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There is no logic to this page.
It contains copies of posts
that make no sense right now
and maybe never will.
It’s here more as a historical reference
for future scrutiny which
might make sense one day.
Pay no attention to the contents.
This isn’t going
to make much sense,
Patriot Panic as many believe the convoy to Texas is a set up for the FBI to stage another false flag event and blame Maga and Patriots.
Green Beret DOC Chambers gave a strong statement saying Green Berets + Navy Seals will be at the Texas border and they are facilitating the events with the police,, sheriff and INTELLIGENCE to secure a safe gathering on the Texas Border.
(It’s known that the FBI and deep state government intelligence agencies with CIA use _PATCOM operations to set false flag events that blame the events on U.S. civilians.)
WACO FBI event that killed and burned innocent woman and children to death was a PATCOM [DS] ops
The Oklahoma bombings was a PATCOM ops by the FBI / CIA
Many more – other PATCOM ops
January 6 was a _PATCOM [DSs] operations with FBI/CIA/ highest levels in the government operations
So there is justified panic in the conservative community on the deep state planning to stage PATCOM operations
( False flag event) to blame Maga and Patriots for a civil war set off.
Unfortunately bravery is the only way to stand up to the corruption and “Green Berets + Navy Seal” are there to help facilitate a peaceful outcome.
Currently Intelligence is already identifying several people and groups that are already there to stir up problems (they were sent by deep state directives)
It is very important for Patriots and Trump supporters to understand these coming next 11 months are vital for Americans to rise against the UN [ DAVOS] [ CIA] [ CABAL] through the world and many fronts including operations on the Texas Borders.
This year is a powerful year where U.S. Patriots must pick powerful moments to stand physically in demonstration and give their credence and voice inside actual demonstrations and movements.
This same Bravery of standing against the system is also going to happen in Europe on a massive level.
So be very careful and use your wisdom in this time as you BRAVE THE STORM and navigate through the EVENTS to help the world come back into balance inside the Storm my dear friend, Patriots and ANONS
The news is fake.
The war is real.
Inside the Storm the rising of world citizens and movements is vital in standing against the elite globalist corruption that controls the systems.
Stay strong dear Patriots as we come into a powerful hard year of The Great Awakening Movement.
White Hats, [03-Feb-24]
Bioclandestin channel
Just when I thought the Biden regime couldn’t get any more stupid, they bring John Podesta back into the spotlight.
Why would they make it this easy for us?
Biden just brought in the ringleader of the satanic pedos.
Given the Epstein files coming out, this might be the dumbest thing the Deep State could have done.
Now citizen journalists are going to recirculate all of his pedophile/satanic activity.
But most importantly, we have the free speech platform to do it, and the influence/reach to make a significant impact on public perception.
They can’t censor us now thanks to Elon.
Now we are going to be pumping out red-pills about the Podestas, making Biden’s optics even worse.
It’s like Zelensky promoting Marina Abramović to oversee school construction in Ukraine.
They are making it blatantly obvious where their allegiance lies, confirming they are evil.
It’s time to red-pill the public on the Podestas.
It’s time to dive back down maybe the most disturbing rabbit hole there is… I’ve been dreading the day I would have to do this, but it must be done.
Stay tuned.
White Hats, [03-Feb-24]
I had DROPped this important info last year;
John Podesta is going to come back, and Seth Rich Is going to come back and everything will be exposed.
It’s all happening and going to grow into a massive story!
Sometimes you really have to wonder why Q knew we were watching a movie.
I have been telling you for a long time… A lot of deep state people actors are being forced to play out their final parts.
They are are being Forced by Military operations connected to DEVOLUTION PLAN
I have been telling you a lot of the play by play CABLES happening.
Long before anyone was talking of nuclear EVENTS or blackouts or Twitter being captured by USSF / MUSK MILITARY INTEL and much much much….
This year is the year Adrenochrome is going to be LEAKED into the world wide public sectors . .. And will connect to the understanding of over 8 million missing children yearly!
Human trafficking is the real Pandemic!
That’s why Trump initiated Executive Orders to combat the crisis but also installed covert military operations to bring down world operations in an 8 years Q cycle.
Why do you think the worlds biggest pedophile and child trafficker EPSTEIN was arrested under the TRUMP administration?
How does the CIA ( Bush’s). MOSSAD. Mi6. Globalist. CLINTONS. DAVOS.WEF. UN. + ETC+ all fit into Adrenochrome harvesting and human trafficking ring and pedophila ring?
The 33 rd degree Masons/ Kazarians at the highest levels who created world war 1 and World War 2 and funded Hitler with U.S. money
(this can still be Google and is inside United States archives) by Prescott Bush (Bush family) and by U.S. backs and UK. (ROCKEFELLERS. JP Morgan. ROTHSCHILDS banking sectors, wall Street etc.)
After these assholes funded Hitler and war 1 & 2, they also created The United Nations and the plans were laid out at Bohemian Grove California by Globalist at pedophile and human trafficking parties that only included men ( now it’s proven bohemian grove satanic cult parties and child sacrifice rituals exist for over 130 with world elites and presidents prime ministers and major cotps.)…
The United Nations was created for several reasons including a world Money laundering operations to creating protection laws for Globalist or their corporations having diplomatic immunity ( they can’t be arrested or investigated…. example Pfizer working with UN ) …
It was planned that WW2 would be stopped by the UN which would then come in as the savior of the world. ..
And three years later the UN created Israel (large parts of the plan of creating Israel dates back to 33rd Masons in 1800s who wanted to create Israel to bring war into the middle East and hoped to destroy Israel through planned wars with the Muslim world.
After the destruction of Israel the idea was for a savior United Alliance by the cabal (future United Nations) to bring in a one world government through the destruction and war of the middle East that killed all the Jews in Israel.
Now their plan is still happening as they try to bring a massive nuclear event to Israel and try to unite the world against the middle East and the U.S. try to retake control of the middle east oil (this plan is no longer working and falling apart).
But there are many many factors why The United Nations was created by the Kazarians fake northern Jews (ROTHSCHILDS/ ROCKERFELLERS) who stole the identity of the real Jews …
There are allot of parts to this story including why ROTHSCHILDS funded Ghislain Maxwells father who worked for MI6. MOSSAD and CIA
But this this story focus is to Adrenochrome, John Podesta. Hillary ROCKEFELLER CLINTON and human/ child trafficking industry.
So the Adrenaline sack in the body is shaped like triangle /_\ there is two of them.
A rectangle has 3 sides.
The illuminati hand symbol with both hands makes a triangle.
But if you separate the joined hands and show only one hand.
You have a Goat feet (Leonard Nimoy – Spok- hand gesture is the goat feet and he got this idea from Rabbi
Which is the old hand symbol of the Jewish (mainly the Kazar Jews ) …pop culture tries to succeed these goat hand symbols to the Aries goat symbolism…but the real truth is biblical.
And dates back to Samaria times and sacrifices of goats and drinking the blood in rituals.
Through dark ceremonies connected to Bali Moloch God of child sacrifice and Satanic rituals for evil spiritual guidance or was revealed to them that brutal torcher of humans and children and drinking their blood elevated their satanic spiritual insights.
What was really happening was the Adrenaline sack was producing high amounts of adrenaline and the body was releasing massive amounts of Dopamine, serotonin and at the same time inside the Satanic Torture ritual before death the Penal gland was releasing DMT compounds (DMT is the chemical that makes you dream and also the part of the brain that gives spiritual awareness and intuition in consciousness…
DMT is also found in nature in Ayahuasca plants used for hallucinogenic attributes )…
The mixture of the DMT., Large amounts of Adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in the blood and Penal gland (3rd eye) is what the CABAL, satanic dark descendants of Cain drank and craved. . Adrenochrome.
This why 33rd Masons highest levels have the Satanic book of Satan and killing is required to enter the Top level (the lower levels of the world 33rd freeMason society are unaware of what they are actually following)
The star of David is two Triangles 3 and 3 upon each other.
The old Jewish hand symbol as Leonard Nimoy confirms come from the Jews old tradition society is that of he goat feet.
The 3rd eye of the Penal gland is the most valuable commodity of the the ELITES and highest levels of 33rd degree Masons that control and created the United Nations and U.S. Federal reserves ( eye on the money symbol) …
Now you know why MILLIONS OF MISSING CHILDREN EXIST AND [DS] Mil.intell protects the Globalist.
Now you know why TRUMP is going after the Satanic forces and swamp.
John Podesta is intentionally being pushed back into the spotlight for a reason and military white HATS operations are going to EXPOSE the DARK secrets of the child pedophile trafficking ring and Satanic rituals of the Elites Globalist
EPSTEIN is a huge huge key…
You have more than you know Patriots!!!
Exposing the UN is vital and their connection to the human trafficking through the Southern borders.
Your time to fight the for the children of the world is now and stand up against the comfort corrupt CABAL deep state satanic system.
(This post is not against the Real Jewish people who have been infiltrated by the satanic cabal for thousands of years and now being exploited by Globalist…
More over almost all societies have been infiltrated by the CABAL and thus the reason for military COUPs through the world and corrupt systems in line with hidden human/ child sex trafficking and torture rings of Millions of missing yearly)
The Great Awakening is much more than
geopolitics and the exposure of corruption
and deep state agenda…
Its connected to Infinite knowledge
Golden knowledge of the Light…
Holy water.
Water has existed for Quintillions of years of creation here in our universe and different universe’s and different dimensions of the past, present and future moments.
Scientist still can not really understand water and the Quantum movements of water and especially the full connection water has to the body, mind and (spirit).
The Sacredness of water in the human body is connected to time travel.
Infinity. For centuries it was believed that matter can only exist in three states.
Such as water, which can exist as liquid, ice, and vapor.
Human cells are seventy percent water but most of this water is not in any of these three states.
We have recently learned that with water, there is a fourth state.
This fourth state is called the plasma state, gel phase, exclusion zone or structured water.
And this is what pushes your blood through the entire cardiovascular system.
Fueled by Infrared energy from its environment, the water in our body becomes an electrical propulsion system.
A certain percentage of the water in our body becomes structured water, and the rest remains normal liquid water, or bulk water.
The structured water becomes negatively charged and forms the gelatinous outer walls of our capillaries, veins, and arteries.
These negatively charged outer walls continuously propel the positively charged bulk water within, carrying the blood with it.
This propulsion system will run indefinitely so long as it stays charged.
And the way you charge it, is with the earth’s electromagnetic field, infrared energy, and positive thought.
The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto has scientifically demonstrated that water exposed to loving human words and thoughts is transformed into its natural hexagonal shape.
It becomes structured at a molecular level based on our positive intention.
This new model shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart, not the other way around.
And in order to keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.
This shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart, not the other way around.
And in order to keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.
Gold in it’s purest form does not appear to be gold at all.
Under the right conditions, normal physical gold can be transformed into a fine white powder known as monoatomic gold.
This monoatomic gold has been studied by multiple advanced laboratories and it has very strange properties.
It can be made to levitate and disappear.
Monoatomic gold is superconductive.
One of the ways of turning metallic gold into monoatomic gold is by putting it through a high-speed vortex.
When this transformation occurs, there is a flash of light, and a forty-four percent loss in weight.
The trace amounts of gold in our blood is transformed into monoatomic gold as it travels through the double vortices in the heart.
Creating the spark of life,..
This vortex system creates an energetic field around the heart.
☝️ (This information is shared from Doctors and several renownwed scientists across the world) __
NOW_in several CLASSIFIED studies happening for centuries and current century the power of Plasma water and monoatomic gold in the body is known to create the Energy and spark of life connected to INFINITE energy and Quantum fields that connects multiple dimensions.
The vortex around the heart moves through the entire body and quadrillions of water molecules in the human cells can be activated for healing properties, connecting and changing molecular structures of the universe and connected to time travel at Quantum levels.
The knowledge of Jesus and many known and unknown, unnamed Masters all understood the sacredness of the body and prayed to the water.
They all knew anything is possible by the creation of the divine.
The Nazis classified projects were deep into the vortex of the heart and human body and how monatomic gold levitated.
Several classified military projects through the world know the TRUTH of what’s hidden in Antarctica, South Western United States, Old Palestine Samar regions and several places through the world.
There is a reason the deep state poisoned the water with chemicals and chlorine through the world that deactivates the holy water plasma field…
But with sacred prayers and belief and FAITH the structure of Water Molecules activate.
This is why their is a war for your mind and a war for your DNA.
You are Sacred.
The Great Awakening.
God wins.
Those who have passed on have experienced the next chapters of creation and the ways of Water (Quantum).
Earth (forever vibrating energy Fields in different forms)
Wind (the breath of life and movement)
Fire LIGHT (Forever the spark of life INFINITE)
Stay strong Patriots you have much more than you know.
The inner War inside the U.S. Intelligence agencies is reaching an all time high as the NSA leaks FBI memo to Texas Border agents and Intelligence on the Border
The FBI memo is a fake BLACK FLAG, PATCOM Operations that is using FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST WHITE SUPREMEST (Most likey CIA MK-ultra goons ) to attack the migrants and U.S. border patrol to stage a false flag event that will lead to Biden and deep state blaming Patriots, Maga and Trump supporters for the [ds] event.
From the highest levels inside the U S. Intelligence agencies they are sending warnings to the border patrol and high level sources through the governments.
The FBI memo leak is causing chaos inside the intelligence agencies
(It’s well known through the military intelligence and 3 letter agencies that The Storm and Arrest wars are coming)/p>
At the same time the NSA has denied the Biden administration and the CIA Pentagon against using their facial recognition systems (that have already been abused in the January 6 FBI false flag PATCOM operations illegally)
The deep state Narration has begun as MSM News outlets start pushing the civil war narration and twisting stories that Colonial Pete Chambers is a Green Beret and leading white extremists to hunt down immigrants and start civil war against the Biden administration.
Hundreds of liberal news outlets are pushing the same CIA MOCKINGBIRD narration.
Major panic inside the FBI as LEAKS continue and the January 6 pipe bombs saga unfolds as false flag events that are staged by the FBI
THE PIPE BOMBS ARE FBI SPECIALTY With their own special SIGNATURE in the way the bomb is created military specialist, analysis and intelligence agencies ask know the pipe bombs are FBI Training special made pipe bombs.
Intelligence communities have already identified the person who left the bombs as an FBI correspondent
Lots is happening in the U.S. the deep state cabal prepare to create near civil war EVENTS, this all comes as CIA Ukraine Proxy war fails and Russian military has annihilated the CIA/NATO operations
(Now UN/DAVOS / NATO is begging the EU to create a military to fight Russia …
Unfortunately EU intelligence and several secretaries of defence have given military assessments that the EU counties are out of ammunition and munitions…
This all comes as NATO has failed to produce the one million a month ammunition productions and less than 20% has been produced…
Ukraine is holding billions of U S.
And EU tax dollars…
But have no place to buy ammunition and more over the Ukraine military has nearly been wiped out and the last of reserves are being used (pulling people off the streets to fight… Young and Old)
Major panic in the United Nations as U.S. military assessment and war gaming operations and simulation war with Iran is a negative out come.
Iran has over 40,000,000 million men willing to fight, and Iran military is highly advanced with weapons and has some of the highest military ammunition stock reserves in the world.
Turkey, Russia, China will back Iran and Saudi Arabia will completely shut off the U.S. from oil
WIRES]]; Intelligence reports state that the non jurisdiction of the U.S. military illegally stationed in Syria is where the U.S. soldiers came from.
They were not part of the U.S. military base in Jordan
(MASSIVE COVER UP is happening in the U.S. military with Biden administration and CIA [ DS] NEWS agencies pushing the False stories )
Several colonials in the U S. have an stated that Iran would not use drones to attack as Iran has some of the most advanced weapon systems in the world and the drones strike were made by local militia’s.
🔥 Panic in the Pentagon/ CIA as the U.S. military stock reserve is reaching all time low and ask war assessment confirms Russian, Iran can easily take control of the black sea. Mediterranean and red sea…
🔥 MAJOR PANIC as Turkey Military mulls over intervening in the U.S. attempt at world war 3 operations. //// Cables]] indicate Turkey sent strong warnings to UK not to intervene in the U.S. Iran situation.
>] Behind the scenes >]!: Cheyenne mnt. And Military white hats+ TRUMP are STAGING for the perfect moment to bring EPSTEIN SAGA MORE INTO THE LIGHT//)/
[they] are trying so desperately to start world war 3 and U.S. civil war to suppress EPSTEIN / UN) / CIA PENTAGON EXPOSURE and more
Stay safe Patriots if you are in Texas.
California and New Mexico standing with Take Back Our Border movement.
(White Hats in the NSA and different agencies are trying hard with military and ex military to facilitate Texas operations and they are behind the scenes sending warnings and also warning FBI not to facilitate a black flag PATCOM operations.)
A lot happening behind the scenes
(This now being reported by growing MSM outlets)
I had long ago been giving you inside DROPS on the division and growing COUP in Ukraine happening against the Zelensky regime NOW_escalation grows inside the DIVISION Of THE UKRAINE GOVERNMENT AND MILITARY *Top Ukrainian General’s Conflict With Zelensky On Display In CNN Op-Ed Amid persistent more-than-rumors that Ukraine’s President Zelensky is trying to fire his defense chief, Gen. Valerii Zaluzhny, CNN has given the embattled general op-ed space to speak some things that are certain to pour fuel to the fire. Prior international reports, including in CNN, said that on Monday Zelensky asked his top general to step down.
Zaluzhny reportedly refused.
We earlier asked the question, is there a brewing mutiny as the split between the military leadership and Zelensky administration grows wider?
In Zaluzhny’s CNN op-ed, published late in the day Thursday, the top general has continued saying things which run afoul of Zelensky’s more positive, rosy narrative as the latter desperately tries to attract more Western weaponry and funding, at a moment many European nations are struggling with >DEPLETED DOMSTIC STOCKPILES< “We must contend with a reduction in military support from key allies, grappling with their own political tensions,” Zaluzhny writes.
“Our partners’ stocks of missiles, air defense interceptors and ammunition for artillery is becoming exhausted, due to the intensity of hostilities in Ukraine, but also from a global shortage of propellant charges.”
Meanwhile, Bloomberg too is acknowledging the open divisions _General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi is a national hero for Ukrainians.
But two years into the war, setbacks on the battlefield and political jealousies in the capital have soured his relationship with President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
This week, the president tried — and failed — to force out his commander-in-chief, pulling back the curtain on a damaging rift at the heart of the Ukraine war effort.
I had just DROPped information that NATO had failed in trying to produce 1 million ammunitions a month in their operations. And hit less than 20% percent Mark
(Now Top NATO official pushes the Russia war to 20 years ahead)
Israel running out of ammo as they moved the past 2 years most of their military stock reserve’s to Ukrain
UNITED STATES at so time low in military stock reserve’s
Hmmmmm… Just like Q The Storm Rider has been saying for the years is happening and now U.S. colonials are calling NATO a collapsed Alliance and the UN/ U S. [ DS] MILITARY TO INVADE MIDDLE EAST A PAPER TIGER
Real TRUTH… Iran doesn’t want war and is surging in economic boom and Saudi Arabia is helping pulling strings to COLLAPSE THE UNITED NATIONS W/ TRUMP+ MILITARY INTEL OPS.
It’s all happening.
How do you think I knew the War in Ukraine was going to erupt long before anyone knew what was really happening in 2020 and how the EVENTS were going to trigger NUCLEAR Standoff
and I have been giving you the CABLES of the Middle East war that was going to erupt long before msm or any other outlets was really talking about.
It’s hard for the normies to understand how EPSTEIN connects to all the chaos happening…
But I have been telling you back then.. EPSTEIN was going to trigger the WARS
>[ CIA] [ MOSSAD] [ MI6] [ UN] [ GLOBALIST][ +]
How did Cheyenne mountain get a hold of reading the future.
The travel tech.> Infinit energy. /)) > Looking glass/ / / CLASSIFIED time warp/ travel operations.
What’s under the undiscovered oceans and Earth.
Why is Antarctic so important?
Why did the Roman Catholic leaders remove large parts of the Bible around year 300?
What is the SOURCE?

from the Ending of WWII
has been SCRIPTED
(Written by Charlie Freak)
Everything from the Ending of WWII has been SCRIPTED with a Fine Tooth Comb by the White Hats, as they Knew after the utter Calamity that the first half of the Twentieth Century was, if they Strayed but a Little, they would Fall into Great Ruin, along with the Rest of Mankind; thus, there has been a PLAN…a Brilliant and Righteous Plan to not only Confront Evil on this Earth, but to Eradicate it, and to this End you had the ULTIMATE Alliance on Earth between varying groups of People, who all shared THREE things in Common…
Two, a Desire to See this Earth exist in a Christ-like Fashion, and
Three, a Love of Children and a Desire that they should Grow up Safely and in Peace;therefore this Alliance was formed under the Banner of the White Hats, who referred to their Enemy as the Black Hats, and these ‘White Hats’ were comprised of the following Groups:* The Bloodline of Yeshua & Mary (Jesus Christ/Mary Magdalene)
* The Freemasons and ALL of their Tributaries, including:
The Knights Templar, The Priory of Sion, The Order of the Cruciform Sword, The Order of the Eastern Star, The Order of the Blue Rose, and the Order of Alchemists
* A Conglomerate of Good, Wealthy Families, Industrialists
* A Conglomerate of Ancient Spiritual Orders, Including: Zoroastrianism, The Gnostics, The Essenes, The Nazarenes, The Order of Rosicrucians, The Order of the Nine Pointed Star, The Order of Solomon, Taoism, Neo-Confuciainsm, Zen Buddhism, Sikhism, Syncretic Hinduism, The Monastic Order of the Monks, Arianism, The Order of Islamic Mysticism, et al…
This White Hat Plan came into Public Viewing in the Wee hours of the aftermath of WWII, when John F. Kennedy toured Germany with a group of International Journalists, so witness the Destruction of Germany, and the beginnings of Life once more within this Righteous Nation…
The First Phase of this Plan took form thru the American Presidencies of Harry S. Truman and General Dwight D. Eisenhower, two Strong-willed, Decent Men who could be counted on to do the Right thing, and to Promote Peace…they acted as Guides for the Marshall Plan and a Re-Building of Post War Europe, North Africa, Asia and Indo-Asia, attempting to establish Peace, Calm, Order and Stability as soon as possible; while the Canaanites thru their Strongholds in the Russian-controlled Soviet Union, and Communist China countered with the Cold War, and obliterated Peace, Calm and Order thru the imminent threat of Nuclear Destruction in any given moment, and Communist Expansion in SE Asia, Central and South America and other locals Earth wide…
Then came the ANSWER to all of this Post WWII Aggression and Lust for Violence by the Cabal, in the form of the Kennedys, Politically, in America, and Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Spiritually, where Unity, Compassion, Brotherhood, Love and Peace were touted as the ONLY Pathway for Human Survival, which led to a return to Mother Earth and the Jesus Christ Revolution thru the Movement of the Hippies during the 1960’s…
The Pushback from the Cabal to all of these Positive Changes were the Planned Executions of JFK, Malcolm X, MLK and RFK…however, the White Hats had an answer already long planned out for this attempted retaliation, always being 5-Steps ahead of the Canaanites…
So, why did EVERYTHING happen the way it did Post WWII with International Affairs? Because everything was SUPPOSED to happen this Way, a SCRIPT had been written by the White Hats, and it was Executed with exact Precision, precisely when it was meant to, and not a Moment too soon, or too late…
The JFK, Malcolm X, MLK and RFK Fake Assassinations were created to SAFELY place these Four Men OUTSIDE the Boundaries of Organized Society, on the Premise that they were Dead, creating a Sense of Confidence and Superiority on the part of the Canaanites…
Sun Tzu, the Art of War, where Deception is Necessary…
The Emergence, no matter how Unsettling or Grotesque it may have appeared to be, of the Following String of Presidents, was NECESSARY for the WHITE HATS…as the International Perspective had to be a ‘TURN FOR THE WORSE’ in America, where in TRUTH, it was anything but…
After the Stalwart Presidents of Consistency and Common Sense, Harry S. Truman, Founder of the CIA in 1947, (1945-1952) and General Dwight D. Eisenhower with Vice President, Richard Nixon and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, (1952 – 1960), came the ANSWER that the Canaanites had been Dreading , John Fitzgerald Kennedy with Vice President, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy (1960 – 1963), of which the Cabal believed they took the necessary steps to Eliminate, and gave to them the Lame-Duck Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson with Vice President, Hubert Humphrey (1963 – 1968) that would usher in yet another DARK period of War and Division (The Vietnam War) in America…
Now, what followed would become the MOST IMPORTANT Grouping of US Presidents Ever…they were UBER Important because of all the CHAOS that needed to Follow the Perceived Assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK, that would give the Cabal a reason to relax just a little with their Death Grip on the World and become Open and Vulnerable to DISTRACTIONS, such as the Vast, New Expanse of OUTER SPACE…and it all began with the Surprise Republican Nomination of Richard Milhous Nixon, who went on to Win the ‘Too Close to Call’ 1968 Election over Hubert Humphrey, setting in motion the ‘Tricky Dick’ Years of perceived Dishonesty and Corruption…
Richard Milhous Nixon (1968-August 9th, 1974, where August is the 8th month on the 9th Day, and 8 + 9 = 17, or Q), with Gerald Ford with Vice President (again, 1968 – 1974), Gerald Ford, with Nelson Rockefeller, (Both Unelected, 1974 – 1976), Jimmy Carter with Vice President Walter Mondale (1976 – 1980), Ronald Reagan with Vice President, George HW Bush (1980 – 1988), George HW Bush with Vice President James Danforth Quayle, that’s Quayle with a Q (1988 – 1992), all of which led to yet another SURPRISING Presidential Election Victory of the Governor of Arkansas, who’s Favorite President was JFK, but this Next Grouping will be left for another Post…
So, Step-by-Step, Rung-by-Rung a Heavily Obfuscated but RIGHTEOUS Plan began to take Form…Harry S. Truman was as Honest as the Day is Long, and it was Essential that he replaced the Fake Assassinated President Roosevelt, and established the CIA (long been thought of as a ‘Bad Thing’) under the Direction General William J. Donovan (who had been the Director of the OSS, Office of Special Services, during WWII), with the Aid of British Naval Commander, Ian Fleming (who set up the British Secret Service during WWII, and it’s permanent Follow Up after the War, MI-6…
In 1953, Allen Dulles became the 3rd Director of the CIA under General Eisenhower’s Presidency, he received a Strong Recommendation from both General Donovan of the OSS and Ian Fleming, Dulles became the longest serving Director of the CIA, until he was Fired by JFK in late 1961, after the ‘Bay of Pigs’ Fiasco, which was MEANT to be a Fiasco…just as Dulles was never able to Covertly Assassinate Castro in Cuba, as he wasn’t supposed to, as Castro was Secretly a White Hat, as was Chairman Khrushchev in the Soviet Union…it was publicly repudiated that Kennedy Hated Allen Dulles and that Dulles Despised Kennedy…but what if I were to tell you that this wasn’t the Truth, and that Dulles had regular contacts with both Joe and John Kennedy from before the start of WWII, and that Dulles shared Joe Kennedy’s viewpoint on Adolf Hitler as posing no threat to the Peace in Europe?
And what if I were to tell you that Kennedy and Dulles had many Closed-Door Meetings together when JFK was President, with many calling them, including Kennedy’s Secretary, Mrs. Lincoln, ‘The President and the Professor’???
But after the Sudden demise of JFK the whole Landscape of the World changed, drastically, there was Lyndon Johnson getting America into the Vietnam War, Nixon cancelling the Gold Standard for US Currency, devaluing the Dollar significantly, Nixon’s Break-in of the Democratic Re-Election Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel, and the subsequent Cover Up, that forced Nixon to Resign his Presidency and flee the Capitol…then it was the pure confusion of the Non-Elected President, Gerald Ford, with his Non-Elected Vice President, Nelson Rockefeller, giving way to 4 years of Inflation and very little else under Carter, to be finally replaced by the California Governor, Ronald Reagan, in a shocking landslide Victory, who was Shot in the first 6 months, and was connected to the PROMIS Software Scandal, all the while pushing Congress for a ‘Star Wars’ Defense System to defeat ICBMs forevermore…all the while his VP, George Herbert Walker Bush was getting into trouble both with the Sandinista in Nicaragua, and with Col. Ollie North with the Iran-Contra Scandal, giving way to Bush’s own Presidency, and the BIZARRE war against Sadam Hussein in Kuwait, that saw the US Military chase the Iraqi Million-Man Army all across the Iraq Desert, in defeat, only to SUDDENLY be called back by Bush, allowing Sadam Hussein to remain in Power, and giving everyone in the Middle East a profound reason to Hate the United States and to all lick their wounds and plot their Revenge…
But ALWAYS Remember, Sun Tzu, the Art of War, where Deception is Necessary to Confuse the Enemy…
There was a REASON behind everyone of these Presidents and ALL of these Events, all Designed to gather further Intel and Evidence, and expand the White Hat Secret Alliance across this Earth, until MOST Nations were firmly connected to the White Hat Alliance, and prepared to play out the Events planned for each of them, closely resembling a Play or Hollywood Movie…All to bring the World in Preparedness for the ‘Crime of the Century’ on September 11th, 2001…
This is a great video with a great theory on how it’s all connected.
The aether above is key to understanding a lot of this.
Pres. Putin is busy revealing Tartaria…
This US Presidential Plan from 1992 – 2000 (Clinton), from 2000 – 2008, with the Return of the Bush Family and George W., from 2008 – 2016 (Obama) and then the Planned Miracle, the Trump Victory over the Wicked Queen (Hilary), whom [they] thought would never lose, only to have their worst Nightmare, Part Deux, with President #45, Donald J. Trump, who ran on a Platform to DRAIN THE SWAMP in Washington, DC, and then to transfer power back to the American People…
But it is important for all of you to remember, there was a Plan, a Good Plan, and this Plan was adhered to every single step of the Way, with each President Playing their Roles, both Publicly, or OPTICALLY, and Privately, or Secretively, further advancing the War against the Cabal…so that by 1990 with the Collapse of the Soviet Empire and the Berlin Wall, the above Ground Cabal had been defeated, and from 1990 to 2001, it was the Clean Up from their Control across Many Nations, so that by 9/11 2001, the White Hats would be ready to take their Plan and ‘Movie’ to a Brand New Level, a Plan designed to WAKE UP the Masses by Slowly releasing the Truth of our Captivity, little by little, with Glaring Errors made in each of the Events that occurred during 9/11 and beyond, so that the Truth would be Revealed to us, IN PLAIN SIGHT, for all those with Courage to SEE and to Learn from, and thus, to GROW into a New Nation, a New World, One that Demands the Truth and will NOT accept No for an answer…a World that comes to Realize, on its own, that we MUST Return Back Home to God, and His Way, and no longer Trust in the Powerful Institutions of Man…
So, Stay Tuned for more…
Love, CF

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