The modern day
slave slavery system
Most people believe that they are free because the media and politicians tell them that they are, however in truth we are merely slaves caught up in an illusion we think as being freedom.
Freedom is very simple; it is the ability to be an individual free from all law. In order to have law, which is in of itself an artificially created reason to control someone other than you, force is used to gain compliance, hence force of law.
However this is done without gaining permission from the creator of us, the earth and of all of creation, there argument falls apart as their authority is based only upon hearsay.
They work their authority through fraud being that everyone and everything is considered to be some form of property all owned by the Ruling Bloodline families.
At birth your parents give you a name unknowingly transferring the ownership of that name to the state.
We could not be owned if we did not accept names as it is through the names that ownership of our bodies by the few exists, yet we are not the names and there in is the fraud.
The ruling bloodline families have and are using force against us on a daily basis to gain our compliance to follow a set of laws which we have no say in nor control over all of which is designed to enrich the bloodline ruling elite families as all law is based in commerce thus for each law broken millions of dollars are created in various types of bonds and fines, which only benefit the system and the Bloodline Ruling Elite.
Thus there are two sets of laws, one for the poor who are the slaves and virtually no laws for the ruling elite families and their enforcers; which are the Police and System slaves in general.
In truth we live on the earth and not in Countries.
They have divided up the earth into Countries through use of force projected through imperialism and war. All of which has been done without any proof authority to do so from our creator.
The Bible talks about God and LORD God. Genesis 1 you will read all about God and his creation of the earth and all that exists.
Then in Genesis 2 forward it is all about LORD God and his enslavement of man and claiming to be the creator of all that exists.
However God the creator did not create religion or ask us to worship him in anyway.
God went so far as to give man dominion over all the earth, meaning we all rule equally as stated in Genesis 1:26.
That said we can clearly observe that God’s will has been thwarted by those who pretend to uphold it, mainly being the Popes of the Catholic Church and all leaders of Religion in general, including Islam, Hinduism etc.
This is simply because in the Bible in God’s own words he gave all man dominion and the various religious institutions are there to create enforceable laws that are designed to enslave and restrict free thought and expression and mostly enslave people.
The Foundation of freedom is that we are all suppose to be free to think and do what we wish to without anyone using any force against us to make us comply in fear for our safety.
The Justice System is a complete farce in that it pretends to represent the will of the people by creating laws which enslave them.
In many cases there is so much greed and corruption that goes on, that the only thought that goes into creating laws, is this law going to be good for the ruling elite or not.
They are all there to serve the ruling elite and so as long the laws don’t apply to the enforcers or the ones creating them, the ruling elite simply create a system of laws that benefit them, especially laws concerning the creation of money and usury through loans.
The foundation of mammon or money is based in fraud. For whatever they use for money, be it Gold, Silver, Fiat Currencies, the value of the species of mammon does not reflect the labour put in to create it. For example you can hit a ore deposit where you simply chip away at the deposit for 10 minutes and get 24 ounces of Gold, worth about $42,000.00 for 10 minutes of work versus spending labouring at some dead end job for a whole month and getting $1200.00 in pay.
Thus those who control the amount of mammon allowed to circulate and own the sources of the mammon get to have everything that they want, while everyone else slaves to get a small amount of mammon in comparison to pay for the basics.
It allows for inequality to artificially exists allowing the few to have a lot more than the many in terms of products and services and ultimately power over the system to control others.
The other aspect to this is that fiat currency the money is merely paper with some ink and some fancy security protection built in as to not allowing others to copy it easily in creating counterfeit notes.
The problem again comes into play with the labour required to make the notes compared to the labour to earn a note.
The Federal reserve and other scams like it run through central banks, print the money at a labour cost of pennies per sheet of bills of any denomination and give it to the people as private money for the face value enriching themselves from pennies to produce lets say a $100 bill then selling into the market at face value making a huge profit on it, then charge interest on it and collect that interest through personal income tax, which has nothing to do with running the services needed in a country.
The services are paid through issuing cheques and using the signature of the one cashing the cheque to create the funds for the cheque, thus the funds created by the signature was simply a data entry into the computer.
So in order to stem inflation, the personal income tax and other taxes are implemented and economies are set up so that there are many low paying jobs and only a few high paying jobs.
Thus the system of control is enforced through artificially created scarcities.
The other thing they do with fiat currencies is valuate different currencies at different values so that they can create artificial scarcity in one country and plenty in others; such as you see with African Countries versus European and North American Countries.
Where we see starving African Children and a simple donation of $30/month and will save one child from starvation, we see $30.00 as for paying for one meal at a restaurant.
Yet there is no defensible argument that can be put forward that one hours labour by someone is worth something different by someone else.
The idea that we have higher education and can do more difficult work does not detract from the fact that education should be free to begin with and simply because you learn to do something that others can’t doesn’t mean that your labour is worth more, it just means that you have improved yourself to help serve others better to make a better world or place for your fellow man.
This brings us to the notion of service to self versus service to others.
Service to self to enrich oneself over the detriment of others creates in the end a very unbalanced and dangerous situation, where many laws and people are needed as enforcers to hold the masses back from you, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of the labour of others with little or no labour from yourself and thus dictate to the masses how they should live and be.
Versus service to others where we are all individuals wanting to be the best we can be in service to our fellow man and willing to make do with a little less so everyone is cared for in terms of the necessities of life and meaningful purpose to do what they want to help build a future based on equality and love for all life on earth.
On a side note those who believe that professional sports are fairly run, you have got to get your head out of the sand and look around.
It is so obvious how one team is heavily penalized for the most minor infraction while another gets away with murder so to speak.
Star players are given room from other players so they can have the time and opportunities to line up good shots on the goal, such as it is in hockey and basketball.
Sports has always been used as a distraction for the masses getting them more involved in what team wins or loses as being more important as to how you are being enslaved.
The people behind all this are Satanists. They are at war with God and thus have no will to follow what God said in his own words that we all share in dominion over the earth.
Outside of the religious connotations who is the creator of the earth and if you don’t know, then where do you get to assume that you can use force of law against others to create wide spread poverty and despair so you can have a sheltered and wealthy lifestyle?
They do not care about us as they only care about themselves and what is in it for them.
Further the level of pedophilia and Satanic Human Sacrifice runs rapid as they live to serve a top down structure of control.
There are also evil spirits that they worship that feed off the fear created by them through their system of control.
Many people are not aware of the satanic rituals that take place in there churches today, one being cannibalism of Christ’s body through the bread and wine thing in Catholic Churches.
Simply put from cradle to grave you are feed a bunch a shit, told you are worthless and a sinner and then spat out once you can not produce as a good slave anymore.
Each day I cringe in disbelief at the level of lies people by into. The big one being that if you work hard like the rest of us you too can have a big house and fancy cars. Well minimum wage doesn’t do that for you.
Those that do get good paying jobs have to usually pay off a mortgage in student loans and pay heavy taxes on the larger sums of money they earn to give to the ruling elite for having a few hired slaves to print money for them sell you and through their phoney front Corporations called Governments at face value and then charge you interest as it is merely considered debt money.
There is no way to pay back the debt so again when it all crashes they just wash away the debt and start over, except this time they aim to kill off the 80% or more of the worlds population by devaluing the currencies and creating artificial scarcity through lack of money.
In the USA they are looking to pass a law making it illegal for people to grow there own food and sell food outside of the controlled system.
Thus bringing in the enforces again to create widespread starvation once the currency is devalued.
The $26 Trillion dollar theft that Congress allowed to take place to bail out the bankers was not used to prop up the defaults on the homes, but rather was used to give the bloodline families and their enforces the money they needed to survive a devaluation of the world currencies.
They also own most of the God as well. So where does that put us?
It puts us the 93% who have to endure all this into a position of wondering why are we allowing a few to control the many in this way?
We can and should have changed all this many years ago to doing things out of service to others rather, meaning we do what we love to do and do it for the love of our fellow man.
The few that are among us that are perpetuating this system of insanity through their enforcers care only about themselves and what is in it for them.
Slaves must not be allowed to have weapons and is the reason that they are desperately trying to disarm us before the hammer comes down.
Why we are being made to suffer and potentially being wiped out by the few is merely so that the few can have Pedophile and Satanic heaven on earth, controlling their slaves with micro chips and “non-lethal” weapons.
They want to torture us and want to bring about a level of suffering like no one could ever believe possible and yet enjoy all the fruits of our discoveries and technological advancements.
We do have some help in that the truth vibrations are getting stronger and stronger by the day now.
Within the next 10 years I suspect much of this will be over with as the earth aligns with our Galactic Center and we start doing what we do out of love for one another instead of self gain for the few.
How we get there I am not sure,
but I can tell you each day
I move forward in this,
I hate the system a little bit more
and yearn to be free of it.
I think the introduction of free energy technology and a move to make everyone self-sufficient in terms of food, shelter and clothing will go a long way in helping us break free.
But you can see them moving to bring in laws along with their enforcers to stop that from happening.
So I suspect at some point a line will be drawn and a few will be killed by the many to bring about change.
I hope they can see that they are in a lost cause, but they think their enforcers along with their laws will keep people buying into the system long enough for the few to kill off the many.
So when will you draw your line and when will you begin to try to do your part in helping with the transition from slavery to freedom?
Freedom, like truth, is not inherited. It must be learned and preserved by each generation.
The pursuit of truth, freedom and happiness is every man’s birthright and individual responsibility.
It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government. People who don’t accept individual responsibility, and won’t strive for their own freedom, are known as slaves.
Freedom for man is expressed perfectly in God’s law as it sets guidelines to protect one’s own freedom without violating the freedom of others.
God, by teaching us His law (truth), gave us the means for freedom.
Jesus reiterated it.
Truth leads us towards freedom and away from slavery.
Freedom begins with a concept — a state of mind.
The mind, once freed, then goes on to pursue physical freedom as well. In John 8:32, Jesus states: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Freedom comes from truth, and cannot come from central government — itself being a fraud, and its methods primarily lies, tricks, and deceit.
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What do YOU want?
Freedom or Slavery?
Can one have both …
… or are they mutually exclusive?
“power of self-determination, state of “state of servitude, free will; emancipation from slavery”
Free: “not in bondage, acting of one’s own will”
Will: “to determine by act of choice”
“state of servitude, condition of a slave”
Slave: “person who is the chattel or property of another”
Property: “things subject to ownership”
Own: “to possess, have; rule, be in command of, have authority over,”
Freedom is all about whether there is enslavement from false claims of ownership.
Defining slavery can be summarized as follows:
Slavery is a (false) claim of ownership on other’s rightful property (theft), in whole or in part.
A false claim of ownership can be a single act, as a one-time occurrance applied to one or many others. E.g. a mugger stealing from you; a business defrauding all their clients. That’s a temporary condition or state of enslavement that subsides. The more severe form of slavery is when the condition or state is persisted and becomes a permanent facet of life for one or many (living as a slave). E.g chattel Slavery; being stolen from perpetually (theft of property that continues over and over). Whole societies can be enslaved, which can be defined as follows:
A society of slavery is when there is an accepted, persistent and widespread claim of ownership on other’s rightful property, in whole or in part.
Either you have the right to own property, or you are a Slave. Either you have the right to keep your property, or you are a Slave. All forms of government are feudalism/slavery. Government, taxation, licensure, mandates, prohibition, etc. are euphemisms to make slavery sound more acceptable. We aren’t told it’s Slavery, SO we don’t see it as slavery.
We are free and sovereign by the very nature of being born. No rulers or masters exist above us in Nature. It’s a delusion to believe otherwise.
– One occurance from the violator(s)
– Violation is not repeated, either because defense is used instantly to stop the violator, justice is enacted afterwards to prevent that the violator from repeating, or if tolerated once for some reason (like not being prepared to respond; giving a 2nd chance) the 2nd occurance is the final one for the violator
– False claim of ownership for a brief period of time (instance of enslavement) e.g. mugging, assault, rape, coercion, etc.
– Individual has the capability to stop the violator(s) from creating repeat violations.
– Repeated occurances from the violator(s)
– Violation persists as a way of life because the violator is allowed to continue due to fear/ unwillingness to act to stop the violator, or not enough force of numbers to actually stop the violators.
– False claim of ownership as a way of life (persistent enslavement) e.g. daily/weekly mugging, assault, etc.
– Individual is either incapable (numbers, overpowered, etc.) or unwilling (ability present but not enacted by will) to stop the violator(s) from creating repeat violations.
– Same as ‘Violation of Individual’…
– Individuals are capable and willing to stop the violator(s) from creating repeat violations.
– Same as ‘Violation of Individual’…
– Individuals are unwilling (ability present but not enacted by will) to stop the violator(s) from creating repeat violations.
– Numbers of individuals are present as a collection of individuals in an area and capable of uniting, but they aren’t united as a force to stand together and stop the smaller collective of violators from repeat violations.
Will is what prevents the collection of individuals being violated from ending their condition of aggregate societal enslavement and regaining the condition of True Freedom. They have the capacity that individuals alone lack: numbers and the subsequent moral unity of that larger quantity of individuals to apply greater force against the violence.
Any temporary false claim of ownership (enslavement) is not permanent, hence True Freedom remains. Persistent false claims of ownership (persistent slavery) destroys the condition of True Freedom. Even though you still have some “freedoms”, you don’t have them all to have True Freedom.
To ensure only temporary violations/slavery occurs, employing self-defense is a requirement. Consequences need to be applied when possible to not allow the violator(s) to repeat the violations. Consequences can also be a message, warning and deterent for those thinking of being violators in the future who may try to violate others who stand up for themselves.
This is why people in an area must unite with morality individually (to not initiate harm), and unite together morally to stand against those who still choose to violate. Otherwise, the message is that the people in an area are aggregately cowards and will /et themselves be dominated and enslaved.
True Freedom is the absense of persistent slavery in the aggregate; the respect of everyone’s Rights and their defense when not respected.
You will always have some degrees of “freedoms” with societal aggregate slavery present, but you won’t have Freedom (True Freedom). Even without persistent Slavery, you can have all “freedoms” and have freedom, but if people in your area don’t unite together morally against the violation of Natural Rights of any individual, then any individual could be the next to be temporarily or persistently enslaved. Would there really be True Freedom in your area if you were persistently enslaved?
If you’re not willing to stand together in morality with others in the force of numbers to oppose the immorality and injustice (an unremedied violation of Natural Rights), then how can you expect others to stand together with you when injustice happens to you? True Freedom is having individual Natural Rights/Law (NAP, SDP) respected and defended aggregately (ideally by all for all).
Is an area/society in the condition of True Freedom if an individual is persistently enslaved? E.g. every day an individual has a theft of some form of their property (in whole or in part) applied to them by a violator or group of violators and the individual doesn’t have the capability to stop it from repeating.
A collection is made of individuals; the collective/aggregate comes after the individual and their Natural Rights. True Freedom is about the aggregate of all individuals, and the same principle of the Truth Table applies where the negative holds the power. One person in an area with persistent claims of ownership upon their property (enslavement), means that area (Society, aggregate, collective) doesn’t have True Freedom. So long as one is persistently enslaved (suffering), we are all (suffering) denied True Freedom. Freedom for all or Freedom for none. Moral unity together is required to enact justice, stop violators and create the state or condition of True Freedom. Unite for cooperative defense and justice, or be alone to deal with violators. Unite via morality for optimal interactions.
We have the freedom to live within our Rights. This necessitates not violating the Rights of others; of not initiating harm to others. If you’re being prevented from using your will to act in a way which doesn’t initiate harm, are you’re Rights being upheld or violated? If you’re not initiating harm, that’s a claim of having the right to decide what is done with your actions, your body, not you owning and deciding what is done with your property — for being a peaceful human being. That’s a claim of ownership; persisted it becomes the condition of enslavement.
As long as the current condition contains some persistent enslavement, we aren’t in the condition of True Freedom. People in society have the illusion of being in a State of True Freedom, of being “free”, while they accept enslavement.
True Freedom requires voluntary interactions based in respecting the rights of all (especially not initiating harm). When Freedom is infringed, justice through rectification re-instates the starting level of True Freedom.
The most loving thing to do when there is violence is to block and stop the violence; to not allow it to continue unchecked. Those who reject the reasoning/logic to abide by the NAP are creating a non-loving state of violence that they impose on others. This must be rejected for True Freedom to exist.
The Trivium Method/Natural Law process of how we learn from and create our Shared experience/condition in reality is required knowledge to understand the causal importance of our behavior. To not accept persistent violations means that any who repeatedly reject peaceful Loving/Lawful co-existence (and don’t change their ways) have to be dealt with by the individuals in that area/society.
The Loving/Lawful vs. non-Loving/Lawful (fearful/violating) state of human co-existence correlates with the internal states of consciousness of Love vs. Fear. The external state (behavior, condition, effect) is a reflection of the internal state (thought, emotion, cause).
We are born free and are inherently free sovereigns. All claims of slavery are illegitimate (morally wrong). The self/consciousness owns the creative faculties of the body (self-ownership) and moves it by will to create externally. We can be informed with Natural Rights and ensure their respect by all for all.
– monarchs, governments, highest in rank or power, rulers over others, placed above the rest.
– masters over slaves.
– Superiority to control others.
– deception of being responsible for others, of taking care of others, of being a guardian.
– representative politics; allow others to represent your abdicate your responsibility over your own sovereignty and Self-ownership; try to make yourself a slave.
– ruler, master, superior of yourself; self-mastery, no other is master of you.
– responsible for yourself; don’t give away your responsibility to others.
– represent yourself.
– know what rights are for sovereign individuals.
– highest responsibility to morality.
– not a master of others or slave to others.
– right to be free from the initiation of violence (NAP).
– right to defend yourself (SDP) against the initiation of harm (NAP violated).
The history of civilization (So-called “civilized society”) is a cycle of denying sovereignty and rights to all, except for the few or select/elect (monarchy, minarchy, democracy, etc.)
Everyone is born sovereign. Convincing people they don’t have sovereignty is done through mind control (belief in authority), or strength (might makes right) to violate that sovereignty for those who don’t buy into the con of authority and the belief in an obligation to be obedient to authority.
You only keep living in conditions that respect your natural sovereignty and your Natural Rights if you’re willing to unite, fight and die to stop others from violating them. Otherwise, you get enslaved. You always have sovereignty and Natural Rights by birth, despite them being violated or denied. E.g. 1-vs-1 violation is manageable, but 1-vs-many of being born into a society of order followers defending an immoral way of life requires numbers to counter.
No one can renounce their inherent Rights. They can’t be removed or denied by others or yourself. No one can accept being enslaved as a legitimate way of being/existing. Self-ownership can’t be negated. The natural state of being under the default state of existence is without the master-slave relationship that others may create and impose. Being harmed for the debt of initiating harm is not a violation of Rights; one initiated harm and the other responded to the violator.
One or some can claim to be rulers/masters and others slaves, but it’s a false claim. It’s not an eternal truth, only a belief of a diseased/sick mind (psychopath). A condition/state might be of slavery, of master-slave relationships truly existing at the time, but it’s not a true Way to live/be/exist. Accepting a claim of slavery is a wrong: you can’t voluntarily accept becoming a Slave as a “right”. It’s not a right. Your self-ownership property right can’t be exchanged. None can be owned except by themselves (self-ownership). We may be letting ourselves be enslaved, but it’s not a right to do.
Do you believe people are property and slaves; that there is such a thing as legitimate authority over the lives of others to control what they do?
Do you believe that people are not property, that they are free by their very nature and existence?
Is your life of value to you? Do you want to grow and improve?
You need to be free to do that (to have your Rights respected) for your life to continue unaccosted. You have infinite value and potential. How could you allow someone to violate your Rights which jeopardizes the value of your life? Isn’t violence an act that devalues your life relative to before that act occured? Something Is stolen.
If you think someone can initiate violence against you, or that you shouldn’t defend yourself, then you can’t claim to have self-respect or self-love because you’re fine with that violence. Violence will continue to be done to us until we gain the moral numbers to change that condition. To reach those numbers, moral education is what we can do with se/f-respect and se/f-love to end evil.
Do you want a world where it’s normalized to have violence done to you or others, with most people supporting the violence and those that create it?
Do you recognize that we are currently enslaved and not free? If not, here are some realities to clear that up:
– theft of your free will to choose what to do with your earnings (taxation).
– theft of your free will to do things that don’t initiate harm to others (licensure).
– theft of your free will to choose what does or doesn’t go into your body (prohibition, mandates).
There are requirements (which are currently not being met) to create and get the condition of True Freedom that doesn’t exist yet. Do you have the self-love to help create True Freedom and be free yourself? Or are you fine being a slave, and prefer to stay in self-loathing?
Freedom is a property of each of us. We don’t negotiate for it (pleading, begging, petitioning). We have to be willing to do what is necessary to keep our property Rights from being infringed, to keep them secured. That’s the responsibility of property ownership. Otherwise, in failing to enact our will in defense of our Rights and property, the result is that whoever wants to make false claims of ownership over other’s property and claim the “right” to rule and enslave will get what they set their will to do.
People continually give validation to the enslavement system by being willing to negotiate with it. People beg for less enslavement, negotiating with mindsets like: “I’ll vote for your brand of lesser enslavement!”; “I’ll vote for you if you enslave me less!”.
What a great way to progress through existence and life!
Do you want True Freedom? How much do you want it? What are you willing to do to get it?
Do you only care about having freedoms for yourself personally and/or your family? Or do you want Freedom for all?
Do you only want Freedom (passively) in the context of accepting it if it happens? Or will you actively work to fullfil the requirements to make Freedom a reality?
Do you actually want to make Freedom a reality with your actions, of fullfilling the requirements? Do your actions align with what you say you want?
Do you reject the initiation of harm as a way of life? Are you still a Supporter and believer of authority to control/rule others who don’t initiate harm?
– small desire.
– affirmed mentally or verbally.
– just saying you want Freedom (lip service).
– not willing to do what is needed.
– yearning for it but not acting to getting it.
– welcome it if it happens.
My freedoms, freedoms for me:
– what | want to do.
– focus on personal life.
– my (degree of) “freedom”, “survival”, “life”, “happiness”, etc.
– let slavery be.
– deep desire.
– affirmed through action.
– not just saying it, but acting to make it happen.
– doing what is required to actualize the goal.
– actions work to create True Freedom.
– make it happen.
True Freedom, Freedom for all:
– | should, must morally do.
– sacrifices in personal life.
– work of moral education (Great Work).
– ending evil/slavery.
True Freedom is Freedom for all, beause Freedom only happens when it applies to all. We will never have True Freedom if individuals only care about “my freedoms”.
If you want Freedom for yourself, then you have to want Freedom for everyone. You’re not going to just get Freedom for yourself, as if you live on an isolated island separate from others, where the actions of others don’t touch or affect you. You getting Freedom is, unfortunately, directly linked or chained to other’s behaviors in the society in which you live. The ignorance of others keeps us enslaved. Their ignorance is our collective enslavement.
We are chained into an immoral condition of living (Slavery) if the majority of aggregate behaviors Support, tolerate or create immorality. You trying to live morally isn’t enough to to get Freedom, especially when you’re coerced into feeding the immorality (e.g. taxes). Society reflects the majority.
“Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others.” – Thomas Jefferson
Anyone’s actions towards others are obstructed by the Rights of others living within the boundary of NML. None can righfully obstruct the will of others who are aligned with Natural Rights.
Other’s actions are beyond the boundary limit (violence), not in the NML protection area. There is a Right to obstruct the will of others who have violated Natural Rights.
– Live by moral truth.
– Rights/Law respected.
– NAP as default.
– SDP as response to NAP violation.
– Chaos/evil handled.
– True Freedom/Order.
– Living in opposition to moral truth.
– Violation of Rights/Morality accepted by majority in an area.
– Chaos of persistent enslavement (government, monarchy, etc.).
– Ends of control, full spectrum dominance.
– Evil is veiled in the illusion of good
– ppl conditioned to accept the deception; falsity as truth
– ppl defend the false reality; reject truth and change for better.
– Allegory of the Empire in Star Wars.
– deception of bringing “order” to the galaxy.
– actually brought control, chaos, evil/immorality, fear.
➝ How We are Currently Being Enslaved in Society. https://thegreatwork208716197.wordpress.com/2024/10/19/how-we-are-currently-being-enslaved-in-society/
➝ We Can’t Really Know what Being Moral is, until we Know What Being Immoral is.
➝ Tyranny and Corruption Will End When We No Longer Support It.
➝ Axioms of Truth – Philosophy.
➝ Thinking-Learning-Evolving.
➝ Worldview and Choices — Align Perceptions with Reality.
➝ The Importance of Truth and Foundational Principles.
➝ Learn and Speak The Truth – Sacrifice & Care to Do What is Right.
➝ Right and Wrong.
➝ Moral Relativism and the belief in “authority” and “government” truly is the greatest, most blasphemous abomination against Creation and its Laws, the only True Authority.
➝ Get to the Root Cause.
➝ Truth is the Foundation That Leads to the Healing Wisdom of Right-Action.
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How we lose our freedom
one piece at a time.
Your liberty
where do you draw
YOUR line?
End of the day,
until everyone can
answer this question
and then act,
all the rest of the talk is just BS.
click image for video
The Tiny Dot
Larken Rose
click image for video
An Anthem for Justice
by Margaret Anna Alice
Click HERE or anywhere on page for video
Don’t let them get away with it.
The Armenian genocide
was not a mistake.
Holodomor was not a mistake.
The Final Solution was not a mistake.
The Great Leap Forward
was not a mistake.
The Killing Fields were not a mistake.
Name your genocide - it was not a mistake.
That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.
To imply otherwise is to
give them the out they are seeking.
It was not botched.
It was not bungled.
It was not a blunder.
It was not incompetence.
It was not lack of knowledge.
It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.
The planning occurred in plain sight.
The planning is still occurring in plain sight.
Click HERE or anywhere on page for video
The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.
The modelers projected the lies.
The testers concocted the crisis.
The NGOs leased the academics.
The $cientists fabricated the findings.
The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.
The organizations declared the emergency.
The governments erected the walls.
The departments rewrote the rules.
The governors quashed the rights.
The politicians passed the laws.
The bankers installed the control grid.
The stooges laundered the money.
The DoD placed the orders.
The corporations fulfilled the contracts.
Click HERE or anywhere on page for video
The regulators approved the solution.
The laws shielded the contractors.
The agencies ignored the signals.
The behemoths consolidated the media.
The psychologists crafted the messaging.
The propagandists chanted the slogans.
The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.
The censors silenced the questioners.
The jackboots stomped the dissenters.
The tyrants summoned.
The puppeteers jerked.
The puppets danced.
The colluders implemented.
The doctors ordered.
The hospitals administered.
Click HERE or anywhere on page for video
The menticiders scripted.
The bamboozled bleated.
The totalitarianised bullied.
The covidians tattled.
The parents surrendered.
The good citizens believed …
... and forgot.
This was calculated.
This was formulated.
This was focus-grouped.
This was articulated.
This was manufactured.
This was falsified.
This was coerced.
This was inflicted.
This was denied.
We were terrorized.
We were isolated.
We were gas-lit.
We were dehumanised.
We were wounded.
We were killed.
Don’t let them get away with it.
Click HERE or anywhere on page for video
click image for video
What choice do we have?
Larken Rose
click image for video
The Jones Plantation
Larken Rose

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contributions, corrections and
suggestions are invited
Send files or messages direct to
readily available on the public domain
and does not reflect the views or
opinions of the website creator and should
be viewed critically and considered satire.
email: redpilledtruthers@gmail.com
Contact Red Pilled Truthers