
Great World Reset

Red Pilled Truthers

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Raymond Reddington
introduces the Cabal

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The House of
the Red Shield

“When you accept the intolerable you wake up in the morning and the nation is enslaved. Communism is not a creation of the masses to overthrow the banking establishment, it is a creation of the banking establishment to overthrow the masses”.

Anthony J, Hilder

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17 minutes
on the Rothschilds

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Inequality & Poverty in the UK

The Inequality & Poverty that you are seeing, hearing and enduring today is due to the British Government masking that they borrowed Β£15 million (worth Β£1.51 billion today) from Nathan Mayer Von Rothschild (Askenazi Jew and 2nd Barron Banker)

Nathan Mayer Von Rothschild was born 16th of September 1777.

He is 1 of 10 children, the Rothschild family tree is way bigger than you think or are told and they like to keep the wealth, so they marry each other to stop the wealth been intermingled with ‘our society’ though they do have children themselves 

The first Baron banker which was his father Mayer Amschel Rothschild, at the age of 14 became an Apprentice for Oppenheimer Bank.

Here he acquired experience in finance and became knowledgeable with courts. Nathan then became a dealer in coins and was appointed Crown Agent to the principality of Hesse-Hanau.

He then launched himself and his family gene into the world of banking.

(TRUE FACT: This man did finance the trade of textiles aka the Atlantic slave trade also known as the Negros slave trade or to the business sales men The Cotton Trade what created the power)

Nathan had 5 girls and 5 boys and was 1 of 3 boys himself.

He successfully agreed to a spoken deal with his father, here he was given Β£20,000 and sent to England to further the family interests in textile importing

Why, if they was bankers, would they show any interest in the Textile industry if they didn’t own the fields black slaves picked cotton from? ((It took Nathan 6 year to open his first bank in London),)

Neither would they spring out between 5 countries to set up Textile factories which exploited  the slave into reeling the cotton for production of material.

And as you’ve seen the malicious behaviour they show through our very own living conditions today you couldn’t for 1 second imagine what it felt like to live directly under a Rothschild family.

You may be thinking what does this have to do with Inequality & Poverty that’s been affecting us since 1805-2015.

Well once the deal was set the British Government at that time used exploitation to pay off the ever growing interest that Nathan had made up.

60% of Englands population from the Year brackets above, were living in 2 types of Poverty (Absolute and Relative).

Poverty as a whole is a concept which refers to a lack of wealth or income such that individuals and households do not have the means to subsist or acquire the basic necessities for a flourishing life. (Struggle to obtain food, clothing, shelter and sometimes medicine.)

Poverty is both an Individual concern (by this I mean household level, not being able to make ends meet which can lead to a range of physical and mental issues) and a Social problem, (by this I mean high poverty rates, can be associated with problems like crime, unemployment, lack of education and poor health.)

Poverty is usually measured at a household level, and they know from statistics that the majority of homes distribute resources equal but a minority of households don’t.

Please note: If you don’t have Β£130,000 safely in your account with no debt, then you are living in Poverty, the truth fears no man!

Let’s introduce the 2 levels of Poverty.
Absolute poverty means not having the income that is needed to enjoy a physiologically defined minimum standard of living (normal human functions) and Relative poverty which is concerned with people living in households whose income is below that needed to participate fully in the society in which they live.

An economists measures Relative poverty by household income, the % chosen by the economist is known as ‘the relative poverty line’, and where it is drawn will determine the proportion of the population living in households with incomes under the line. The higher the line gets

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drawn, the greater the % of people described as living in relative poverty.

NOTE: Poverty rates can be measured either before or after housing costs. The rates in the UK are higher when using the after housing costs measure because housing costs take up a higher proportion of the income of lower-income households.)

Relative poverty is concerned with the ability to participate in a society. Today most of the world population fit into this category. It could be you, your neighbour, friends, family, children etc.

Example: Someone can be income poor but have access to a range of social and public services (health care, education), or alternatively lack access to such services.

And someone may be excluded from participating in a society on grounds of gender, religion, race, age, illness).

Poverty is related to consumption of goods/material, assets etc.

So why is the Negros slave trade involved in this part of the Government policies and influencing the interest rates for consumer goods and raw materials today (World wide media gossip) πŸ€” I will tell you! Our British Government in the 19th century sailed our Ancestor’s and us down the interest-slavery River and into the firing line of the Rothschild family that own most of the Banks today!

I know they will be funding most banks this makes them stakeholders (owners if bailed out by more than it’s lost). They have been created to compete amongst one another to give you a choice but in normality they all are owned by them or have been bailed out by the Rothschilds even the Bank of England was bailed out by a large payment made by the house of Rothschild in 1825 (famous stock and market crash where they said Banque de France saved the bank of England from collapse but I’ve seen otherwise pinned below) πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‚πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

When interest is added from a principal perspective and the population has to pay it back without any acknowledgement of the real reasons why, the private bankers usurp control of the interest creation process, the inevitable results are and will reoccur with cycles of prosperity and poverty, unemployment, embedded inflation and an enormous and ever increasing transfer of wealth and political power to this tiny clique who control this exploitative monetary system.

(TRUE FACT: The slave trade ended just as Nathan lost interest in his Textile company, and set up a Bank named N M Rothschild & Sons (which was set up by the same 3 brothers that was sent across for Textile importing) he gave the Government the money.)

The British Goverment created a slave compensation act 1837 where it compensated slave owners in the British empire, they issued approximately Β£15 million to free slaves and end slavery…. Hang on here, why did Nathen Rothschild be compensated Β£2,571 from this scheme… have the dots connected together yet?

Heinrich Heine describe Nathan Mayer Rothschild as one of “three terroistic names that spell gradual annihilation of aristocracy” the other 2 names are his brothers Amschel Mayer Rothschild and Salomon Mayer Von Rothschild. They have completely taken over it, and he isn’t wrong. The British Government must have made the deal on grounds of placing the strength in the hands of a small, privileged ruling class banking family where theve turned aristocracy into oligarchy where a system picks the best of citizens, chosen through a careful process of selection and they are handed the privilege regardless of what talent they have.

This creates a rich & poor category where rich people will still pay the same prices at the local shops just like you do but they don’t look at the gorilla marketed product or price. You do though and you struggle to buy yours or maybe you have to favour 1 over the other, yet your working to pay Tax that’s paid basically the Rothschild family off to end black slavery and we entered a much larger type of slavery πŸ€” and the relative poverty class takes the inflation rates and are made to suffer under Inequality & poverty

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The Government have formulated policies which they say targets different aspects of poverty, let’s see what’s been happening to living standards, poverty & inequality in 2022 πŸ€” Mediam disposable incomes fell by 1.7% which made little change if you measure income after deducting housing costs. Incomes of poorer households rose by 3% due to benefit uplifts, which in real terms they gave each benefit and tax credit claimant Β£80 extra per month for under 1 year then Rushi took it away from them in the next budget!
They said relative poverty rates dropped by 1.7% but relative child poverty rose and caused a massive issue that was swept under the carpet and familys were substituted with vouchers! Child material deprivation increased leaving them unable to afford common items that we take for granted. And inflation rates are higher for lower-income families which again if you haven’t got Β£130k tucked away this will effect you! So there isn’t any point trying to justify why it waint because you honestly are unable to run away from it πŸ€” and why is that, it’s because the Government are in debt to the Rothschild bankers and they have been since 1805! And I can safely bet my home that the British Government didn’t just borrow Β£15 million from Nathan or his family.

Has the Government or any political party (besides 1930-40) honestly been there to end poverty and inequality? NO! they haven’t they all play the same pi piper tune over and over again πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ the more the Government borrow the more interest the people have to pay back and that can be paid in numerous ways like taxation rises, diesel hikes, electricity rises etc, they then use the media to fabricate there lies so the people are brought down spiritually and are made to feel fear because of our greedy government! Why are people actually voting for these clowns!

As Nathan Rothschild said “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls the British money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply” so that means Nathan and his Rothschild family where the ones who enslaved the black nations and used them for slavery as he was compensated for been a slave holder and so was his brothers and sisters! The facts are all here so please read further and thankyou for reading πŸ™

Sources: I’ve used Wikipedia links as the truth has always been right under our noses but who in there right mind will spend weeks piecing it all together? ME!! Minus the slave trade side to Wikipedia though dont get too caught up, know what’s right and understand what you are reading.
The slave trade isn’t linked to the Rothschild but the evidence is there if you connect it, it is right there in black and white and it links them if you research them in depth like I didπŸ‘‡









Β£15m Loan In 1835 To Compensate British Slaveowners Finally Paid In 2015

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Mayer Amschel Rothschlid

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (23 February 1744 – 19 September 1812; also spelled Anschel) was a German Jewish banker and the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Referred to as a “founding father of international finance”, Rothschild was ranked seventh on the Forbes magazine list of “The Twenty Most Influential Businessmen of All Time” in 2005.

With the help of relatives, Rothschild secured an apprenticeship under Jacob Wolf Oppenheimer at the banking firm of Simon Wolf Oppenheimer in Hanover in 1757. The grandson of Samuel Oppenheimer taught Rothschild useful knowledge in foreign trade and currency exchange, before he returned to his brothers’ business in Frankfurt in 1763.

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Nathan Rothschlid

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron

Rothschild, (also known as Lord Rothschild, born 29 April 1936) is a British peer, investment banker and a member of the Rothschild banking family. He is also honorary president of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.

Born in Berkshire, England, he is the eldest son of Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, by his first wife Barbara Judith Rothschild (nΓ©e Hutchinson). His father was born into a Jewish family, while his mother converted to Orthodox Judaism when they married.

Rothschild is Chairman of RIT Capital Partners plc, one of the largest investment trusts quoted on the London Stock Exchange with a net asset value of about Β£2 billion.

Β Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild 1936

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Rothschild Zionism

David Icke 2010

THE BEST SPEECH that explains what’s happing in our world

David Ike is naming the people who are running the subversion we are all experiencing globally.

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Fort Knox Robbery

Remember the
Bond movie

It was probably based
on this real-life robbery


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vs. Sovereign

The inner standing of the true meaning of being born as a “Spiritual Sovereign Soul” as opposed to being incorporated at birth into “The Evilh Corporation System of Enslavement” is the first step to regaining your sovereignty.

To fund their New World Order, they incorporated using our birth certificates by which we became debt slaves in their system for a debt they incurred and will never be paid off.

Their plan was to impose the Covid-19 False Flag Event and then force vaccinate (“Mark Of The Beast”) all of us with the goal of reducing the world population to 500 million from 6.7 billion.

Their goal of a New World Order is not new; it has been planned for hundreds of years and has been passed down from generation to generation through the 13 blood line families who answer to their overlords, never to be spoken of as they knew that if we found out, they would be hunted down and dealt with swiftly.

Thus, “The Great Awakening.” “The New World That God Has Always Intended for Us”

Their plan extends much further back than 1871; this was not the first time they have executed a reset of humanity here on this realm we call earth.

I encourage you to RESEARCH everything that I am providing. The “Act Of 1871” was the instrument they used after the US lost the Revolutionary War; it was at this time that the Rothchild’s and the global bankers infiltrated countries throughout the world.

The US Treasury was financially exhausted due to the war that the global bankers had orchestrated, as they always have.

The global bankers have started every war, funding both sides to control humanity.

The global bankers then pulled us into their web of deceit and lies through a loan which allowed them to infiltrate not only the US through our governments but worldwide.

The execution of this plan allowed them to infiltrate banking, courts, medical, educational systems, churches worldwide.

They had gained control of everything.

The Central banks, IMF, Federal Reserve, IRS, Corporations are not our friends folks.

The Act Of 1871 was a treasonous act against humanity; it was passed by The 41st Congress unlawfully against the original US Constitution.

This treasonous act enabled the global bankers to take away our sovereignty and dissolved the Republic For America.

The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation.

They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law – God’s Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.

Maritime Law is conducted by The BAR Association – British Accredited Register and NOT constitutional law.

So, with all of these facts presented, this is “The Great Awakening”… The British Crown along with the Vatican has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters and we no longer comply.

Millions of living souls around the world have been awakened to not only this very important fact but so much more.

We were awakened by Donald J Trump and The Kennedy’s along with The Q Team and The White Hat Alliance Of The Galactic Federation.

Yes, The Q Team is 100% real. Q has been teaching all of those who see through Donald J Trump through Twitter, through General Flynn who asked us to take the oath and swore many of us in as Anon’s.

An “Anon”, is a Sovereign Soul that was willing to take an oath to defend against all enemies both foreign and domestic against We the People’s Original Constitution of 1787 & Declaration Of Independence 1776.