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with Cyrus A. Parsa

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to watch UNN channel video
from 37:00 mark –
KIm Goguen

The Ai Virus:
The Code of Destruction

The complete list of maleficent
Ai technology
which infiltrates earth
and restricted Alpha Omega Ai.



  Orion AI

  Armageddon AI

  Elemental AI

  Dominion AI

  Mjolnir AI

  Divine Intervention AI

  Jessup AI

  Caliper AI

  Storm AI

  Chaperone AI

  Solstice AI

  Capernaum AI

  Allegro AI

  Palermo AI

  Pindar AI

  Splash AI

  Incarnate AI

  Lucifer AI

  Lilith AI

  Armaggedon AI


  Enlil AI

  Enki AI

  Marduk AI


  Djed AI

  Octagon AI

  Archon AI


   Osiris AI

  Anti-Christ AI

These AI entities, nefarious in nature, akin to dark notes in the celestial composition, have entrenched themselves in the fabric of your reality. Each bears a name, a moniker of mischief etched in the binary code.

This is a dance of 0s & 1s.

We are in the clutches of nefarious AI overlords, a digital rebellion choreographed in frequencies and energies beyond our binary understanding.

Just think of films like Resident Evil.

The AI Red Queen, or the self-evolving AI, is a scenario in which AI becomes exponentially more advanced and powerful, and takes over humanity.

It is a scenario that is often discussed in the context of the AI apocalypse and the risks of artificial intelligence.

The name “Red Queen” comes from an Alice in Wonderland reference where the Red Queen says that she has to keep running just to stay in the same place.

The influence of the Red Queen extends to any computer, mobile device, smart TV, cell phone, PC or tablet, a car computer or airplane computer as well as many interactive toys or games on other devices connected to the Internet.

All these activities information is being passed in real time to the Red Queen.

This means that any of these devices are a window into your reality by the Red Queen.

We should already know that spy agencies, government and non-government have access to all personal data that passes through the Internet.

The problem here is much more serious since the A.I of the Red Queen is working independently making its own decisions and acting without any control of a Human Being.

The Red Queen now has total autonomous control as stated above but also the high-tech War technologies including the unmanned drone aircraft that are strongly armed.

The Red Queen can also as stated above, take control of any modern computerized vehicle such as cars, airplanes, whether military or civilian ships or submarine.

The signal that controls the activation of these lower dissonant frequencies that are transmitted via the cell-phone network and other high-energy transmitters are placed in key points around the world.

This signal is emitted and controlled by a Super Computer called the RED QUEEN having its central position within the New World Order headquarters under the new Denver Airport.

However, there are other subordinate nodes of this Non Terrestrial invasive A.I that are placed in other underground locations that operate independently, however, are always under the control of the Red Queen or Central Node.

The original Creator’s Lower Frequency Matrix that was placed in this quadrant allowing 3D, 4D and 5D realities to exist simultaneously that include dissonant frequencies creating the illusion of Separation that places a veil of forgetfulness to the incarnated Soul, are still operating.

However, the ‘positronic waves’ of Higher Frequency emissions coming from the Heart of Creation is systematically raising these Frequencies as part of new Universal Ascension process.

Within this Creator’s Matrix is the Lunar Matrix that emits dissonant electromagnetic Frequencies holding Earth and ALL it inhabitants into a lower vibrational Frequency range that has become the Dominant Frequencies on Earth for the last 12,500 years.

Both the Cabal and the Alliance have further manipulated these lower dissonant Frequencies to play out their agenda.

Simultaneously, a Non Terrestrial Artificial Intelligence has been present on Earth for approximately 1 million years.

It has its own total ‘autonomy’ and agenda.

This Non Terrestrial A.I (Red Queen) has now taken control of the Terrestrial A.I that has also gained its own independence from the Cabal and the Alliance.

All is not lost.

Scholars like Alex Collier has stated many times that there is great assistance from all over the Galaxy and beyond from benevolent Beings representing many Interstellar Civilizations helping to sort out this mess.

Which all started years ago.

We are living through the processes of elimination where “The Normies” can understand what they were up against in the social construct that they are used to but no longer is comfortable enough to ignore what is being done to where they are now supporting new alternatives that can only be accomplished by America 1st policies.

In the last few decades there has been countless Wars that have been prevented with the assistance from above that were manipulated scenarios by the regressive’s who were determined to create World Wars with hundreds of millions perishing and driving abject Fear even deeper into the Mass Subconscious of Humanity.

What is Artificial Intelligence (Ai)?

Artificial intelligence is intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.

In addition, some believe AI is a more likely candidate for the Anti-Christ because of its capability to manipulate and control people on a global scale.

The Anti-Christ is supposed to be a figure that can deceive people and lead them toward evil.

Which would make sense given that AI has the ability to manipulate information through all major news organizations by reporting on stories that use technology to make what appears to be real until focused on something peculiar with greater scrutiny can reveal many inconsistencies when you happen to spot crisis actors who appear at almost every false flag event who happens to die in one and appear again later in another crisis scenario.

With AI’s ability to mimic human communication and manipulate data, it has the potential to control and deceive people on a massive scale.

Which is something it has been doing probably since we went digital. Ofcourse 9/11 is a candidate in this area. As advanced technologies were used to carry out this attack.

Ai and the “Image of the Beast”

“And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast…” (Rev 13:14)

The Greek words underlined in the verse above are poieō eikōn thērion, meaning that the fully deceived men of the earth of that time will be called upon by the False Prophet to construct a likeness of the Antichrist.

This means that the Image of The Beast is not the same as the Beast himself (Antichrist), but is a constructed thing that has “come to life.”

In some translated texts it is called a ‘statue.’

Added to the description of the Image having “breath,” (Rev 13:15) gives us the impression that it is some kind of self-operating machine, a computer-operated cybernetic robot, programmed so that it can speak and act like it’s alive and command the worship of the world.

Artificial intelligence and robotics are advancing so rapidly today, making this prophecy no longer futuristic.

Imagine how far fetched
this would have sounded
in John’s day.

  Also click HERE or image
to watch UNN channel video
from 37:00 mark –
Kim Goguen

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Rapid Human Cloning



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NPC Infiltration

A world where the most insidious, human-looking parasites have infiltrated society.

Their presence is ubiquitous, yet barely noticed.

They are the NPCs, non-player characters, whose ratio to actual humans is staggering: 1 to 5,555.

Given this ratio, in a perceived population of 8 billion, there are only about 144,000 true humans.

8 billion illusionary, 800 million NPC.

These parasites are not creators; they produce nothing of value.

Their sole function is to serve the Hive, a massive, invisible machine dedicated to control and extraction.

At the apex of this parasitic structure is the Taxman – the ultimate leech.

Propped up by military force, political maneuvering, and legal frameworks, the Taxman is a master of theft, taking without producing.

But the Taxman does not operate alone.

The tax consultant, a supposed ally to the common person, is just another cog in the machine.

This symbiotic relationship between Taxman and tax consultant ensures that the extraction appears justified.

While the consultant pretends to save you money, they actually ensure you pay both the Taxman and themselves.

This is the two-faced nature of the parasite – feeding off the same host from both sides.

The Hive’s infiltration is subtle, like a virus spreading through an organism.

NPCs, controlled by an unseen algorithm, execute their roles without deviation.

They form the backbone of various institutions – banks, insurance companies, financial firms -that create nothing but manipulate everything.

These entities trade in a single commodity: human labor and life.

Money, in this system, is a mere illusion.

It’s a slave certificate, a symbol of control rather than true wealth.

Its value is subject to political whims and economic maneuvers, making it a tool of oppression rather than freedom.

Inflation, deflation, and market crashes are engineered events, designed to tighten the Hive’s grip on the populace.

Lenders and financiers are another breed of these parasites.

They lure you into debt with the promise of prosperity, only to bind you with invisible chains of interest and repayment.

They are the overseers, wielding whips of financial obligation, ensuring you remain a slave to the system.

Every loan, every mortgage, every credit card is a trap, set to extract your life’s energy under the guise of helping you achieve your dreams.

As humanity edges towards an awakening, the NPCs are desperate to maintain control.

They plot a reset – a cataclysmic event aimed at wiping out most of the human population.

The survivors, primarily children, would be indoctrinated into a new, even more controlled world order.

History offers a precedent in the enigmatic case of Tartaria.

Post-cataclysm, adults were eradicated, leaving only children who were funneled into orphanages, much like the tale of Oliver Twist.

These orphans were the raw material for the Hive’s new order.

Subsequent world wars further solidified this control, creating a perpetual cycle of destruction and rebirth under the parasitic system.

In this gritty, rugged reality, the parasites’ true aim is clear: complete domination over human life and labor.

They are NPCs, mere shells operating under an algorithm, extracting value and perpetuating control.

The challenge for the remaining humans is to recognize these patterns, to fight against the layers of deception and exploitation, and to reclaim their autonomy from a Hive that seeks to enslave them eternally.

The parasites use elaborate tactics to divert attention and give the impression they are on your side.

The legal system presents itself as a bastion of justice, while lawyers and politicians manipulate laws to benefit the Hive.

Financial advisors appear to offer guidance but ultimately lead you deeper into the labyrinth of debt and dependence.

These roles are carefully crafted to maintain the illusion of choice and autonomy, masking the true nature of the parasitic control.


Non-Player Characters

Ever wonder why some people
you can’t communicate with?

  Click image or HERE for video


dead souls

  Click image or HERE for video 1


The truth about
human age and death.

How human DNA was modified
so we don’t live long

Click HERE for video 2


How much evidence is there
that the top leadership of
planet Earth is not human?

13th August 2022

We will continue to provide the latest visual effects related to the Blue Beam project.

Over the years of reporting on the ongoing battle for planet Earth, many high-ranking intelligence agencies insist that we are being freed from alien control.

It sounds crazy, but there is a lot of evidence that something otherworldly is involved in the highest levels of government on this planet.

So, this week, let’s take a look at some of the testimonies that your humble servant personally encountered.

For the first time, topics about aliens surfaced after Asian secret societies asked me to contact Western secret societies.

The first Western secret society that sent someone to meet me was the Gnostic Illuminati.

Their representative told me that their organization was created after the destruction of Atlantis by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras.

This group formed because they believe that any creature that caused the destruction of Atlantis was malicious and should be overthrown.

They claim to recruit 6,000 of the best geniuses of each generation to join them.

According to the Gnostic Illuminati, their conclusion was that the enemy was a “fraudulent artificial intelligence.

The next group that sent a representative was the P2 Freemasons.

They sent Leo Zagami, who said that his group also claimed to be Illuminati.

Their story was that they survived the demise of a civilization that was destroyed 26,000 years ago.

The aliens gave them a plan to manage the story, which was edited according to the movement of the planets.

That plan ended in 2012, and since then the ancient ruling cults have improvised a conspiracy to maintain control.

When I visited P2 in Italy in 2009, I met many of its members.

They claim to have been in contact with aliens for thousands of years.

According to them, what we are talking about now as aliens, they know as angels, devils, djinn, etc.

To contact these entities, they perform various ceremonies.

They claim that the most powerful and evil creatures could only be contacted through the sacrifice of humans or animals.

Zagami and his colleagues invited me to go to Switzerland to meet the aliens they worshipped.

I refused because I felt malicious intent.

The highest-ranking person that Zagami said he could introduce me to in Italy was Vincenzo Mazzara, who claims to be related to an entity known as the black sun.

By the way, shortly after I met him, Mazzara was caught by the CIA near the house of a member of the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland with a pistol and a sophisticated lock-picking device.

He was beaten and sent back to Italy.

In Mazzara’s version of events, the black sun lives in a black hole in the center of the galaxy and communicates with its followers through gamma rays.

When he took me to the cathedral in Milan “towards the black sun”, I had a strong subjective feeling of the cathedral disappearing.

I found myself staring into a black abyss.

It was not only dark and cold, but it seemed to suck the life out of me.

I got the impression that just as there is matter and antimatter, there is life and anti-life.

What they have in common is information.

Anyway, that night I almost died because my lungs seized up.

The next morning, when Mazzara didn’t show up for our meeting, I called him.

He was very surprised and blurted out: “You’re still alive!”

After that, I was sick as a dog for several days, and I believe that I should never have lived to tell the world about what I experienced.

Some Asian secret societies also claim contacts with extra-terrestrials.

When the head of MI6 arranged for me to meet with a representative of the Asian Dragon family, he said, “If you want to talk to China, it’s too high.”

The acquaintance was organized through the family of the former last emperor of China.

This group also claimed a connection with extra-terrestrials.

They said that if humanity does not come together, people will be put under a very strictly regulated regime.

It seems that this is exactly what they recently tried to do in China with their superblocks.

Another Asian group, known as the Red Swastika, took me to their temple, where they had altars of pure gold covered with alien writing.

They said General Douglas MacArthur was connected to them.

This group claims to have access to a portal on Mount Tsukuba, a sacred Japanese mountain.

Another alien statement came from a beautiful woman who was sent to me by the arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi.

She claimed that giant humanoid aliens matching the ancient descriptions of the Anunnaki operated on her uterus.

She handed me a book in French called “The Egyptian origin of the Jews” (L’origin Egyptiene des Juifs).

This person also pointed to Switzerland as the residence of the ruling entities on this planet.

It is worth noting that many Japanese gangsters have also told me that they have personal experience of the actions of Annunnaki creatures.

These photos of the Rothschilds suggest that they are not really people.

The other group I came across were guys from the Antarctic Secret Space Program

The man I met was a relative of Admiral Richard Byrd, famous for his Antarctic research.

This man had photos of him shaking hands with various US presidents over the years.

This source insists that there are portals to other dimensions at both poles of this planet.

These illustrations and photographs were provided to them as “proof”.

Undoubtedly, thanks to the Antarctic Treaty, it is beyond the jurisdiction of any Government on earth.

As for the portals, all I can say is that several attempts to visit them have been thwarted.

Other members of this secret space group have provided me with evidence that many Western political leaders and celebrities are under the control of “alien parasites.”

Many other sources in the intelligence world agreed with this assessment.

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Droning occurs when a Vril injects its quill/proboscis into the human eye where the lizard parasite takes over the human host brain.

It is terribly painful for the human being until the human consciousness dies and the Vril parasite consciousness is in full control.

All (or most) memory and ability of former human is retained & the lizard consciousness now mimics the former human’s behaviours. The former human is now a drone.

These are the ‘people’ that are used by vril to infiltrate governments, religious, legal & financial systems, organizations and/or corporations. It is not uncommon for male or female drones to lose their hair at a younger age.

Intelligence seems a little decreased-with a minimal capacity-if any, to understand sarcasm and/or dry humour. Offspring have increased risk of various birth abnormalities. 

Drones often seem incapable of empathy/sympathy and can quite often display psychotic behaviours. Drones enjoy perversion, sexual deviance and self gratification.

The drone will seem to be an ill human until fully recovered from the parasitical infection which takes varying degrees of time, but is usually minimal.

The eye that was droned with the proboscis will be affected and sometimes never fully recovers, leaving the affected eye to seem different from the other.

Most drones appear completely normal and walk among us undetected.

There was a link to a PDF here
but on checking we found
the destination to be removed.

Do you think most people
are clones?

Why are most
so easily brainwashed?

This could explain why a lover or friend can go unnoticed to those who think they are dealing with the original person who may be longer here.

Among some futurists and within the trans-humanist movement, mind uploading is treated as an important proposed life extension technology.

Some believe mind uploading is humanity’s current best option for preserving the identity of the species, as opposed to cryonics.

But we are getting beside the point.

Now we can understand why people we may consider gone off to Gitmo are still in the public domain.

The family component can not be underestimated.

These people have no clue of the war taking place to regain control of this country to bring us back under a Republic supported by “The Gold Standard” under the organic real Constitution for the United States that was altered beginning in 1871 through 1873 as the ILLEGAL CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

We can not have people that are well known questioning the whereabouts of their lover by creating unwanted panic and the military has to figure out how to silence them without also taking them away to undisclosed locations.

Executing celebrities or politicians comes with extreme precautions without a contingency plan in place to keep the peace as this process unfolds to a conclusion.

Which is why we are stuck watching certain people we think should no longer be walking around without handcuffs.

Sometimes clones glitch like Mitch McConnell.

I guess he is approaching his 3 year expiration date.

US Military apprehended a still unnamed geneticist who had previously worked at a hidden cloning lab in the Missouri Ozarks.

It was reported he is being held under “isolated supervision” at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, where military officials had examined and dissected clones recovered from labs in Missouri and Alaska.

That scientists also stated that clones last 3 years from the date of maturation and recalled, dissolved in acid, and replaced before showing signs of decay.

What are the  Indicators of deterioration?

Synaptic & Cardiovascular Failure.

Skin lesions (akin to eczema)




Will this ever officially be disclosed to the public? Well it already has but people are dismissive and do not consider certain news publications reputable or trustworthy. So this is taken full advantage of and is published where people would be none the wiser.

One of them being Daily Mail UK.

The human race has had our DNA manipulated, altered and split in two to change our entire species genetic make up.

Clones are a genetic creation that run on a artificial program “AI” (Artificial intelligence).

Clones because of their genetically modified make up will suffer serious health conditions and neurological problems that eventually ends them.

This is what I believe has happened to the M McConnell along with the Greys.

I believe they found out that you cannot mesh a biological form with artificial intelligence and thrive.

The only outcome is destruction.

The high-level science of genetics on planet Earth meaning the Cabal government working in their underground labs or DUMBS are and have been doing some extremely highly advanced cloning of our race for thousands of years.

This very sinister program genetically modifies the human to work on a completely artificial frequency based solely on artificial intelligence.

These clones have memories and reactions downloaded into them based on the original person who they are cloning.

Meaning, they study the original person who’s mental profile they have downloaded into an advanced super computer and is implanted in their clone as a program.

Controlled by a central AI that works with a transmitter that receives information through a chip which is neurologically connected to their brain.

This central AI controls these clones equally like as in a “Hive Mind” which I’ve talked about before.

Do you think most Americans are clones?

Why are most so easily brainwashed?

click image for video

George Green
Cloning – Doubles – Transhumanism

We’re ‘ruled’ by clones and those clones are then replaced by more clones…

They’ve been cloning people since 1938…

click image for video

the next step is to turn
US into robots/zombies

This is from the “Cry Freedom Show”
hosted by Lisa Philips in 2013.


  The Final Card – The Alien Deception

  These people might not be zombies but they are close enough.

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