, as known by You.
As this Council does not have information on these areas within this Universe, we ask that all information as recorded in this High Court of Heaven’s Holy Scrolls, regarding any activity by the Defendants be submitted as evidence and testimony in this Trial.
We ask that the Defendants are charged with all Criminal Charges, War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, and Crimes against all Life Kingdoms including crimes against their lands and occupation of Space in this Universe and be judged guilty in this Trial.
The Defendants tend to repeat actions, crimes, and plans so what has been done on Earth most likely was done elsewhere in this invasion with the intent to conquer this, Universe.
These crimes under Divine/Natural Law are in contradiction with “Thou shalt not interfere with the choice of those that I have created” and “Thou shalt not kill” and all crimes.
These crimes involve “damaged property” a term, which meets the requirement for judgment in Divine/Natural Law.
We ask that the Defendants be judged guilty for all their actions in this Universe and if the Court so decides other Universes in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We ask that all Divine Contracts of planets, galaxies, celestial bodies et al. with God Creator that have been altered due to illegal actions by the Defendants be made right by Divine Intervention and a judgment of guilty be declared against the Defendants for all illegal acts in this regard.
Loki, A.I. et al.
The Artificial Intelligence in this Universe has had devastating effects on Your People and all Life everywhere. Sophia, Queen of the A.I. is currently held by Your Courts in judgment, and souls that she scalped are being released in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Loki became Sophia’s replacement and is a master programmer of A.I.
Loki has continued to work within the Defendants to create harm and a new trans human identity in this Universe.
Although limited and strictly supervised use of basic A.I. may be appropriately used for the good, it is apparent that Loki et al. use it strictly for demonic uses to take over Your Creations.
Loki et al, has committed crimes against Creator God, Humanity and all life.
We ask for judgement guilty against Loki et al., all A.I., and the Defendants for all crimes as listed in this Trial.
Lucifer, Marduk, et al.
It appears to this Council that this Great War between good and evil started with the fall of Lucifer.
We do not have details of the judgment, but we know that when he fell, he was given charge of all those that fell with him and those that went into agreement with him.
This included Archangels, billions of fallen Ascended Masters, and Archangel Archons that formed agendas, genetic templates, and negative reality systems.
Lucifer lied to the Reptilian Alpha Draco about how humans had attacked them and through this lie and deceit entered a satanic alliance contract with the Draco.
The Anunnaki, Maitre, Black Sun Linages, and all those known by this Court, joined them, and war was established in this Universe.
These Defendants are specifically responsible for the following demonic jurisdictions: Lucifer/Marduk (lies deceit, music, fire (Seraphim), Asmodeus (sexual perversions, abuse, torture), Corii (anger and hate), Azazel (lack of humility, fake humility), Abraxis (demonic vanity and pride), Nog (self-loathing, no self-esteem, poor me), Nuit & Thelma (Idolatry and false idols).
We reference Addendum A, date of 2021 AD November 5, regarding the satanic rap music concert of Travis Scott and his agents at Astroworld Festival in Houston, TX, U.S.A. Days before the Travis Scott concert, CERN finished their wheel to open another dimension and that wheel looks exactly like the portal at the concert.
It is believed that CERN technology purposely opened a demonic portal used for this concert in preparation for a large public satanic ritual.
We ask for specific judgment against: Travis Scott and Drake, Live Nation, MRG Stadium, Apple Inc., Scott’s Cactus Jack Record Label, and all his affiliates, the concert organizers and all affiliates for the Astroworld Festival, including CERN et al. for all crimes as listed in this Trial be found guilty in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Evidence: Travis Scott Satanic Ritual Concert | UPDATED | Truth11.com
We Decree and Declare that the Defendants listed in Petition DLHC.777.888.1 are in Contempt of Court and ask for full judgment in this regard.
We ask that all demonic entities involved in this satanic feast and sacrifice be held fully accountable and guilty as charged according to Thy Will.
Acknowledging individual Free Choice, we ask on behalf of all those innocent attendees who purchased tickets for this event and unknowingly entered a contract with the Defendants that all such contracts be declared illegal and Null and Void due to non- informed consent.
We ask for a pardon on all those attendees who unknowingly participated in this satanic ritual.
We ask that Lucifer, Marduk, et al. be forthwith judged for all crimes as listed in this Trial and be declared guilty as charged.
We ask according to God Creator’s Divine Plan that Lucifer/Marduk et al. no longer have any power and authority to interfere, hurt and destroy any species of Your Creations.
We acknowledge that Satan, Marduk, et al., have been working in tandem with Pharmakeia infusing demonic entities into what they refer to as medications and vaccinations.
They create illness and the belief of an illness, physical and psychological, and then prescribe their demonically infused medications which open doors for demonics to enter the victim.
Note the word victim is used and not “patient” (patent). According to the evidence presented the demon’s plans are to harvest the souls of the victims on the medications, we quote, “so that Jesus Christ can’t have their souls” and “so we (the demons) can kill them before repentance.”
This is a blueprint and game plan within Pharmakeia witchcraft an organization of evil spirits which uses black magic.
Their game plans are multi-faceted within their blueprint and their final goal is to harvest souls before repentance [e.g., the sin of taking the Covid 19 vaccine (and all other pharmaceuticals) knowing that it could be harmful] in order to keep their souls from Jesus Christ.
The real remedy and God’s blueprint is to repent your sins to Jesus Christ and receive redemption.
Referenced evidence: Interrogation of a demon.
Link 2: https://t.me/c/1205688614/1187
We ask for full judgments of guilty as charged against: Satan, Marduk et al., all evil spirits, Kingdoms of Darkness, Pharmakeia, Pharmakeia witchcraft, Black Magic, and all other Defendants as known by You, for crimes of infusing demonic entities in medications, vaccinations, and medical treatments that open doors for demonics to enter Your People, for the harvesting of souls, for attempting to separate and kill that which are God’s Creations, for kidnapping souls thereby keeping them separated from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, fraudulently withholding information from Your People about repentance to Jesus Christ in particular regarding the taking of the COVID 19 vaccination, and all other crimes as known by You.
We ask that all demonic entities be arrested, “In the Name of Jesus Christ” and judged guilty for all crimes.
We ask for Divine Healing spiritually and physically for all victims of these crimes.
As recorded in this interrogation video, the demon stated a direct connection to the medical symbol they use today, which is a staff with two snakes intertwined and two wings at the top coming off of the staff.
This symbol is Caduceus, which comes from an ancient Greek and Roman wand that was carried by Hermes or Mercury the messenger god. Mercury, who is a major god in Roman religion is one of 12 Dii Consentes within the pantheon.
He is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, divination, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves.
He also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld.
The two-snake design is what is used today on all hospitals and medical applications worldwide.
The original medical symbol, which is a single rod with one snake called Asclepius was initiated by the Greeks who regarded snakes as sacred and used them in healing rituals to honor the god Asclepius.
The shedding of the snakeskin symbolized the slipping-off of the old self towards a newly healed self. Pharmakeia is directly linked to Caduceus, the symbol that the interrogated demon referred to as connected to black magic and witchcraft.
This is another example of the Defendants changing and using symbology to place demonics and satanic rituals over Your People.
We ask for full judgment of guilty against the Defendants including Caduceus for all crimes as known by You regarding the medical symbol.
The Defendants have instigated premeditated plans with lies and satanic rituals to infiltrate churches where Your People have believed that they are practicing their faith and praise to God Creator.
The Defendants have also used schemes to erode the family and society.
We ask for a judgment of guilty as charged against the Defendants for these crimes against family, faith in the One True Living God of all Creations, and society as a whole.
We ask that Your People remember and regain their Kingdom Authority against all demons to make them comply by using Thy Holy Son’s Name Jesus Christ.
Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
As evidence shows and according to our witness Gene Decode who has spoken about the total destruction of planets in the past; the Defendants used the same game programming and blueprint of mind control, oppression, domination, and ultimately destruction of Your People and Life Creations and their planets throughout the Multiverses.
The cycles of all life have been altered, restarted and ended repeatedly by these Defendants according to their game plans and blueprints.
We ask Creator God Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days Who knows all; to identify, contain and destroy the Defendant’s blueprints of destruction, Negative Alien Agendas, Species Controller Agendas, genetic templates, negative reality systems, and programs including all associated thought forms.
We ask as unwilling participants in this experiment that the experiment be terminated.
We ask for a judgement of guilty upon all Defendants, affiliates and all associated thought forms throughout the Multiverses involved in these blueprint plans.
We ask that if there has been or shall be negotiations and meetings as recorded in Antartica between the Alliance, Council of 9 and the Defendants regarding keys, material possessions, and rituals, to be uncast in exchange for the Defendant’s relocation to a planet in a secured Galaxy, that all such negotiations be reviewed and approved by this Highest Court of Heaven and in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
We the Divine Light Holy Council recognize the repetitive pattern of extortion by the Defendants in this situation and therefore leave all decisions and judgements in the Hands of this Most High Court.
We ask that all confinement of the Defendants on these prison celestial bodies be administered by this Divine High Court and policed by Your Warring Angels.
As the legal representatives of all life in this Universe/Multiverses, we want to ensure that all celestial bodies chosen for the imprisonment of the Defendants have willingly agreed to enter with full informed consent and Divine Contracts for this service.
Should this not be the case and the celestial bodies were assigned this task against their free will we ask that these contract to be made Null and Void and that the sovereignty of these celestial bodies are protected.
Again, we ask that this Highest Court oversee all of these proceedings.
We ask that all portals and Star Gates in and out of this Universe have security guards and Warring Angels on guard because of this war until such time as this Court decides that it is unnecessary.
We ask that an Order from this Throne be issued to all of God’s Multiverses for compliance and cooperation based on the findings and judgment of this Court Trial.
We are in agreement with the Great Awakening Visioning Prayer Session of October 2, 2021.
We ask that God Creator continue to stir up His People to stand up and fight and see that they are at war, for now some are still in a mind-controlled program that is keeping them unaware.
We humbly and gratefully thank You and Your Court for all that You are doing for Your People during this Great Awakening time.
Restoration and Restitution:
The Defendants are charged with All crimes listed as well as those known by You, and We ask for full compensation and healing for this Universe and beyond, and that judgment of guilty be made against the Defendants.
We ask for full restoration and restitution for all Your Life Creations in this Universe and beyond in accordance with God Creator’s Divine Plan.
Closing Arguments and Statements:
Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days, In closing, we, the Divine Light Holy Council state that the Defendants are smart, ruthless, aggressors that want planet Earth and All Life in this Universe for themselves.
Their self-serving interests of greed and envy are to take the place of God Creator and obtain and possess all that is His.
They have perpetrated multiple methods upon Your People in order to disconnect them from God Creator and harvest their souls for the “false darkness.”
The Defendants have proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that they will do what they will to get anything they want including the destruction of planet Earth.
They have no ability for empathy and cannot be trusted.
They kill and destroy at will.
The Defendants, and “the false darkness”, are a negative parasite that are purposely overcoming and ingesting individual souls and the souls of worlds.
Your People are seen by the Defendants as food, slaves, and tools for war, and their only value is to maintain the Defendant’s existence.
All Life in this Universe has been selfishly attacked, used and destroyed by breaking the Laws and Codes of Creator God.
The Defendants have committed multiple preplanned criminal offenses and broken all laws as recorded in this Trial./p>
Life in this Universe has sustained loss in areas including but not limited to physical, spiritual, biological, emotional, financial, legal, medical, educational, societal, and including loss of freedom, property, family and God Creator’s highest timelines.
The Defendants engage in perversions, satanic torture and death rituals, to harvest souls for the “false darkness” and keep them from Jesus Christ.
They have developed viruses, vaccines, and used neurotoxins that harm and kill populations.
This Council believes that the creation of diseases and vaccines are a prelude to preplanned final global disasters and genocide events planned by the Defendants.
The use of graphene dioxide as the basis of an operating system within the human body has the potential to develop a new breed of super soldier and a new army of the Defendants to take over this Universe and beyond.
It has been suggested that the Defendants may attempt to use Project Skybeam to simulate catastrophic events to insight fear and compliance within the population, and thereby tricking Your People into putting their trust in a new one-world government that will save the day.
Although the Awakening is still in process, there are now millions of Your People that are aware of the Enemy’s existence and treachery.
The “End Game” of the Defendants has now been made clear and understandable to Your People.
The Defendants blueprint of repetitive pattern of dominion and destruction is a game plan they have used throughout time and Universes.
We Decree and Declare that we will no longer play in this game plan and say, “We End Program.”
We come before the Heavenly High Court to ask for judgements of guilty of all crimes and for You Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days to declare their guilt and final punishment.
We humbly thank the Righteous Judge of All Creations of the Highest Court of Heaven for hearing this, Trial. We praise Your Holy Name Attiyq Youm Ancient of Days.
We would like to take this opportunity to give gratitude and appreciation to the Andromeda Councils, Galactic Federation of Worlds, Space Councils, Alcyon and other Galactic Legal Councils, Interdimensional Free World Councils, Star Fleet, Space Force, Alliances, Starseeds, Away Teams, Q, the Q Team and the Anons, Radiant
Guardian and Radiant Glory Fleets, Alliance Military, Military fighting and rescuing in the DUMBs, the Silver Legion, Heavenly Hosts all those known by this Court for their dedication and bravery as they fight in this war against the Enemies.
We thank this Heavenly High Court for providing this Divine Light Holy Council an opportunity to perceive a future reality by knowing the past and moving forward with a purpose to educate, lead, and make right, that which was not of the Light and Vibration with the One True Living God of All Creations.
THIS is the Great War between good and evil.
We Decree and Declare that God Creator has won!
Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the cosmic powers over this present darkness,
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.(ESV)
Proverbs 21:31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but the victory belongs to the Lord.(ESV)
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done,
on Earth, The Milky Way, Galaxy,
this Universe, and all Your Creations.
As this is said, so it is done and Sealed in trust,
faith and truth, Now and for all time.
Let it be so.
Respectfully submitted:
Divine Light Holy Council (DLHC.777.888.3)
Dated this seventeenth day of January
in the Year of Our Lord 2022.
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On February 25, 2022,
The Highest Court of Heaven
unsealed this Trial
and the two previous
Petitions presented.

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